State Dept. Hasn’t Spent $120 Million Designated For Blocking Russia Meddling


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
State Dept. Hasn’t Spent $120 Million Designated For Blocking Russia Meddling

State Dept. Was Granted $120 Million to Fight Russian Meddling. It Has Spent $0.

I guess our Govt. feels that there's no need to use this money as lawmakers intended?

"The State Department has not yet spent any of the $120 million that was to be allocated toward combatting foreign interference in elections, the New York Times reported Sunday.

Toward the end of former President Barak Obama’s administration, Congress voted to direct the Pentagon to give the State Department $60 million for combatting Russian and Chinese “anti-democratic propaganda,” according to the Times. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson took nearly seven months to decide what to do with the funding and the Pentagon ultimately decided to keep it. The Department had another $60 million available for the next fiscal year, but decided last week to only take $40 million, the Times reported.

That money will reportedly be transferred to the State Department and its Global Engagement Center in April, which will counter Russian meddling efforts with anti-propaganda counter-attacks. Currently, the Global Engagement Center doesn’t have someone who speaks Russian on the team and it is primarily focused on countering jihadist and other forms of extreme propaganda, according to the Times.

The news of the unspent millions comes as National Security Agency director Adm. Mike Rogers told the Senate armed services committee last week that President Donald Trump has not yet directed his department to work to thwart Russian cyber threats to the 2018 election."
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Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not. But here..the original article:

State Dept. Was Granted $120 Million to Fight Russian Meddling. It Has Spent $0.

"The delays have infuriated some members of Congress, which approved the funding transfer with bipartisan support."

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not.

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
Says the dufus who used a Soros website for his news. :laughing0301:
It doesn't make much sense anyway. In a lame duck Hussein administration congress told the Pentagon to award the state dept 60 million for a job they were not equipped to address so the money went back to the Pentagon. It sounds about right. In the mean time the FBI is out chasing political enemies and God only knows what the hell the CIA is doing.
Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not.

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
Says the dufus who used a Soros website for his news. :laughing0301:
God you're an idiot...respond to the facts or STFU! You now have a NYT article linked...what will it be..crickets....or some empty insult?

I know what it won't be..anything substantive.

BTW..not everyone is is all "inside baseball' with the rest of you losers--I just posted the story..If it is untru, I'd deserve some scorn....but, of's you have nothing.
Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not. But here..the original article:

State Dept. Was Granted $120 Million to Fight Russian Meddling. It Has Spent $0.

"The delays have infuriated some members of Congress, which approved the funding transfer with bipartisan support."

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
so why isn't the guy doing his job? Why does he need to have the president tell him what to do? isn't he the cyber guy?
Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not. But here..the original article:

State Dept. Was Granted $120 Million to Fight Russian Meddling. It Has Spent $0.

"The delays have infuriated some members of Congress, which approved the funding transfer with bipartisan support."

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
so why isn't the guy doing his job? Why does he need to have the president tell him what to do? isn't he the cyber guy?
Foreign offensive operations require explicit permission from National Command Authority..The President. This link was more about the fact that the Trump administration is deliberately stalling on any sort of push-back against Russia..despite the will of Congress and that the money for this is going unspent.
Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not.

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
Says the dufus who used a Soros website for his news. :laughing0301:
Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not.

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
Says the dufus who used a Soros website for his news. :laughing0301:
God you're an idiot...respond to the facts or STFU! You now have a NYT article linked...what will it be..crickets....or some empty insult?

I know what it won't be..anything substantive.

BTW..not everyone is is all "inside baseball' with the rest of you losers--I just posted the story..If it is untru, I'd deserve some scorn....but, of's you have nothing.
Dufus, State Department does not do law enforcement.

But the FBI does. And now we know they were too busy attempting to corrupt the 2016 election.
Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not. But here..the original article:

State Dept. Was Granted $120 Million to Fight Russian Meddling. It Has Spent $0.

"The delays have infuriated some members of Congress, which approved the funding transfer with bipartisan support."

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?

