'State-sanctioned kidnapping': California bill would give therapists power to take children over 12 from parents 'without accusation, evidence ...

I don't want someone else's kid, stupid.

But I REALLY do think there are times the government needs to get kids out of bad home situations, such as abuse, neglect, etc.

Don't you? Or are you just living in horror that some Christian Crazies can't send their kids off to Jesus Camp when they start singing show tunes.
Yet you’re all for people having their kids taken if they don’t conform to your bullshit. Yet of course you don’t have the guts to do so yourself. Sorry asshole, just because people don’t agree with the gay lifestyle doesn’t mean you get to take their kids. But please try it.
Lots of tough talk, but nobody will fight back. Those who do will be in body bags or spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Socialism matches on. Get used to it
You are a disgusting POS. You should go try to take somebody’s child. You really should. The beating you’d get would be legendary.
I'm kind of a tit for tat guy.

You take my kid, I take two of yours.

Kinda thing.

'Course you'll never get to mine, but IF you did, that's what might happen.
Stay away from schools if you feel threatened by Christian kids, or your preferred pronouns will be Was/Were

Quite the contrary, keep your dogma out of the schools... That way those kids won't be as disappointed when they find there isn't a fairy in the sky.
The loony left fascists/Marxists (different sides of the same coin), at work.

'State-sanctioned kidnapping': California bill would give therapists power to take children over 12 from parents 'without accusation, evidence, or trial'

A California Democrat has proposed a bill that would allow a mental health professional to place a child as young as 12 in a residential shelter facility without parental knowledge or consent and without there being any prior allegations of incest or child abuse.​
The stated purpose of AB 665, introduced by Assembly Member Wendy Carrillo, is to bring two existing laws into alignment. Currently children age 12 and over are able to consent to receiving mental health treatment or counseling services but cannot consent to being placed into a residential shelter facility unless deemed either a risk to themselves or others, or in cases where the minor is an alleged victim of incest or child abuse. AB 665 seeks to remove these caveats.​
The bill is strongly opposed by Our Duty, an international group of parents of children who are, or were, gender-questioning, who believe the law would amount to “state-sanctioned kidnapping.”​
According to Erin Friday, co-lead of Our Duty, the bill will give counselors unfettered control over children age 12 and above. In a letter to the state assembly, Friday gives the example of a hypothetical 6th grader who informs her school counselor that she is a “trans boy.” Friday argues that if AB 665 were to be enacted, that child may not come home from school that day but could instead be sent to an “LGBTQ housing facility.”​
“The parents will have no idea what happened to their child,” writes Friday. “Imagine their fear and anxiety. These parents are criminalized without an accusation, evidence or trial.”​
AB 665 states that a “shocking 78 percent of LGBTQ+ youth who were surveyed shared they had considered suicide,” and most had done so in the last year, and that nearly one-third had made an attempt in the past year.​
The bill goes on to state that LGBTQ+ youth experience depression and anxiety, as well as other negative outcomes, due to rejection from parents, harassment in school, and the “overall LGBTQ negativity present in society.”​
Many so-called gender-affirming therapists believe that non-affirming parents are a danger to their children, while at the same time holding the belief that experimental sex change interventions, such as puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, are “life-saving” care. Bill AB665 would give such therapists the power to send a gender-confused child to a residential shelter facility.​
Dr. Riitta Kaltiala, chief psychiatrist at Finland's Tampere U gender clinic, recently said the transition-or-suicide narrative is "purposeful disinformation, the dissemination of which is irresponsible."

california is a shithole
And so would gun stores that deny service to customers that look a certain way.

Not really. There isn't a "orange haired freak who thinks he's the joker" exemption.

In fact, stores make those kinds of determinations all the time... as they should. If they see Beavis and Butthead want to buy CO2 cartridges to get high, they can refuse to sell them, and they should.

Now, back on ignore you go, WetFart.
Not really. There isn't a "orange haired freak who thinks he's the joker" exemption.

In fact, stores make those kinds of determinations all the time... as they should. If they see Beavis and Butthead want to buy CO2 cartridges to get high, they can refuse to sell them, and they should.

Now, back on ignore you go, WetFart.
How droll. You actually attempt to defend your stance that a baker must be compelled to bake a cake for a homosexual couple that demands one for their wedding but a racist minimum wage gun store clerk is allowed to deny service to Jerome because he thinks Jerome looks like he's going to kill someone.

