State Dept. told to plan for potential protests after Jerusalem embassy announcement

Really? You think that it never occurred to Israel until Trump said it? You think Israel hasn't made that clear? You think that isn't what Netanyahu has been saying for years? Trump changed NOTHING. The Israeli government is already operating out of Jerusalem. It has for decades.

Of course, but Trump in some way 'legitimized' the illegal occupation by Israel...

And we simply roll on with the 'Great Israel' plan.

Jerusalem is occupied "illegally' in the same way California, New Mexico or Arizona are. The Palestinians can perhaps have their state on the West Bank and take over the Jewish Tomb of the Patriarchs, where Father Abraham is buried, and perhaps try to destroy Mother Rachel's Tomb and Father Joseph's Tomb. But Israel has to put its foot down someplace. Jerusalem is the heart and soul of the Jewish People, and will remain Israel's capital forever.

Do you think California, New Mexico and Arizona were captured in medieval times? You need to bone up on your history!
It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!
Land is not a purse, it cannot be stolen.

That is right. Jerusalem was won after Jordan kept bombarding West Jerusalem in 1967. What a special moment that was, after 2000 years. The soldiers and Rabbi Goren raced to the Western Wall, blowing shofars all the way, with tape recorders in their hands. Then there was the iconic picture of those 3 soldiers looking up at the Wall. Even secular Moshe Dayan said, ""This is the Lord's doing. It is wondrous in our eyes." BTW, the narrow alleyways ran red with the blood of Jewish soldiers, who crawled on their bellies, trying not to damage any of the holy sites. Do you think after all that, after the miracle, we would just give up Jerusalem? Is nothing sacred in this world anymore?
It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!
Land is not a purse, it cannot be stolen.

That is right. Jerusalem was won after Jordan kept bombarding West Jerusalem in 1967. What a special moment that was, after 2000 years. The soldiers and Rabbi Goren raced to the Western Wall, blowing shofars all the way, with tape recorders in their hands. Then there was the iconic picture of those 3 soldiers looking up at the Wall. Even secular Moshe Dayan said, ""This is the Lord's doing. It is wondrous in our eyes." BTW, the narrow alleyways ran red with the blood of Jewish soldiers, who crawled on their bellies, trying not to damage any of the holy sites. Do you think after all that, after the miracle, we would just give up Jerusalem? Is nothing sacred in this world anymore?

Taking land by force and keeping it is illegal under international law... That is 'stealing'!

You can dress it up as you wish, does not make it right!
It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!
Land is not a purse, it cannot be stolen.

That is right. Jerusalem was won after Jordan kept bombarding West Jerusalem in 1967. What a special moment that was, after 2000 years. The soldiers and Rabbi Goren raced to the Western Wall, blowing shofars all the way, with tape recorders in their hands. Then there was the iconic picture of those 3 soldiers looking up at the Wall. Even secular Moshe Dayan said, ""This is the Lord's doing. It is wondrous in our eyes." BTW, the narrow alleyways ran red with the blood of Jewish soldiers, who crawled on their bellies, trying not to damage any of the holy sites. Do you think after all that, after the miracle, we would just give up Jerusalem? Is nothing sacred in this world anymore?

Taking land by force and keeping it is illegal under international law... That is 'stealing'!

You can dress it up as you wish, does not make it right!

OK, are you making the same fuss about California, New Mexico, and Arizona? And again, it was in response to the bombardment of West Jerusalem by the Jordanians.
It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!
Land is not a purse, it cannot be stolen.

That is right. Jerusalem was won after Jordan kept bombarding West Jerusalem in 1967. What a special moment that was, after 2000 years. The soldiers and Rabbi Goren raced to the Western Wall, blowing shofars all the way, with tape recorders in their hands. Then there was the iconic picture of those 3 soldiers looking up at the Wall. Even secular Moshe Dayan said, ""This is the Lord's doing. It is wondrous in our eyes." BTW, the narrow alleyways ran red with the blood of Jewish soldiers, who crawled on their bellies, trying not to damage any of the holy sites. Do you think after all that, after the miracle, we would just give up Jerusalem? Is nothing sacred in this world anymore?

Taking land by force and keeping it is illegal under international law... That is 'stealing'!

You can dress it up as you wish, does not make it right!

OK, are you making the same fuss about California, New Mexico, and Arizona? And again, it was in response to the bombardment of West Jerusalem by the Jordanians.

But that's OK, you don't claim to be Jewish like abi. I don't expect you to understand.
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It is said that when Napolean saw the Jews fasting and praying for Jerusalem in the 1800's, he said, "Any ppl that is still yearning for a city after 2,000 years, will one day regain that city."
It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!
Land is not a purse, it cannot be stolen.

That is right. Jerusalem was won after Jordan kept bombarding West Jerusalem in 1967. What a special moment that was, after 2000 years. The soldiers and Rabbi Goren raced to the Western Wall, blowing shofars all the way, with tape recorders in their hands. Then there was the iconic picture of those 3 soldiers looking up at the Wall. Even secular Moshe Dayan said, ""This is the Lord's doing. It is wondrous in our eyes." BTW, the narrow alleyways ran red with the blood of Jewish soldiers, who crawled on their bellies, trying not to damage any of the holy sites. Do you think after all that, after the miracle, we would just give up Jerusalem? Is nothing sacred in this world anymore?

Taking land by force and keeping it is illegal under international law... That is 'stealing'!

You can dress it up as you wish, does not make it right!

OK, are you making the same fuss about California, New Mexico, and Arizona? And again, it was in response to the bombardment of West Jerusalem by the Jordanians.

Sure, give California, New Mexico and Arizona back!

