step outside please,,,,police ploy

kitten i am talking about when they are drinking in their condo and apartments...the police get called....and then its all over..they get busted for public drunkness...cause they did as the cops ask..and stepped outside

:eusa_eh: Okay ... so someone complains about people breaking the noise ordinances, and somehow the cops just "know" they are college brats and arrest them just for that? Weird ... when did they start hiring psychics?

Don't bother with logic or reality with these paranoid dumb asses. Neither reality or logic apply to their rants. If you dig you find out that people that make these charges and complain the loudest usually have a beef with the cops cause they got caught breaking the law. Editec for example got caught with pot. No telling what Strollings little problem was unless she tells us.

First thing you need to do and these people admit they do not, is be respectful. Even though I seriously doubt some cop is gonna blow me away for being a smart ass, I learned real quick in life if someone with more POWER then you is talking to you you do not aggravate them, you give them some respect.

Drunks are almost NEVER smart enough to be respectful, especially if when sober they are not. Cops do not just show up at condo's apartments or homes without a REASON. And the first thing you learn is that if the party is wild and loud and full of drunks no amount of ASKING is going to register with these drunk assholes to tone it down. The next thing to remember is if the cops have a reason to arrest someone, doing it in a room of drunks is a very bad idea. Better to get them to exit the room. It is called sound police tactics.
it is not illegal to be drunk in public here, it is not illegal to be under the influence while on anything as long as you do not have whatever that is on you. If you have any sort of thing in your hand they will kill you around here or tase the shit out of you.
I had a cop tell me that you can be under the influence in public while high on coke at event at the park I worked at, he gave being high off of coke as the first example. Of course the question was in regards to a drunk guy stumbling around the park. Just say I almost pissed my pants!

Fair point, the police culture in a community will vary. I've only been to your area once, I was going to visit a community college and had nothing to do with the police there but I got the feeling it's a tough town.

A lot of it depends on how difficult it is for them to control the drug problems in the area. In Seattle they would rather catch them "red handed" as well, often letting people who smoke pot go, just to tail them to find the harder stuff.
The drug problem and gang problem is pretty bad here right now, gang members see this area as a free zone or whatever they say. We have had three meth heads killed in some form by the police just this summer. Two by shooting and one by high speed chase.
They also say the only reason why we rated below Tacoma for a meth problem is because Tacoma has more money to go after meth labs, right now we have no money.
Last night two gang member up from California shot two women after a bar fight. If I go to a bar I have learned that when a fight starts get the hell out of there, those women are just two of many.
We also have the oxy freaks robbing everything right now, they even broke into the store I work at stealing about 40,000 dollars worth of jewelry. When they got them for a oxy ring they found half the jewelry.
All I know is the Police just took three more career criminals off the street for good and I have no sympathy for these meth or oxy freaks. One guy they shot for pulling a butcher knife had just beat up and robbed a older lady in her home.
do the police pull this around your area? we have asu near us with lots of student housing...police are called to a condo....or apartment.....people are partying hard inside the apartment...the police will come...ask the apartment owners to step outside....once they do that..they are on public property and are arrested for public drunkness....gestopo tactic or good police be the judge.

There is no law enforcement agency anywhere in the country that can do that, theres a term for that and it is called "Entrapment" and it is illegal. It is VERY rare that an Officer of the law would pull a stunt like that because they will end up in jail next to the people they arrest.
do the police pull this around your area? we have asu near us with lots of student housing...police are called to a condo....or apartment.....people are partying hard inside the apartment...the police will come...ask the apartment owners to step outside....once they do that..they are on public property and are arrested for public drunkness....gestopo tactic or good police be the judge.

Why do that when you can just summons them for violating noise ordinances?

Speaking of cops really like to make frivolous arrests like you describe? I would imagine that for each arrest there is a huge amount of paperwork to do. Not to mention the taxpayer's cost.

