Stefan Molyneux's Analogy


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Your father is a "young" 65 years old, seemingly in perfect health. He is unexpectedly rushed to the emergency room, and you are told that he has a condition that will kill him quickly, but a very complex surgery can almost surely cure the condition.

For now, he must be placed in a medically-induced coma.

You are told that preparations for the surgery will take a while. The surgery is scheduled for a week out, then another week out, then two weeks further out...

You see that the effects of the coma are causing your father to deteriorate. His muscles atrophy, brain activity reduces, you worry that the coma will kill him before he ever gets the surgery.

Then you learn that the surgeon has a longstanding hatred of your father, and seemingly wouldn't care whether he lives or dies...

"Your father" is the country's economy. It was thriving before Covid-19, but has been shut down, presumably to keep the greatest number of people "safe." The "medically induced coma" is the shutdown. As the shutdown goes on and on, and as they keep kicking the time for opening up later and later, the economy is slowly dying.

The surgeon is the Democrats and the Media, most of whom are positioned so that the shutdown affects them minimally (none of them have Real Jobs), and they would gladly "kill" the economy if that would result in Trump being voted out of office.

Quite apropos, if you ask me.
Funny that not only did congress not take no salary during this crisis they voted themselves a raise and decided on less working days. The only person in the government that is not profiting off this crisis is the one that has not taken a paycheck that the Dems want out.
But Pelosi did show her solidarity with the people while she stays at home by showing off her extremely expensive refrigerators and her smorgasbord of designer ice creams that she is forced to enjoy.
Your father is a "young" 65 years old, seemingly in perfect health. He is unexpectedly rushed to the emergency room, and you are told that he has a condition that will kill him quickly, but a very complex surgery can almost surely cure the condition.

For now, he must be placed in a medically-induced coma.

You are told that preparations for the surgery will take a while. The surgery is scheduled for a week out, then another week out, then two weeks further out...

You see that the effects of the coma are causing your father to deteriorate. His muscles atrophy, brain activity reduces, you worry that the coma will kill him before he ever gets the surgery.

Then you learn that the surgeon has a longstanding hatred of your father, and seemingly wouldn't care whether he lives or dies...

"Your father" is the country's economy. It was thriving before Covid-19, but has been shut down, presumably to keep the greatest number of people "safe." The "medically induced coma" is the shutdown. As the shutdown goes on and on, and as they keep kicking the time for opening up later and later, the economy is slowly dying.

The surgeon is the Democrats and the Media, most of whom are positioned so that the shutdown affects them minimally (none of them have Real Jobs), and they would gladly "kill" the economy if that would result in Trump being voted out of office.

Quite apropos, if you ask me.

That's not elective surgery. As I understand it, emergency operations are still being performed. As far as a long standing hatred of the father? Any kind of bias like that spoken or even implied would result in the end of that doctor's career. Your scenario is just one silly assumption built on another for the purpose of propping up your savior and blaming people you don't agree with because of you political leanings. Look, I get why you Trump supporters are panicking. He completely botches the response to virus. Despite every attempt by his supporters and right wing media, no deflection or diversion has stuck yet. The country being shutdown is almost completely laid at his feet. Each day that goes by is a day he can't crow about how good the economy is, hold one of his pep rallies, and focus on the only thing he really is good at...running for President.
Your father is a "young" 65 years old, seemingly in perfect health. He is unexpectedly rushed to the emergency room, and you are told that he has a condition that will kill him quickly, but a very complex surgery can almost surely cure the condition.

For now, he must be placed in a medically-induced coma.

You are told that preparations for the surgery will take a while. The surgery is scheduled for a week out, then another week out, then two weeks further out...

You see that the effects of the coma are causing your father to deteriorate. His muscles atrophy, brain activity reduces, you worry that the coma will kill him before he ever gets the surgery.

Then you learn that the surgeon has a longstanding hatred of your father, and seemingly wouldn't care whether he lives or dies...

"Your father" is the country's economy. It was thriving before Covid-19, but has been shut down, presumably to keep the greatest number of people "safe." The "medically induced coma" is the shutdown. As the shutdown goes on and on, and as they keep kicking the time for opening up later and later, the economy is slowly dying.

The surgeon is the Democrats and the Media, most of whom are positioned so that the shutdown affects them minimally (none of them have Real Jobs), and they would gladly "kill" the economy if that would result in Trump being voted out of office.

Quite apropos, if you ask me.

Your father is a "young" 65 years old, seemingly in perfect health. He is unexpectedly rushed to the emergency room, and you are told that he has a condition that will kill him quickly, but a very complex surgery can almost surely cure the condition.

For now, he must be placed in a medically-induced coma.

You are told that preparations for the surgery will take a while. The surgery is scheduled for a week out, then another week out, then two weeks further out...

You see that the effects of the coma are causing your father to deteriorate. His muscles atrophy, brain activity reduces, you worry that the coma will kill him before he ever gets the surgery.

Then you learn that the surgeon has a longstanding hatred of your father, and seemingly wouldn't care whether he lives or dies...

"Your father" is the country's economy. It was thriving before Covid-19, but has been shut down, presumably to keep the greatest number of people "safe." The "medically induced coma" is the shutdown. As the shutdown goes on and on, and as they keep kicking the time for opening up later and later, the economy is slowly dying.

The surgeon is the Democrats and the Media, most of whom are positioned so that the shutdown affects them minimally (none of them have Real Jobs), and they would gladly "kill" the economy if that would result in Trump being voted out of office.

Quite apropos, if you ask me.

That's not elective surgery. As I understand it, emergency operations are still being performed. As far as a long standing hatred of the father? Any kind of bias like that spoken or even implied would result in the end of that doctor's career. Your scenario is just one silly assumption built on another for the purpose of propping up your savior and blaming people you don't agree with because of you political leanings. Look, I get why you Trump supporters are panicking. He completely botches the response to virus. Despite every attempt by his supporters and right wing media, no deflection or diversion has stuck yet. The country being shutdown is almost completely laid at his feet. Each day that goes by is a day he can't crow about how good the economy is, hold one of his pep rallies, and focus on the only thing he really is good at...running for President.

The democrats....
They have a plan....keep the economy locked down for as long as possible....then, combined with New York and California and the other democrat controlled states, they can help put the country into a Great Depression before the election. With 6 months to go before the election, that is way too much time to give to Trump to get the economy on the way to recovery........ they said we needed to crush the U.S. economy to keep the hospitals from being, the army hospitals and navy ships are closing, without being used, there were excess ventilators to the point they are now sending them to other states.....hospitals are not only laying off staff, they are facing the curve has been flattened.....the original reason for destroying the U.S. is so flattened, that we have more than enough capacity going forward with this Chinese Virus.......but they still won't open up the economy.....there is no reason to keep us closed down except to hurt Trump and pass their left wing agenda....keep in mind...hospitals going into bankruptcy helps the democrat party....they want to take over healthcare, so failing hospitals help them.......we need to stop this.....

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