"Stealing America" my response to the DNC's "Stealing Democracy" advert.

Just as much as we mind you pretending to be whatever the HELL you think you are Jokey.

:lol:Dumb-ass thinks that hating Capitalism is mainstream.:lol:

Dumbass Mud thinks he understands me at all? I believe in regulated capitalism, or Mud is going to have to push his broom for even a lower wage than what he has now.

A rare occasion where we agree. Capitalism is not the problem. Lack of proper over site was and is.
:lol:Dumb-ass thinks that hating Capitalism is mainstream.:lol:

Dumbass Mud thinks he understands me at all? I believe in regulated capitalism, or Mud is going to have to push his broom for even a lower wage than what he has now.

A rare occasion where we agree. Capitalism is not the problem. Lack of proper over site was and is.

I think controls on a White House that's gone nuts would be a good start. Course Congress isn't about to do their jobs when it comes to over site of the White House.

Does anyone really know what was the cause of all of these crisis? Exactly what happened? You get the normal party talking points. Bush is the cause....blah...blah...blah.

Obama doesn't do anything without a purpose. He knows the GOP will take over Congress and now that he's broached the subject this will give him an excuse for what they find during an investigation.

It will go like this; "The GOP is taking foreign money so why can't we?"
Hey Mud, where were you when the Bush White House was getting us into a war based on lies and letting Bin Laden get away?
Hey Mud, where were you when the Bush White House was getting us into a war based on lies and letting Bin Laden get away?

Oh Jesus. :slap::anj_stfu:

So you think Bush lied so now Obama can.

It's the SOS. More Moral Relativism. Bush had his WMD debacle so whatever anyone else does is totally excused. Whatever Hoover, Nixon, or Jimmy fucken Carter did excuses Obama as well I suppose.

Obama is not supposed to be lying to us. It's beneath the office he holds. Nothing his predecessors did excuses his dishonesty.
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So you think Bush lied so now Obama can. It's the SOS. Bush had his WMD debacle so whatever anyone else does his totally excused. Whatever Hoover did excuses Obama I suppose. Obama is not supposed to be lying to us. It's beneath the office he holds. Nothing his predecessors did excuses his dishonesty.

Hey, that is the way it is, a little worse each term as we build on precedence. Otherwise, one might be of the opinion to think only republicans can lie, cheat, bankrupt the nation, fill their pockets with greed & secret backroom boiler deals. One might think we bring Democrats in to play the angel until we bring the republicans back in to rape the citizens again. That seems to be the reason republicans are so upset,...because Obama isn't playing nice like Clinton did, and fixing all the shit Bush left behind. He is spending on the voters who elected him. So he is excused in my book as long as he helps the people.

Come to think of it, I didn't hear any conservatives or independents screaming for a Bush impeachment, so I guess it is just business as usual.
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Otherwise, one might be of the opinion to think only republicans can lie, cheat, bankrupt the nation, fill their pockets with greed & secret backroom boiler deals. One might think we bring Democrats in to play the angel until we bring the republicans back in to rape the citizens again. That seems to be the reason republicans are so upset,...because Obama isn't playing nice like Clinton did
The last time a Dem President had a Congress that was a strong GOP majority, he finished with a "surplus."

Billy was actually pragmatic, while Obama only pays lip service to it.
So you think Bush lied so now Obama can. It's the SOS. Bush had his WMD debacle so whatever anyone else does his totally excused. Whatever Hoover did excuses Obama I suppose. Obama is not supposed to be lying to us. It's beneath the office he holds. Nothing his predecessors did excuses his dishonesty.

Hey, that is the way it is, a little worse each term as we build on precedence. Otherwise, one might be of the opinion to think only republicans can lie, cheat, bankrupt the nation, fill their pockets with greed & secret backroom boiler deals. One might think we bring Democrats in to play the angel until we bring the republicans back in to rape the citizens again. That seems to be the reason republicans are so upset,...because Obama isn't playing nice like Clinton did, and fixing all the shit Bush left behind. He is spending on the voters who elected him. So he is excused in my book as long as he helps the people.

