Stephen King putting down Christians..

The current news of children at the border brings back memories the kind of like none of the self-declared experts on immigration on this forum ever experienced like I did.

I was a 17 year old - really, a child - when I realized I'd better leave Hungary after having born arms in the 1956 uprising. Escaped to Austria and the first chance I had, I applied to come to America, the dream of ALL people who were ever enslaved behind the Iron Curtain created by the second biggest butcher in human history, the friend and Uncle Joe of FDR, Joseph Stalin.

In order to enter the United States, one had to be within a quota set by some obscure law enacted in the 1920'2 which restricted immigration from different countries of the world, based on immigration from those countries in the 1920's.

To make a long story short, I missed out, because of that quota. I would have had to wait at least two years in a refugee camp in Austria to immigrate to America, or go somewhere else.

Luckily for me, Canada welcomed me.

I still love America. I worked in our company's head office in Akron, Ohio, as a guest worker, with a legitimate work permit, from 1997 to 2003, commuting from my home in Canada, weekly, crossing the border at least 300 times. I bet I know more about America than most Americans do, especially those pseudo patriots who are spewing their nonsense on this forum.

I am not in favor of any executive orders to ease the absorption of Central American kids into the United States. There was no such executive order when I needed it in 1957, by a Republican President.

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining.

What was America's loss in 1957 was Canada's gain.

Seems to me the point was that YOU respected our laws and didn't feel like you were entitled to enter our country just because you wanted to.

Which means YOU would actually have BEEN a gain.

I don't think it's unreasonable to say that our laws and policy regarding immigration need to be based on what's best for the United States, not on what people who aren't Americans want. All the sympathy and "compassion" in the world don't change reality.

As for "the Christian thing to do", just because we're all God's children doesn't mean we all have to live in the same country. Christian organizations by the truckload donate millions of dollars every year - privately, not just blindly voting for tax expenditures - to send aid to Third World countries. Our missionaries uproot their families and move to those countries and live with the people, using the money sent by the churches here in the States to build and educate and help. How many liberal atheist groups do you see doing that?

Fuck you hypocritical, lazy-ass leftist Johnny-Come-Lately "I only notice the little brown brothers when they show up on our doorstep" bastards. And I say that with all Christian love and compassion. :fu:
Well isn't.

It's history.

Christians never got over being fed to lions.

And decided to make every single human being in the world, miserable.

INCLUDING, each other.

Yeah, like that isn't total BS.

Well isn't.

The majority of wars ever fought by humanity were because of Christianity.

That includes Christians fighting Christians.

BEEEP! Sorry, wrong answer. Thank you for playing, and we have a lovely selection of Turtle Wax for you.

It's all very nice to split hairs and say, "More wars have been fought over religion", but the truth is that if you want to get into death tolls, Christians are pikers compared to atheists. Even in ancient times - which is where you find most aggressions involving Christians - they got some stiff competition from people killing just for the acquisition of power. Or have we forgotten folks like Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan?
Stephen King has long been anti war/establishment. Read Tommyknockers. Hate his politics or not, he does treat his state really good charity wise.

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