Start "red flag" laws that allow confiscation of guns from gang members & white-supremacists? (Poll) Any other suggestions for reducing lawlessness?

Do you support online monitoring by the government to ID "red flag" risks to be disarmed?

  • YES, for all gang related activity

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • YES, for all white-supremacist activity

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • YES, for all illegal drug related activity

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • 4. NO, the US Constitution guarantees personal liberties and free speech, even for criminals

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • I support prison time for any criminal that uses a gun in the commission of a crime

    Votes: 17 77.3%
  • I support "stop and frisk"

    Votes: 11 50.0%
  • I support laws that jail prosecutors that do not aggressively prosecute criminals

    Votes: 10 45.5%

  • Total voters
Bullshit. As is usually for you, you're lying, and you know damn well that you're lying. I never called for any of those to be killed.

It is telling, however, that you consistently take the side of murderers, perverts, criminals, crazies, and others of the very lowest of subhuman filth, against the side of human beings; and that somehow, you think that doing so gives you some kind of moral high ground from which to look down on me.

Your “high ground” is a bottomless pit of depravity, madness, and evil.

Actually, you have. You said yourself you wanted to shoot the guy who stole your toolbox.

Gay people aren't "perverts". A pervert is a cult leader who fucks a 14 year old girl after telling her parents he can get the whole family into the celestial heaven.

The lowest form of human filth is the one who tries to impose it's religious beliefs on the rest of us.

wants the most innocent and defenseless of all humans beings to be subject to being murdered in cold blood, and he condemns me for wishing that those who commit these most depraved of murders should be brought to proper justice.

Uh, guy, no country EVER has executed women for having abortions. In fact, this notion that fetuses were people is a relatively recent one. Even the Catholic Church didn't condemn abortion until 1869.

oes not want crime to be reduced. Pay attention to the positions that it takes. Always, with never an exception that I have ever noticed, it takes the side of criminals, against the side of human beings. Always. And it always argues against holding criminals in any way responsible for their behavior. It always argues for restriction the freedom of human beings, in ways that it claims will reduce crime, but which any sane person can see will only make human beings easier prey for criminals.

Then you really haven't been paying attention.

Why what you support does get your revenge chubby up, it doesn't control crime. We have guns. We have prisons. We are one of the last countries that still executes people. We have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world.

Your Punishment Fetish doesn't work. It makes things worse.
1. gun ownership in the 1770s wasn't rare. It was about 13% of the population. That makes sense considering that only about 3% of the US population fought the Brits during the Revolutionary War.

Bullshit. Guns were so rare, we had to secure them from France to fight the war. The problem with a 1770's musket is that it was only really useful when fired in volleys. That's why we needed to get Von Stueben to teach our guys how to stand and fire in formation.

2. The criminals can either be in prison, or on the streets. I vote for in prison.

Again - we lock up 2 million people. Only about 10% of them are in for violent crimes. Has that reduced crime? Nope. We have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world.

3. We agree. I don't want the government, or government programmed AI, monitoring what we say or type online either. That said, private companies monitor us all the time. If there is an opportunity to "red flag" a shooter, or gang members, isn't that worth doing?

Again, only if you don't want any freedom. Putting a third party with their own agenda in there is even worse.

4. The FBI and NSA know who we all are all the time. Bet on it. Remember "Carnivore", Janet Reno's "AI" monitoring program? That was way back in the 1990s. I'm sure today's programs are way better.
What I remember is the gun nuts bitched about it because she was tracking white people with it.

5. True, only stupid shooters broadcast it. However, I'm sure gang members and drug dealers and even white-supremacists have social networks that can be monitored. These groups could be singled out for raids and or police surveillance to stop crimes.

Again, if you don't mind having no rights. The problem is, by your logic, we should arrest Mormon Bob... that guy sounds like a hate crime looking for a place to happen, and he's dumb enough to post under his real name here.

6. In NYC "stop and frisk" reduced crime. Full stop. It works, we either want to reduce crime or not. Whining about race doesn't reduce crime.

Check your privilege, mother fucker. If they stopped and frisked white people at random, every day, you would be screaming bloody murder.
Our massive gun problem is a cultural issue. Deep and wide and complicated as hell.

At some point, we need to learn that band aids don't work.
Our massive gun problem is a cultural issue. Deep and wide and complicated as hell.

At some point, we need to learn that band aids don't work.
What would you suggest?

The only "solutions" offered are authoritarian band-aids that will not fix anything.
What would you suggest?

The only "solutions" offered are authoritarian band-aids that will not fix anything.
Maybe we could start the long process by looking at the obvious. Such as a popular culture that glorifies violence and devalues life.

And right away, that creates a political firestorm, and everyone puts up their fists. That's why America can no longer fix big problems.
Maybe we could start the long process by looking at the obvious. Such as a popular culture that glorifies violence and devalues life.

And right away, that creates a political firestorm, and everyone puts up their fists. That's why America can no longer fix big problems.
That does cause everyone to assume the fighting positions, but the producers of that violent entertainment love the profits that stuff brings, so they will lobby to stop any "messing" with their bloody "creativity." Then, there's the whole free speech angle.

The only solution I have found to be effective in the least is to place the responsibility of security on individuals and give them the means/tools to carry out their own security. The biggest problem with that, however, is many don't have the will and others, like paroled felons and minors, don't have the legal capacity.

