State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple

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Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Oregon Bakers

Nope no harm done to you if you disagree with homosexuality and won't bend to their will. None at all. Just lose your business,money,freedom,house,cars etc etc etc. Great thing about the internet is it NEVER loses its memory so when time comes it will be fairly simple to find the scum who destroyed this nation and get revenge.
When u start a business there are laws that business must follow .

Maybe I'd be ok if they just ignored food safety rules too?
And religious rights come WAY ahead of some homosexual whining over a cake. Go get someone else to make a cake. EVERY business I have been into has a sign that says we reserve the right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. This is an attack by homosexuals on the rights of religious people. Simple as that.
This is personally devastating for the Kleins, but the amount of backlash this will cause is priceless.
That's when you sell whatever you have, donate the money to charity then let the Government TRY to get money from you.
Gee, refusing to pay didn't work? What a shock. Thought for sure the State was just gonna give up and forget about it. ;)
worked for bundy
Worked for Sharpton and Soros, too...
really? how so?
Sharpton lost a lawsuit in the Brawley case that he never paid, and they both owe income taxes they won't pony up on (Sharpton - $4.5 million, Soros - almost $7 BILLION)...

And nothing was ever done about it...

Guess it doesn't hurt to have the criminal in the White House for a buddy, huh???
That's when you sell whatever you have, donate the money to charity then let the Government TRY to get money from you.
and live in poverty the rest of your life... sounds like a well thought out plan.
Like you care.
i don't. if those dumbasses want to live in poverty the rest of their lives to prove a point they are welcome to do so. if they think never having a job or owning property again is worth it then they are welcome to their meaningless existence.
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