Stephen King putting down Christians..

Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

he's not "putting down christians". he's observing the hypocrisy of people who CALL themselves christian.

see: matthew: 19:14.

now go write your congress person to cut off SNAP payments to starving children.

How about the hypocrisy of people who talk about "not in your backyard" when they live in fucking MAINE, as far from the damned border as it's possible to get?

I'm in Arizona, Stevie boy. Why don't you hoss your rich punk ass down here and tell me about "my backyard" and how I should practice my faith, hmm?
I have no problem helping american children with our tax dollars.

I thought, according to Christianity, all of us are God's children, whether we are American or not. Am I wrong? Did I waste my time in all those Sunday school classes?

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by the drawing of the Holy Spirit you are born again and a child of God, Esmeralda. If you are serving Satan as Stephen King is you are not a child of God but a child of the devil. I pray for Stephen King because I do not wish for any to perish and end up in hell. What an awful future awaits him if he does not repent! His books are a depiction of what is in him. As a man thinketh so is he. The darkness inside his heart is just so dark, so evil! I grieve over that man and the torment he is facing for his part in glorifying the realms of darkness! Such a sad case! Truly, truly sad! ( many of the lost donate to charities - it means nothing )
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

Kinda funny Stephen King also states they should be SENT BACK, without screaming at them first, though.

Maybe send them back w/o screaming at them, for a start? Or is that too much to ask?


...he writes from his mansion, detached from the masses as only a 1%-er could be

Funny, just one of his homes is 20,000sq feet, I don't see a single kid in his backyard, and why in the hell is his net worth 400 million. If he really cared he would not be throwing stones, but giving all his money to save the kids and indeed housing them in one of his 12 mansions and perhaps even in tents on his lawn.
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

he's not "putting down christians". he's observing the hypocrisy of people who CALL themselves christian.

see: matthew: 19:14.

now go write your congress person to cut off SNAP payments to starving children.
What are you doing to help these kids. Probably not a damn thing. You liberals want these kids to stay here . YOu guys feed them and clothe them . Leave my taxes out of it .

was that the point of your topic?

no. but when shown to be a fool, you automatically change the subject.

this is about your victim thing.... not my problem.... or anyone else's for that matter.

again, no one is insulting religious people. he is commenting on the hypocrisy of self-proclaimed christians like you.

and for the record... i pay a boatload of taxes and i'm ok with it because it DOES cover things like SNAP.

you, oh professional victim?
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

Wonder how many Salvation Armies S.K. is leading or has established. His books reflect a troubled man so I don't expect him to make many sensible statements.
he's not "putting down christians". he's observing the hypocrisy of people who CALL themselves christian.

see: matthew: 19:14.

now go write your congress person to cut off SNAP payments to starving children.
What are you doing to help these kids. Probably not a damn thing. You liberals want these kids to stay here . YOu guys feed them and clothe them . Leave my taxes out of it .

Me! Me! Me! That's the christian way, right?

NO! That is the LIBERAL way.
The current news of children at the border brings back memories the kind of like none of the self-declared experts on immigration on this forum ever experienced like I did.

I was a 17 year old - really, a child - when I realized I'd better leave Hungary after having born arms in the 1956 uprising. Escaped to Austria and the first chance I had, I applied to come to America, the dream of ALL people who were ever enslaved behind the Iron Curtain created by the second biggest butcher in human history, the friend and Uncle Joe of FDR, Joseph Stalin.

In order to enter the United States, one had to be within a quota set by some obscure law enacted in the 1920'2 which restricted immigration from different countries of the world, based on immigration from those countries in the 1920's.

To make a long story short, I missed out, because of that quota. I would have had to wait at least two years in a refugee camp in Austria to immigrate to America, or go somewhere else.

Luckily for me, Canada welcomed me.

I still love America. I worked in our company's head office in Akron, Ohio, as a guest worker, with a legitimate work permit, from 1997 to 2003, commuting from my home in Canada, weekly, crossing the border at least 300 times. I bet I know more about America than most Americans do, especially those pseudo patriots who are spewing their nonsense on this forum.

I am not in favor of any executive orders to ease the absorption of Central American kids into the United States. There was no such executive order when I needed it in 1957, by a Republican President.

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining.

What was America's loss in 1957 was Canada's gain.
I have no problem helping american children with our tax dollars.

