State by State O-care premiums--will your premiums go up or down?


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
This is from a study from the Heritage foundation. Of course all premiums have gone up due to the Obamacare mandates--but it tells which states have been hit the hardest--what you're going to have to expect in a monthly premium as to what you may be paying now.

Enrollment in Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges has proven to be a somewhat difficult process amidst technical glitches and delays. Aside from the issues associated with actually purchasing health care, once an individual gets a quote for health insurance on an exchange, is the premium higher or lower than before?

Our research finds that for many states, the insurance on health exchanges will cost more than existing insurance. This study illustrates that the general experience for individuals shopping on the exchange is that of increasing premiums from what was available to them prior to implementation of the exchanges. Many families and individuals will face this reality as they apply for coverage, and the implications of experiencing sticker shock are important to consider if enough people choose not to sign up for coverage for various reasons.

Individuals in most states will end up spending more on the exchanges. It is true that in some states, the experience could be the opposite. This is because those states had already over-regulated insurance markets that led to sharply higher premiums through adverse selection, as is the case of New York. Many states, however, double or nearly triple premiums for young adults. Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Kansas, and Vermont see some of the largest increases in premiums.[5]

The Obama Administration is desperate for younger people to enroll to prevent an adverse selection death spiral. As pointed out by Sam Cappellanti at the American Action Forum, “The enrollment of these low cost young adults…is essential as they are required to subsidize the costs of insuring the elderly and chronically ill.”[6] However, young adults face a penalty for not enrolling that is projected to be far less than the insurance coverage they could receive.

Our findings confirm that younger populations see larger percentage increases in premiums. A state that exhibits this clearly is Vermont, where the increase for 27-year-olds is 144 percent and the increase for 50-year-olds is still 60 percent, but far less. All states exhibit this relationship.

Many individuals will experience sticker shock when shopping on the exchanges. It is clear that many policies and cross-subsidization within Obamacare will lead to upward shifts in premiums. These policies include the health insurance tax, essential health benefit and actuarial value regulations, less allowed age variability in premiums, community rating, and guaranteed issue.[7] However, real uncertainty, amidst a rocky start, surrounds what enrollment will look like in the exchanges.

Fantasy Savings
Obamacare will leave many people paying more for their health insurance. The website is learning to crawl, with additional data trickling in. However, based on information already released by HHS, states, and insurance plans, the claims of savings on premiums for the average participant is a fantasy.

You can read more on how they came to their conclusions here.
Enrollment in Obamacare Exchanges: How Will Your Health Insurance Fare?

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Increasing taxes/expenses in an election year, a great platform to run on.

It's not only that but increasing insurance premiums--is not real HEALTHY for an economy that is already in the tank. Consumer spending drops--so does the economy.

I suspect that we're going to turn into a nation with a part time 29 hour work week--when the employer mandate hits in 2015.

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Increasing taxes/expenses in an election year, a great platform to run on.

It's not only that but increasing insurance premiums--is not real HEALTHY for a nation that is already in the tank. Consumer spending drops--so does the economy.

I suspect that we're going to turn into a nation with a part time 29 hour work week--when the employer mandate hits in 2015.

I have often wondered if Obama is a deep cover GOP dirty-tricks operative. It is the simplest explanation of his policy choices.
Obama had no clue what was in the plan crafted behind closed doors 100% by D'rat congress-critters. He was merely the shill after it was put together. His abject ignorance has been demonstrated too numerous times to count, but his blithe reliance on his "You can keep it" fairy tale aptly illustrates the depth of his ignorance. Beyond that, he also has demonstrated a gross indifference to the implementation of his signature "achievement" with his scant direction of HHS and the dupess he put in charge. We all saw this coming, but then we haven't frittered away 150 days of golfing during his term in office either.

