Stephanie Cutter: Whoring It Up

How many of you checked the numbers?

If you want to make a case that the Obama recovery is stronger than the Reagan recovery...go ahead.

Just making that claim in the face of a stalled economy (when in 1984.....Reagan didn't even campaign and wiped out his democratic opponent.....things were looking that good), is stupid. If she has some nuanced argument that you want to pull my guest.
(NEWSER) – That tenacious Democrat you see debating on Sunday news shows? Her name is Stephanie Cutter, and only eight years ago her political career was all but dead, Politico reports. Cutter was communications adviser on John Kerry's 2004 campaign, and received much of the blame for its failure—with one Newsweek article even criticizing her wardrobe. But now she's a driving force on President Obama's re-election campaign, admired by politicos on both sides of the aisle.

Her straight-talking style personally impressed Obama, who twice convinced her to stay at the White House. And it's paid off in her consistent attacks on Mitt Romney's work at Bain Capital, even after Bill Clinton and Cory Booker second-guessed the strategy. Still, she was denied the one administration job she wanted—communications director—and her style can ruffle a few feathers: “I thought she didn’t like me," says a former Obama official who claims she would snap at him. "So I’ve basically concluded that her skills far outweigh any issue people might have with her style."

Stephanie Cutter: The Democrat Who 'Rose From the Grave' - John Kerry's 2004 campaign nearly ended her career

And she's about to lose another one.

I don't think she's married....and some guy out there sure is lucky.
Cutter: Obama's Recovery Has Been Stronger Than Reagan's, You Know - Guy Benson

I often find Team Obama's lies frustrating and galling. Not this one. The latest gem from Deputy Obama Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter -- whose very loose relationship with the truth has been well documented -- is so preposterous on its face that it doesn't even pass the laugh test:


As the author says...there are just some things that go beyond stupid.

Cutter is really a whore.

She's the Baghdad Bob of this administration.
I listened to Stephanie Cutter on CNN tonight hyperventilating about how Mitt Romney had "lied" during the debate and THAT was why Obama had done so poorly because according to can't debate someone that LIES. Hmmmm...I wonder if that's why SHE lies so often?

Poor progressives. They spend 250 million dollars trying to put out THEIR narrative of what Mitt Romney is running know, massive tax cuts for the wealthy and massive tax increases on the middle class? But then we have the first debate and Romney says no, that's not what I plan to do and Stephanie calls "FOUL!!!"

How DARE Mitt Romney not adhere to what Think Progress, HuffPo and Stephanie Cutter have decided is his agenda!!! How DARE the mainstream media not take HER word for what Mitt Romney's position is!!!

What's amusing is that progressives like Stephanie Cutter think that if they repeat what THEY think Mitt Romney's plans are enough times that it becomes fact. All Romney did was stand on stage with Barry and state what his actual plan is...and Obama didn't know what to say.

Probably the worst prepared candidate for a debate since Rick Perry. For a guy with alleged brilliance why is it Obama never seems to demonstrate said brilliance? Just asking...
Oh, so he's only gonna carry Illinois. Reminds me of Mondale.

Obama will take NY and doubt about it. There are to many foodstamps in those two states for them not to vote for him.

Now, why is the author's benchmark Reagan's 2nd recession? and why does the author use Household Survey figures to discuss job creation numbers?

um, that is percentage of people in the state not numbers of people on foodstamps...
I listened to Stephanie Cutter on CNN tonight hyperventilating about how Mitt Romney had "lied" during the debate and THAT was why Obama had done so poorly because according to can't debate someone that LIES. Hmmmm...I wonder if that's why SHE lies so often?

Poor progressives. They spend 250 million dollars trying to put out THEIR narrative of what Mitt Romney is running know, massive tax cuts for the wealthy and massive tax increases on the middle class? But then we have the first debate and Romney says no, that's not what I plan to do and Stephanie calls "FOUL!!!"

How DARE Mitt Romney not adhere to what Think Progress, HuffPo and Stephanie Cutter have decided is his agenda!!! How DARE the mainstream media not take HER word for what Mitt Romney's position is!!!

What's amusing is that progressives like Stephanie Cutter think that if they repeat what THEY think Mitt Romney's plans are enough times that it becomes fact. All Romney did was stand on stage with Barry and state what his actual plan is...and Obama didn't know what to say.

