State Takes Legal Action to Seize $135K From Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbian Couple

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We are a nation made up of mostly progressives, that are situational with their votes.
In other words... No backbone needed.

Hashtag spineless
So you think that being a nation of progressives is a bad thing?
Yes. The Constitution is being twisted and tortured by the activists on the left.
The Constitution was written by the Progressives of their time...I'm sure the Conservatives of that time felt as you do.
I don't think the word "progressive" means what you think it does.
  1. 1.
    happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step.
    "a progressive decline in popularity"
    synonyms: continuing, continuous, increasing, growing, developing, ongoing,accelerating, escalating; More

  2. 2.
    (of a group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    "a relatively progressive governor"

  1. 1.
    a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    synonyms: innovator, reformer, reformist, liberal, libertarian
    "he is very much a progressive"
  2. 2.
    a progressive tense or aspect.
    "the present progressive"
Either definition #2 or #3 will do.
Simplified... Voting on situational anything, like Situational morality.

Hashtag spineless
You have a problem with American citizens using the legal system if our rights have been violated? Or just "certain" American citizens? If it had been frivolous, the courts would have ruled against the couple, wouldn't they?
I have a problem with a few activist corrupt lawyers using "rights" to shakedown Christians who exercise their first amendment rights.

You have a problem with Public Accommodation laws? Have you had this problem since 1964 or just when they started protecting icky gays AS WELL as Christians?
Hell, I don't care if someone wants to marry a fence post, just don't expect me to respect to union.

Hashtag thought police

If you own a business in a locality with PA laws that also protect gays, you will "respect the union" and provide the service you advertise, however.
Your corrupt PA laws do not force me to serve you in violation of my conscience. Kinda like exemption from the draft as a conscientious objector. There are laws being passed by startes to exempt Christian businesses from your government tyranny. Ha ha. think the Oregon PA law was corrupt when it ruled FOR and awarded over $300,000 to a Christian woman who was discriminated against based on her religion by her employer? It is the same law used in the cake baking case....AND it was cited as a precedent in the cake baking case. (You would know that if you were really watching that case closely)
Yep...and I acquiesce to the Constitutional lawyers and judges because I know their expertise in the field of Constitutional law is greater than, I actually take the time to read the court decisions which have to explain the Constitutional basis for their decisions. Do you?
Oh, yes. I read and study every day. There are constitutional lawyers and there are corrupt activist lawyers. There are many different opinions on law in the United States. Aren't you aware of that?
I agree that there are corrupt activist lawyers...but let us remember that they have to win court cases...and in the case of the Oregon cake bakers, they've lost every single time. Every. Single. Time. And the same applies to the cake baking case in Colorado. Every. Single. Time. Might be time to buy a clue there.
That just confirms my opinion that our legal system is about as corrupt as the rest of government.
And again...what Constitutional interpretation do you base that confirmation on....besides a court ruling in a way you disagree with?
Chief Justice Roberts opinion of the same-sex marriage decision. Have you read it?
Yep...and I've read Justice Scalia's opinion too.
So you think that being a nation of progressives is a bad thing?
Yes. The Constitution is being twisted and tortured by the activists on the left.
The Constitution was written by the Progressives of their time...I'm sure the Conservatives of that time felt as you do.
I don't think the word "progressive" means what you think it does.
  1. 1.
    happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step.
    "a progressive decline in popularity"
    synonyms: continuing, continuous, increasing, growing, developing, ongoing,accelerating, escalating; More

  2. 2.
    (of a group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    "a relatively progressive governor"
  1. 1.
    a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    synonyms: innovator, reformer, reformist, liberal, libertarian
    "he is very much a progressive"
  2. 2.
    a progressive tense or aspect.
    "the present progressive"
Either definition #2 or #3 will do.
Simplified... Voting on situational anything, like Situational morality.

Hashtag spineless
Define "situational morality".
I have a problem with a few activist corrupt lawyers using "rights" to shakedown Christians who exercise their first amendment rights.

You have a problem with Public Accommodation laws? Have you had this problem since 1964 or just when they started protecting icky gays AS WELL as Christians?
Hell, I don't care if someone wants to marry a fence post, just don't expect me to respect to union.