Maybe if they gave some of that money to the DNC they'd let em look at their servers?
Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not. But here..the original article:

State Dept. Was Granted $120 Million to Fight Russian Meddling. It Has Spent $0.

"The delays have infuriated some members of Congress, which approved the funding transfer with bipartisan support."

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
so why isn't the guy doing his job? Why does he need to have the president tell him what to do? isn't he the cyber guy?
Foreign offensive operations require explicit permission from National Command Authority..The President. This link was more about the fact that the Trump administration is deliberately stalling on any sort of push-back against Russia..despite the will of Congress and that the money for this is going unspent.
I thought you go to the FISA court with made up shit and get a warrant to spy on americans.
That’s because Russia is still helping The Democrat Party disrupt our Democracy and Obstruct and interfere in this Administration’s Policy Implementations..

Why would The State Department do anything to Russia that would prevent them from sowing discord in America when The State Department was working with Russia to undermine our elections?
Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not.

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
Says the dufus who used a Soros website for his news. :laughing0301:
Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not.

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
Says the dufus who used a Soros website for his news. :laughing0301:
God you're an idiot...respond to the facts or STFU! You now have a NYT article linked...what will it be..crickets....or some empty insult?

I know what it won't be..anything substantive.

BTW..not everyone is is all "inside baseball' with the rest of you losers--I just posted the story..If it is untru, I'd deserve some scorn....but, of's you have nothing.
Dufus, State Department does not do law enforcement.

But the FBI does. And now we know they were too busy attempting to corrupt the 2016 election.
You really aren't very smart, are you? Perhaps if you actually read the would know that this is not a 'law enforcement' proposal--the any idiot should know--does not conduct espionage/covert operations outside of the US borders. These were funds meant for use by the State Dept. in anti-propaganda efforts against Russia.
Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not. But here..the original article:

State Dept. Was Granted $120 Million to Fight Russian Meddling. It Has Spent $0.

"The delays have infuriated some members of Congress, which approved the funding transfer with bipartisan support."

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
so why isn't the guy doing his job? Why does he need to have the president tell him what to do? isn't he the cyber guy?
Foreign offensive operations require explicit permission from National Command Authority..The President. This link was more about the fact that the Trump administration is deliberately stalling on any sort of push-back against Russia..despite the will of Congress and that the money for this is going unspent.
I thought you go to the FISA court with made up shit and get a warrant to spy on americans.
Not big on sticking to the point, are you? Oh well.
Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not.

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
Says the dufus who used a Soros website for his news. :laughing0301:
Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not.

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
Says the dufus who used a Soros website for his news. :laughing0301:
God you're an idiot...respond to the facts or STFU! You now have a NYT article linked...what will it be..crickets....or some empty insult?

I know what it won't be..anything substantive.

BTW..not everyone is is all "inside baseball' with the rest of you losers--I just posted the story..If it is untru, I'd deserve some scorn....but, of's you have nothing.
Dufus, State Department does not do law enforcement.

But the FBI does. And now we know they were too busy attempting to corrupt the 2016 election.
You really aren't very smart, are you? Perhaps if you actually read the would know that this is not a 'law enforcement' proposal--the any idiot should know--does not conduct espionage/covert operations outside of the US borders. These were funds meant for use by the State Dept. in anti-propaganda efforts against Russia.
Why would anyone read bullshit from Soros? The Onion is more factual.
And hilarious you think its OK for our government to interfere in the elections of other governments.
That’s how the Dimwits select a President. In the Courts like The Libtards tried to do with Al Gore
Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not. But here..the original article:

State Dept. Was Granted $120 Million to Fight Russian Meddling. It Has Spent $0.

"The delays have infuriated some members of Congress, which approved the funding transfer with bipartisan support."

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
so why isn't the guy doing his job? Why does he need to have the president tell him what to do? isn't he the cyber guy?
Foreign offensive operations require explicit permission from National Command Authority..The President. This link was more about the fact that the Trump administration is deliberately stalling on any sort of push-back against Russia..despite the will of Congress and that the money for this is going unspent.
I thought you go to the FISA court with made up shit and get a warrant to spy on americans.
That’s because Russia is still helping The Democrat Party disrupt our Democracy and Obstruct and interfere in this Administration’s Policy Implementations..