I hope you realize that putting me on ignore just allows me to make all sorts of statements about your stances and beliefs that go completely unchallenged by yourself.
No, but it does mean you have to provide the services you offered.

Sorry, I like my government a little more proactive, thanks. Close the barn door before the horses get out.

Actually, it's EXACTLY the same. Bigots trying to keep people down.

If Philips and Klein don't want to make cakes for gay people, they shouldn't be running bakeries.

Sweet evil Jesus, that you can't see the irony in that statement is hilarious.

No, I will never be as miserable as you obviously are.

All or nothing for something as trivial as a wedding cake people can get somewhere else is fucking retarded, and not how this country is supposed to work.

PA laws were designed for actual PA's, and for systemic discrimination, not something as trivial as the butthurt of a gay couple.

No Irony, because I'm not the one wanting to use government to punish people I disagree with.
All or nothing for something as trivial as a wedding cake people can get somewhere else is fucking retarded, and not how this country is supposed to work.

How is a wedding cake "Trivial"? as someone who is currently planning a wedding, I can tell you, that getting every detail right and the emotional commitment involved, a wedding cake is probably a lot more important than having the change seats on a bus. And to go into a store in good faith and be openly disrespected by the business owners is quite a lot.

PA laws were designed for actual PA's, and for systemic discrimination, not something as trivial as the butthurt of a gay couple.

By Butthurt, you mean, "Getting treated the same way that straight people take for granted". Yes, how dare they!

No Irony, because I'm not the one wanting to use government to punish people I disagree with.

No, you want government to protect privilege.

I am here to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
How is a wedding cake "Trivial"? as someone who is currently planning a wedding, I can tell you, that getting every detail right and the emotional commitment involved, a wedding cake is probably a lot more important than having the change seats on a bus. And to go into a store in good faith and be openly disrespected by the business owners is quite a lot.
Yet Laquisha getting turned down for a gun because a minimum wage racist gun store clerk thinks she look like she gonna kill somebody, well that don't matter.
Yet Laquisha getting turned down for a gun because a minimum wage racist gun store clerk thinks she look like she gonna kill somebody, well that don't matter.

Not really, guns are dangerous. There SHOULD be heightened scrutiny. If you could kill someone with a wedding cake, you might have a point, Wet Fart.
Not really, guns are dangerous. There SHOULD be heightened scrutiny. If you could kill someone with a wedding cake, you might have a point, Wet Fart.
Sorry, PA laws don't make that distinction. That racist minimum wage clerk can't deny black customers access to guns just because he thinks they look like they're going to kill someone.
The loony left fascists/Marxists (different sides of the same coin), at work.

'State-sanctioned kidnapping': California bill would give therapists power to take children over 12 from parents 'without accusation, evidence, or trial'

A California Democrat has proposed a bill that would allow a mental health professional to place a child as young as 12 in a residential shelter facility without parental knowledge or consent and without there being any prior allegations of incest or child abuse.​
The stated purpose of AB 665, introduced by Assembly Member Wendy Carrillo, is to bring two existing laws into alignment. Currently children age 12 and over are able to consent to receiving mental health treatment or counseling services but cannot consent to being placed into a residential shelter facility unless deemed either a risk to themselves or others, or in cases where the minor is an alleged victim of incest or child abuse. AB 665 seeks to remove these caveats.​
The bill is strongly opposed by Our Duty, an international group of parents of children who are, or were, gender-questioning, who believe the law would amount to “state-sanctioned kidnapping.”​
According to Erin Friday, co-lead of Our Duty, the bill will give counselors unfettered control over children age 12 and above. In a letter to the state assembly, Friday gives the example of a hypothetical 6th grader who informs her school counselor that she is a “trans boy.” Friday argues that if AB 665 were to be enacted, that child may not come home from school that day but could instead be sent to an “LGBTQ housing facility.”​
“The parents will have no idea what happened to their child,” writes Friday. “Imagine their fear and anxiety. These parents are criminalized without an accusation, evidence or trial.”​
AB 665 states that a “shocking 78 percent of LGBTQ+ youth who were surveyed shared they had considered suicide,” and most had done so in the last year, and that nearly one-third had made an attempt in the past year.​
The bill goes on to state that LGBTQ+ youth experience depression and anxiety, as well as other negative outcomes, due to rejection from parents, harassment in school, and the “overall LGBTQ negativity present in society.”​
Many so-called gender-affirming therapists believe that non-affirming parents are a danger to their children, while at the same time holding the belief that experimental sex change interventions, such as puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, are “life-saving” care. Bill AB665 would give such therapists the power to send a gender-confused child to a residential shelter facility.​
Dr. Riitta Kaltiala, chief psychiatrist at Finland's Tampere U gender clinic, recently said the transition-or-suicide narrative is "purposeful disinformation, the dissemination of which is irresponsible."

