Stay the fuck off tweeter

I've been more concerned about the reaction from NK to his recent insults against Rocket Man. However, I was somewhat consoled this a.m. when an article in my local paper said that NK has declared war on the US twice before in recent history. I don't remember exactly when, but obviously nothing came of it.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- i can see the 'norks' declaring war out of frustration and humiliation and that ok with me . Its best to destroy the 'norks' now rather then to have to fight them in 10 years when they will probably be stronger . Next , we need to send USA Bombers over the 'norks' like we did a day or 2 ago . That total disrespect really rattled the norks . ---------------------------- which big city in the USA do you reside in OldLady ??
Nowhere near one, Pismoe, but my concern is not just for my own precious fanny.
-------------------------------------------------- well , if the 'norks' are smart they will use 'emp' so no one is safe if they rely on any modern electrically run appliances or contraptions OldLady .
Sounds like you are cheering for the "norks" there, Skippy.
What you are really worried about is that the Democratic Party is now indelibly marked as anti-American. Unless things change drastically, the 2018 elections will be a disaster for the Democrats.
Don't rule them out. Ryan, McConnell, McCain, and other GOP are campaigning hard for them. :p

They and other RINOs will be replaced at the first opportunity.
Did anyone see him today? He looked like a pile of dirty laundry. Why can't he get clothes that fit? And why so wrinkled?

Rajoy looked very sharp and he came all the way from Spain!

And of course, pino trump mispronounced both Rajoy's and Rosselló's names. He just had to mention PR's fiscal situation even though he has declared bankruptcy 4 times and has said he profited every time. Does he even know that PR is part of the US? For that matter, has anyone told him Hawaii is a state?

He is spectacularly unqualified and failing with every single day.
Trumps to old to know if he's coming or going. Let him tweet. As long as he's typing and staring at an iphone he cant play with nukes. If he gets too crazy Homeland Security will assign handlers to keep him off his phone.

Give the old fart something shiny to play with.
Trumps to old to know if he's coming or going. Let him tweet. As long as he's typing and staring at an iphone he cant play with nukes. If he gets too crazy Homeland Security will assign handlers to keep him off his phone.

Give the old fart something shiny to play with.

Yeah, like bobby pins and hairspray!

(Ugh. So embarrassing to watch him roll over for Mexico. Little did we know that was the first of many.)

I've been more concerned about the reaction from NK to his recent insults against Rocket Man. However, I was somewhat consoled this a.m. when an article in my local paper said that NK has declared war on the US twice before in recent history. I don't remember exactly when, but obviously nothing came of it.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- i can see the 'norks' declaring war out of frustration and humiliation and that ok with me . Its best to destroy the 'norks' now rather then to have to fight them in 10 years when they will probably be stronger . Next , we need to send USA Bombers over the 'norks' like we did a day or 2 ago . That total disrespect really rattled the norks . ---------------------------- which big city in the USA do you reside in OldLady ??
Nowhere near one, Pismoe, but my concern is not just for my own precious fanny.
-------------------------------------------------- well , if the 'norks' are smart they will use 'emp' so no one is safe if they rely on any modern electrically run appliances or contraptions OldLady .
Sounds like you are cheering for the "norks" there, Skippy.
------------------------------------------------- not me , i want to destroy the 'norks' , get their destruction done before they get stronger Bodecea .
Hmmm, people who hate the President give free advice for him to stop tweeting. How should Trump supporters interpret that? The NFL will be the loser because numb-nuts f'ball players turned a perfectly good sport into a left wing political billboard. What would happen if f'ball players went down on one knee to say a prayer? The crazy left would be smashing windows and torching cars like they did on inauguration day. The leaderless and incoherent democrat party will continue to lose elections as long as their silence seems to support the crazy platform of the rogue players.
but really , with the 'norks' limited supply of nukes it just seems practical to try and do an 'emp' attack . Course i hope that the USA is guarding against that possibility Bodecea .
If President Trump would stay to fuck off tweeter he would be doing a ton better. Tweeter is built for impulse knee jerk reactions that are made with little thought of the consequences. Many people, both famous and not, have gotten in trouble.

Trump is the master of this. Even he most ardent supporters shake their heads at his tweets. Why can't he see it is ruining his Presidency and only gives fuel to his distractors!

A few numbnutz football players took a knee, the leader was out of football with a ton of lesser QBs getting jobs. But the impulsive child had to weigh in instead of ignoring it. Then it escalated! The NFL will be the loser, but it is another distractor caused by Trump's tweets!