Hashtag thought police

If you own a business in a locality with PA laws that also protect gays, you will "respect the union" and provide the service you advertise, however.
Your corrupt PA laws do not force me to serve you in violation of my conscience. Kinda like exemption from the draft as a conscientious objector. There are laws being passed by startes to exempt Christian businesses from your government tyranny. Ha ha. think the Oregon PA law was corrupt when it ruled FOR and awarded over $300,000 to a Christian woman who was discriminated against based on her religion by her employer? It is the same law used in the cake baking case....AND it was cited as a precedent in the cake baking case. (You would know that if you were really watching that case closely)
Oh, yes. Totally corrupt. The AG and judge are leftist activist lawyers.
Yep...and I acquiesce to the Constitutional lawyers and judges because I know their expertise in the field of Constitutional law is greater than, I actually take the time to read the court decisions which have to explain the Constitutional basis for their decisions. Do you?
Oh, yes. I read and study every day. There are constitutional lawyers and there are corrupt activist lawyers. There are many different opinions on law in the United States. Aren't you aware of that?
I agree that there are corrupt activist lawyers...but let us remember that they have to win court cases...and in the case of the Oregon cake bakers, they've lost every single time. Every. Single. Time. And the same applies to the cake baking case in Colorado. Every. Single. Time. Might be time to buy a clue there.
That just confirms my opinion that our legal system is about as corrupt as the rest of government.
And again...what Constitutional interpretation do you base that confirmation on....besides a court ruling in a way you disagree with?
Chief Justice Roberts opinion of the same-sex marriage decision. Have you read it?
Obama and his puppet master lobbyists got to the poor sap.

Hashtag federal judge buying
You have a problem with American citizens using the legal system if our rights have been violated? Or just "certain" American citizens? If it had been frivolous, the courts would have ruled against the couple, wouldn't they?
I have a problem with a few activist corrupt lawyers using "rights" to shakedown Christians who exercise their first amendment rights.

You have a problem with Public Accommodation laws? Have you had this problem since 1964 or just when they started protecting icky gays AS WELL as Christians?
Hell, I don't care if someone wants to marry a fence post, just don't expect me to respect to union.

Hashtag thought police

If you own a business in a locality with PA laws that also protect gays, you will "respect the union" and provide the service you advertise, however.
Your corrupt PA laws do not force me to serve you in violation of my conscience. Kinda like exemption from the draft as a conscientious objector. There are laws being passed by states to exempt Christian businesses from your government tyranny. Ha ha.
You realize that someone who declares CO status has to jump thru a great deal of legal hoops to PROVE they are sincere in their belief? And even then, they may get it turned down...and even then if it's approved they have to serve in some capacity?
Oh, yes. I read and study every day. There are constitutional lawyers and there are corrupt activist lawyers. There are many different opinions on law in the United States. Aren't you aware of that?
I agree that there are corrupt activist lawyers...but let us remember that they have to win court cases...and in the case of the Oregon cake bakers, they've lost every single time. Every. Single. Time. And the same applies to the cake baking case in Colorado. Every. Single. Time. Might be time to buy a clue there.
That just confirms my opinion that our legal system is about as corrupt as the rest of government.
And again...what Constitutional interpretation do you base that confirmation on....besides a court ruling in a way you disagree with?
Chief Justice Roberts opinion of the same-sex marriage decision. Have you read it?
Yep...and I've read Justice Scalia's opinion too.
What's your opinion of Chief Justice Roberts opinion of the same-sex marriage decision?
I have a problem with a few activist corrupt lawyers using "rights" to shakedown Christians who exercise their first amendment rights.

You have a problem with Public Accommodation laws? Have you had this problem since 1964 or just when they started protecting icky gays AS WELL as Christians?
Hell, I don't care if someone wants to marry a fence post, just don't expect me to respect to union.

Hashtag thought police

If you own a business in a locality with PA laws that also protect gays, you will "respect the union" and provide the service you advertise, however.
Your corrupt PA laws do not force me to serve you in violation of my conscience. Kinda like exemption from the draft as a conscientious objector. There are laws being passed by states to exempt Christian businesses from your government tyranny. Ha ha.
You realize that someone who declares CO status has to jump thru a great deal of legal hoops to PROVE they are sincere in their belief? And even then, they may get it turned down...and even then if it's approved they have to serve in some capacity?
Yes, I'm aware of that. You're very smart. I'm going to award you with a cyber gold star.
Yes. The Constitution is being twisted and tortured by the activists on the left.
The Constitution was written by the Progressives of their time...I'm sure the Conservatives of that time felt as you do.
I don't think the word "progressive" means what you think it does.
  1. 1.
    happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step.
    "a progressive decline in popularity"
    synonyms: continuing, continuous, increasing, growing, developing, ongoing,accelerating, escalating; More

  2. 2.
    (of a group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    "a relatively progressive governor"
  1. 1.
    a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    synonyms: innovator, reformer, reformist, liberal, libertarian
    "he is very much a progressive"
  2. 2.
    a progressive tense or aspect.
    "the present progressive"
Either definition #2 or #3 will do.
Simplified... Voting on situational anything, like Situational morality.

