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Starting the circle fresh.

At LEAST 13 seconds total. Almost double what Terral wants people to believe. He has been shown this and STILL uses 6.6 total collapse time.


the same reason he claims that the hole with all the airliner parts in it is empty and the same reason he claims a 64 ton jetliner weighs 100 tons.......

Hi Gamolon:

That above statement is a lie and you know it. You're just making shit up now. If that were the case then explain why they fireproof steel structures?

No sir. Gamolon is the liar and you very well know it. Steel 'conducts' heat. Gamolon is asking questions, when he is supposed to be showing us how 800 degree building fires

If what you say is true, that steel cannot be affected by fire in any way, you need to provide proof of that claim.

Please tell me why steel is fireproofed inside steel structures if not to protect it from deformation from fire?

Can't answer can you?

Explain this discussion located here:
STRUCTUREmag: Fireproofing Steel Structures

BS. Gamolon can explain his Official Govt Cover Story Disinformation ...

Okay hotshot: Show us your list of non-9/11 steel-framed skyscrapers that have collapsed CD-style into their own footprints from building fires! None exist! People have known that steel-framed skyscrapers are 'fireproof' for centuries!

Didn't answer my question did you Terral? Not surprising. Why do they fireproof steel? Explain that linked article above.
Hi Gamolon:

Thank you for helping me to point out the absurdity of your Official Cover Story Position!

Why does Terral continue to say that ALL MEMBERS were cut at the same time when the mechanical penthouse is seen to start to collapse 9 seconds before the roof line starts it's descent?

ALL of the massive WTC-7 2800-degree components were 'cut' to transform this skyscraper ...


... into this little pile ...


... in 6.6 seconds. Right here is where the rubber meets the road in this WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Debate:


WTC-1 is collapsing into its own footprint some 350 feet away (pic) and you can see the dust cloud reaches only halfway up the belly of WTC-7!!! Okay hotshot: So explain for us how ANY WTC-1 'fire' passed through WTC-7 Compartmentalized (911Research.net) Fireproofing Countermeasures to cause the collapse of ANYTHING in the WTC-7 Penthouse??? That is very much IMPOSSIBLE!!!! There is no 'fire source' at the top of WTC-7 to even blame for the collapse of the Penthouse, but this Official Cover Story Stooge appears unaware of what this even means.

WTC-7 was built using 'Compartmentalization' of all supporting 2800-degree red-iron girders, columns and beams, which means the entire skyscraper was divided into many sub-compartments using solid concrete floors and masonry curtain walls. Even if you started dozens of fires all over WTC-7, those fires had NO WAY of penetrating to adjacent areas of the structure. Even if those few building fires could pass through solid concrete slabs (impossible), all columns were protected by 3-hour spray-on fireproofing. No sir. The only way 'all' of the 2800 degree supports failed to initiate a global collapse is for 'all' to be CUT during a deliberate Controlled Demolition (AE911Truth.org).

BTW, Demo Experts (#3) judge the timing of a 'Global Collapse' by the falling 'roof line.'

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIbqaybkbWI]Judge For Yourself[/ame]

Stop the time at 0:06 and restart the video. Then try to stop the video clip at the moment the roofline would hit the ground. When the man in the video says "I told you that sucker ...," then the timer is at 0:12/0.38. The 'Global Collapse' took place in just about 6 to seven 7 seconds. Period ...


There is no typical building fire that is going to 'weaken' any steel component of any 2800-degree steel-framed skyscraper,


Why can you not answer the simple question? If what you say is true, then why would they need fireproofing on steel beams and columns? Why are there studies about it?
ALL of the massive WTC-7 2800-degree components were 'cut' to transform this skyscraper ...


... into this little pile ...


... in 6.6 seconds. Right here is where the rubber meets the road in this WTC-7 Controlled

That's a lie chump. It was almost double that time of 6.6 seconds. Why do you exclude the start of the mechanical penthouse?

Trying to "sweeten" your story with lies to make it more believable?

BTW, Demo Experts (#3) judge the timing of a 'Global Collapse' by the falling 'roof line.'

Not when a portion of the structure in question collapses first.


