State by State O-care premiums--will your premiums go up or down?

The ACA is very good news for the TEA party.

They marched on Washington D.C. when O-Care came up in 2009/2010--but they were all called racist's idiots--and no one listened to their concerns regarding Obamacare. Oh how that comes back around and bites hard.

Increasing taxes/expenses in an election year, a great platform to run on.

It's not only that but increasing insurance premiums--is not real HEALTHY for an economy that is already in the tank. Consumer spending drops--so does the economy.

I suspect that we're going to turn into a nation with a part time 29 hour work week--when the employer mandate hits in 2015.

you do know that your post is a distortion of Republican policy analyst Douglas Holtz-Eakin ... all he ever does is write shit that hasn't any factual bases to them ... just his way of duping his minions you know... looks like you've been duped again ... why does this keep getting posted here... its been shown that its just a pack of lies ... but it keeps coming back like a bad cold

Where has it been shown it's a pack of lies? Why because you say so--LOL. On the linked site you will see just how they came up with their numbers. But here is another video for you coming right out of BLUE STATE PA--with their own set of problems regarding the new Obamacare premiums. But why waste my time--you'll say the video is made up too.

[ame=]WTAE-PA: Pennsylvania Small Business Hit With Skyrocketing Health Costs From ObamaCare - YouTube[/ame]
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I would bet most all of these claims are in fact lies. We have seen several times over the last few months where some nut job on Fox Lies talks about someone they know who has loss their HC or are paying double, they all turned out to be lies.

If fact the rebuttal to Obama State of the Union a few days ago did the same thing talking about Spokane Bette in Wa. State. who lost her HC & now has to pay so much more. It was a lie as the Spokane Herald talked with Bette & she refuses to buy HC on the exchange.

Bette also only had a catastrophic plan with a $10K deductible meaning when she gets sick she would run up a $10K bill then not pay it leaving us on the hook. Isn't that socialism? WTF?.

Tell you what give us the information needed without your name & lets see if your premiums double shall we?

Just post them for us to get a price quote for you?
"here is another video for you coming right out of BLUE STATE PA--with their own set of problems regarding the new Obamacare premiums. But why waste my time--you'll say the video is made up too."

Why is it righty cant comprehend whats going ion ion this video? First off this was staged in order to create this video to make a ridiculous point. Lets assume the numbers are correct in this video they forgot to mention this increase was from the current Ins carrier, not mentioning these employees can now go onto the exchanges & get a better plan for less, & most likely help in paying the premiums?

Kids get a grip will you, this is theater noting more.

Will some people pay more, yes, because they only had a catastrophic plan that covered zero. Those plans are no more because those plans contributed to the 100 billion in Medical Care that went unpaid last year. due to non coverage & under coverage.

We are doing away with the Socialist plans yet righty wants to continue them?

"here is another video for you coming right out of BLUE STATE PA--with their own set of problems regarding the new Obamacare premiums. But why waste my time--you'll say the video is made up too."

Why is it righty cant comprehend whats going ion ion this video? First off this was staged in order to create this video to make a ridiculous point. Lets assume the numbers are correct in this video they forgot to mention this increase was from the current Ins carrier, not mentioning these employees can now go onto the exchanges & get a better plan for less, & most likely help in paying the premiums?

Kids get a grip will you, this is theater noting more.

Will some people pay more, yes, because they only had a catastrophic plan that covered zero. Those plans are no more because those plans contributed to the 100 billion in Medical Care that went unpaid last year. due to non coverage & under coverage.

We are doing away with the Socialist plans yet righty wants to continue them?


So apparently there's a lot of people on this thread--that don't know how to push a button to watch a video coming from a news station out of PA. Here it is again for you--it appears that these employees already had GROUP coverage--which I don't know how you consider that a "junk" policy?

It's either that or you know nothing about the medical insurance market place--and are now just getting your feet wet--and think you're an expert--:cuckoo: Nice try.

LISTEN VERY CLOSELY THIS TIME--and if need be replay it until you get it.

[ame=]WTAE-PA: Pennsylvania Small Business Hit With Skyrocketing Health Costs From ObamaCare - YouTube[/ame]
My brother's premium went from $500 to $900 per month, but Obamacare is subsidizing $800 of his new premium. Isn't that great?

that's what the phony chart does that OREO post... it shows the cost but it doesn't show the subsidy ... great deal 100 dollars a month
I should repeat what I've posted before- I procrastinated long enough for O'whats-his-name to step in and give folks a one-year reprieve. So, my ins. co. modified my policy to make it ACA compliant. Then they jacked the premium 30%.

And that 120% premium increase was for the marketplace variety ACA policy.

your policy is based on income that tells you if get a subsidy ... people getting over 150,000 dollars a year don't get a subsidy so if you're paying 120% more well all I can say again you can afford it ... and it sucks to be you
The ACA is very good news for the TEA party.

They marched on Washington D.C. when O-Care came up in 2009/2010--but they were all called racist's idiots--and no one listened to their concerns regarding Obamacare. Oh how that comes back around and bites hard.

the only ones getting bit are the wealthy and they can afford to be bit... as for your other remark ... we know a racist when we see one ...
It's not only that but increasing insurance premiums--is not real HEALTHY for an economy that is already in the tank. Consumer spending drops--so does the economy.

I suspect that we're going to turn into a nation with a part time 29 hour work week--when the employer mandate hits in 2015.

you do know that your post is a distortion of Republican policy analyst Douglas Holtz-Eakin ... all he ever does is write shit that hasn't any factual bases to them ... just his way of duping his minions you know... looks like you've been duped again ... why does this keep getting posted here... its been shown that its just a pack of lies ... but it keeps coming back like a bad cold

Where has it been shown it's a pack of lies? Why because you say so--LOL. On the linked site you will see just how they came up with their numbers. But here is another video for you coming right out of BLUE STATE PA--with their own set of problems regarding the new Obamacare premiums. But why waste my time--you'll say the video is made up too.

[ame=]WTAE-PA: Pennsylvania Small Business Hit With Skyrocketing Health Costs From ObamaCare - YouTube[/ame]
whats LOL is you believing this shit... that's what LOL is .... a woman paying 1300 dollars a month now that's funny ... you'll buy anything LOL
"here is another video for you coming right out of BLUE STATE PA--with their own set of problems regarding the new Obamacare premiums. But why waste my time--you'll say the video is made up too."

Why is it righty cant comprehend whats going ion ion this video? First off this was staged in order to create this video to make a ridiculous point. Lets assume the numbers are correct in this video they forgot to mention this increase was from the current Ins carrier, not mentioning these employees can now go onto the exchanges & get a better plan for less, & most likely help in paying the premiums?

Kids get a grip will you, this is theater noting more.

Will some people pay more, yes, because they only had a catastrophic plan that covered zero. Those plans are no more because those plans contributed to the 100 billion in Medical Care that went unpaid last year. due to non coverage & under coverage.

We are doing away with the Socialist plans yet righty wants to continue them?


republican governor republican senator and a democrat senator really pen is a blue state ???? wonders do exist ...
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The ACA is very good news for the TEA party.

They marched on Washington D.C. when O-Care came up in 2009/2010--but they were all called racist's idiots--and no one listened to their concerns regarding Obamacare. Oh how that comes back around and bites hard.

the only ones getting bit are the wealthy and they can afford to be bit... as for your other remark ... we know a racist when we see one ...

you make a good buck dont you David?.....your TV shows seem to do all right....."Rules of Engagement" was great....say hello to Timmy when you see him....

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