But then our national predicament could all be part of his Cloward/Piven plan too.
Obama had no clue what was in the plan crafted behind closed doors 100% by D'rat congress-critters. He was merely the shill after it was put together. His abject ignorance has been demonstrated too numerous times to count, but his blithe reliance on his "You can keep it" fairy tale aptly illustrates the depth of his ignorance. Beyond that, he also has demonstrated a gross indifference to the implementation of his signature "achievement" with his scant direction of HHS and the dupess he put in charge. We all saw this coming, but then we haven't frittered away 150 days of golfing during his term in office either.

But then our national predicament could all be part of his Cloward/Piven plan too.

Agreed--Obama's inexperience in leadership shows all of the time. He's nothing more than the person that shows up on the podium to give speeches that were written by someone else every now and then. It was clear from day one that he delegates all work to others without really knowing what they are doing. Then when he finds out what they have done--he comes out to the podium again to blame anyone other than himself.
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Now for those who feel that they're safe right now from the above chart--because they currently have employer based group coverage--this is a great video for you to watch that comes out of BLUE state PA. As we all know the employer mandate was wisely postponed by democrats until AFTER this coming mid-term election. Just a glimpse of what's coming your way.

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My brother's premium went from $500 to $900 per month, but Obamacare is subsidizing $800 of his new premium. Isn't that great?
My health insurance went from $138 a month to over $800 a month, not eligible for a subsidy, less disposable income for me. What the hell, the working middle class can afford it can't we. $6200 deductible, instead of $5000.

More coverage that I don't need or will ever use. I can't keep my insurance, I can't keep my doctor, but liberals tell me I'm better off. Just trying to figure out how.
120% increase in premiums here. Double the deductibles.

Half the policy at twice the price.

What's not to like?
The higher likelihood of losing employment as the ACA reduces disposable income and consumption by more than expected GDP growth rate?
My brother's premium went from $500 to $900 per month, but Obamacare is subsidizing $800 of his new premium. Isn't that great?

That means others are subsidizing his premium--you know the ones that don't qualify for subsidies.
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My health insurance went from $138 a month to over $800 a month, not eligible for a subsidy, less disposable income for me. What the hell, the working middle class can afford it can't we. $6200 deductible, instead of $5000.

More coverage that I don't need or will ever use. I can't keep my insurance, I can't keep my doctor, but liberals tell me I'm better off. Just trying to figure out how.

If you get pregnant or become a drug addict, zer'O's got ya covered.
My health insurance went from $138 a month to over $800 a month, not eligible for a subsidy, less disposable income for me. What the hell, the working middle class can afford it can't we. $6200 deductible, instead of $5000.

More coverage that I don't need or will ever use. I can't keep my insurance, I can't keep my doctor, but liberals tell me I'm better off. Just trying to figure out how.

If you get pregnant or become a drug addict, zer'O's got ya covered.

Now-now co-pays have only doubled under O-Care--:cuckoo:
Increasing taxes/expenses in an election year, a great platform to run on.

It's not only that but increasing insurance premiums--is not real HEALTHY for an economy that is already in the tank. Consumer spending drops--so does the economy.

I suspect that we're going to turn into a nation with a part time 29 hour work week--when the employer mandate hits in 2015.

you do know that your post is a distortion of Republican policy analyst Douglas Holtz-Eakin ... all he ever does is write shit that hasn't any factual bases to them ... just his way of duping his minions you know... looks like you've been duped again ... why does this keep getting posted here... its been shown that its just a pack of lies ... but it keeps coming back like a bad cold
I have my factual basis in front of me. In black and white.

120% increase in premium, double the deductible.

No subsidy.
My wife's retirement from Mayo as of Tuesday does have a subsidy from the Clinic that does mean we only have to deal with the silver and above plans and total expenditures are still up but not as bad as you are dealing with.
I should repeat what I've posted before- I procrastinated long enough for O'whats-his-name to step in and give folks a one-year reprieve. So, my ins. co. modified my policy to make it ACA compliant. Then they jacked the premium 30%.

And that 120% premium increase was for the marketplace variety ACA policy.

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