What a complete idiot. Tell you what. Tell me what part of the building of the following video did they use to determine how long it took for "global collapse". Did they start when the right portion of the building started to collapse or did they just ignore that and count the extreme left side of the building?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-WvQbFMIWU]YouTube - Tencza apartments controlled demolition[/ame]

The amount of stupidity that comes from your pie-hole is truly amazing.
So let me get this straight Terral. Let's say half of WTC7 collapsed. Then 10 minutes later, the other half collapsed.

Are you telling everyone here that they would measure the time it took to "globally collapse" by when the roof-line of the second half of the building started to fall until it hit the ground?!

That's awesome!
Hi Gam:

That's a lie chump. It was almost double that time of 6.6 seconds. Why do you exclude the start of the mechanical penthouse?

Trying to "sweeten" your story with lies to make it more believable?

No sir. The 'Global Collapse' is the time it takes for the 'roof line' to reach the ground. The Penthouse is a building 'component' have nothing to do with the Global Collapse Calculations.

This Govt Stooge has no reply concerning 'how' the Penthouse steel members were all 'cut' in the first place, because the Official "Building Fires Did It" Cover Story is the most ridiculous LIE ever told about 9/11 ...


Hi Gam:

That's a lie chump. It was almost double that time of 6.6 seconds. Why do you exclude the start of the mechanical penthouse?

Trying to "sweeten" your story with lies to make it more believable?

No sir. The 'Global Collapse' is the time it takes for the 'roof line' to reach the ground. The Penthouse is a building 'component' have nothing to do with the Global Collapse Calculations.

This Govt Stooge has no reply concerning 'how' the Penthouse steel members were all 'cut' in the first place, because the Official "Building Fires Did It" Cover Story is the most ridiculous LIE ever told about 9/11 ...



Show me Terral, Mr. Demolition. Show me the definition from any demolition or construction website or article that defines what "global collapse" is. Show me that you know what you're talking about. I want you to show me that global collapse ONLY refers to the roof-line of a structure and does not take into account any other part of that structure collapsing.

I DARE you.

Let's see what you got "hotshot".


You also didn't answer another question.

If half of WTC7 fell and then 15 minutes later the other half fell, would WTC7 have been considered to have suffered a "global collapse"?

It's go time Terral!!!!
Hi Gam:

So let me get this straight Terral. Let's say half of WTC7 collapsed. Then 10 minutes later, the other half collapsed ...

First of all, Gamolon is simply LYING. Pure and simple.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T2_nedORjw"]Fast Forward To 3:28 / 4:19[/ame]

Fast forward the video clip to 3:28 and note how the Penthouse roof is collapsing in time with the WTC-7 Roof Line. There is no 8 second 'pre-collapse' of the Penthouse. Now, run the video clip until the roof line disappears and click to stop. Look at the timer to see 3:34 or 3:35 on your counter. WTC-7 collapsed at freefall speed in the neighborhood of 6 to 7 seconds. Period! These Official Cover Story Stooges are so DEAD WRONG about their 'Building Fires Did It' Theory that they must wave their silly arms around and cry like babies over the 'time' it took for this skyscraper to implode into its own footprint!


Look at the building faces of all the adjacent buildings to realize WTC-7 collapsed STRAIGHT DOWN into its own footprint! Someone explain how these other buildings are standing untouched! The answer is that Larry Silverstein (My Topic) was in possession of WTC-1, WTC-2 and WTC-7 and not these other buildings. Then guess who bought the WTC-7 Mortgage at the same time that Larry "Pull it" Silverstein took possession of the Twin Towers? That would be Peter Peterson (NY FED) who conspired with Blackstone and Hughs-Raytheon to retrofit A-3 Skywarriors with remote control and missile systems (story)!

Let's say that Gamolon is running diversion for 9/11 Inside-Job Murderers of innocent Americans (What Really Happened On 9/11). Who is more guilty? Bush and Rove? Or Gamolon for helping run the Counterintelligence Disinformation Operation? The lake of fire burns hot for murderers and 'all liars' ...


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Hi Gamolon:


You also didn't answer another question ...