Hashtag spineless
Define "situational morality".
Pretty obvious, just as it sounds.
You have a problem with Public Accommodation laws? Have you had this problem since 1964 or just when they started protecting icky gays AS WELL as Christians?
Hell, I don't care if someone wants to marry a fence post, just don't expect me to respect to union.

Hashtag thought police

If you own a business in a locality with PA laws that also protect gays, you will "respect the union" and provide the service you advertise, however.
Your corrupt PA laws do not force me to serve you in violation of my conscience. Kinda like exemption from the draft as a conscientious objector. There are laws being passed by startes to exempt Christian businesses from your government tyranny. Ha ha. think the Oregon PA law was corrupt when it ruled FOR and awarded over $300,000 to a Christian woman who was discriminated against based on her religion by her employer? It is the same law used in the cake baking case....AND it was cited as a precedent in the cake baking case. (You would know that if you were really watching that case closely)
Oh, yes. Totally corrupt. The AG and judge are leftist activist lawyers.
What do you base that on beyond you not liking their legal decisions? Where is the corruption?
The Constitution was written by the Progressives of their time...I'm sure the Conservatives of that time felt as you do.
I don't think the word "progressive" means what you think it does.
  1. 1.
    happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step.
    "a progressive decline in popularity"
    synonyms: continuing, continuous, increasing, growing, developing, ongoing,accelerating, escalating; More
  2. 2.
    (of a group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    "a relatively progressive governor"
  1. 1.
    a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    synonyms: innovator, reformer, reformist, liberal, libertarian
    "he is very much a progressive"
  2. 2.
    a progressive tense or aspect.
    "the present progressive"
Either definition #2 or #3 will do.
Simplified... Voting on situational anything, like Situational morality.

Hashtag spineless
Define "situational morality".
Pretty obvious, just as it sounds.
Morality can be situational at in point, owning slaves used to be it isn't. Killing can be moral depending on the situation. But a good rule of thumb for morality is the Golden Rule....don't do something to someone else if you wouldn't want it done to you. That covers just about everything and can be found in all religions and philosophies throughout history.

So....what is your beef with "situational morality"?
Hell, I don't care if someone wants to marry a fence post, just don't expect me to respect to union.

Hashtag thought police

If you own a business in a locality with PA laws that also protect gays, you will "respect the union" and provide the service you advertise, however.
Your corrupt PA laws do not force me to serve you in violation of my conscience. Kinda like exemption from the draft as a conscientious objector. There are laws being passed by startes to exempt Christian businesses from your government tyranny. Ha ha. think the Oregon PA law was corrupt when it ruled FOR and awarded over $300,000 to a Christian woman who was discriminated against based on her religion by her employer? It is the same law used in the cake baking case....AND it was cited as a precedent in the cake baking case. (You would know that if you were really watching that case closely)
Oh, yes. Totally corrupt. The AG and judge are leftist activist lawyers.
What do you base that on beyond you not liking their legal decisions? Where is the corruption?
Their corruption is using government in a tyrannical manner on citizens by ignoring their first amendment right and excessive fines for harming no one.
I don't think the word "progressive" means what you think it does.
  1. 1.
    happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step.
    "a progressive decline in popularity"
    synonyms: continuing, continuous, increasing, growing, developing, ongoing,accelerating, escalating; More
  2. 2.
    (of a group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    "a relatively progressive governor"
  1. 1.
    a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    synonyms: innovator, reformer, reformist, liberal, libertarian
    "he is very much a progressive"
  2. 2.
    a progressive tense or aspect.
    "the present progressive"
Either definition #2 or #3 will do.
Simplified... Voting on situational anything, like Situational morality.

Hashtag spineless
Define "situational morality".
Pretty obvious, just as it sounds.
Morality can be situational at in point, owning slaves used to be it isn't. Killing can be moral depending on the situation. But a good rule of thumb for morality is the Golden Rule....don't do something to someone else if you wouldn't want it done to you. That covers just about everything and can be found in all religions and philosophies throughout history.

So....what is your beef with "situational morality"?
Do you support abortion "rights"?
If you own a business in a locality with PA laws that also protect gays, you will "respect the union" and provide the service you advertise, however.
Your corrupt PA laws do not force me to serve you in violation of my conscience. Kinda like exemption from the draft as a conscientious objector. There are laws being passed by startes to exempt Christian businesses from your government tyranny. Ha ha. think the Oregon PA law was corrupt when it ruled FOR and awarded over $300,000 to a Christian woman who was discriminated against based on her religion by her employer? It is the same law used in the cake baking case....AND it was cited as a precedent in the cake baking case. (You would know that if you were really watching that case closely)
Oh, yes. Totally corrupt. The AG and judge are leftist activist lawyers.
What do you base that on beyond you not liking their legal decisions? Where is the corruption?
Their corruption is using government in a tyrannical manner on citizens by ignoring their first amendment right and excessive fines for harming no one.
What first amendment right was ignored? And what excessive fine? The cake bakers were given only HALF the fine levied on the Dentist who discriminated against his Christian employee in the same state. Where was your complaint about "excessive fines" in that case? You must have heard about was used as a precedent in the baking case...the case you claim to know all about.
Either definition #2 or #3 will do.
Simplified... Voting on situational anything, like Situational morality.