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It's called Twitter.
If President Trump would stay to fuck off tweeter he would be doing a ton better. Tweeter is built for impulse knee jerk reactions that are made with little thought of the consequences. Many people, both famous and not, have gotten in trouble.

Trump is the master of this. Even he most ardent supporters shake their heads at his tweets. Why can't he see it is ruining his Presidency and only gives fuel to his distractors!

A few numbnutz football players took a knee, the leader was out of football with a ton of lesser QBs getting jobs. But the impulsive child had to weigh in instead of ignoring it. Then it escalated! The NFL will be the loser, but it is another distractor caused by Trump's tweets!

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It's called Twitter.


pino trump is a twitter and he twits.
If President Trump would stay to fuck off tweeter he would be doing a ton better. Tweeter is built for impulse knee jerk reactions that are made with little thought of the consequences. Many people, both famous and not, have gotten in trouble.

Trump is the master of this. Even he most ardent supporters shake their heads at his tweets. Why can't he see it is ruining his Presidency and only gives fuel to his distractors!

A few numbnutz football players took a knee, the leader was out of football with a ton of lesser QBs getting jobs. But the impulsive child had to weigh in instead of ignoring it. Then it escalated! The NFL will be the loser, but it is another distractor caused by Trump's tweets!

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It's called Twitter.


pino trump is a twitter and he twits.

You are simply an idiot. How much does your keeper earn for watching you?
If President Trump would stay to fuck off tweeter he would be doing a ton better. Tweeter is built for impulse knee jerk reactions that are made with little thought of the consequences. Many people, both famous and not, have gotten in trouble.

Trump is the master of this. Even he most ardent supporters shake their heads at his tweets. Why can't he see it is ruining his Presidency and only gives fuel to his distractors!

A few numbnutz football players took a knee, the leader was out of football with a ton of lesser QBs getting jobs. But the impulsive child had to weigh in instead of ignoring it. Then it escalated! The NFL will be the loser, but it is another distractor caused by Trump's tweets!

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What you are really worried about is that the Democratic Party is now indelibly marked as anti-American. Unless things change drastically, the 2018 elections will be a disaster for the Democrats.

I vote Republican

I am sick and tired of his constant shooting of his own foot

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Next time the DNC should not pick a morally, ethically, integrity, honesty-bankrupt, career corrupt self-serving criminal politician who deserved to be in prison instead of on the ballot due to rigged primaries, election fraud, debate cheating, and protection by the FBI and Obama administration to be their nominee.

Again, guy, your Misogyny doesn't really excuse you fuckup.

You see, there used to be a time when no matter how corrupt we thought the politician was, we didn't elect a crazy person.

You know, when George McGovern ran on Amnesty, Acid and Abortion in 1972, people voted for Tricky Dick. We knew Tricky Dick was crooked, but he wasn't nuts.

Or in 1964, when Barry "Deep Down you Know He's Nuts" Goldwater ran on the platform of turning Vietnam into a parking lot, people voted for LBJ. LBJ was as bent as you could get. But he wasn't nuts.

My guess is, you and I could be the only two survivors of a nuclear war Trump started, and you'd be still saying, "But, but, but.... Hillary was a Bitch!!!!"

No fucking excuse.
Again, guy, your Misogyny doesn't really excuse you fuckup.

You see, there used to be a time when no matter how corrupt we thought the politician was, we didn't elect a crazy person.

Joe, you might as well have called me a racist, a homophobe, or an anti-Semite - you know, everything the DNC's personal e-mails exposed them to be - because it just ain't so.

Look, I have no problem with you and all your fellow Leftards remaining 'loyal to a fault' to a career-long, sexual deviant-enabling, power/money-obsessed, Influence/access-peddling, scandal-plagued, corrupt, criminal politician who was so criminal / scandal-plagued that she was under multiple FBI investigations (for crimes she DID commit) just days before the election if you want. You can deny all of that established FACT if you want. You can blame anything and everyone for Hillary's loss - except for Hillary, like Hillary is doing - if you want. Makes no difference to me.

