Stay the fuck off tweeter

But it remains... you wrecked the country.

HOLY SH!T - YOU DID IT, JOE! You uncovered the secret, Joe - it's true: I am the 'puppet master' who has been pulling the strings! I 'WRECKED THE COUNTRY'!

I FORCED Hillary hire Al Qaeda to protect Ambassador Stevens and Americans in Benghazi.

I FORCED Hillary refuse to comply with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.

I FORCED Hillary and her team to refuse to comply with the FBI's subpoena, forced them to illegally destroy files / records, devices, FORCED them to refuse to turn in all their devices and remove the SIM cards of the ones she did turn in.

I was the one who secretly put the name-plate that read 'Overcharge' on the 'Reset' Plaque instead of the one that said 'reset' just to embarrass her.

I was behind her demonizing / silencing the women Bill Clinton sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, raped, and had affairs with.

I was the one who DELETED the trip to Wisconsin for her to campaign there off of her official campaign itinerary so she would by-pass the state, lose Wisconsin, and eventually lose the election because of it.

I was the one who sent her aide when she was the 1st Lady into Vince Foster's police-taped office and PLANTED the files in her living quarters in the WH after she declared she had not seen them and did not know how they got into her living quarters.

I was the one who was behind all of HER scandals: Whitewater. Troopergate. Paula Jones. Monica Lewinsky. Travelgate. Vince Foster’s suicide. Juanita Broaddrick

I FORCED he to call off internal investigations into her State Department involving the endemic engagement of prostitutes by her security, drug use by State Department contractors and the US Ambassador to Belgium soliciting male child prostitutes.

I was the one who convinced her that claiming to be named after sir Edmund Hillary and landing under sniper fire in Bosnia was a good idea, that the lies would only HELP her popularity among voters.

I convinced Watergate D-Lawyer and Hillary supervisor at the time Jerry Zeifman to say about Hillary “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer,” he said. “She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.” And I convinced Zeifman NOT to give Clinton a letter of recommendation, one of only three employees he refused during his entire career.

Congratulations, Joe - YOU'RE A F*ING GENIUS! I don't know how you uncovered all of this by yourself, but you did it. You busted me. I single-handedly 'wrecked the country' and destroyed Hillary Clinton!


Congratulations, Joe - YOU'RE A F*ING GENIUS! I don't know how you uncovered all of this by yourself, but you did it. You busted me. I single-handedly 'wrecked the country' and destroyed Hillary Clinton!

Obviously, nobody told you that "you" is second person singular and plural.

You deplorables,the whole lot of you.

Now, I'm kind of sorry that you are so obsessed with mrs. C that you wrote out that whole spewing hate list. That must have taken you a lot of time. But I think it shows how mentally ill you are that this woman occupies so much of your head rent free.

So what is your problem with women, anyway?
Trump's Tweets aren't his problem.

His problem is that he is intellectually, morally, and completely unsuited for the presidency.

The Tweets are just a symptom of the problem.

Um, he won inspite of them Camp.

Very true. He brought a ton of baggage, but he also brought the unknown entity and the hope he would build the wall and fight illegal immigration (the numbers are down but nothing long term in place to keep the numbers down), repeal Obaminationcare and his business smarts would translate into good policy.

His base will still be there, but no necessarily the middle.

The Trump supporters are on such high from the election they don't want to acknowledge Trump barely won in PA and FL. 2 states he needs in 2020.

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Very true. He brought a ton of baggage, but he also brought the unknown entity and the hope he would build the wall and fight illegal immigration (the numbers are down but nothing long term in place to keep the numbers down), repeal Obaminationcare and his business smarts would translate into good policy.

the thing is, any of the 16 qualified guys your side rejected over him could have accomplished the same things. Trump can't even do that because no one wants to work with him, and who can blame them?

Trump won because he appealled to the worst elements of the right. THe ones that think Illegal immigration is a real problem because brown people.

His base will still be there, but no necessarily the middle.

The Trump supporters are on such high from the election they don't want to acknowledge Trump barely won in PA and FL. 2 states he needs in 2020.

If the GOP doesn't impeach him, PA and FL will be the least of his worries.
Now, I'm kind of sorry that you are so obsessed with mrs. C that you wrote out that whole spewing hate list. That must have taken you a lot of time. But I think it shows how mentally ill you are that this woman occupies so much of your head rent free.

