Stealing From The Taxpayer and the Constitution


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
The Constitution is the only document to which the free people of the United States agreed to be governed.
The Constitution. That is why it is called 'the law of the land.'

At one time this was true.
But not since President Franklin Roosevelt.

Here is a tale that compared the two versions of America....before Roosevelt, and since.
This tale took place before that presidency, and so it conformed to the law of the land.

1. "The Erie Canal is a canal in New York that originally ran about 363 miles (584 km) from Albany, New York, on the Hudson River to Buffalo, New York, at Lake Erie. It was built to create a navigable water route fromNew York Cityand the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes..... – because of this vital connection and others to follow, such as the railroads,New York State would become known as the "Empire State" or "the great Empire State"
Erie Canal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

2. "The building of the Erie Canal and the politics surrounding it, became a landmark event in American economic history....almost all American wanted better roads and new canals- 'internal improvements' as they were called.....Building the Erie Canal was a splendid idea.
The only question was how to fund it: with federal spending, state funding, or by entrepreneurs?" Folsom and Folsom, "Uncle Sam Can't Count," p.56.

3. In 1811, NY Congressman Peter Porter argued before Congress that the federal government should fund the canal. After all, an Erie Canal would have national benefits, and not just commercially! It would encourage settlement all along it's length, and cause the Great Lakes to flourish.

a. But the Constitution did not empower the federal government to tax all the people of the nation for a road that mainly benefited one state.
Porter's bill failed.

b. But the War of 1812 added a national defense reason and the bill was brought back; Congress passed it in 1817.
"Erie Water West: A History of the Erie Canal, 1792-1854,"by Ronald E. Shaw, p. 39-40, 47.

4. As I said, this was before Franklin Roosevelt, so the Constitution was still in effect. On March 3, 1817, on his next to the last day in office, President James Madison vetoed the bill, saying "I am constrained by the insuperable difficulty I feel in reconciling the bill with the Constitution of the United States..."

He went on to make two significant points, points that successive Presidents should have noted:

a. "....To refer the power in question to the clause "to provide for common defense and general welfare" would be contrary to the established and consistent rules of interpretation,... Such a view of the Constitution would have the effect of giving to Congress a general power of legislation instead of the defined and limited one hitherto understood to belong to them, the terms "common defense and general welfare" embracing every object and act within the purview of a legislative trust." James Madison Veto of federal public works bill March 3 1817

This, from the leader of the Constitutional Convention; he, more than anyone, understood how the general welfare clause was to be read.

b. Don't misunderstand: Madison was in favor of internal improvements- he knew that the Constitution's design was that such projects should be undertaken by the state, or by private citizens.
"I am not unaware of the great importance of roads and canals and the improved navigation of water courses, and that a power in the National Legislature to provide for them might be exercised with signal advantage to the general prosperity."
...But he knew that the Constitution did not provide for such as expansion of the federal government..." I have no option but to withhold my signature from it, and to cherishing the hope that its beneficial objects may be attained [by other means]."

And that is the way it's 'sposed to be.
And that is the way it's 'sposed to be.

Just like Christians which live strictly by the word of Christ, never happens...
massive interstate system is part of national defense and it took the Nazies to tell us that because of Constitutionalism...
And that is the way it's 'sposed to be.

Just like Christians which live strictly by the word of Christ, never happens...

Intelligent folks tend to provide analogies that are fairly closely matched.

Your attempt has a vacuity large enough to drive a Mac truck through.

But then, why speak of 'intelligent folks' with reference to your posts......
massive interstate system is part of national defense and it took the Nazies to tell us that because of Constitutionalism...

When I find apologists for big,overreaching government, such as yourself....
...I wonder if a monarchy wouldn't be more to your liking.

Perhaps even a dictatorship.
massive interstate system is part of national defense and it took the Nazies to tell us that because of Constitutionalism...

When I find apologists for big,overreaching government, such as yourself....
...I wonder if a monarchy wouldn't be more to your liking.

Perhaps even a dictatorship.

Just wait till after the midterms when, with the swipe of a pen, Barry makes millions of wetbacks "legal". Mark it down, it's going to happen. THEN we can worry about "dictatorships".
massive interstate system is part of national defense and it took the Nazies to tell us that because of Constitutionalism...

When I find apologists for big,overreaching government, such as yourself....
...I wonder if a monarchy wouldn't be more to your liking.

Perhaps even a dictatorship.
I am sorry that a repub figured that out..Poor Ike...mislead by a military strategic tactic that ends up being ,,,wrong...
And that is the way it's 'sposed to be.

Just like Christians which live strictly by the word of Christ, never happens...

Intelligent folks tend to provide analogies that are fairly closely matched.

Your attempt has a vacuity large enough to drive a Mac truck through.

But then, why speak of 'intelligent folks' with reference to your posts......
And you try to twist every dog turd into a FDR analogy..gheez, repeat and don't nauseam...
massive interstate system is part of national defense and it took the Nazies to tell us that because of Constitutionalism...

When I find apologists for big,overreaching government, such as yourself....
...I wonder if a monarchy wouldn't be more to your liking.

Perhaps even a dictatorship.
I am sorry that a repub figured that out..Poor Ike...mislead by a military strategic tactic that ends up being ,,,wrong...

What was wrong about the Interstate Highway System?
And that is the way it's 'sposed to be.

Just like Christians which live strictly by the word of Christ, never happens...

Intelligent folks tend to provide analogies that are fairly closely matched.

Your attempt has a vacuity large enough to drive a Mac truck through.