Hillary's sex had nothing to do with her career-long history of all of the above. Hillary's sex had nothing to do with failing horribly as Secretary of State, had nothing to do with failing to protect a US ambassador and 3 other Americans from being NEEDLESSLY murdered by terrorists, had nothing to do with running the worst campaign in US history - arrogantly refusing to campaign in Wisconsin, had nothing to do with her breaking laws with her personal server (15,000+ counts of illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act, according to the FBI). If unfairly attacking others makes you feel better about HER and your personal choice to support her go for it. Your BS tantrum-throwing, name-calling, personal attacks mean nothing to me. I just ignore them and laugh at you.

In a 'perfect storm' where the American people rose up against slick, polished, professional, career, corrupt, self/party-serving, Influence-Peddling, non-representative, Washington Establishment, Status quo, scandal-plagued politicians the DNC chose to scam, rig, cheat, lie, and protect from justice the one candidate that was the personification of ALL of that - Hillary Clinton...and Americans chose the 'lesser of 2 evils' by rejecting Hillary.

Now we all know the DNC is filled with racists, SEXISTS, homophobes, and anti-Semites, thanks to their hacked/released personal e-mails, but they still all rallied around elitist Hillary 'It's My Turn' Clinton...but even DEMOCRATS / Democrat Party leaders have recently begun to regret their 'deal with the devil' and have voiced their desire for Hillary to just STFU and go away.

Hillary was REJECTED ... again ... because of Hillary Clinton, not because of her sex.

Grow up, Joe ... or don't. I don't care.
Joe, you might as well have called me a racist, a homophobe, or an anti-Semite - you know, everything the DNC's personal e-mails exposed them to be - because it just ain't so.

Look, I have no problem with you and all your fellow Leftards remaining 'loyal to a fault' to a career-long, sexual deviant-enabling, power/money-obsessed, Influence/access-peddling,

You see, you can't fucking help yourself.

Your obsession with Hillary is such that you refuse to see the real, honest to god damage you did to this country and her reputation around the world.

Hillary won by 3 million votes. The system failed, not the people.
If the liberal media were not a corrupt biased lying bunch of assholes Trump wouldn't have to tweet directly to the people to set the record straight.
You see, you can't fucking help yourself. Your obsession with Hillary is such that you refuse to see the real, honest to god damage you did to this country and her reputation around the world.

1. Obsession? I was replying to your post about Hillary. Stop lying / spinning.

2. What damage I have done to Hillary Clinton and her reputation around the world? One questions, Joe:

Were have you been for the last several DECADES, when Hillary was enabling her sexually deviant husband by attacking / slandering / silencing her husband's victims, when Hillary was embarrassingly handing a 'Reset' Plague to a Russian Diplomat with the word 'Overcharge' instead of 'Reset' on it, when Hillary was helping Barry Un-Constitutionally drag the US into an Un-Constitutional War in in Libya to help Al Qaeda overthrow Gadaffi - who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa - and take over the country, when Hillary's State Department HIRED AL QAEDA to protect the US Ambassador and Americans in Libya, when she ABANDONED them in Benghazi, when Hillary broke numerous laws with her server - to include more than 15,000 counts of illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act?

No need to answer - the answer is obvious:

1. Obsession? I was replying to your post about Hillary. Stop lying / spinning.

2. What damage I have done to Hillary Clinton and her reputation around the world? One questions, Joe:

This isn't about Hillary, guy and her supposed corruption.

It's about the fact that you and other deplorables elected a crazy person and put him in the White House, and now we are talking about a nuclear war in North Korea like that might be a thing that happens.

Were have you been for the last several DECADES, when Hillary was enabling her sexually deviant husband by attacking / slandering / silencing her husband's victims,

You a bunch of women who were proven to be liars after Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars trying to prove they weren't?

Northern Africa - and take over the country, when Hillary's State Department HIRED AL QAEDA to protect the US Ambassador and Americans in Libya, when she ABANDONED them in Benghazi,

8 Congressional investigations cleared her of any wrongdoing.

when Hillary broke numerous laws with her server - to include more than 15,000 counts of illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act?

Comey cleared her of any wrongdoing... although he was happy to slime her with innuendo.

Here's the thing about your little obsession, buddy. Accusations are wonderful, but when you spend hundreds of millions trying to prove them, and all you come up with is "Well, she used the wrong email for correspondence when there weren't any clear rules on the subject"

But this isn't about Hillary and your obsession with her. i know you guys have been out to get her for 25 years, and all you had to do was wreck the country.

But it remains... you wrecked the country. And now you are trying to deflect blame by saying, "Well, Hillary was a bitch, so it's okay that Trump is fucking up!"

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