I'm sure glad I moved from that asylum known as Kalifornia in the late 90s. It was nuts then, but is in full schizophrenic mode now. "Wokeism" is the result of years of LSD use combined with pure insanity combined with low IQ. A perfect storm of unbridled psychosis.
How is a wedding cake "Trivial"? as someone who is currently planning a wedding, I can tell you, that getting every detail right and the emotional commitment involved, a wedding cake is probably a lot more important than having the change seats on a bus. And to go into a store in good faith and be openly disrespected by the business owners is quite a lot.

By Butthurt, you mean, "Getting treated the same way that straight people take for granted". Yes, how dare they!

No, you want government to protect privilege.

I am here to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

It's a contracted service they can easily get somewhere else.

And the bus thing was far worse because it was systemic.

While trashing a person's right to free exercise via government fiat. That's the real crime, not having to go to another baker or photographer.

No, you are here to fuck over any religious person you get a chance to fuck over, and worse, you let government do your dirty work for you.

Miserable old fuck.
I wasn't aware of any of my relatives being involved in such things, But I am sure you are checking the German Databases as we speak, StalkerBob.

I did have an Great Uncle who was a small town magistrate, but it was ruled that he was not an active Nazi. His son died in the war. My dad served on the American side, and was present for Normandy, the Bulge and the liberation of Nordhausen.

Nope, doesn't apply to businesses or provide an exemption to other laws.

Just like I am for a child being removed from any unhealthy environment. Could you imagine a gay person having a homophobic parent. That would be messed up, yo.

Or would you rather have them run away at 15 and live on the streets?

Quick question for you Joey.

If Straight kids and gay kids are born that way and they figure it out all by themselves, why don’t you want to let trans kids do the same?
Why do you insist teachers tell them what they are?
Quick question for you Joey.

If Straight kids and gay kids are born that way and they figure it out all by themselves, why don’t you want to let trans kids do the same?
Why do you insist teachers tell them what they are?
And, of course, we haven't even discussed what happens when a straight man transitions to a woman and still likes women. At that point, one of two things is true:

1. He was a straight man and is now a lesbian woman. We have been told for decades now that you cannot switch from straight to gay, so there's a problem.
2. He is NOT in fact a real, complete woman, and there's a problem.

Or a gay man transitions to a woman and still likes men. Same situation, except now he's supposedly a straight woman and has switched from gay to straight, or is not a real woman at all, but just pretending.

Also, if we are now demanding that societal norms do not dictate what a woman/man is and how they look, why do men transition to women and then try to meet society's definition of what a woman looks like? And the same for women who pretend they are men?

Finally, if a man can actually become a woman, why does he need the label "trans" appended to himself and why does he need to tell people he used to be a man? I don't need a "cis" label appended to my definition, I'm a man, full stop, and all the women I know are women, full stop, with no labels. Why can't he just say, "I am a woman" while looking like a man? It wouldn't be because he needs society to affirm what he thinks he is and if he didn't make himself look feminine, society would just look at him strange, would it be?
It's a contracted service they can easily get somewhere else.

And the seats on the back of the bus are just as good as the seats at the front of the bus.

The colored Water fountain dispenses H2O just like the White Water fountain.

And the bus thing was far worse because it was systemic.
So is homophobic discrimination. I've known gay people who have been beaten up for being gay. I've known gay people who lost jobs they held for years when it was found out they were gay.

Having to bake a cake for money... just doesn't seem that bad!

While trashing a person's right to free exercise via government fiat. That's the real crime, not having to go to another baker or photographer.

You have a right to free exercise. Your business does not. Your business has to comply with the laws of commerce.

No, you are here to fuck over any religious person you get a chance to fuck over, and worse, you let government do your dirty work for you.


If Straight kids and gay kids are born that way and they figure it out all by themselves, why don’t you want to let trans kids do the same?
Why do you insist teachers tell them what they are?

Because the Straight kids have a whole support system of other straight people in their families, churches and yes, Schools.
Gay and Trans kids, not so much.
We train teachers to deal with differentiated learners, they should also be trained to deal with differentiated lifestyles.

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