We can parish the thought of society changing, especially when the establishment has us all at each other's throats by design. Those same assholes absolutely hate the thought of individuals NOT relying on the establishment's benevolent table scraps.

A third party would help

That does cause everyone to assume the fighting positions, but the producers of that violent entertainment love the profits that stuff brings, so they will lobby to stop any "messing" with their bloody "creativity." Then, there's the whole free speech angle.

The only solution I have found to be effective in the least is to place the responsibility of security on individuals and give them the means/tools to carry out their own security. The biggest problem with that, however, is many don't have the will and others, like paroled felons and minors, don't have the legal capacity.

We can parish the thought of society changing, especially when the establishment has us all at each other's throats by design. Those same assholes absolutely hate the thought of individuals NOT relying on the establishment's benevolent table scraps.

A third party would help

And a change in our political/electoral system.

That's what I keep saying.
And a change in our political/electoral system.

That's what I keep saying.
It's what we need but not what the political class wants. So we're left with a grass roots constitutional convention or secession, which usually leads to.......

Do you see why many of us believe we are already at war?
It's what we need but not what the political class wants. So we're left with a grass roots constitutional convention or secession, which usually leads to.......

Do you see why many of us believe we are already at war?
I'm clinging to the notion that we're still capable of using our minds and intelligence to fix problems, instead of emotion and rage.

Admittedly, I'm losing some faith. But I'll keep trying, for my kids' sake.
I'm clinging to the notion that we're still capable of using our minds and intelligence to fix problems, instead of emotion and rage.

Admittedly, I'm losing some faith. But I'll keep trying, for my kids' sake.
We are, but the political class consolidates power by division, so it seems our nation is destined to implode like all "superpowers.". And tribalism is a powerful instinct we will never defeat. Hell, we can't even get people to fight their lazy and glutinous instincts and start eating right and exercising for their own good.

We're in mitigation mode at this point.
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We are, but the political class consolidates power by division, so it seems our nation is destined to implode like all "superpowers.". And tribalism is a powerful instinct we will never defeat. Hell, we can't even get people to fight their lazy and glutonous instincts and start eating right and exercising for their own good.

We're in mitigation mode at this point.
This is why I'm now a one issue voter. Unless we change a system that incentivizes and rewards the worst impulses of our "leaders", I don't see how they're going to play ANY part in fixing our problems. They have NO NEED to. And in fact, they're FAR MORE LIKELY to STOP us from fixing them.
This is why I'm now a one issue voter. Unless we change a system that incentivizes and rewards the worst impulses of our "leaders", I don't see how they're going to play ANY part in fixing our problems. They have NO NEED to. And in fact, they're FAR MORE LIKELY to STOP us from fixing them.
What's the one issue? (if you don't mind me asking)

My one issue would be self-defense (guns) should I decide to go that way. That should tell you how much faith I have in the people to actually change this shit peacefully.
Bullshit. Guns were so rare, we had to secure them from France to fight the war. The problem with a 1770's musket is that it was only really useful when fired in volleys. That's why we needed to get Von Stueben to teach our guys how to stand and fire in formation.

Again - we lock up 2 million people. Only about 10% of them are in for violent crimes. Has that reduced crime? Nope. We have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world.

Again, only if you don't want any freedom. Putting a third party with their own agenda in there is even worse.

What I remember is the gun nuts bitched about it because she was tracking white people with it.

Again, if you don't mind having no rights. The problem is, by your logic, we should arrest Mormon Bob... that guy sounds like a hate crime looking for a place to happen, and he's dumb enough to post under his real name here.

Check your privilege, mother fucker. If they stopped and frisked white people at random, every day, you would be screaming bloody murder.
1. What's bullshit? Your post? Here's the link proving my 13%.
"At the start of the American Revolution, from what we’ve been told, all colonials owned guns, right? Wrong – only about 13% of Americans had access to a gun..."

2. We need to lock up more violent criminals. Better in prison than on the streets. We need better deterrence, not a revolving door.

3. I think we agree we don't need "big brother" watching everyone.

4. Democrats in control watch white folks, Republicans watch criminals. Even if we agree on #3, the NSA still does what it does.

5. Link to "Morman Bob"? Never heard of him.

6. Your whine about "stop and frisk" is noted. When a "law and order" mayor gets in S&F coming back. You didn't really put up a good reason not to bring it back. If NYC keeps electing lawless dems they can live in a shooting gallery. Elections have consequences...
Actually, you have. You said yourself you wanted to shoot the guy who stole your toolbox.


Link to the post where I said that.

You won't, you can't, and you know damn well that you can't. As is usual for you, you know you are lying, I know you are lying, you know that I know that you are lying, and everyone else knows that you are lying.

In any event, even if I had said any such thing, so what? A creature that breaks into a man's car, and steals the tools that a man needs to make his living, does not count as a human being, and If I were to kill it, I would be doing the world a favor.

But, as usual, you always take the side of subhuman criminals pieces of shit, against the side of actual human beings.
What's the one issue? (if you don't mind me asking)

My one issue would be self-defense (guns) should I decide to go that way. That should tell you how much faith I have in the people to actually change this shit peacefully.
We need to change the system. Only one party is serious about it.


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