Steph Curry and Jalen Rose don't believe in moon landing and Irvin thinks earth is flat.

Seriously, is there a person on this forum he either thinks the earth is flat or the moon landing is fake....seriously?

Why haven't we been back to the moon, hell we have a space ship that will land and take off and is a helluva lot more advanced than what they had back then.

It's very expensive and we don't have a space race to generate support.

How many shuttle flights have we had since the moon landing?

A few dozen, why? It would be a lot more expensive to go back to the moon, not to mention dangerous, and there's no pressing need right now to go back. We've been investing in satellite technology and establishing our low Earth orbit presence in the years since, and advancing our scientific knowledge tremendously as a result. At the same time, NASA faces routine budget pressure as government seeks to pay for the ever increasing welfare state.

All of that adds up to a pile of :bsflag:

Makes a lot more sense than us never being on the moon.

Notice anything in common with THOSE PEOPLE?

Those people had their genetic line destroyed maliciously by whites that were not served justice. They also did not receive compensation for this loss. They continue to this day to be hated and discriminated against. Maybe its time for reparations and capital punishment for hate crimes.
Seriously, is there a person on this forum he either thinks the earth is flat or the moon landing is fake....seriously?

Why haven't we been back to the moon, hell we have a space ship that will land and take off and is a helluva lot more advanced than what they had back then.

Hold on......are you a moon landing denier? If you are, id love to have this conversation with you.

I believe I asked a couple of questions.

So you’re too big of a pussy to just say you think the moon landing was it, I’m not surprised.

What does pussy have to do with the moon, you answered my questions with a question.

You answered my original question - are you a moon landing denier?- with a question, so why don’t you have the balls to say if you deny the moon landings?
Seriously, is there a person on this forum he either thinks the earth is flat or the moon landing is fake....seriously?

Why haven't we been back to the moon, hell we have a space ship that will land and take off and is a helluva lot more advanced than what they had back then.
Because it is extremely expensive to go there and nothing to be gained by doing so.
Seriously, is there a person on this forum he either thinks the earth is flat or the moon landing is fake....seriously?
I assume MindWars does. :laugh:

America has been to the moon and beyond, but the footage we were shown was staged on a movie set. See if you can find the blatantly obvious anomalies......

The military industrial complex is anywhere from 100 to 150 years ahead (and that is a conservative estimate) of what we are allowed to know about.

Anamolies mean nothing and no landing was staged.

The evidence is crushing the landings were real and to deny that is the worst sort of stupidity.
Seriously, is there a person on this forum he either thinks the earth is flat or the moon landing is fake....seriously?
I assume MindWars does. :laugh:

America has been to the moon and beyond, but the footage we were shown was staged on a movie set. See if you can find the blatantly obvious anomalies......

The military industrial complex is anywhere from 100 to 150 years ahead (and that is a conservative estimate) of what we are allowed to know about.

OMG! Not too Dale? You think they faked the filming ........just plain stupid.

I am not saying that the moon landings didn't happen....not in the least. The footage we were shown as we all sat around the TV had been filmed in a studio for affect. Look real closely at the video of the old black and white footage allegedly beamed back from nearly 300,000 miles from space. Who was standing outside watching Armstrong take his first steps on the moon? What is the best way to hide something? Disguise it but put it in plain sight. One of the objectives was to make the USSR believe that we were waaaay ahead of them in the space race. It was actually a brilliant, strategic move. Has USA.INC been to the moon and beyond using technology that we are kept in the dark about? Abso-fucking-lutely and say it with no reservations. Eisenhower warned us about the military industrial complex that became a "break away" entity all unto itself.

Believe it or not, but as someone that has seen the advance of technology where a microprocessor can fit into the dimple of a golf ball, multi-layer PCBs with surface mount technology with diodes, transistors, IC chips and capacitors so small that you have to look through a lighted magnifying glass? Boards that back in 1987 would have been worth thousands of dollars can now be so cheaply made that attempting to repair them is A: Next to impossible B: Cheaper to just pitch them......just calling it like I see it from a position of this type of technology and what it entails.

It was not staged it was real and that is fact.

No one filmed him they had a camera mounted on the lander. Simple.

The evidence is beyond question
Seriously, is there a person on this forum he either thinks the earth is flat or the moon landing is fake....seriously?

At the end of the day its funny how these NBA players troll these idiots like the OP who run around foaming at the mouth but cant make in a lifetime what money these players make in a year.
Have to have a plate in your head to buy the moon landing. The myth busters have since been train wrecked.....its hysterical stuff!:113:

Wagging the Moondoggie

But I get it.....its way easier to stay in the comfy bubble and hang with the established narrative. Most people are desperate to not divert from conformity. You can sell a bag of dog doo for $5,000 a pop to most folks if you package it up just right....and the Reality Manufacturing Co knows it of course!! Like the dopes who buy the alarmist global warming narrative. The elitist of the elite lead the suckers around by the nose....because they can!

BTW....there are dozens of wtf moondoggie factoids but if you aren't into reading on it, just check out McGowans look at the lunar rover. You'll laugh so hard, your sides will hurt!:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
Don't know how serious these two are, but there are plenty of people out there that genuinely believe the landings were all faked.

Well after almost 50 years, with thousands, and thousand of people involved, yet nobody has come out to reveal the conspiracy. Don't you think that is a bit odd?

I've made the same comments hundreds of times.
If we somehow faked the six moon landings, you would have to keep the mouths shut of a lot of people. Never going to happen.

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