states w/ lowest unemployment

According to the Trump humpers, the UE index is a lie and is manipulated.

The Kenyan’s economy was so pathetic they had to manipulate the numbers and adding “jobs saved” to make it look good. “Jobs saved” was basically any number they wanted.

NE is one

that is a great state for a lot of reasons
New Mexico scores heavy(current title holder) with a whopping 5.3% unemployed!!! In hot pursuit for the highest unemployed title is Nevada with a very respectful 5.0%! Alaska also lands a 5.0% unemployment rate but it's a rigged rate due to so many residents being paid by the state not to be employed. Ever wonder WHY petroleum product$ like ga$oline made from Ala$kan crude co$t$ $o much? Though not a state the D of C has historically had freakishly high rates of chronic unemployment for its population for a obvious reason. My state, Washington, is what is called a journeyman contender for the highest percentage of unemployed but will never make the Top Ten Contender class let alone take the title home. Still Washington(west of the Cascades anyway) scores a decent 4.2 unemployment rate which is much higher then the highly rated Socialist Republic Of Oregon which has had to bite, gouge, kick & claw its way up to a mediocre 3.8% unemployment rate.

The lockdowns impact is waaaaay overblown. Fake news.
sort of

what is not overblown is ... just how ridiculous it was to lockdown.. and some small businesses have gone out of business thanks to the stupid dim policies...

THAT is not a thing overblown

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