"Stealing America" my response to the DNC's "Stealing Democracy" advert.

See, I knew me telling Jake that the more intelligent left-leaners have avoided this thread would bring out a couple of standard bearers. Like Jake, you're looking at your ass in your hand wondering what happened. Call out some more reinforcements.

There aren't any of merit.
The ones who are, know to avoid this thread.

But it's beneficial for bumps, to get more replies. To spread this wealth around. See?

Repeat of OP info for this third page:

Presidents have very little actual power. It's CONGRESS, stupid. Same deal now, Obama is a victim of this same Congress.

That would be ignorning the first six years under his tenure.

tell me - and give me specifics - what legislation was passed in Congress after the 2006 mid-terms that lead directly to this situation we are in today.
I answered this. The GOP "majority" was in name only. You know that. They never had the super majority Obama enjoys.

A majority is a majority. If you can't answer the question, just say so. And if you have answered it to my request (ie specifics), if you provide a link, I'll go have a look..
See, I knew me telling Jake that the more intelligent left-leaners have avoided this thread would bring out a couple of standard bearers. Like Jake, you're looking at your ass in your hand wondering what happened. Call out some more reinforcements.

Is this addressed to me? If so, well, you have gone down exactly the same road you were accusing Jake of going...
See, I knew me telling Jake that the more intelligent left-leaners have avoided this thread would bring out a couple of standard bearers. Like Jake, you're looking at your ass in your hand wondering what happened. Call out some more reinforcements.

There aren't any of merit.

If you're the standard bearer of conservatism, then conservatism is in a lot of trouble...:cool:
You're too short sighted to realize the GOP never had a working majority under BOOOOSH, certianly nothing like what Obama's had.

MY video which is an answer to theirs, has nothing but truth in it, while theirs has nothing but paranoia and fear. Have you seen their original?

At the end of the day, Bush got his agenda through....

To be honest, the vid in the op is exactly as you describe the original (which I haven't seen)....sounds like they are two peas in a pod...
View the original. Then if you're bright, you'll see the difference.

BOOOOOSH got his "agenda" through with his co-dependency, wink and nod relationship with this corrupt Congress. They gave him all of his war spending, and he looked the other way on their mountains of crap they tacked onto everything.

Now we have a marriage, instead of a wink and nod co-dependency relationship. This cannot and will not stand, the voters want a adversarial relationship between Congress and the President. They've always wanted that.
See, I knew me telling Jake that the more intelligent left-leaners have avoided this thread would bring out a couple of standard bearers. Like Jake, you're looking at your ass in your hand wondering what happened. Call out some more reinforcements.

There aren't any of merit.

If you're the standard bearer of conservatism, then conservatism is in a lot of trouble...:cool:

he isn't a conservative. he's a reactionary.
View the original. Then if you're bright, you'll see the difference.

BOOOOOSH got his "agenda" through with his co-dependency, wink and nod relationship with this corrupt Congress. They gave him all of his war spending, and he looked the other way on their mountains of crap they tacked onto everything.

Now we have a marriage, instead of a wink and nod co-dependency relationship. This cannot and will not stand, the voters want a adversarial relationship between Congress and the President. They've always wanted that.

I've always thought the US political system was one of the suckiest in the western world. Going from what I've seen on messageboards over the past 9 years, most Yanks agree...shrug...
View the original. Then if you're bright, you'll see the difference.

BOOOOOSH got his "agenda" through with his co-dependency, wink and nod relationship with this corrupt Congress. They gave him all of his war spending, and he looked the other way on their mountains of crap they tacked onto everything.

Now we have a marriage, instead of a wink and nod co-dependency relationship. This cannot and will not stand, the voters want a adversarial relationship between Congress and the President. They've always wanted that.

I've always thought the US political system was one of the suckiest in the western world. Going from what I've seen on messageboards over the past 9 years, most Yanks agree...shrug...
It ain't perfect by a long shot. But, elections have consequences and the voters, being human, make alot of mistakes.
If you're the standard bearer of conservatism, then conservatism is in a lot of trouble...:cool:

he isn't a conservative. he's a reactionary.

Going by his post, I think he thinks he's a revolutionary...:lol:

i wonder if he's one of the nutbars running around in the powdered wigs they're selling so many of here.

ah... they'd so love to go back to the days when slavery was legal and only landed gentry had the right to vote.

funny thing is most of them wouldn't have been allowed to vote then. l
Which by the way, I've gone on record on this before and will again now: We will never get fiscal responsibility again in Washington -- no matter which party is in power in Congress -- until we get Gramm-Rudman, line item veto and a Paygo with TEETH, re-installed. They merely need to re-introduce these bills with corrections made per the SCOTUS rulings, and go from there.

Will they? Doubtful. The little piggies never like to be taken from the tit.
Nah, MM is a joke. He is libertarian, which means he hates what America stands for.
I'm not even anywhere close to a Libertarian. I cannot be labeled. Jillian might school you on that, were she so inclined.

Oh and since you cannot read, I'll inform you they're not even talking about me, Imbecile.
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There aren't any of merit.

If you're the standard bearer of conservatism, then conservatism is in a lot of trouble...:cool:

he isn't a conservative. he's a reactionary.

OK, then tell us your political ideology.
I sing in the key of me.

I am pro-choice, atheist.

I am pro-freedom. Not freedom the government says you have, the freedom of man.

I am pro-fiscal responsibility.

I am anti-big government. The bigger the government, the smaller the individual.

I am for law and order, because I believe the laws of man far precede any religious adoptions of same.

And so on.
Then you oppose the spirit of the Declaration of Independence and have not much use for the U.S. Constitution. You link economic libertarianism with atheism. That's logical.
Then you oppose the spirit of the Declaration of Independence and have not much use for the U.S. Constitution. You link economic libertarianism with atheism. That's logical.
Completely wrong.

The founders and framers believed human rights were god-given. As a true atheist, I recognize deities for exactly what they are -- creations of Man, due to Man's vanity.

A god we created in our own image gave us rights. See? There's no dichotomy.

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