However, we are talking about different times... But I have NO issues Mexico taking back those 3 states. It is better that the are given back BEFORE 'Trump Wall' is started... Be a shame to waste all that concrete to then have to rip it down and move it!
It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!
Land is not a purse, it cannot be stolen.

But it can be...

You see, it I decide to take my neighbours land then that is... Stealing!
merriam-webster definition:
to take and carry away (something that belongs to another person) without permission and with the intention of keeping

Can you carry away the land of your neighbors? :cool-45:

Anyway, find any appropriate international criminal case.
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To the victor go the spoils

Are you still living in medieval times?

You of course are aware that there is no such thing these days? It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!

It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!

Exactly! Which is why Germany is the same size today as it was in 1912......What?
It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!
Land is not a purse, it cannot be stolen.

But it can be...

You see, it I decide to take my neighbours land then that is... Stealing!
merriam-webster definition:
to take and carry away (something that belongs to another person) without permission and with the intention of keeping

Can you carry away the land of your neighbors? :cool-45:

Anyway, find any appropriate international criminal case.

Hahaha, oh dear...

Well, I live in a country where land can be and has been stolen...

If you prefer illegal occupation then I don't mind!
To the victor go the spoils

Are you still living in medieval times?

You of course are aware that there is no such thing these days? It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!

It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!

Exactly! Which is why Germany is the same size today as it was in 1912......What?

Oh the foolishness if illogical argument....
To the victor go the spoils

Are you still living in medieval times?

You of course are aware that there is no such thing these days? It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!

It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!

Exactly! Which is why Germany is the same size today as it was in 1912......What?

Oh the foolishness if illogical argument....

It's true, losing countries never lose territory. DERP!
To the victor go the spoils

Are you still living in medieval times?

You of course are aware that there is no such thing these days? It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!

It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!

Exactly! Which is why Germany is the same size today as it was in 1912......What?

Oh the foolishness if illogical argument....

It's true, losing countries never lose territory. DERP!

I guess it just depends on the argument of 'We were here first', with no limit of millennia!
It is illegal for any country to retain land stolen through war!
Land is not a purse, it cannot be stolen.

But it can be...

You see, it I decide to take my neighbours land then that is... Stealing!
merriam-webster definition:
to take and carry away (something that belongs to another person) without permission and with the intention of keeping

Can you carry away the land of your neighbors? :cool-45:

Anyway, find any appropriate international criminal case.

Hahaha, oh dear...

Well, I live in a country where land can be and has been stolen...

If you prefer illegal occupation then I don't mind!
Nope, it is very important for you. That's why you prefer such wording.
And you comfortably ignored my request.
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If anyone "stole" any land, it was the Jordanians who destroyed and razed the Jewish Quarter of the Old City in 1948. Thank G-d that the city was recovered in 1967, and the Jewish Quarter rebuilt after that.
But it can be...

You see, it I decide to take my neighbours land then that is... Stealing!

The current conflict is an internal, civil conflict between two competing ethnic groups for possession of territory within a set of established international boundaries (short version: Syria to the north, Jordan to the east and Egypt to the south). There has never been a permanent, international, boundary within this territory dividing land that is under the sovereignty of Israel and land which is under the sovereignty of Palestine. ALL legal documents regarding the two-State solution (a solution you and I generally agree upon) demand that the final border between these two nations be negotiated between them. Therefore, neither side holds legal sovereignty (ownership) of the territory and neither can be stealing from the other. It is not possible to steal something whose ownership is in dispute.

Now, I THINK when you say that Israel is "stealing land" or "taking my neighbors land" you are using the Green Line as your basis for determining sovereignty (ownership) by each party. Therefore, you are claiming that any territory on the eastern side of the Green Line belongs to "Arab Palestine". This is a false premise. The Green Line is the 1949 Armistice Line between Israel and Jordan. Not Israel and Arab Palestine. Jordan. Why is there an Armistice Line between Israel and Jordan? Because Jordan crossed her international boundaries, using military force, and attempted to establish sovereignty over territory which was not hers. Remember that whole thing about it not being legal to steal land from other sovereigns through use of force or war? Oops.

Jordan, eventually, removed her military and government forces, abandoned that territory, renounced all claims to it and made a peace treaty with Israel. What does that do to an Armistice Line? It makes it disappear. There is no Green Line. It no longer exists for any purpose because the purpose was simply to pause the conflict between Israel and Jordan.

To claim that that land is now "Arab Palestine" is simply not correct. While the expectation is that the Green Line will serve as a basis for negotiations -- the Green Line itself represents nothing legal with respect to the internal, civil conflict between Israel and the Arab Palestinians who are seeking their own sovereignty. The solution to this internal conflict, as has been the solution to all such internal conflicts, is the division of territory and the establishment of borders through negotiation and treaty.

Therefore, to say that Israel is "stealing someone else's land" is legally false. It is not helpful because it paints the one side as "bad" and puts the onus on the one party to "correct its behaviour". It would be much more fair to claim that the territory is disputed. The only way to solve a dispute is to negotiate a solution between the parties. This makes BOTH parties responsible for the outcome, rather than only the demonized one.
Ben-Gurion announced independence for the zionist regime in Palestine in 1948. He and his cronies were from an other continent entirely. I am not sure there is a better word than "stealing" here.
Ben-Gurion announced independence for the zionist regime in Palestine in 1948. He and his cronies were from an other continent entirely. I am not sure there is a better word than "stealing" here.

Most of us are descended from ppl from another continent. My parents were refugees from Poland to America, after WW2. Many Palestinian Arabs were there no more than a generation or two. Arab immigrants streamed into Palestine, after the Zionist enterprise made living there more lucrative.

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