Starve the beast

Grover plans to eat this sammich...

funny they cant seem to find a way to discuss this like adults huh

that tells you who these pablum licker are
the republicans are trying to starve the beast.

that means they hate this government the founders left us and want it to suffer and die

The government we have has grown beyond anything the founders had intentioned.

And government can't die as it was never alive to begin with.

Please tell me how a smaller more efficient less expensive government is worse than an unwieldy bureaucratic behemoth with an unending appetite for our money.
Spot The Looney

[ame=]Monty Python | Spot the Looney - YouTube[/ame]
Well, it seems that Truthiepoo has retired for the day with a very respectable 180 posts.

Good show, Truthie! You make an excellent drone. :clap2:

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