State Dept. told to plan for potential protests after Jerusalem embassy announcement

Ben-Gurion announced independence for the zionist regime in Palestine in 1948. He and his cronies were from an other continent entirely. I am not sure there is a better word than "stealing" here.

Yes, but you are arguing a different point than Humanity is. He is arguing that BOTH Israel and Arab Palestine have the legal right to exist and that a border already exists between them and we know which territory belongs to whom.

You are arguing that the Jewish people can NEVER have a legal right to a State, political independence, or self-determination.

His argument is in error. Yours is antisemitic.
No, you characterize it as antisemitic because in that way you feel justified in not facing reality. If I stated anything antisemitic, you certainly would quote me.
No, you characterize it as antisemitic because in that way you feel justified in not facing reality. If I stated anything antisemitic, you certainly would quote me.

When "reality" is that the Jewish people do not have the same rights as other peoples THAT is antisemitic.
When "reality" is that the Jewish people do not have the same rights as other peoples THAT is antisemitic.
I never claimed that. You pretend that part of self determination includes stealing land, and murder and the expulsion of the people who were there when the zionists arrived from another continent.

And the Palestinians have never had a chance at self determination since the zionist terrorists took control, but who cares about the people who were already there and their chance at self determination, right?
I never claimed that.

Um. You started a thread questioning Israel's "legal right to exist" and then argued for pages that she did not hold such a right.

But I'll ask you flat out. Yes or no question.

Do the Jewish people, like all other peoples, have the right to self-determination, sovereignty and political independence over at least part of her historical, indigenous territory?

Yes or no?
Um. You started a thread questioning Israel's "legal right to exist" and then argued for pages that she did not hold such a right.
Yes, as a researcher I was curious. Big deal, there is no 'legal' right as we found out. She exists because zionists came from another continent and claimed the land behind an army.

Nobody has the right to thieve and murder. That is just known across the board, especially in these modern times with international law.
When "reality" is that the Jewish people do not have the same rights as other peoples THAT is antisemitic.
I never claimed that. You pretend that part of self determination includes stealing land, and murder and the expulsion of the people who were there when the zionists arrived from another continent.

And the Palestinians have never had a chance at self determination since the zionist terrorists took control, but who cares about the people who were already there and their chance at self determination, right?

The Palestinian Arabs are part of the larger Arab Nation, which is huge and vast. It says so in their Charter, in the first line of the very first paragraph. They hasten to say this, before anything else. It's not such a tragedy, therefore, for the Palestinian Arabs to share 1% of the ME.
Um. You started a thread questioning Israel's "legal right to exist" and then argued for pages that she did not hold such a right.
Yes, as a researcher I was curious. Big deal, there is no 'legal' right as we found out. She exists because zionists came from another continent and claimed the land behind an army.

Nobody has the right to thieve and murder. That is just known across the board, especially in these modern times with international law.

Its telling that you neglected to answer the question. You also seem to be doubling down on your "Israel has no legal right to exist" (read: the Jewish people have no rights to political independence, sovereignty and self-determination).

If it waddles like a duck, and it swims like a duck and it quacks like a duck....I'm gonna call it a duck.
I never claimed that.

Um. You started a thread questioning Israel's "legal right to exist" and then argued for pages that she did not hold such a right.

But I'll ask you flat out. Yes or no question.

Do the Jewish people, like all other peoples, have the right to self-determination, sovereignty and political independence over at least part of her historical, indigenous territory?

Yes or no?

Abi I'd like You to answer this question directly.
This is essential.
It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!
Land is not a purse, it cannot be stolen.

But it can be...

You see, it I decide to take my neighbours land then that is... Stealing!
merriam-webster definition:
to take and carry away (something that belongs to another person) without permission and with the intention of keeping

Can you carry away the land of your neighbors? :cool-45:

Anyway, find any appropriate international criminal case.

Hahaha, oh dear...

Well, I live in a country where land can be and has been stolen...

If you prefer illegal occupation then I don't mind!
Nope, it is very important for you. That's why you prefer such wording.
And you comfortably ignored my request.

Oh, sorry, I thought you were just being a pedant with the wording...

Your "request"? Did I miss something? What were you requesting exactly?
But it can be...

You see, it I decide to take my neighbours land then that is... Stealing!