Ask your DoD Disinformation Handler (How To Spot), Mr. Official Cover Story LIAR. I am here to present 'the' 911Truth for the benefit of the 'unbiased' third-party reader actually searching for 'the' 911Truth. You are here to convince these readers that WTC-7 collapsed from building fires :)cuckoo:).

Start 'your' Building Fires Did It Topic today and include 'all' of your evidence. Accept the "Challenge" (my Topic) or put a sock in it ...
PS. Anyone other than Gamolon interested in understanding how roofline movement plays a roll in calculating collapse times can start here:

Comments on the Draft Report NIST NCSTAR 1-9: Structural Fire Response and Probable Collapse Sequence of World Trade Center 7", issued by NIST August 21st, 2008.

Move over to the right-hand column and type the word "roofline' into the window and hit the 'Enter' key:

"Since NIST’s estimate of the downward motion of Building 7 is based on a video taken at a distance of approximately 0.6 km, it would surely be impossible for NIST to detect a roofline movement of less than 50 cm. Thus there would be an uncertainty of about 0.5 seconds, (not 0.1 seconds!), in the determination of the time it took Building 7 to fall through the first few meters of its global collapse.
The 'Global Collapse' calculations focus on the 'roofline movement' and NOT anything going on with ANY other building component like the Penthouse.

"already noted one example from page 595: “The time the roofline took to fall 18 stories was 5.4 s…”. Another example is on page 277 from which we may deduce that WTC 7 fell 10 stories in 3.2 s. While it is true there is no a prior reason for the acceleration of a collapsing building to be constant except under the condition of free fall, evidence presented below shows that the acceleration of WTC 7 during global collapse was relatively constant over the first 4 seconds of motion."
Again, we are looking at 'The time the roofline took to fall 18 stories' having nothing to do with the Penthouse! Why? The reason is that we are making 'Global Collapse' calcuations that focus only on the WTC-7 'roofline' ...

Quite frankly, I do not care if Gamolon or any other Official Cover Story Stooge gets the 'Global Collapse' Calculations right. WTC-7 was still brought down using Controlled Demolition. Period ...


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Hi Gam:

That's a lie chump. It was almost double that time of 6.6 seconds. Why do you exclude the start of the mechanical penthouse?

Trying to "sweeten" your story with lies to make it more believable?

No sir. The 'Global Collapse' is the time it takes for the 'roof line' to reach the ground. The Penthouse is a building 'component' have nothing to do with the Global Collapse Calculations.

This Govt Stooge has no reply concerning 'how' the Penthouse steel members were all 'cut' in the first place, because the Official "Building Fires Did It" Cover Story is the most ridiculous LIE ever told about 9/11 ...



The above quoted post has been tagged as BULLSHIT.

If a penthouse area above a building collapses onto the building in the instant before the roofline starts to go down, then the entire time involved in the building's collapse HAS to include the penthouse.

Indeed, even a complete 9/11 Troofer retard, like Terral, should be smart enough to figure out that the collapsing penthouse might have "something" to do with the balance of the collapse.

What a fucking RETARD Terral continues to be.

Al 9/11 Troofers are RETARDED.

That completes this public service announcement.
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Hi Gamolon:


You also didn't answer another question ...

Ask your DoD Disinformation Handler (How To Spot), Mr. Official Cover Story LIAR. I am here to present 'the' 911Truth for the benefit of the 'unbiased' third-party reader actually searching for 'the' 911Truth. You are here to convince these readers that WTC-7 collapsed from building fires :)cuckoo:).

Start 'your' Building Fires Did It Topic today and include 'all' of your evidence. Accept the "Challenge" (my Topic) or put a sock in it ...
PS. Anyone other than Gamolon interested in understanding how roofline movement plays a roll in calculating collapse times can start here:

Comments on the Draft Report NIST NCSTAR 1-9: Structural Fire Response and Probable Collapse Sequence of World Trade Center 7", issued by NIST August 21st, 2008.

