Stephen Hawking can understand the universe, but not Donald Trump

Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking may have a good grasp of the workings of the universe, but he says he can't understand Donald Trump's popularity. Hawking told ITV that he has no explanation for the likely GOP president nominee's success. (May 31) AP


Stephen Hawking can understand the universe, but not Donald Trump
Brilliant minds that can figure out anything. Except they cannot interact or figure out how to deal with their fellow human beings.
Hawking is a loon
He called the Donald a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

Pretty much inthe mark.

And you call him a loon.

Question: is Hawking wrong? And are you smarter than he?
Just because someone is known for their brilliance does not mean that are always right
Trump is a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

I think Trump himself would find that statement accurate.

Don't you?
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking may have a good grasp of the workings of the universe, but he says he can't understand Donald Trump's popularity. Hawking told ITV that he has no explanation for the likely GOP president nominee's success. (May 31) AP
Uh-Huh, Hawking is a physicist not a political "scientist", which means two things:

1.) He actually performs a useful function for society
2.) He has no special insights into how politics and voter preferences operate

Why the fuck anybody would ask Stephen Hawking about politics is a mystery, whats next on this reporters agenda? asking Pat Caddell to explain the mechanics of Gamma Ray bursts?
At this point in the campaign, the left wing media is literally out of ideas as to how to shut Trump up or discredit him to the point where he loses popularity among his supporters.
So they dredge up a scientist with no expertise in the area of political campaigns and ask him a bunch of questions. Questions which are asked with the sole purpose of eliciting a predetermined response.
Hawking is a loon
He called the Donald a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

Pretty much inthe mark.

And you call him a loon.

Question: is Hawking wrong? And are you smarter than he?
Just because someone is known for their brilliance does not mean that are always right
Trump is a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

I think Trump himself would find that statement accurate.

Don't you?
IN what way is Trump a bully?
Hawking is a loon
He called the Donald a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

Pretty much inthe mark.

And you call him a loon.

Question: is Hawking wrong? And are you smarter than he?
Just because someone is known for their brilliance does not mean that are always right
Trump is a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

I think Trump himself would find that statement accurate.

Don't you?

Says the man planning to vote for Hillary.
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking may have a good grasp of the workings of the universe, but he says he can't understand Donald Trump's popularity. Hawking told ITV that he has no explanation for the likely GOP president nominee's success. (May 31) AP
Uh-Huh, Hawking is a physicist not a political "scientist", which means two things:

1.) He actually performs a useful function for society
2.) He has no special insights into how politics and voter preferences operate

Why the fuck anybody would ask Stephen Hawking about politics is a mystery, whats next on this reporters agenda? asking Pat Caddell to explain the mechanics of Gamma Ray bursts?
Scientists have opinions just like everyone else and they have a right to those opinions. And, they are incredibly beneficial to society, unlike Republicans who brought us Bush and Reagan and the deficit creating Bush tax cuts and hundreds of Americans dead in Lebanon and gun running and Iraq and a ruined economy and the fight against health care and government shutdown and our credit rating lowered and, well, you get the picture.

The only way Republicans could damage this country more is by actually announcing all out war and electing Donald Trump to lead them into America's destruction. Even the USMB Republicans can't name anything they have done good for the country in decades.
Trump is a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

I think Trump himself would find that statement accurate.

Don't you?

Given that you liberal elitists have striven mightily to reduce Americans to a lowest common denominator are you not proud that Trump is about to kick your spavined little asses?
Hawking is a loon
He called the Donald a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

Pretty much inthe mark.

And you call him a loon.

Question: is Hawking wrong? And are you smarter than he?
Just because someone is known for their brilliance does not mean that are always right
Trump is a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

I think Trump himself would find that statement accurate.

Don't you?
IN what way is Trump a bully?
He insults folks with the rapidity and acidity of a bad Catskills comic! He called out the judge about to hear the case against him and his "university" scam. He called immigrants murderers, rapists and drug dealers. He calls his fellow 'Republicans' "little" and "liars".

And his supporters lap it all up, the way the lowest common denominator does.
Hawking is a loon
He called the Donald a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

Pretty much inthe mark.

And you call him a loon.

Question: is Hawking wrong? And are you smarter than he?
Just because someone is known for their brilliance does not mean that are always right
Trump is a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

I think Trump himself would find that statement accurate.

Don't you?

Says the man planning to vote for Hillary.
Says the man who could never stoop so low as to vote for a carnival barker like Donald Trump. I respect the office of the Presidency too much to see that rodeo clown even be admitted on a White House tour.
Trump is a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

I think Trump himself would find that statement accurate.

Don't you?

Given that you liberal elitists have striven mightily to reduce Americans to a lowest common denominator are you not proud that Trump is about to kick your spavined little asses?
Thank you for regarding me as an 'elite'.
Hawking is a loon
He called the Donald a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

Pretty much inthe mark.

And you call him a loon.

Question: is Hawking wrong? And are you smarter than he?
Just because someone is known for their brilliance does not mean that are always right
Trump is a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

I think Trump himself would find that statement accurate.

Don't you?

Says the man planning to vote for Hillary.
Says the man who could never stoop so low as to vote for a carnival barker like Donald Trump. I respect the office of the Presidency too much to see that rodeo clown even be admitted on a White House tour.

His style is off putting.

Hillary was a vicious enabler of her husbands sexual predatory crimes who victimized quite a few innocent women.

Sooo, tell me again how much respect you have for the office.

Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it.

He called the Donald a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

Pretty much inthe mark.

And you call him a loon.

Question: is Hawking wrong? And are you smarter than he?
Just because someone is known for their brilliance does not mean that are always right
Trump is a bully who appeals to the lowest common denominator.

I think Trump himself would find that statement accurate.

Don't you?

Says the man planning to vote for Hillary.
Says the man who could never stoop so low as to vote for a carnival barker like Donald Trump. I respect the office of the Presidency too much to see that rodeo clown even be admitted on a White House tour.

His style is off putting.

Hillary was a vicious enabler of her husbands sexual predatory crimes who victimized quite a few innocent women.

Sooo, tell me again how much respect you have for the office.

Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it.

His style is one thing, his lunatic stance on issues is another. He would wage a trade war with China, he would alienate our closest allies, he would abolish rights for women, gays and minorities.

Style is not what I vote for, substance is. And Trump's substance is egomania, not a desire to put our nation first.
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking may have a good grasp of the workings of the universe, but he says he can't understand Donald Trump's popularity. Hawking told ITV that he has no explanation for the likely GOP president nominee's success. (May 31) AP


Stephen Hawking can understand the universe, but not Donald Trump
And this matters why?
I ask the same question every time some lunatic Conservative cites Ted Nugent.

But don't you think that Dr. Hawking has a little more insight than Sweaty Teddy?

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