State Department identifies 23 violations, 'multiple security incidents' concerning Clinton emails


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
State Department identifies 23 violations, 'multiple security incidents' concerning Clinton emails

State Department identifies 23 violations, 'multiple security incidents' concerning Clinton emails
06/17/2019 -- By Gregg Re, Catherine Herridge
"The State Department revealed Monday that it has identified "multiple security incidents" involving current or former employees' handling of Hillary Clinton's emails, and that 23 "violations" and seven "infractions" have been issued as part of the department's ongoing investigation." "Taylor also noted that disciplinary consequences were pending."
""In every instance in which the Department found an individual to be culpable of a valid security violation or three or more infractions, the Department forwarded the outcome to the Bureau of Diplomatic Security's Office of Personnel Security and Suitability (DS/PSS), to be placed in the individuals' official security file," Taylor wrote. "All valid security incidents are reviewed by DS and taken into account every time an individual's eligibility for access to classified information is considered." "To this point, the Department has assessed culpability to 15 individuals, some of whom were culpable in multiple security incidents," Mary Elizabeth Taylor, the State Department's Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Legislative Affairs, wrote to Grassley. "DS has issued 23 violations and 7 infractions incidents. ... This number will likely change as the review progresses."
It emerged earlier this year that then-FBI general counsel James Baker testified that he thought Clinton should have been prosecuted until he was convinced otherwise "pretty late" in the investigation.
"What's bizarre about this, is in any other situation, there's no possible way they would allow the potential perpetrator to self-select what the FBI gets to see," Chaffetz said, noting that the FBI was aware that the servers contained classified information in unclassified settings. "The FBI should be the one to sort through those emails -- not the Clinton attorneys." The DOJ's goal, Chaffetz said, was to "make sure they hear no evil, see no evil -- they had no interest in pursuing the truth."

Hmm..., Surely indictment and prosecution should have followed this investigation by the State Department, FBI and Senate Committee. Obviously these fifteen individuals including Hillary Clinton may have to endure the punishment of a sternly worded letter using all caps. That’s gotta sting. One can believe that the evidence found here will also be lost along with the FBI evidentiary proof.
According to newly released emails obtained by Judicial Watch, the Obama White House was tracking a December 2012 Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) records request concerning Hillary Clinton’s unsecured, private email server. These new emails prove that the Obama White House knew about the scandal earlier than previously admitted, and attempted to cover it up.
I guess we can all agree that Hillary has the ultimate "Get out of Jail Card".
State Department identifies 23 violations, 'multiple security incidents' concerning Clinton emails

State Department identifies 23 violations, 'multiple security incidents' concerning Clinton emails
06/17/2019 -- By Gregg Re, Catherine Herridge
"The State Department revealed Monday that it has identified "multiple security incidents" involving current or former employees' handling of Hillary Clinton's emails, and that 23 "violations" and seven "infractions" have been issued as part of the department's ongoing investigation." "Taylor also noted that disciplinary consequences were pending."
""In every instance in which the Department found an individual to be culpable of a valid security violation or three or more infractions, the Department forwarded the outcome to the Bureau of Diplomatic Security's Office of Personnel Security and Suitability (DS/PSS), to be placed in the individuals' official security file," Taylor wrote. "All valid security incidents are reviewed by DS and taken into account every time an individual's eligibility for access to classified information is considered." "To this point, the Department has assessed culpability to 15 individuals, some of whom were culpable in multiple security incidents," Mary Elizabeth Taylor, the State Department's Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Legislative Affairs, wrote to Grassley. "DS has issued 23 violations and 7 infractions incidents. ... This number will likely change as the review progresses."
It emerged earlier this year that then-FBI general counsel James Baker testified that he thought Clinton should have been prosecuted until he was convinced otherwise "pretty late" in the investigation.
"What's bizarre about this, is in any other situation, there's no possible way they would allow the potential perpetrator to self-select what the FBI gets to see," Chaffetz said, noting that the FBI was aware that the servers contained classified information in unclassified settings. "The FBI should be the one to sort through those emails -- not the Clinton attorneys." The DOJ's goal, Chaffetz said, was to "make sure they hear no evil, see no evil -- they had no interest in pursuing the truth."

