STDs continue to skyrocket, gov't pretends we need more $$ and more education...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
The "government" claims the steadily increasing rate of AIDS and STD infections continues to be because of *homophobia* and lack of education and medical care.

Even though there are free clinics in every county, and posters on every corner and in every single dhs office directing the high risk population towards free contraceptives and free health care. Despite the fact that there are walk in clinics on virtually every single corner in America (including the rural areas, thank you Prez. Bush)

Despite increased access to medical care, despite increased education, despite free contraceptives....STDs and AIDS are spreading like a runaway train, and have been for DECADES. And *the government* wants you to believe it's caused by *homophobia*.

So what is it, really?

Could it be...I dunno...perhaps we should educate people about the risks of the homosexual/promiscuious LIFESTYLE? Perhaps we should quit telling our children and immigrants that there is no *bad* sex, and everybody has a right to any sort of sex they want...perhaps we should tell them they should actually RESIST their sexual urges until they are in committed, long term relationships...Perhaps we should acknowledge that homosexual sex between men, and promiscuity are HIGHLY risky and can lead to disease and even death?

So much for the *science* of the left.

"Gonorrhea and syphilis are on the rise in the U.S., mostly in men who have sex with men, a trend the government said is linked to inadequate testing among people stymied by homophobia and limited access to health care..."

I love how they get that sentence in the lead paragraph...THE GOVERNMENT SAYS homophobia is causing gonorrhea! And THE GOVERNMENT SAYS it's because there isn't enough health care! Go figure! Cuz the SCIENCE says that homosexual sex and promiscuity cause gonorrhea, and the reality is that health care, particularly reproductive healthcare, is available for free to every person in this country.

Shocking. THE GOVERNMENT is lying to us. And they have to lie to us in the first paragraph because otherwise, even the brain dead idiots who gobble this stuff up would realize that HOMOSEXUALITY is a risky venture, and the risks are INCREASING, rather than DECREASING, with the application of the pro-homo agenda...

Gonorrhea, Syphilis Regain Traction in U.S., CDC Reports - Bloomberg

You'll note that it doesn't even touch on the incidence of HIV in the US. It tells us that worldwide, AIDS dropped in 2012 for some reason (probably because a highly infected area didn't report). That's because HIV in the US continues to rise:

"The number of new infections among the youngest MSM (aged 13-24) increased 22 percent, from 7,200 infections in 2008 to 8,800 in 2010. Young black MSM continue to bear the heaviest burden, accounting for more than half (55 percent) of new infections among young MSM (4,800). In fact, young black MSM now account for more new infections than any other subgroup by race/ethnicity, age, and sex. There was a 12 percent increase in HIV incidence among MSM overall, from 26,700 in 2008 to 29,800 in 2010."

So who is giving these 13 year old young men HIV?

Is is straight, heterosexual predators?

Is this due to homophobia, as well?

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I would like to the see the logical reasoning how could "homophobia" cause an increase in gonorrhea and syphilis rates.

Would be really interesting.
Its not just the 'homosexual' lifestyle, for heavens sake. Its about not using protection. Teach kids to have safe sex, provide them with condoms, provide free birth control, and watch the rate of STD's and unwanted pregnancies drop.
Teach kids to have safe sex, provide them with condoms, provide free birth control, and watch the rate of STD's and unwanted pregnancies drop.

Yes it cuz we are just not giving enough.

Take the money from somebody rich and buy more pills.
Its not just the 'homosexual' lifestyle, for heavens sake. Its about not using protection. Teach kids to have safe sex, provide them with condoms, provide free birth control, and watch the rate of STD's and unwanted pregnancies drop.

We did that.

And now we have an increase in 13 y.o. kids getting hiv.

How do you explain that?

I think perhaps instead of perpetuating the myth of *safe sex* for kids, we advise them that safe is NOT safe and they should avoid it at all costs until they are married.
Its not just the 'homosexual' lifestyle, for heavens sake. Its about not using protection. Teach kids to have safe sex, provide them with condoms, provide free birth control, and watch the rate of STD's and unwanted pregnancies drop.

We did that.

And now we have an increase in 13 y.o. kids getting hiv.

How do you explain that?

I think perhaps instead of perpetuating the myth of *safe sex* for kids, we advise them that safe is NOT safe and they should avoid it at all costs until they are married.

HOW are they getting HIV in the first place?

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