Probably the worst prepared candidate for a debate since Rick Perry. For a guy with alleged brilliance why is it Obama never seems to demonstrate said brilliance? Just asking...

Great post.

She truly is a whore.
8537 thinks he is smart. Starts off with a liberal premise, working his way back far enough into documented truths, he begins to ask questions that can only lead to his justifcation...

I'm guessing another good mind warped by a liberal professor. Sad really...

kinda sneaky, so I give you some credit, but when push comes to shove you are defending liberal lies....
I listened to Stephanie Cutter on CNN tonight hyperventilating about how Mitt Romney had "lied" during the debate and THAT was why Obama had done so poorly because according to can't debate someone that LIES. Hmmmm...I wonder if that's why SHE lies so often?

Poor progressives. They spend 250 million dollars trying to put out THEIR narrative of what Mitt Romney is running know, massive tax cuts for the wealthy and massive tax increases on the middle class? But then we have the first debate and Romney says no, that's not what I plan to do and Stephanie calls "FOUL!!!"

How DARE Mitt Romney not adhere to what Think Progress, HuffPo and Stephanie Cutter have decided is his agenda!!! How DARE the mainstream media not take HER word for what Mitt Romney's position is!!!

What's amusing is that progressives like Stephanie Cutter think that if they repeat what THEY think Mitt Romney's plans are enough times that it becomes fact. All Romney did was stand on stage with Barry and state what his actual plan is...and Obama didn't know what to say.

Probably the worst prepared candidate for a debate since Rick Perry. For a guy with alleged brilliance why is it Obama never seems to demonstrate said brilliance? Just asking...

Obama's camp is crying foul because Romney did not play to the stereotype of what they've been pushing for months. It's pitiful, almost.
I listened to Stephanie Cutter on CNN tonight hyperventilating about how Mitt Romney had "lied" during the debate and THAT was why Obama had done so poorly because according to can't debate someone that LIES. Hmmmm...I wonder if that's why SHE lies so often?

Poor progressives. They spend 250 million dollars trying to put out THEIR narrative of what Mitt Romney is running know, massive tax cuts for the wealthy and massive tax increases on the middle class? But then we have the first debate and Romney says no, that's not what I plan to do and Stephanie calls "FOUL!!!"

How DARE Mitt Romney not adhere to what Think Progress, HuffPo and Stephanie Cutter have decided is his agenda!!! How DARE the mainstream media not take HER word for what Mitt Romney's position is!!!

What's amusing is that progressives like Stephanie Cutter think that if they repeat what THEY think Mitt Romney's plans are enough times that it becomes fact. All Romney did was stand on stage with Barry and state what his actual plan is...and Obama didn't know what to say.

Probably the worst prepared candidate for a debate since Rick Perry. For a guy with alleged brilliance why is it Obama never seems to demonstrate said brilliance? Just asking...

Obama's camp is crying foul because Romney did not play to the stereotype of what they've been pushing for months. It's pitiful, almost.

No doubt, they lie about him for months and then are suprised when the image they created with their lies turns out to false. Maybe they should have looked into the real Romney from day one --- they might have realized their guy was so totally outmatched....
I listened to Stephanie Cutter on CNN tonight hyperventilating about how Mitt Romney had "lied" during the debate and THAT was why Obama had done so poorly because according to can't debate someone that LIES. Hmmmm...I wonder if that's why SHE lies so often?

Poor progressives. They spend 250 million dollars trying to put out THEIR narrative of what Mitt Romney is running know, massive tax cuts for the wealthy and massive tax increases on the middle class? But then we have the first debate and Romney says no, that's not what I plan to do and Stephanie calls "FOUL!!!"

How DARE Mitt Romney not adhere to what Think Progress, HuffPo and Stephanie Cutter have decided is his agenda!!! How DARE the mainstream media not take HER word for what Mitt Romney's position is!!!

What's amusing is that progressives like Stephanie Cutter think that if they repeat what THEY think Mitt Romney's plans are enough times that it becomes fact. All Romney did was stand on stage with Barry and state what his actual plan is...and Obama didn't know what to say.

Probably the worst prepared candidate for a debate since Rick Perry. For a guy with alleged brilliance why is it Obama never seems to demonstrate said brilliance? Just asking...

Great post.

She truly is a whore.