The current conflict is an internal, civil conflict between two competing ethnic groups for possession of territory within a set of established international boundaries (short version: Syria to the north, Jordan to the east and Egypt to the south). There has never been a permanent, international, boundary within this territory dividing land that is under the sovereignty of Israel and land which is under the sovereignty of Palestine. ALL legal documents regarding the two-State solution (a solution you and I generally agree upon) demand that the final border between these two nations be negotiated between them. Therefore, neither side holds legal sovereignty (ownership) of the territory and neither can be stealing from the other. It is not possible to steal something whose ownership is in dispute.

Now, I THINK when you say that Israel is "stealing land" or "taking my neighbors land" you are using the Green Line as your basis for determining sovereignty (ownership) by each party. Therefore, you are claiming that any territory on the eastern side of the Green Line belongs to "Arab Palestine". This is a false premise. The Green Line is the 1949 Armistice Line between Israel and Jordan. Not Israel and Arab Palestine. Jordan. Why is there an Armistice Line between Israel and Jordan? Because Jordan crossed her international boundaries, using military force, and attempted to establish sovereignty over territory which was not hers. Remember that whole thing about it not being legal to steal land from other sovereigns through use of force or war? Oops.

Jordan, eventually, removed her military and government forces, abandoned that territory, renounced all claims to it and made a peace treaty with Israel. What does that do to an Armistice Line? It makes it disappear. There is no Green Line. It no longer exists for any purpose because the purpose was simply to pause the conflict between Israel and Jordan.

To claim that that land is now "Arab Palestine" is simply not correct. While the expectation is that the Green Line will serve as a basis for negotiations -- the Green Line itself represents nothing legal with respect to the internal, civil conflict between Israel and the Arab Palestinians who are seeking their own sovereignty. The solution to this internal conflict, as has been the solution to all such internal conflicts, is the division of territory and the establishment of borders through negotiation and treaty.

Therefore, to say that Israel is "stealing someone else's land" is legally false. It is not helpful because it paints the one side as "bad" and puts the onus on the one party to "correct its behaviour". It would be much more fair to claim that the territory is disputed. The only way to solve a dispute is to negotiate a solution between the parties. This makes BOTH parties responsible for the outcome, rather than only the demonized one.

Israel stealing land is NOT legally false as you claim, under international law. That is an irrefutable fact, unless you are an Israel supporter, Nutandyahoo or, now, Trump.

Israel does VERY well at painting itself "bad" in the eyes of virtually every modern country on this planet by failing to abide by international law.

Yes, I agree, BOTH parties in this conflict are accountable for their actions, mostly bad actions, but I do not believe that Israel can continue with it's 'special status' or it very own belligerence forever.

It makes me sad to say this but, sooner or later, Israel will feel 'pressure' from others.
Ben-Gurion announced independence for the zionist regime in Palestine in 1948. He and his cronies were from an other continent entirely. I am not sure there is a better word than "stealing" here.

Yes, but you are arguing a different point than Humanity is. He is arguing that BOTH Israel and Arab Palestine have the legal right to exist and that a border already exists between them and we know which territory belongs to whom.

You are arguing that the Jewish people can NEVER have a legal right to a State, political independence, or self-determination.

His argument is in error. Yours is antisemitic.

You are correct on one point Shusha, Israel as as much right to exist as Palestine has the same right.

However, I have never said that there already exists a border... At least, not in the eyes of Israel... My belief of a 'Greater Israel' will remain forever... It is the ONLY conclusion I can come to in the 'failings' of the Knesset to ever find a way to finding a solution for peace. In that, I do not believe it is in the interests of Israel to find anything like peace.

And, to finish up, on topic, I believe that Jerusalem should be and always be corpus separatum!
Israel stealing land is NOT legally false as you claim, under international law. That is an irrefutable fact, ....

What land is Israel stealing? Be specific. From whom is she stealing it? How and when did this entity obtain sovereignty? Just where is this mysterious border you keep claiming? How and when and through which legal instrument did this border come into being?

If you can't answer these questions, you are just as irresponsible as the rest of the anti-Israel crowd, who keep claiming "international law" with no understanding of what it is.