But then, why speak of 'intelligent folks' with reference to your posts......
And you try to twist every dog turd into a FDR analogy..gheez, repeat and don't nauseam...

1. I can't help but tell the truth.

2. That should be "an FDR analogy."

3. I often wonder, as you oafs never seem able to find any errors in my posts about FDR,...
doesn't there come a point were....deep begin to suspect that you never really knew the truth?

Or...have you been so brain-numbed in government can't shake off the opiate?
what's wrong with the interstate system again (outside of it being underfunded and in disrepair)?
I would think the interstate was more a necessity
massive interstate system is part of national defense and it took the Nazies to tell us that because of Constitutionalism...

WWII 1914 -1918

The Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways (commonly known as the Interstate Highway System, Interstate Freeway System, Interstate System, or simply the Interstate) is a network of freeways that forms a part of the National Highway System of the United States. The system is named for President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who championed its formation. Construction was authorized by the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956, and the original portion was completed 35 years later. The network has since been extended, and as of 2012, it had a total length of 47,714 miles (76,788 km),[2] making it the world's second longest after China's. As of 2011, about one-quarter of all vehicle miles driven in the country use the Interstate system.[3] The cost of construction has been estimated at $425 billion (in 2006 dollars).[4]]

So your inference would be that WWI precipitated the Interstate highway system .....

Nothing what-so-ever to with industrial revolution or mass production of automobiles, huh ??
what's wrong with the interstate system again (outside of it being underfunded and in disrepair)?

Here is the main reason for the Interstate system problems that you mentioned.

Over the past few decades, lawmakers have diverted more trust fund resources to local and state programs, thus starving general purpose roads of funds.

including light rail, trolleys, and buses—marks the largest diversion. In 2010 alone, it received 17 percent, or $6 billion, of federal highway user fees, even though it accounted for only about 1 percent of the nation’s surface travel.[3]Despite receiving a portion of federal user fees for decades, transit has failed to reduce traffic congestion or even maintain its share of urban travel. For example, between 1983 and 2010, traffic volumes in the nation’s 51 major metropolitan areas increased by 87 percent, peak travel times in those areas increased by 125 percent, and transit’s share of passenger miles fell by one-fourth.[4]

The transportation alternatives program is another diversion. From FY 2009 to FY 2011, the Federal Highway Administration obligated over $3.1 billion for these activities, which included pedestrian and bicycle paths and facilities, recreation trails, landscaping, environmental mitigation, and transportation museums.[5]The current surface transportation law, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), eliminated a handful of previously eligible activities but still required a 2 percent set-aside of total highway funding to fund the remaining ones.
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The Constitution is the only document to which the free people of the United States agreed to be governed.
The Constitution. That is why it is called 'the law of the land.'

At one time this was true.
But not since President Franklin Roosevelt.

Here is a tale that compared the two versions of America....before Roosevelt, and since.
This tale took place before that presidency, and so it conformed to the law of the land.

1. "The Erie Canal is a canal in New York that originally ran about 363 miles (584 km) from Albany, New York, on the Hudson River to Buffalo, New York, at Lake Erie. It was built to create a navigable water route fromNew York Cityand the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes..... – because of this vital connection and others to follow, such as the railroads,New York State would become known as the "Empire State" or "the great Empire State"
Erie Canal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

2. "The building of the Erie Canal and the politics surrounding it, became a landmark event in American economic history....almost all American wanted better roads and new canals- 'internal improvements' as they were called.....Building the Erie Canal was a splendid idea.
The only question was how to fund it: with federal spending, state funding, or by entrepreneurs?" Folsom and Folsom, "Uncle Sam Can't Count," p.56.

3. In 1811, NY Congressman Peter Porter argued before Congress that the federal government should fund the canal. After all, an Erie Canal would have national benefits, and not just commercially! It would encourage settlement all along it's length, and cause the Great Lakes to flourish.

a. But the Constitution did not empower the federal government to tax all the people of the nation for a road that mainly benefited one state.
Porter's bill failed.

b. But the War of 1812 added a national defense reason and the bill was brought back; Congress passed it in 1817.
"Erie Water West: A History of the Erie Canal, 1792-1854,"by Ronald E. Shaw, p. 39-40, 47.

4. As I said, this was before Franklin Roosevelt, so the Constitution was still in effect. On March 3, 1817, on his next to the last day in office, President James Madison vetoed the bill, saying "I am constrained by the insuperable difficulty I feel in reconciling the bill with the Constitution of the United States..."

He went on to make two significant points, points that successive Presidents should have noted:

a. "....To refer the power in question to the clause "to provide for common defense and general welfare" would be contrary to the established and consistent rules of interpretation,... Such a view of the Constitution would have the effect of giving to Congress a general power of legislation instead of the defined and limited one hitherto understood to belong to them, the terms "common defense and general welfare" embracing every object and act within the purview of a legislative trust." James Madison Veto of federal public works bill March 3 1817

This, from the leader of the Constitutional Convention; he, more than anyone, understood how the general welfare clause was to be read.

b. Don't misunderstand: Madison was in favor of internal improvements- he knew that the Constitution's design was that such projects should be undertaken by the state, or by private citizens.
"I am not unaware of the great importance of roads and canals and the improved navigation of water courses, and that a power in the National Legislature to provide for them might be exercised with signal advantage to the general prosperity."
...But he knew that the Constitution did not provide for such as expansion of the federal government..." I have no option but to withhold my signature from it, and to cherishing the hope that its beneficial objects may be attained [by other means]."

And that is the way it's 'sposed to be.
I agree with your post

Unfortunately, you contradict yourself when you advocate the financial and military support of Israhell.


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