States with Greatest Job Growth


Apr 22, 2007
10 States With Biggest Rate of Job Growth in 2013-Kiplinger

Only one blue state. None of the large liberal metropolis states of CA, NY, NJ or IL!!! But of course the big bad red state of TX is there and the Mormon business very friendly UT is there. The so called Hispanic hating AZ is there. The red Carolinas are there.

Here is the list:
(1) Utah - The last allowable bigotry (well I guess the left is now allowing antisemitism to return) is anti-Mormonism. However, Mormons like Jews praise education and hard work. UT has is a very business friendly state and it shows!

(2) Nevada - Relatively a conservative state that is very business friendly. They moved into the purple area lately because of the way liberals cowtow to Latinos on illegal immigration, but they still run the state conservatively in regards to taxes and business regulations.

(3) Hawaii - The only true blue on the list. I was surprised, but according to the list, tourism is booming and that means hiring.

(4) SC - A red state lead by conservatives

(5) CO - See NV. A purple state now.

(6) ID - I was surprised by this one, but ID has a bunch of advantages. Low taxes, cheap and plentiful property, business friendly legislators, low cost of living (meaning they can get workers for less and they are more satisfied with the pay), etc. That is way business is expanding there.

(7) FL - Still run by conservatives regardless of the last two Presidential elections. FL is not the same liberal hell hole as NY, CA and IL.

(8) TX - No surprise. They weren't hit with the foreclosure and mortgage meltdown like the rest of the country because of their SMART regulations (State loans were tricky when it was the norm for the rest of the country and the mortgage process was tough), their property value is low, their cost of living is low, their business regulations are some of the most friendly in the country, they have no income, corporate or capital gains taxes and they fully embrace the energy sector.

(9) NC - The other red Carolina is doing well.

(10) AZ - I guess that BS that AZ was going to fold because of the SMART immigration regulation was just propaganda!

Score Card:
Red: 7 (yes I include FL their)
Conservative Run Purple States: 2
True Blue: 1
We've been through this shit before. When your population is about 10 people, and 1 more person gets a job--well, you've just had a 10% gain in jobs! DUH.

Those "red states" would dry up and blow away if it weren't for the support AND TAX REVENUE from the "blue states." Blue states support the red states. Most employment exists in the blue states, because that is where most people live. You'll also find the highest incomes and standards of living in blue states.

So STFU, already.

Red states are cheap labor meccas.

So if you don't mind working for shit wages, move to a Red state.
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