Cops actually HATE arresting people. I work with law enforcement on almost a daily basis when I prosecute someone who I catch stealing. Hell when I detain and handcuff someone I have to do a minimum of 6 pages of paperwork. When PD arrests someone they spend half their shift doing paperwork, and noone likes doing paperwork.
kitten i am talking about when they are drinking in their condo and apartments...the police get called....and then its all over..they get busted for public drunkness...cause they did as the cops ask..and stepped outside

KK is talking about a situation where someone who doesn't live at the party location is drunk with the potential of trying to drive home.

You're right about the thin line, but if one person gets thrown in the drunk tank for the night and that prevented him from driving home drunk and possibly getting killed or killing someone else, I can live with it.
Fair point, the police culture in a community will vary. I've only been to your area once, I was going to visit a community college and had nothing to do with the police there but I got the feeling it's a tough town.

A lot of it depends on how difficult it is for them to control the drug problems in the area. In Seattle they would rather catch them "red handed" as well, often letting people who smoke pot go, just to tail them to find the harder stuff.
The drug problem and gang problem is pretty bad here right now, gang members see this area as a free zone or whatever they say. We have had three meth heads killed in some form by the police just this summer. Two by shooting and one by high speed chase.
They also say the only reason why we rated below Tacoma for a meth problem is because Tacoma has more money to go after meth labs, right now we have no money.
Last night two gang member up from California shot two women after a bar fight. If I go to a bar I have learned that when a fight starts get the hell out of there, those women are just two of many.
We also have the oxy freaks robbing everything right now, they even broke into the store I work at stealing about 40,000 dollars worth of jewelry. When they got them for a oxy ring they found half the jewelry.
All I know is the Police just took three more career criminals off the street for good and I have no sympathy for these meth or oxy freaks. One guy they shot for pulling a butcher knife had just beat up and robbed a older lady in her home.

That sucks, I know how that is, where I live is the official Meth Capitol of the United States.

People don't realize how dangers someone spun out on meth or PCP really is. I would say atleast 60-75% of the people I detain are spun out and if you have never been in a situation where you have to try and get someone who is spun out in handcuffs consider yourself lucky.

First of all they have superhuman strength, the majority of the time you have to choker them out, just to get them under control and if you have never done it it is a hard thing to do. We had one guy who was about 5'4\120#'s throwing 4 of us around I had to choke him out to get him restained, and when he came to he actually broke my handcuffs. He cut his wrists down to the bone trying to break out of them and when he snapped the hinges I will tell you, that is one of the worst feelings you can ever imagine. There is no reasoning with someone like this and they dont think logically at all. All's they do is fight.

They are also resistant to the non lethal weapons the law enforcement uses like Tazers, and ASP or Pepper Spray since they are feeling no pain. I have seen someone hit with a Tazer and keep going at the Officer, not a good position for the cop to be in because he only has one choice remaining at that point, lethal force.

People need to realize the seriousness of the Meth crisis. It literally distroys lives and what makes it so dangerous is that you only need to try it just ONCE and your hooked for life.
how in the fuck did we get on meth? meth is a horrible drug...the more i find out about it...but it should be legal...sorry all drugs should be legal. why force meth heads is better to control what they are least you can treat them then...i have never seen a casual meth user....but i have seen people pull out of it....i work in a beer store in a small town....i told my boss a few years ago...i wasnt coming back in till the skin condition that people had stopped...he laughed and doing meth...seems they claw at their skin...and pic at it..till it running...damn it was just plain ass gross...
do the police pull this around your area? we have asu near us with lots of student housing...police are called to a condo....or apartment.....people are partying hard inside the apartment...the police will come...ask the apartment owners to step outside....once they do that..they are on public property and are arrested for public drunkness....gestopo tactic or good police be the judge.

