Stephen Hawking can understand the universe, but not Donald Trump

His style is one thing, his lunatic stance on issues is another. He would wage a trade war with China, he would alienate our closest allies, he would abolish rights for women, gays and minorities.

Style is not what I vote for, substance is. And Trump's substance is egomania, not a desire to put our nation first.
That's what you call substance? My dogs do better substance in the yard every day. You believe all the left wing propaganda shoveled out there.
The Right Wing propaganda isn't doing any better convincing me that Trump has the Presidential character.
We have different priorities. You don't care about Hillary's lies and incompetence and I don't care about Trump hurting liberal's feelings.
Fair enough. But while I do recognize Mrs. Clinton's lies, I disagree with your assessment that the problem with Trump is how he hurts Liberal's feelings. He offends mature, thinking people who care about the Presidency and are loathe to see a reality show star obtain that office.

And back to style.
Trump is a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

I think Trump himself would find that statement accurate.

Don't you?

Says the man planning to vote for Hillary.
Says the man who could never stoop so low as to vote for a carnival barker like Donald Trump. I respect the office of the Presidency too much to see that rodeo clown even be admitted on a White House tour.

His style is off putting.

Hillary was a vicious enabler of her husbands sexual predatory crimes who victimized quite a few innocent women.

Sooo, tell me again how much respect you have for the office.

Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it.

His style is one thing, his lunatic stance on issues is another. He would wage a trade war with China, he would alienate our closest allies, he would abolish rights for women, gays and minorities.

Style is not what I vote for, substance is. And Trump's substance is egomania, not a desire to put our nation first.

You were attacking his style.

His stance on the issues are the only sane ones.

China has been waging a Trade War on us for decades, we just haven't been fighting back.

Deporting illegals is enforcing the law, and in the best interests of all Americans.
Once we start fighting back against China, watch the cost of living soar.

And have you considered the impact to our economy once we start deporting millions of people?

Let's talk about sanity.
Says the man planning to vote for Hillary.
Says the man who could never stoop so low as to vote for a carnival barker like Donald Trump. I respect the office of the Presidency too much to see that rodeo clown even be admitted on a White House tour.

His style is off putting.

Hillary was a vicious enabler of her husbands sexual predatory crimes who victimized quite a few innocent women.

Sooo, tell me again how much respect you have for the office.

Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it.

His style is one thing, his lunatic stance on issues is another. He would wage a trade war with China, he would alienate our closest allies, he would abolish rights for women, gays and minorities.

Style is not what I vote for, substance is. And Trump's substance is egomania, not a desire to put our nation first.

You were attacking his style.

His stance on the issues are the only sane ones.

China has been waging a Trade War on us for decades, we just haven't been fighting back.

Deporting illegals is enforcing the law, and in the best interests of all Americans.
Once we start fighting back against China, watch the cost of living soar.

And have you considered the impact to our economy once we start deporting millions of people?

Let's talk about sanity.

1. Panic mongering.

2. Less importing, more jobs.

3. Yes. Decreasing the supply of cheap labor should increase the price, ie wages.

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