Come to think of it, I didn't hear any conservatives or independents screaming for a Bush impeachment, so I guess it is just business as usual.

Problem is Obama isn't helping "The People". He's helping only HIS PEOPLE. He's supposed to be President of the United States. Instead he's President of Black America, Gay America [Even though he's against Same Sex Marriage], The ACLU, AFLCIO, SEIU, La Raza, etc. If you're not in the club you're not one of his people.

Btw He's not trying to solve problems, he's causing them.

What Obama calls Fat-cats on Wall Street are just businessmen being successful. Is success illegal now? You call it rape. Jesus. You've fallen for their Marxist rhetoric hook, line, and sinker.

So because they've demonized everyone else...by using lies and half-truths....anything Obama does is A-OK cuz he helps the PEOPLE. Problem is the PEOPLE are suffering big-time because of his programs.

Yesterday Obama took the time to tell us all of the wonderful things he's done for the People. How's all of that help working for you dude?
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Obama wants a donor list.

Here's an example of what happens to you if you give to the GOP.

Target Boycott Movement Grows Following Donation to Support "Antigay" Candidate
Posted by Brian Montopoli

Revelations that Target Corp. donated $150,000 to a group that is running ads backing conservative Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer, who opposes same-sex marriage, continue to generate calls to boycott the company. Groups such as this one - "Boycott Target Until They Cease Funding Anti-Gay Politics" - have spring up on Facebook, where those upset with the donation are encouraged to contact Target to let them know what they think.

Target, which is based in Minnesota, has defended its donations to the group, called MN Forward, by stating that they were tied to Emmer's positions when it comes to creating a positive environment for businesses, not his stance on social issues.
Target Boycott Movement Grows Following Donation to Support "Antigay" Candidate - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

The boycott isn't over Gay rights....it's pure Marxist politics. Target does not support anti-gay politicians.

Btw....the boycott is sponsored by none other then Moveon.org...funded by Obama's benefactor...George Soros

Foreign Money? Really?
Democrats peddle an unproven claim.

October 11, 2010

Updated: October 12, 2010


Democrats, from President Barack Obama on down, are trying to turn an evidence-free allegation into a major campaign theme, claiming that foreign corporations are "stealing our democracy" with secret, illegal contributions funneled through the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It’s a claim with little basis in fact.

* The Democratic National Committee released a TV ad over the weekend claiming: "It appears they’ve even taken secret foreign money to influence our elections."
* President Obama said last week that "one of the largest groups paying for these ads regularly takes in money from foreign sources."
* The liberal group MoveOn.org is claiming, without any qualification, that "[f]oreign corporations are funding some of the $75 million the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is spending to defeat Democrats."
Foreign Money? Really? | FactCheck.org

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Nevertheless, some Democrats are taking the position that the Chamber of Commerce is guilty of using foreign contributions until proven innocent. MoveOn.org is using this claim in a fundraising appeal, both in e-mail messages and on its website:

MoveOn.org website: Foreign corporations are funding some of the $75 million the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is spending to defeat Democrats this election cycle. Ask the Justice Department to investigate.
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In other word, guys, you got nothing.

Until you decide to officially go to bat for the other team, I can clearly see why you would think that. You are however confusing what you think we have or do not have with your own Aura. Here.... let me sell you these $50.000.00 rose colored sun glasses that can help you see clearly through your Anal cavity wall. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Jake ... Why aren't you out protesting Target?????
In other word, guys, you got nothing.

Until you decide to officially go to bat for the other team, I can clearly see why you would think that. You are however confusing what you think we have or do not have with your own Aura. Here.... let me sell you these $50.000.00 rose colored sun glasses that can help you see clearly through your Anal cavity wall. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Jake ... Why aren't you out protesting Target?????

Not at all, Intense: you guys have nothing.
Obama now saying "shovel ready" jobs don't exist. Wow..... He just discovered that? Fuck no, he knew it all along when he was peddling ScamWow stimulus to dumbfucks such as Jake.
There is no need at all to steal America, Americans are for the most part eager to sell it for a bargain.

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