Stephanie Cutter accusing Romney of being a liar is like Madonna accusing Marie Osmond of being a slut. Sorry, but Steph's JOB DESCRIPTION should be "Propaganda Minister". She wouldn't know "truth" if it ran up her leg and bit her tushie.:D
I listened to Stephanie Cutter on CNN tonight hyperventilating about how Mitt Romney had "lied" during the debate and THAT was why Obama had done so poorly because according to can't debate someone that LIES. Hmmmm...I wonder if that's why SHE lies so often?

Poor progressives. They spend 250 million dollars trying to put out THEIR narrative of what Mitt Romney is running know, massive tax cuts for the wealthy and massive tax increases on the middle class? But then we have the first debate and Romney says no, that's not what I plan to do and Stephanie calls "FOUL!!!"

How DARE Mitt Romney not adhere to what Think Progress, HuffPo and Stephanie Cutter have decided is his agenda!!! How DARE the mainstream media not take HER word for what Mitt Romney's position is!!!

What's amusing is that progressives like Stephanie Cutter think that if they repeat what THEY think Mitt Romney's plans are enough times that it becomes fact. All Romney did was stand on stage with Barry and state what his actual plan is...and Obama didn't know what to say.

Probably the worst prepared candidate for a debate since Rick Perry. For a guy with alleged brilliance why is it Obama never seems to demonstrate said brilliance? Just asking...

Great post.

She truly is a whore.

Stephanie Cutter accusing Romney of being a liar is like Madonna accusing Marie Osmond of being a slut. Sorry, but Steph's JOB DESCRIPTION should be "Propaganda Minister". She wouldn't know "truth" if it ran up her leg and bit her tushie.:D

the "truth" or "Rachel Madcow"??
Cutter: Obama's Recovery Has Been Stronger Than Reagan's, You Know - Guy Benson

I often find Team Obama's lies frustrating and galling. Not this one. The latest gem from Deputy Obama Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter -- whose very loose relationship with the truth has been well documented -- is so preposterous on its face that it doesn't even pass the laugh test:


As the author says...there are just some things that go beyond stupid.

Cutter is really a whore.

Only an idiot copy/pastes Townhall and expects to be taken seriously.

You are an idiot. Congrats!!:clap2:
Cutter is really a whore.

And the GOP once again shows its enormas respect for women,and wondering why the Weird Mormon Robot is trailing Obama by 18 points with women...

Poor's really gotta' chafe your ass that Romney just got back in this race...doesn't it? Y

Meh, not really.

Haven't seen a poll yet where he's really move the RCP average.

Gallup and Rasmussen (usually your best polls) still have him trailing.

So now that I've answered your question, why don't you answer mine?

With guys like Listening calling Cutter a "whore", you have to wonder why women don't trust you anymore.
Cutter: Obama's Recovery Has Been Stronger Than Reagan's, You Know - Guy Benson

I often find Team Obama's lies frustrating and galling. Not this one. The latest gem from Deputy Obama Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter -- whose very loose relationship with the truth has been well documented -- is so preposterous on its face that it doesn't even pass the laugh test:


As the author says...there are just some things that go beyond stupid.

Cutter is really a whore.

Only an idiot copy/pastes Townhall and expects to be taken seriously.

You are an idiot. Congrats!!:clap2:

And we care what you think....why ?

With all due respect, Hazlnut...only an idiot defends the "honesty" of Stephanie Cutter.

Only, he didn't.....all he did was attack. Cutter's lies have been well documented and she's known in the "industry" as someone who can keep a straight face all the while lying out her oversized ass.

We can start with felon charge and move on to Mitt Romney killing some guys wife.

We'll see if Hazlbutt wants to have a go.

And the GOP once again shows its enormas respect for women,and wondering why the Weird Mormon Robot is trailing Obama by 18 points with women...

Poor's really gotta' chafe your ass that Romney just got back in this race...doesn't it? Y

Meh, not really.

Haven't seen a poll yet where he's really move the RCP average.

Gallup and Rasmussen (usually your best polls) still have him trailing.

So now that I've answered your question, why don't you answer mine?

With guys like Listening calling Cutter a "whore", you have to wonder why women don't trust you anymore.

Women make up half the bad.

A "whore" is also someone who compromises their principles for gain.

Now, what question was it that you were asking ?
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