Lovebear, I agree with you much more often than I disagree with you but in this case, I'm sorry, I disagree. Tell me honestly, does the nationality of a child really make any difference at all as to whether or not we should be willing to help them?

Maybe using tax dollars is not the most efficient manner of helping, but that is for another discussion.

I have no problem helping american children with our tax dollars.

Lovebear, I agree with you much more often than I disagree with you but in this case, I'm sorry, I disagree. Tell me honestly, does the nationality of a child really make any difference at all as to whether or not we should be willing to help them?

Maybe using tax dollars is not the most efficient manner of helping, but that is for another discussion.


And this 'help' you speak of is not the same 'help' that put the children at risk in the first place?
I have no problem helping american children with our tax dollars.

Lovebear, I agree with you much more often than I disagree with you but in this case, I'm sorry, I disagree. Tell me honestly, does the nationality of a child really make any difference at all as to whether or not we should be willing to help them?

Maybe using tax dollars is not the most efficient manner of helping, but that is for another discussion.


And this 'help' you speak of is not the same 'help' that put the children at risk in the first place?

What particular 'help' do I speak of? I offered no ideas on how we can help.

My point was that we should be willing to help in whatever way we can. Lovebear's statement showed no compassion for any child that was not American. Now, I don't believe for a moment that that was what she meant, but it was the impression that she gave.
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

he's not "putting down christians". he's observing the hypocrisy of people who CALL themselves christian.

see: matthew: 19:14.

now go write your congress person to cut off SNAP payments to starving children.
What are you doing to help these kids. Probably not a damn thing. You liberals want these kids to stay here . YOu guys feed them and clothe them . Leave my taxes out of it .

The difference is, these dreaded liberals do not claim to be of a faith that calls for you to take care of children and the less fortunate.

Oh, and let me know how you get to decide what your taxes pay for and don't pay for. I'd like my taxes to no longer fund (or subsidize) oil companies, I'd like to stop funding wars that we shouldn't be in, and I'd like to cut some other things from my taxes too.
The Christian Religion is the bloodiest of them all.

None of them even come close to Christianity.

****Left wing bullshit lies, and anti-Christ propaganda alert from one of the bigger gas bag, ignorant, liars on the board*******

Well isn't.

It's history.

Christians never got over being fed to lions.

And decided to make every single human being in the world, miserable.

INCLUDING, each other.

Yeah, like that isn't total BS.
he's not "putting down christians". he's observing the hypocrisy of people who CALL themselves christian.

see: matthew: 19:14.

now go write your congress person to cut off SNAP payments to starving children.
What are you doing to help these kids. Probably not a damn thing. You liberals want these kids to stay here . YOu guys feed them and clothe them . Leave my taxes out of it .

The difference is, these dreaded liberals do not claim to be of a faith that calls for you to take care of children and the less fortunate.

Oh, and let me know how you get to decide what your taxes pay for and don't pay for. I'd like my taxes to no longer fund (or subsidize) oil companies, I'd like to stop funding wars that we shouldn't be in, and I'd like to cut some other things from my taxes too.

No, we are of the belief that you don't try to cause a humanitarian crisis on purpose in hopes that it will help you win elections in the future.
What are you doing to help these kids. Probably not a damn thing. You liberals want these kids to stay here . YOu guys feed them and clothe them . Leave my taxes out of it .

The difference is, these dreaded liberals do not claim to be of a faith that calls for you to take care of children and the less fortunate.

Oh, and let me know how you get to decide what your taxes pay for and don't pay for. I'd like my taxes to no longer fund (or subsidize) oil companies, I'd like to stop funding wars that we shouldn't be in, and I'd like to cut some other things from my taxes too.

No, we are of the belief that you don't try to cause a humanitarian crisis on purpose in hopes that it will help you win elections in the future.

So you are saying that Obama caused the turmoil in Central America in order to have children flee to the US, so the Dems could win a future election? lmao

I think you are giving them WAY too much credit.
The difference is, these dreaded liberals do not claim to be of a faith that calls for you to take care of children and the less fortunate.

Oh, and let me know how you get to decide what your taxes pay for and don't pay for. I'd like my taxes to no longer fund (or subsidize) oil companies, I'd like to stop funding wars that we shouldn't be in, and I'd like to cut some other things from my taxes too.

No, we are of the belief that you don't try to cause a humanitarian crisis on purpose in hopes that it will help you win elections in the future.