Hmm..., Surely indictment and prosecution should have followed this investigation by the State Department, FBI and Senate Committee. Obviously these fifteen individuals including Hillary Clinton may have to endure the punishment of a sternly worded letter using all caps. That’s gotta sting. One can believe that the evidence found here will also be lost along with the FBI evidentiary proof.
According to newly released emails obtained by Judicial Watch, the Obama White House was tracking a December 2012 Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) records request concerning Hillary Clinton’s unsecured, private email server. These new emails prove that the Obama White House knew about the scandal earlier than previously admitted, and attempted to cover it up.
I guess we can all agree that Hillary has the ultimate "Get out of Jail Card".

Yes....she is protected by the deep state...if she were prosecuted many others would have to be also and since some of them are folks with a lot of power....the whole thing was squashed and it is not likely that any of the guilty parties will ever be indicted no matter how gulty they were and no matter how much confidential info was garnered by hostile governments due to hillarys lack of concern or stupidity.
Lock them (Obama, Clinton, Comey) up!
I think Hillary Clinton has a log history of corruption that goes back half a century.

The people of Arkansas know all about the Clintons and none of them were listened to by those who are supposed to be charged with investigating corruption aka the FBI.

Granted a lot of witnessess came up dead which was a big hindrance.

From everything I have read about the Clintons....they considered themselves to be cool people and in the tradition of those involved with drugs.

Bill got involved with the Dixie Mafia as they were the ones who garnered the money he needed for his political campaigns in Ar. first as Attorney General and then in the campaign for governor.

Like a lot of folks who get involved with organized crime...he did not really know at first who was involved the time he realized it ..he could not say no to them....whatever they wanted they got...they also made sure that if Clinton had a problem or a potential problem that it was taken care of...they would not allow anything or anyone to damage in they knew to protect their operations they had to protect Clinton.
It is so hard to understand how a person, even a Clinton, can get away with having an unauthorized, unsecured, and unprotected server in their private residence AND sending and receiving numerous classified data on it. AND then lied about it. What she did, that's not obstruction of justice?

This wasn't stupidity, this was a deliberate and calculated decision to hide anything that she didn't want anybody else to see, knowing full well she was going to run for president in 2016.
It's tragic today's Democrat has become fixed narrative, anti-business, anti-newborns, anti-Christian, anti-all other Americans, anti-truth. May the good Lord have mercy on this nation. :cry:

We have to be strong preventing the Democrat communists from dismantling the Constitution that used to prevent government intrusion into private live. Now it funds baby-killing calling it a medical expense rather than the brutal procedure that it actually is with the frightened human being inside a mother who is letting someone stab, jab and dismember the life out of her unborn's being. While this is going on, the unborn, if on a scanner, is darting back and forth, trying to avoid the horror of its own death before birth. Once destroyed, it stops fighting.

I can't link anything this awful, because I value my membership at usmb. However, if you have never seen a preborn infant fight for its life and horror does not bother you, put on search engine and load this into type area: "fetus escape from instruments" pick the ultrasound black and white one. The fetus is very agitated and counters the first sucking with violent evasion moves. Not for anyone with a weak stomach. There are others. I'm not going there.

Praying for our nation tonight, for our loss of perspective, loss of love for children coming into the world in our care, and the deceptions foisted on people paying through the nose for a Congress that instituted what the founders hated--taxes from the common man's wages that have ballooned out of control and is now a threat to our way of life, the unsecured money spent by a Congress voted in by non-Americans, and lies taller than the National monument to unseat good opposition Congressmen, some of who left to protect their families to protect them from opposition party sniper fire after the event that almost killed Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana.

Don't mind me, I lost my best friend and frequent dinner companion this evening. He was 82 years old. Lung and brain cancer. That firefighter is already in heaven, no more coughing, no more chemo, no more pain. A wall full of service placques - 20 years, 25, 30 40 years, and more. Nite, all. :sleep:
Lock them (Obama, Clinton, Comey) up!

Today I was thinking I volunteer to fight Comey anywhere anytime anyway. He is taller but I will take drugs and try to get him to agree to ALU baseball bats. meth coke Vicodin and go paranoid insane on him. I will kill that bastard and love it! I will go ghetto crazy on his soft DC butt. Pay per view to the death. If he wins? He goes free? Will he take the plunge? Kneecap first on that scarecrow. Then an uppercut to that screaming mug! Chicklets flying! Yahoo!

God I hate every DEM, including this board. Especially the snitches. I don't care if they die horribly! They threaten our future we have all worked so hard for. If you voted Obama twice you deserve to die painfully and slowly. Hung outside for 60 days naked! Gloves are off. Kill them before they kill you. If you defended HRC one minute, pull fingernails off.