So what is your problem with women, anyway?
So after the DNC pushed their criminal candidate down the throats of Democrats and onto the ticket and after Hillary's loss snowflakes like yourself whined and begged everyone to stop talking about Hillary because she was 'history', 'gone'....except she wasn't. She won't STFU and go away, as her fellow Democrats have asked her to do. She refuses to go away, hoping for another shot in 2020. (3rd time's the charm' and all, I guess.)

And because you hate being reminded just how crooked, criminal, and despicable she is, because you hate being reminded how the DNC cheated/scammed/protected/pushed her as their candidate only to be rejected, because her very attempt to keep herself relevant forces people to talk about her when you just want her to go away, too, you continue to whine, bitch, moan, and plead for people to stop talking about her. I find that funny.

I have no problem with women, slick, as already pointed out. Her sex has / had nothing to do with her lifetime of scandals, scams, corruption, influence peddling, failures, and crimes.

But again, you go on telling yourself whatever you need to in order to get over her and her loss. I love a good 'fantasy' / fairytale, and Snowflakes always tell the best ones.

the thing is, any of the 16 qualified guys your side rejected over him could have accomplished the same things. Trump can't even do that because no one wants to work with him, and who can blame them?

I am not sure that is true. Trump fired up and won the middle. I am pretty sure Cruz wouln't have grabbed the middle. Rubio would have had the best chance. The rest would have been fighting Hilliary for the leftist vote.

Trump won because he appealled to the worst elements of the right. THe ones that think Illegal immigration is a real problem because brown people.

If the GOP doesn't impeach him, PA and FL will be the least of his worries.

Little Joey you are so simple minded. The GOP will pick up a few seats in 2018. Enough to get Obaminationcare repealed and replaced to get tax reform in place. Will be a huge will for Trump. With a booming economy the chips will be stacked for him.

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So after the DNC pushed their criminal candidate down the throats of Democrats and onto the ticket and after Hillary's loss snowflakes like yourself whined and begged everyone to stop talking about Hillary because she was 'history', 'gone'....

except nobody really did that. again, guy, when are you going to own up that you fucked up by electing Trump? I mean, ten choruses of Hillary is a Bitch gets a little boring after a certain point, doesn't it.

You'd think this woman wronged you personally the way you carry on. I don't spend this much time obsessing about people who actually DID wrong me personally as you do.
I am not sure that is true. Trump fired up and won the middle. I am pretty sure Cruz wouln't have grabbed the middle. Rubio would have had the best chance. The rest would have been fighting Hilliary for the leftist vote.

Again, there's really not a lot to support that.

Trump got less of a percentage of the vote than Mitt Romney did. So he mostly got the same people Romney did.

What occurred was the media, in attempts to be "balanced" tried to say that the email stuff made Hillary "Just as bad", but she 'Had it in the bag" so it was totally okay if you voted for a third party, which a lot of people did.

Little Joey you are so simple minded. The GOP will pick up a few seats in 2018.

No, they won't. First, it's nearly unprecedented. The reality is that the party in the White House loses seats even when the president is popular, and Trump is not popular.

Furthermore, there's really nowhere for the GOP to pick up seats at this point.
Enough to get Obaminationcare repealed and replaced to get tax reform in place. Will be a huge will for Trump. With a booming economy the chips will be stacked for him.

I'm sure you will get "tax reform", because the millionaires always get their tax cuts. It'll mean schlubs like you will pay more, though.

But the economy is not going to be booming. We'll probably be in full recession by this time next year.
except nobody really did that.
It went on non-stop for weeks. Again, where the F* have YOU been? Oh yeah, in 'DENIAL'. :p

again, guy, when are you going to own up that you fucked up by electing Trump?
Ummm....NEVER. Again, Hillary was the WORST PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE IN US HISTORY. She was the ONLY candidate to EVER be under 2 ON-GOING FBI Investigations with only days left before election day...because the Democratic party and their liberal media surrogates would NEVER, EVER have allowed any other candidate - especially a Republican - to get away with that shit! They would have forced them out of the race...and you damn-well know it. Trump was 'the lesser of 2 evils'.

And you can drop the ''YOU' elected her' bullshit. DEMOCRATS voted for Donald Trump. Usually Democratic party strongholds like Wisconsin abandoned the DNC and Hillary. Hillary didn't even campaign in Wisconsin because she arrogantly thought that she didn't have to - after all it was a Democratic Party state and she was 'Hillary Clinton'. Bernie Sanders supporters - the Democrats the DNC screwed by rigging the primaries, engaging in election fraud, and cheating in debates to help Hillary beat Bernie - voted for Trump, you ignorant, in-denial Leftard. As I have continued to point out - the DNC and Hillary screwed themselves and lost the election in the end.