Hashtag spineless
Define "situational morality".
Pretty obvious, just as it sounds.
Morality can be situational at in point, owning slaves used to be it isn't. Killing can be moral depending on the situation. But a good rule of thumb for morality is the Golden Rule....don't do something to someone else if you wouldn't want it done to you. That covers just about everything and can be found in all religions and philosophies throughout history.

So....what is your beef with "situational morality"?
Do you support abortion "rights"?
I believe that a woman's body is her's to decide until a fetus becomes viable. I myself find abortion to be something we need to end legally thru birth control and educational options. The day a woman doesn't need to look to abortion as an option will be a happy day in my opinion....just like the day we no longer resort to war to solve problems will be a happy day. Is it likely........?
Your corrupt PA laws do not force me to serve you in violation of my conscience. Kinda like exemption from the draft as a conscientious objector. There are laws being passed by startes to exempt Christian businesses from your government tyranny. Ha ha. think the Oregon PA law was corrupt when it ruled FOR and awarded over $300,000 to a Christian woman who was discriminated against based on her religion by her employer? It is the same law used in the cake baking case....AND it was cited as a precedent in the cake baking case. (You would know that if you were really watching that case closely)
Oh, yes. Totally corrupt. The AG and judge are leftist activist lawyers.
What do you base that on beyond you not liking their legal decisions? Where is the corruption?
Their corruption is using government in a tyrannical manner on citizens by ignoring their first amendment right and excessive fines for harming no one.
What first amendment right was ignored? And what excessive fine? The cake bakers were given only HALF the fine levied on the Dentist who discriminated against his Christian employee in the same state. Where was your complaint about "excessive fines" in that case? You must have heard about was used as a precedent in the baking case...the case you claim to know all about.
"free exercise thereof". You obviously haven't read your own constitutional. Were you studying dentistry instead?
Simplified... Voting on situational anything, like Situational morality.

Hashtag spineless
Define "situational morality".
Pretty obvious, just as it sounds.
Morality can be situational at in point, owning slaves used to be it isn't. Killing can be moral depending on the situation. But a good rule of thumb for morality is the Golden Rule....don't do something to someone else if you wouldn't want it done to you. That covers just about everything and can be found in all religions and philosophies throughout history.

So....what is your beef with "situational morality"?
Do you support abortion "rights"?
I believe that a woman's body is her's to decide until a fetus becomes viable. I myself find abortion to be something we need to end legally thru birth control and educational options. The day a woman doesn't need to look to abortion as an option will be a happy day in my opinion....just like the day we no longer resort to war to solve problems will be a happy day. Is it likely........?
The fetus is a human being. That's the subject of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". So you believe it's okay to murder a human being.
Hell, I don't care if someone wants to marry a fence post, just don't expect me to respect to union.

Hashtag thought police

If you own a business in a locality with PA laws that also protect gays, you will "respect the union" and provide the service you advertise, however.
Your corrupt PA laws do not force me to serve you in violation of my conscience. Kinda like exemption from the draft as a conscientious objector. There are laws being passed by startes to exempt Christian businesses from your government tyranny. Ha ha. think the Oregon PA law was corrupt when it ruled FOR and awarded over $300,000 to a Christian woman who was discriminated against based on her religion by her employer? It is the same law used in the cake baking case....AND it was cited as a precedent in the cake baking case. (You would know that if you were really watching that case closely)
Oh, yes. Totally corrupt. The AG and judge are leftist activist lawyers.
What do you base that on beyond you not liking their legal decisions? Where is the corruption?
You never answered my question. What's your opinion of the opinion written by Chief Justice Roberts on the same-sex marriage decision?
When u start a business there are laws that business must follow .

Maybe I'd be ok if they just ignored food safety rules too?
And religious rights come WAY ahead of some homosexual whining over a cake. Go get someone else to make a cake. EVERY business I have been into has a sign that says we reserve the right to refuse business to anyone for any reason. This is an attack by homosexuals on the rights of religious people. Simple as that.
"EVERY business I have been into has a sign that says we reserve the right to refuse business to anyone for any reason." And you think that that sign gives the business the right to ignore all laws?
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