Forgive me, but I want somebodies rear end now!

Do the Mods kee Drafts for FBI if you delete this sort of post?
It's tragic today's Democrat has become fixed narrative, anti-business, anti-newborns, anti-Christian, anti-all other Americans, anti-truth. May the good Lord have mercy on this nation. :cry:

We have to be strong preventing the Democrat communists from dismantling the Constitution that used to prevent government intrusion into private live. Now it funds baby-killing calling it a medical expense rather than the brutal procedure that it actually is with the frightened human being inside a mother who is letting someone stab, jab and dismember the life out of her unborn's being. While this is going on, the unborn, if on a scanner, is darting back and forth, trying to avoid the horror of its own death before birth. Once destroyed, it stops fighting.

I can't link anything this awful, because I value my membership at usmb. However, if you have never seen a preborn infant fight for its life and horror does not bother you, put on search engine and load this into type area: "fetus escape from instruments" pick the ultrasound black and white one. The fetus is very agitated and counters the first sucking with violent evasion moves. Not for anyone with a weak stomach. There are others. I'm not going there.

Praying for our nation tonight, for our loss of perspective, loss of love for children coming into the world in our care, and the deceptions foisted on people paying through the nose for a Congress that instituted what the founders hated--taxes from the common man's wages that have ballooned out of control and is now a threat to our way of life, the unsecured money spent by a Congress voted in by non-Americans, and lies taller than the National monument to unseat good opposition Congressmen, some of who left to protect their families to protect them from opposition party sniper fire after the event that almost killed Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana.

Don't mind me, I lost my best friend and frequent dinner companion this evening. He was 82 years old. Lung and brain cancer. That firefighter is already in heaven, no more coughing, no more chemo, no more pain. A wall full of service placques - 20 years, 25, 30 40 years, and more. Nite, all. :sleep:

My condolences to you. May your friend rest in peace.
ahem.... it says they are violations and security incidences, and the gvt punishment standard for these breaches, is to put a marker in their files so that if they ever needed security clearance again, they would basically have a black mark in their record.

Didn't see anything that mentioned Hillary was one of these staffers mentioned, but she could be one of them, I suppose?

no one is being charged with a crime, because it wasn't a crime... it wasn't a felony or misdemeanor.

Ya'll are really weird always wishing for other citizens to be locked up, imprisoned, for things that are simply violations...

Karma, is a bitch.... be careful of what harm you wish to happen to others.... That Karma bitch, will come back and get you! :eek:
ahem.... it says they are violations and security incidences, and the gvt punishment standard for these breaches, is to put a marker in their files so that if they ever needed security clearance again, they would basically have a black mark in their record.

Didn't see anything that mentioned Hillary was one of these staffers mentioned, but she could be one of them, I suppose?

no one is being charged with a crime, because it wasn't a crime... it wasn't a felony or misdemeanor.

Ya'll are really weird always wishing for other citizens to be locked up, imprisoned, for things that are simply violations...

Karma, is a bitch.... be careful of what harm you wish to happen to others.... That Karma bitch, will come back and get you! :eek:

You do not know the law buttercupl

'Federal law states that "gross negligence" in handling the nation’s intelligence can be punished criminally with prison time or fines, and there is no requirement that defendants act intentionally or recklessly'.

Former FBI general counsel thought Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted
ahem.... it says they are violations and security incidences, and the gvt punishment standard for these breaches, is to put a marker in their files so that if they ever needed security clearance again, they would basically have a black mark in their record.

Didn't see anything that mentioned Hillary was one of these staffers mentioned, but she could be one of them, I suppose?

no one is being charged with a crime, because it wasn't a crime... it wasn't a felony or misdemeanor.

Ya'll are really weird always wishing for other citizens to be locked up, imprisoned, for things that are simply violations...

Karma, is a bitch.... be careful of what harm you wish to happen to others.... That Karma bitch, will come back and get you! :eek:

You do not know the law buttercupl

'Federal law states that "gross negligence" in handling the nation’s intelligence can be punished criminally with prison time or fines, and there is no requirement that defendants act intentionally or recklessly'.

Former FBI general counsel thought Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted
gross negligence in the espionage act is taking top secret defense documents from their proper government storing place, and going to a Chinese restaurant, or Russian embassy, and leaving them on the table, and not go back for them or report what was done, after you realize you've left them there...