You'd think this woman wronged you personally the way you carry on.
No YOU might think that. Stick to trying to speak for yourself because you suck at trying to speak for me. All I did was point out that Hillary was the worst f*ing candidate ever - a criminal under multiple FBI investigations who could not even win her party's nomination on her own.
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And you can drop the ''YOU' elected her' bullshit. DEMOCRATS voted for Donald Trump. Usually Democratic party strongholds like Wisconsin abandoned the DNC and Hillary. Hillary didn't even campaign in Wisconsin because she arrogantly thought that she didn't have to - .

WTF. In Wisconsin the republicans went from 46% in 2012 to 47% in 2016 So it wan't the democratic vote for Trump. You're talking 1% gain

Wisconsin Presidential Election Voting History
And you can drop the ''YOU' elected her' bullshit. DEMOCRATS voted for Donald Trump. Usually Democratic party strongholds like Wisconsin abandoned the DNC and Hillary. Hillary didn't even campaign in Wisconsin because she arrogantly thought that she didn't have to - .

WTF. In Wisconsin the republicans went from 46% in 2012 to 47% in 2016 So it wan't the democratic vote for Trump. You're talking 1% gain

Wisconsin Presidential Election Voting History
Hillary LOST Wisconsin.

"Donald Trump owes his victory in the Electoral College to three states he won by the smallest number of votes: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So it's fair to say that the 2016 presidential election was decided by about 77,000 votes out of than 136 million ballots cast. According to the final tallies, Trump won Pennsylvania by 0.7 percentage points (44,292 votes), Wisconsin by 0.7 points (22,748 votes), Michigan by 0.2 points (10,704 votes). If Clinton had won all three states, she would have won the Electoral College 278 to 260.

Trump's victory in these three states was a big shift from 2012, when Obama won Michigan by 9.5 points, Wisconsin by 6.7 points, and Pennsylvania by 5.2 points. Although the national vote swung only about 3 points toward GOP in 2016 (leaving Hillary Clinton as the narrow winner of the popular vote), these three states swung by 6 to 10 points toward the Republican presidential nominee."
-- The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)

Hillary CHOSE to ignore cost her.
And you can drop the ''YOU' elected her' bullshit. DEMOCRATS voted for Donald Trump. Usually Democratic party strongholds like Wisconsin abandoned the DNC and Hillary. Hillary didn't even campaign in Wisconsin because she arrogantly thought that she didn't have to - .

WTF. In Wisconsin the republicans went from 46% in 2012 to 47% in 2016 So it wan't the democratic vote for Trump. You're talking 1% gain

Wisconsin Presidential Election Voting History

How many Democrats did NOT vote for Hillary?
How many Democrats did NOT vote for Hillary?

Hard to say...

According to the Roper center, 9% of self-identified Democrats voted for Trump compared to 89% for Clinton.

How Groups Voted 2016 - Roper Center

That said, in 2012, 92% of self-identified Democrats voted for Obama vs. 7% for that Weird Mormon Robot they ran.

So, meh, you'll always have that number of people who claim they are democrats and vote for the Republican.
I'm starting to think he has some serious issues with women.
That would be Bill 'Slick Willy' Clinton, sexual deviant - sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, rapist, and Contempt Of Court law-licensed-stripped former President of the United States you are thinking of, slick. :p
That would be Bill 'Slick Willy' Clinton, sexual deviant - sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, rapist, and Contempt Of Court law-licensed-stripped former President of the United States you are thinking of, slick.

See he can't help himself.... guy is still living in the 1990's, when the worst thing we had to worry about was whether the president lied about getting a beej.

Someone drags a $100 bill through a trailer park, and you get all excited.
That would be Bill 'Slick Willy' Clinton, sexual deviant - sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, rapist, and Contempt Of Court law-licensed-stripped former President of the United States you are thinking of, slick.

See he can't help himself.... guy is still living in the 1990's, when the worst thing we had to worry about was whether the president lied about getting a beej.

Someone drags a $100 bill through a trailer park, and you get all excited.
You insinuated earlier that I hate women...and then in your defense of sexual deviant Bill Clinton you use the same sexist / sexually degrading line he used to demonize his sexual harassment victim ("drag a $100 bill through a trailer park').


I love how snowflakes falsely accuse others of being who they are and what they do.

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