State Dept. told to plan for potential protests after Jerusalem embassy announcement

Is that like how you studied the actual legal definitions of mandates and resolutions?
Yes, the zionist argument only holds water from neanderthal times through Hitler. Today, those arguments no longer work as you can read in the Nuremberg principles.

You argue all you like, but you will have no legal basis for any of it as Palestine has been one nonstop war crime since Ben-Gurion declared the zionists' independence in Palestine.

It's time to face facts.
Is that like how you studied the actual legal definitions of mandates and resolutions?
Yes, the zionist argument only holds water from neanderthal times through Hitler. Today, those arguments no longer work as you can read in the Nuremberg principles.

You argue all you like, but you will have no legal basis for any of it as Palestine has been one nonstop war crime since Ben-Gurion declared the zionists' independence in Palestine.

It's time to face facts.

Oh, settle down, Louie. Your silly tirades are pointless.

The geographic area of Pal’istan actually became a huge draw for Arab-Moslem settlers / migrants after Jews began bringing agriculture and commerce to the area.
And look what the zionists do. The zionists out-kill the Palestinians by far, year in, year out, women, children, doesn't matter. The zionist experiment is a failure. It has led to decades of suffering on both sides. This action is insane. The only ones who support this want war. This will finally eliminate the Muslim and Christian population in Israel. After the war, they want to rebuild their imagined 3rd temple on Muslim holy land after destroying all remnants of Islam in Islams 3rd holiest place on earth. The Muslim structures there date back centuries.
WASHINGTON – While Muslims jeer, Israelis cheer President Trump’s Jerusalem declaration, prompting Jewish religious activists to suggest building the Third Temple is closer to reality than ever before.

“What he did … was an enormous step in bringing the Temple,” said Asaf Fried, official spokesman for the United Temple Movement, an association of organizations working towards making the Third Temple a reality.

Trump’s Jerusalem declaration sparks talk of 3rd Temple

I really did not want to be right about this one. These nutjobs actually want a world war and I am not sure that sanity will prevail. :frown:
And look what the zionists do. The zionists out-kill the Palestinians by far, year in, year out, women, children, doesn't matter. The zionist experiment is a failure. It has led to decades of suffering on both sides. This action is insane. The only ones who support this want war. This will finally eliminate the Muslim and Christian population in Israel. After the war, they want to rebuild their imagined 3rd temple on Muslim holy land after destroying all remnants of Islam in Islams 3rd holiest place on earth. The Muslim structures there date back centuries.
WASHINGTON – While Muslims jeer, Israelis cheer President Trump’s Jerusalem declaration, prompting Jewish religious activists to suggest building the Third Temple is closer to reality than ever before.

“What he did … was an enormous step in bringing the Temple,” said Asaf Fried, official spokesman for the United Temple Movement, an association of organizations working towards making the Third Temple a reality.

Trump’s Jerusalem declaration sparks talk of 3rd Temple

I really did not want to be right about this one. These nutjobs actually want a world war and I am not sure that sanity will prevail. :frown:

Sorry maybe You're talking to Yourself...

1917 (Balfour) - 1947(UN) - 1967 (Jerusalem) - 2017(Trump).

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