There is no law enforcement agency anywhere in the country that can do that, theres a term for that and it is called "Entrapment" and it is illegal. It is VERY rare that an Officer of the law would pull a stunt like that because they will end up in jail next to the people they arrest.

happens all the time in boone nc
A lot of it depends on how difficult it is for them to control the drug problems in the area. In Seattle they would rather catch them "red handed" as well, often letting people who smoke pot go, just to tail them to find the harder stuff.
The drug problem and gang problem is pretty bad here right now, gang members see this area as a free zone or whatever they say. We have had three meth heads killed in some form by the police just this summer. Two by shooting and one by high speed chase.
They also say the only reason why we rated below Tacoma for a meth problem is because Tacoma has more money to go after meth labs, right now we have no money.
Last night two gang member up from California shot two women after a bar fight. If I go to a bar I have learned that when a fight starts get the hell out of there, those women are just two of many.
We also have the oxy freaks robbing everything right now, they even broke into the store I work at stealing about 40,000 dollars worth of jewelry. When they got them for a oxy ring they found half the jewelry.
All I know is the Police just took three more career criminals off the street for good and I have no sympathy for these meth or oxy freaks. One guy they shot for pulling a butcher knife had just beat up and robbed a older lady in her home.

That sucks, I know how that is, where I live is the official Meth Capitol of the United States.

People don't realize how dangers someone spun out on meth or PCP really is. I would say atleast 60-75% of the people I detain are spun out and if you have never been in a situation where you have to try and get someone who is spun out in handcuffs consider yourself lucky.

First of all they have superhuman strength, the majority of the time you have to choker them out, just to get them under control and if you have never done it it is a hard thing to do. We had one guy who was about 5'4\120#'s throwing 4 of us around I had to choke him out to get him restained, and when he came to he actually broke my handcuffs. He cut his wrists down to the bone trying to break out of them and when he snapped the hinges I will tell you, that is one of the worst feelings you can ever imagine. There is no reasoning with someone like this and they dont think logically at all. All's they do is fight.

They are also resistant to the non lethal weapons the law enforcement uses like Tazers, and ASP or Pepper Spray since they are feeling no pain. I have seen someone hit with a Tazer and keep going at the Officer, not a good position for the cop to be in because he only has one choice remaining at that point, lethal force.

People need to realize the seriousness of the Meth crisis. It literally distroys lives and what makes it so dangerous is that you only need to try it just ONCE and your hooked for life.

You're full of shit. Not only is there no way to resist a taser's extremely high electric current, it would have ZERO to do with drug use.

There's a possibility of resisting if shot in the leg or arm, but then cops don't shoot the taser there DO THEY?

You're a rent-a-cop dude, and you're trying to bullshit a bullshitter.

As far as the meth, have you ever even used it to know it only takes "one time to get hooked for life"?
kitten i am talking about when they are drinking in their condo and apartments...the police get called....and then its all over..they get busted for public drunkness...cause they did as the cops ask..and stepped outside

:eusa_eh: Okay ... so someone complains about people breaking the noise ordinances, and somehow the cops just "know" they are college brats and arrest them just for that? Weird ... when did they start hiring psychics?

Don't bother with logic or reality with these paranoid dumb asses. Neither reality or logic apply to their rants. If you dig you find out that people that make these charges and complain the loudest usually have a beef with the cops cause they got caught breaking the law. Editec for example got caught with pot. No telling what Strollings little problem was unless she tells us.

First thing you need to do and these people admit they do not, is be respectful. Even though I seriously doubt some cop is gonna blow me away for being a smart ass, I learned real quick in life if someone with more POWER then you is talking to you you do not aggravate them, you give them some respect.

Drunks are almost NEVER smart enough to be respectful, especially if when sober they are not. Cops do not just show up at condo's apartments or homes without a REASON. And the first thing you learn is that if the party is wild and loud and full of drunks no amount of ASKING is going to register with these drunk assholes to tone it down. The next thing to remember is if the cops have a reason to arrest someone, doing it in a room of drunks is a very bad idea. Better to get them to exit the room. It is called sound police tactics.
Spare us your insane if you aren't doing anything wrong don't be afraid bullshit. Especially from you who moaned and cried about the raid on the child rapist's compound.