So you are saying that Obama caused the turmoil in Central America in order to have children flee to the US, so the Dems could win a future election? lmao

I think you are giving them WAY too much credit.

Why is that so hard to believe? Why is there an organized movement of such a number of children in this crucial election year?

You do not think there is a possibility in this election year that they would organize this in order to make right wingers look bad by turning away poor children? You do not think it is have been the narrative of the democratic party that they are true compassionate party and the republicans are the rich white cruel conservatives? You do not think that has been the narrative for over 50 years?

Read some of these:
Obama aides were warned of brewing border crisis - The Washington Post

Report: White House Ignored 'Alarm Bells' About Border Crisis

The Border Crisis Is Worse than Obama?s ?Katrina Moment? | National Review Online

Link Cecilia Munoz, who was once the vice president of the radical group LA RAZA, Apponted to White House Domestic Policy Council director Cecilia Muñoz.

Yeah, I guess there is nothing to it.

It is just a remarkable coincidence that the same cast of praetorian media are stating that Christians are turning their backs on the poor "refugees" and the democrats are the ones that care.

Meanwhile it is Christian groups that are down there caring for them, and it is government attempting to prevent them from doing these things.

Yet, many of those incidents are not being reported by any of the same alphabet networks that lie about almost everything in support of this criminal in the white house?

****Left wing bullshit lies, and anti-Christ propaganda alert from one of the bigger gas bag, ignorant, liars on the board*******

Well isn't.

It's history.

Christians never got over being fed to lions.

And decided to make every single human being in the world, miserable.

INCLUDING, each other.

Yeah, like that isn't total BS.

Well isn't.

The majority of wars ever fought by humanity were because of Christianity.

That includes Christians fighting Christians.
No, we are of the belief that you don't try to cause a humanitarian crisis on purpose in hopes that it will help you win elections in the future.

So you are saying that Obama caused the turmoil in Central America in order to have children flee to the US, so the Dems could win a future election? lmao

I think you are giving them WAY too much credit.

Why is that so hard to believe? Why is there an organized movement of such a number of children in this crucial election year?

You do not think there is a possibility in this election year that they would organize this in order to make right wingers look bad by turning away poor children? You do not think it is have been the narrative of the democratic party that they are true compassionate party and the republicans are the rich white cruel conservatives? You do not think that has been the narrative for over 50 years?

Read some of these:
Obama aides were warned of brewing border crisis - The Washington Post

Report: White House Ignored 'Alarm Bells' About Border Crisis

The Border Crisis Is Worse than Obama?s ?Katrina Moment? | National Review Online

Link Cecilia Munoz, who was once the vice president of the radical group LA RAZA, Apponted to White House Domestic Policy Council director Cecilia Muñoz.

Yeah, I guess there is nothing to it.

It is just a remarkable coincidence that the same cast of praetorian media are stating that Christians are turning their backs on the poor "refugees" and the democrats are the ones that care.

Meanwhile it is Christian groups that are down there caring for them, and it is government attempting to prevent them from doing these things.

Yet, many of those incidents are not being reported by any of the same alphabet networks that lie about almost everything in support of this criminal in the white house?



Manifest destiny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 19th century, Manifest Destiny was the widely held belief in the United States that American settlers were destined to expand throughout the continent. Historians have for the most part agreed that there are three basic themes to Manifest Destiny:
The special virtues of the American people and their institutions;
America's mission to redeem and remake the west in the image of agrarian America;
An irresistible destiny to accomplish this essential duty.[2]

Historian Frederick Merk says this concept was born out of "A sense of mission to redeem the Old World by high example...generated by the potentialities of a new earth for building a new heaven".[3]

Historians have emphasized that "Manifest Destiny" was a contested concept—Democrats endorsed the idea but many prominent Americans (such as Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and most Whigs) rejected it. Historian Daniel Walker Howe writes, "American imperialism did not represent an American consensus; it provoked bitter dissent within the national polity.... Whigs saw America's moral mission as one of democratic example rather than one of conquest."[4]

Manifest Destiny provided the rhetorical tone for the largest acquisition of U.S. territory. It was used by Democrats in the 1840s to justify the war with Mexico and it was also used to divide half of Oregon with Great Britain. But Manifest Destiny always limped along because of its internal limitations and the issue of slavery, says Merk. It never became a national priority. By 1843 John Quincy Adams, originally a major supporter, had changed his mind and repudiated Manifest Destiny because it meant the expansion of slavery in Texas.[5]

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