Steelers owner begs fans not to abandon team over National Anthem protest


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Steelers Owner Begs Fans Not To Abandon Team Over National Anthem Protest

Steelers’ President Art Rooney II penned a panicked letter to Steelers fans after the team didn’t show up to the field during the National Anthem before a game on Sunday.

This is probably breaking Ronney's heart seeing a team he is so attached to crumble and the fans that will turn their backs on the Steelers. Oh well.
The racist NFL Players and greedy NFL Owners are dishonoring our Soldiers and Policemen who sacrificed everything so that they could be ungrateful spoiled multi-millionaire entertainers, screw the NFL
the Steelers hid in the tunnel like little girls, they can stay there for all I care.
Steelers Owner Begs Fans Not To Abandon Team Over National Anthem Protest

Steelers’ President Art Rooney II penned a panicked letter to Steelers fans after the team didn’t show up to the field during the National Anthem before a game on Sunday.

This is probably breaking Ronney's heart seeing a team he is so attached to crumble and the fans that will turn their backs on the Steelers. Oh well.
What Rooney and the rest of the owners are really worried about is one thing, CASH. That is what the protest was all about. As soon as Trump made his comments THEN the owners were on board, it is all about money and the owners apparently don't care how they hurt the players or the game. They want it both ways, screw them and the Steeler Nation.
Boycott those suckers for a month and those players would be on their knees begging for a do over... Bet they'd all be standing and singing and dancing over our anthem if it means a paycheck is forthcoming.
Good thoughts but the players are responding to the owner's request to take on Trump. Prior to this they didn't give a crap about the protest, so obviously what they do care about is profit.

I would love to see a real boycott, but there are not enough patriots in my opinion. Look at all those who never gave a day of service in their life and how they respond.
Boycott those suckers for a month and those players would be on their knees begging for a do over... Bet they'd all be standing and singing and dancing over our anthem if it means a paycheck is forthcoming.
Good thoughts but the players are responding to the owner's request to take on Trump. Prior to this they didn't give a crap about the protest, so obviously what they do care about is profit.

I would love to see a real boycott, but there are not enough patriots in my opinion. Look at all those who never gave a day of service in their life and how they respond.

THe very concept of city teams is that the fans of a city identify with the players.

The players insulting the nation and by extension their fans, is going to make this fantasy harder for the fans to maintain.

Much harder.

Once destroyed, a lot of these fans will never return.

Why care about a team made up of rich assholes who think you are "Racist" scum?
I sort of agree, freewill, and some fans are rabid. The bottom line is what has to be effected.
This isn't something unique. There is a global rush to remove patriotism because it interferes with the, so close they can taste it, unified global hemisphere ruled by a few elites.
We can let those few win this battle, or we can stand in solidarity to protect our country. Sing it loud and hard. And with heart.
Dear Colin Kaepernick: America’s Spoiled Brat - Capitol Hill Outsider

I would love to see a real boycott, but there are not enough patriots in my opinion. Look at all those who never gave a day of service in their life and how they respond.
Well, apparently there are enough patriots to put Rooney's balls in a vise.
They accuse President Trump of narcissism but think their shit don't stink and they can get away with any stupidity they can come up with? Guess again, narcissist, millionaire, spoiled brats! Personally, I've found other entertainments because I just don't care about your politics. I don't watch sports to have a bunch of spoiled assholes shoving their politics down my throat. Hell, there's plenty enough of that going on everywhere else. So, either play the game well, to the best of your ability, and leave your politics in the locker room, or lose your fan base. Take a knee, take a hike. I think I'll go mow the lawn.
The whole picture of the NFL owners saying that Trump does not show proper respect for the NFL which is allowing their players to show disrespect to the American people is just phenomenal.

America > NFL

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