It's good you learned real quick never to question authority, RGS. And nice job of equating those in authority to street thugs with weapons. We aren't supposed to FEAR the police if we are innocent of any criminal wrongdoing.
do the police pull this around your area? we have asu near us with lots of student housing...police are called to a condo....or apartment.....people are partying hard inside the apartment...the police will come...ask the apartment owners to step outside....once they do that..they are on public property and are arrested for public drunkness....gestopo tactic or good police be the judge.

There is no law enforcement agency anywhere in the country that can do that, theres a term for that and it is called "Entrapment" and it is illegal. It is VERY rare that an Officer of the law would pull a stunt like that because they will end up in jail next to the people they arrest.

Many years ago, when I was a young man, the law enforcement officers in Clinton county Kentucky used to check out people that were too drunk to drive and sleeping it off in their cars, tell them to move their car, and then arrest them for driving under the influence, in lieu of just public drunknes.

Although this never happened to me, I do know of people it did happen to.
We call them Traffic Nazis.

Godwin's Law!


I'm sorry but if you fuck with the cops they fuck you back. That's life, get used to it. :eusa_angel:

I'm glad some don't get used to it.

As I said, "if". The point being don't be surprised if instant karma gets you (that's a general "you"). It's advisable to not resist and not talk without a lawyer being present. Stick to those two simple points and "you" should be okay.
do the police pull this around your area? we have asu near us with lots of student housing...police are called to a condo....or apartment.....people are partying hard inside the apartment...the police will come...ask the apartment owners to step outside....once they do that..they are on public property and are arrested for public drunkness....gestopo tactic or good police be the judge.

actually they aren't on public property until they come onto the sidewalk or into the street....the condo and apartment grounds are private and your rent pays a proratta share of that space so i would argue you are on your own property....
"I am a criminal defense attorney in Washington (to be distinguished from Washington, DC- the main difference is we make useful things here like planes, software, fruit and coffee). Typically an officer would not cite an individual for disorderly conduct in a case like Gates. Disorderly conduct has a specific definition in the statutes and state courts have interpreted those statutes to give a lot of leeway in favor of freedom of speech. See State v. Montgomery, 31 Wn. App. 745, 644 P.2d 747 (1982).
However, officers get around this by arresting those who commit POP ("Pissing Off Police") with obstruction. Obstruction has a much broader definition and covers anyone accused of "willfully hindering or delaying" an investigation.
My last trial as a public defender involved a client who was pulled over and asked to produce his license. Before doing so he repeatedly asked the officer why he was being stopped. The officer forcefully yanked the man out of his car, threatened to taser him and arrested him in front of his 9 year old boy. It should be noted the officer was white and my client Mexican/Hispanic. While he was getting loaded into the police cruiser the client asked why he was being arrested. "Because you're an asshole," the cop replied.
Despite having a father who was NYPD for 25 years, obtaining a degree in criminology and aspiring to enter law enforcement, my work as a public defender has taught me one thing. Ninety percent of the time an obstruction charge is absolute bullshit."

The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

I'm sorry but if you fuck with the cops they fuck you back. That's life, get used to it. :eusa_angel:

I'm glad some don't get used to it.

As I said, "if". The point being don't be surprised if instant karma gets you (that's a general "you"). It's advisable to not resist and not talk without a lawyer being present. Stick to those two simple points and "you" should be okay.
Why should anyone give up their rights as a citizen to avoid being arrested?
In Seattle they would rather catch them "red handed" as well, often letting people who smoke pot go, just to tail them to find the harder stuff.

:rofl: Where do you come up with this shit? They let the pot smokers go to tail them to find the harder stuff? Or to plant the harder stuff? What's their success rate on that tailing technique? So they follow them to the liquor store, the grocery store, their baby's momma house, to see Pookie in the county, etc until they finally get to the hard stuff 3 or 4 days later? I see why crime is so high in Seattle. You got cops doing private eye work.

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