Why would The State Department do anything to Russia that would prevent them from sowing discord in America when The State Department was working with Russia to undermine our elections?
Uh..hello...the election is over---time to move on---and ask why the President ignores the will of the Congress..and is dragging his feet on imposing sanctions and ensuring that Russia pays the price.
Love how John Kerry personally involved himself in passing along Russian Propaganda to John McCain and The FBI in his attempts to “Prevent Russian Propaganda!”

Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not.

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
Says the dufus who used a Soros website for his news. :laughing0301:
Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not.

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
Says the dufus who used a Soros website for his news. :laughing0301:
God you're an idiot...respond to the facts or STFU! You now have a NYT article linked...what will it be..crickets....or some empty insult?

I know what it won't be..anything substantive.

BTW..not everyone is is all "inside baseball' with the rest of you losers--I just posted the story..If it is untru, I'd deserve some scorn....but, of's you have nothing.
Dufus, State Department does not do law enforcement.

But the FBI does. And now we know they were too busy attempting to corrupt the 2016 election.
You really aren't very smart, are you? Perhaps if you actually read the would know that this is not a 'law enforcement' proposal--the any idiot should know--does not conduct espionage/covert operations outside of the US borders. These were funds meant for use by the State Dept. in anti-propaganda efforts against Russia.
Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not.

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
Says the dufus who used a Soros website for his news. :laughing0301:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not.

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
Says the dufus who used a Soros website for his news. :laughing0301:
God you're an idiot...respond to the facts or STFU! You now have a NYT article linked...what will it be..crickets....or some empty insult?

I know what it won't be..anything substantive.

BTW..not everyone is is all "inside baseball' with the rest of you losers--I just posted the story..If it is untru, I'd deserve some scorn....but, of's you have nothing.
Dufus, State Department does not do law enforcement.

But the FBI does. And now we know they were too busy attempting to corrupt the 2016 election.
You really aren't very smart, are you? Perhaps if you actually read the would know that this is not a 'law enforcement' proposal--the any idiot should know--does not conduct espionage/covert operations outside of the US borders. These were funds meant for use by the State Dept. in anti-propaganda efforts against Russia.
Why would anyone read bullshit from Soros? The Onion is more factual.
And hilarious you think its OK for our government to interfere in the elections of other governments.
Hello..did you miss the NYT article linked? Or are you just so lost that you ignore those things that might discomfit you? Actually, I was more into disrupting the Russian power grid...perhaps crashing their telecommunications systems...but I guess an election might work.
Love how John Kerry personally involved himself in passing along Russian Propaganda to John McCain and The FBI in his attempts to “Prevent Russian Propaganda!”

Talking Points Memo?
What else did Soros order you to parrot today?:lmao:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not.

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
Says the dufus who used a Soros website for his news. :laughing0301:
I comment..since I guess you don't have the intellectual capacity to actually debunk or refute this..just sling some poo and move on. It is your hallmark, after all. Empty insult..and no substantive reply. If I found a different link..would it matter? No, of course not.

Are you saying that the fact is untrue? Well, of course not...but actually responding might require you to explain why..and we can't have that, now can we?
Says the dufus who used a Soros website for his news. :laughing0301:
God you're an idiot...respond to the facts or STFU! You now have a NYT article linked...what will it be..crickets....or some empty insult?

I know what it won't be..anything substantive.

BTW..not everyone is is all "inside baseball' with the rest of you losers--I just posted the story..If it is untru, I'd deserve some scorn....but, of's you have nothing.
Dufus, State Department does not do law enforcement.

But the FBI does. And now we know they were too busy attempting to corrupt the 2016 election.
You really aren't very smart, are you? Perhaps if you actually read the would know that this is not a 'law enforcement' proposal--the any idiot should know--does not conduct espionage/covert operations outside of the US borders. These were funds meant for use by the State Dept. in anti-propaganda efforts against Russia.
Link to this purported action?

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