Please note -- I am NOT saying that the Arab Palestinians should not have a State or that I don't support the two State solution. I am only saying that the border between the two States is disputed and NOT SET IN LAW ALREADY. It can only BE set in law when it is negotiated between the two Parties to the internal conflict (civil war).
Ben-Gurion announced independence for the zionist regime in Palestine in 1948. He and his cronies were from an other continent entirely. I am not sure there is a better word than "stealing" here.

Yes, but you are arguing a different point than Humanity is. He is arguing that BOTH Israel and Arab Palestine have the legal right to exist and that a border already exists between them and we know which territory belongs to whom.

You are arguing that the Jewish people can NEVER have a legal right to a State, political independence, or self-determination.

His argument is in error. Yours is antisemitic.

You are correct on one point Shusha, Israel as as much right to exist as Palestine has the same right.

However, I have never said that there already exists a border... At least, not in the eyes of Israel... My belief of a 'Greater Israel' will remain forever... It is the ONLY conclusion I can come to in the 'failings' of the Knesset to ever find a way to finding a solution for peace. In that, I do not believe it is in the interests of Israel to find anything like peace.

And, to finish up, on topic, I believe that Jerusalem should be and always be corpus separatum!

Jerusalem will never be corpus separatum. If it does become that, the entire history of the Jewish People will not have made any sense at all. Carter and Sadat were pressuring Begin to agree to that in Camp David in the '70's, but Begin said he would rather be dismembered.
However, I have never said that there already exists a border..

If there is no border -- how can it be said that Israel is stealing land?

I do not believe it is in the interests of Israel to find anything like peace.
On the contrary, it is in Israel's best interests to have peace with all her neighbors. The questions are:

1. Is that possible? Will the Arab Palestinians and the Gazans ACCEPT peace with Israel?
2. What costs will Israel pay to have peace and is she willing to pay them?

And, to finish up, on topic, I believe that Jerusalem should be and always be corpus separatum!
Why? What is the reason for it? Because there can be no peace if Israel is sovereign in her historical homeland there? Because the Arab Palestinians, the wider Arab world and Muslims have promised 'days of rage'? Why are we sacrificing the rights of the Jewish people in Israel to their historic city because the Arabs and the Muslims promise violence? Shouldn't we be doing the opposite? As an international community, shouldn't we be condemning violence? Shouldn't we be rejecting violence? Shouldn't we be loudly and clearly saying that those who use violence as a means to an end will not be rewarded for that violence?
Jerusalem will never be corpus separatum. If it does become that, the entire history of the Jewish People will not have made any sense at all.

The idea of corpus separatum is a rejection of Jewish history and ties to her indigenous territory. It is an idea which is applied no where in the world. And it should not be applied here. Even if there was an international entity which could fairly and without bias, administer Jerusalem (and there is NOT), the Jewish people must not be denied their historical, indigenous rights to their historical monuments and landmarks and territory.
Yes, but you are arguing a different point than Humanity is. He is arguing that BOTH Israel and Arab Palestine have the legal right to exist and that a border already exists between them and we know which territory belongs to whom.
Another lie! Every day it seems you get called out on your lies and you pop back like it doesn't matter.

To each their own. And when you stop mischaracterizing what people say - and when you stop arguing with these delusional fantasies of yours - you might be taken more seriously.

I have been studying the actual legal definition of self-determination. There is a lot there, but I can assure you at this early stage of my research, that no way does the right to self-determination allow for any group to steal land or murder those who stand in their way. No way, not now, not ever!
Yes, but you are arguing a different point than Humanity is. He is arguing that BOTH Israel and Arab Palestine have the legal right to exist and that a border already exists between them and we know which territory belongs to whom.
Another lie! Every day it seems you get called out on your lies and you pop back like it doesn't matter.

To each their own. And when you stop mischaracterizing what people say - and when you stop arguing with these delusional fantasies of yours - you might be taken more seriously.

I have been studying the actual legal definition of self-determination. There is a lot there, but I can assure you at this early stage of my research, that no way does the right to self-determination allow for any group to steal land or murder those who stand in their way. No way, not now, not ever!

I have been studying the actual legal definition of self-determination. There is a lot there, but I can assure you at this early stage of my research, that no way does the right to self-determination allow for any group to steal land or murder those who stand in their way. No way, not now, not ever!

Good to know.
So when will all the Arabs be returning to Saudi Arabia?

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