Comey explained why intent WAS necessary,

because of precedent established with the other cases of gross negligence that had previously taken place.
ahem.... it says they are violations and security incidences, and the gvt punishment standard for these breaches, is to put a marker in their files so that if they ever needed security clearance again, they would basically have a black mark in their record.

Didn't see anything that mentioned Hillary was one of these staffers mentioned, but she could be one of them, I suppose?

no one is being charged with a crime, because it wasn't a crime... it wasn't a felony or misdemeanor.

Ya'll are really weird always wishing for other citizens to be locked up, imprisoned, for things that are simply violations...

Karma, is a bitch.... be careful of what harm you wish to happen to others.... That Karma bitch, will come back and get you! :eek:

You do not know the law buttercupl

'Federal law states that "gross negligence" in handling the nation’s intelligence can be punished criminally with prison time or fines, and there is no requirement that defendants act intentionally or recklessly'.

Former FBI general counsel thought Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted
gross negligence in the espionage act is taking top secret defense documents from their proper government storing place, and going to a Chinese restaurant, or Russian embassy, and leaving them on the table, and not go back for them or report what was done, after you realize you've left them there...

Comey explained why intent WAS necessary,

because of precedent established with the other cases of gross negligence that had previously taken place.


Hillary Rodham Clinton has committed a felony. That is apparent from the facts and in the plain-language of the federal statute that prohibits "Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information", 18 U.S. Code § 793(e) and (f). This offense carries a potential penalty of ten years imprisonment.

It's called a prima facie case: clear on the basis of known facts.

It's up to prosecutorial discretion by the US Attorney as to what charges may be filed and when. Nonetheless, Mrs. Clinton is clearly chargeable for violation of federal law. As of right now, the matter is under FBI investigation. This isn't just about violation of Departmental policy.

The facts:

Hillary Clinton's Felony. The federal laws violated by the private server

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
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ahem.... it says they are violations and security incidences, and the gvt punishment standard for these breaches, is to put a marker in their files so that if they ever needed security clearance again, they would basically have a black mark in their record.

Didn't see anything that mentioned Hillary was one of these staffers mentioned, but she could be one of them, I suppose?

no one is being charged with a crime, because it wasn't a crime... it wasn't a felony or misdemeanor.

Ya'll are really weird always wishing for other citizens to be locked up, imprisoned, for things that are simply violations...

Karma, is a bitch.... be careful of what harm you wish to happen to others.... That Karma bitch, will come back and get you! :eek:

You do not know the law buttercupl

'Federal law states that "gross negligence" in handling the nation’s intelligence can be punished criminally with prison time or fines, and there is no requirement that defendants act intentionally or recklessly'.

Former FBI general counsel thought Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted
gross negligence in the espionage act is taking top secret defense documents from their proper government storing place, and going to a Chinese restaurant, or Russian embassy, and leaving them on the table, and not go back for them or report what was done, after you realize you've left them there...

Comey explained why intent WAS necessary,

because of precedent established with the other cases of gross negligence that had previously taken place.


Hillary Rodham Clinton has committed a felony. That is apparent from the facts and in the plain-language of the federal statute that prohibits "Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information", 18 U.S. Code § 793(e) and (f). This offense carries a potential penalty of ten years imprisonment.

It's called a prima facie case: clear on the basis of known facts.

It's up to prosecutorial discretion by the US Attorney as to what charges may be filed and when. Nonetheless, Mrs. Clinton is clearly chargeable for violation of federal law. As of right now, the matter is under FBI investigation. This isn't just about violation of Departmental policy.

The facts:

Hillary Clinton's Felony. The federal laws violated by the private server

18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
no, i'm not wrong

your first article is 4 years old, and mere speculation.... we'.ve learned a lot since then, with the FBI investigation being complete and with the IG investigation on it, also completed.

Nothing was taken from our top secret files, it was a news article sent to State dept staffers on our drone program that was suppose to be top secret.... according to the FBI/IG reports, her staff was trying to figure out who leaked the program to the press and most importantly, how should they diffuse the public article and answer the questions the press was asking them about it.

All of those email chains on it, were loose lips, things they should have only been discussing in person... when they came to their decisions on how they would handle it, they forwarded their email chains to hillary, to let her know how they were going to handle the press.

your 2nd link, is a law, none of them broke.

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