Move over to the right-hand column and type the word "roofline' into the window and hit the 'Enter' key:

"Since NIST’s estimate of the downward motion of Building 7 is based on a video taken at a distance of approximately 0.6 km, it would surely be impossible for NIST to detect a roofline movement of less than 50 cm. Thus there would be an uncertainty of about 0.5 seconds, (not 0.1 seconds!), in the determination of the time it took Building 7 to fall through the first few meters of its global collapse.
The 'Global Collapse' calculations focus on the 'roofline movement' and NOT anything going on with ANY other building component like the Penthouse.

"already noted one example from page 595: “The time the roofline took to fall 18 stories was 5.4 s…”. Another example is on page 277 from which we may deduce that WTC 7 fell 10 stories in 3.2 s. While it is true there is no a prior reason for the acceleration of a collapsing building to be constant except under the condition of free fall, evidence presented below shows that the acceleration of WTC 7 during global collapse was relatively constant over the first 4 seconds of motion."
Again, we are looking at 'The time the roofline took to fall 18 stories' having nothing to do with the Penthouse! Why? The reason is that we are making 'Global Collapse' calcuations that focus only on the WTC-7 'roofline' ...

Quite frankly, I do not care if Gamolon or any other Official Cover Story Stooge gets the 'Global Collapse' Calculations right. WTC-7 was still brought down using Controlled Demolition. Period ...



Terral, why dont you just shorten this tirade into "anyone that disagrees with me must be a government agent"

that way we can all see what a completely paranoid lunatic you are without having to read through your entire rambling and incoherant statement.
Hi Gam:

That's a lie chump. It was almost double that time of 6.6 seconds. Why do you exclude the start of the mechanical penthouse?

Trying to "sweeten" your story with lies to make it more believable?

No sir. The 'Global Collapse' is the time it takes for the 'roof line' to reach the ground. The Penthouse is a building 'component' have nothing to do with the Global Collapse Calculations.

This Govt Stooge has no reply concerning 'how' the Penthouse steel members were all 'cut' in the first place, because the Official "Building Fires Did It" Cover Story is the most ridiculous LIE ever told about 9/11 ...



LOL that's funny, the penthouse isn't part of the building, oh man that's rich. You really should do a stand up act somewhere.

"Uh the penthouse, um 9 seconds, um well, uh that doesn't count." So sayeth Terral

ALL of the massive WTC-7 2800-degree components were 'cut' to transform this skyscraper ...


... into this little pile ...


... in 6.6 seconds.

You first photo shows the penthouse intact so that means you must include that in your time-frame for collapse. Why do you show the penthouse intact it yet show a video that starts AFTER the penthouse has collapsed to try and drive home the 6.6 second TOTAL collpase? Here is a video of the collapse from the beginning (using your first photo that has the penthouse still intact) with the penthouse intact.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k6GMddY-lQ]YouTube - Collapse of WTC7[/ame]

If you are using the roof-line as the start of your 6.6 seconds, why do you show the photo of WTC7 with the penthouse intact and then show the pile of debris after. Trying to sweeten your story by deception? Trying to make things fit with lies? If you were as honest as you say, then you would use a photo AFTER the penthouse had collapsed and explain that it took the roof-line 6.6 seconds to reach the ground AND not that it took the entire collapse 6.6 seconds.

What a tool you are.

All us so called "Truthers" can do is sit back and watch our country fall apart and become hated by the world......because the likes of you have it in your twisted thoughts that you stand for what's right by swaying people against wanting a new official investigation.
All us so called "Truthers" can do is sit back and watch our country fall apart and become hated by the world......because the likes of you have it in your twisted thoughts that you stand for what's right by swaying people against wanting a new official investigation.


Our country will fall apart and the world will hate us if we don't open ANOTHER investigation into the 9/11/2001 attacks against us?



Sorry, but your unpersuasive "arguments" don't justify even the criticism of the prior investigation, much less the conducting of a new one. The "arguments" offered by you Troofers is 65% irrational bullshit and 35% intentional deception by you idiots.
All us so called "Truthers" can do is sit back and watch our country fall apart and become hated by the world......because the likes of you have it in your twisted thoughts that you stand for what's right by swaying people against wanting a new official investigation.


I am not against another investigation. What I am against is people spreading bullshit and lies as the right information.

Terral is trying to push a lie. Plain and simple. If you stand by that, then I don't know what to say.

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