Stephen King putting down Christians..

You don't have to agree with his politics, but Stephen King has done a lot for charitable causes. The OP was bullshit from the first sentence.
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

he's not "putting down christians". he's observing the hypocrisy of people who CALL themselves christian.

see: matthew: 19:14.

now go write your congress person to cut off SNAP payments to starving children.
What are you doing to help these kids. Probably not a damn thing. You liberals want these kids to stay here . YOu guys feed them and clothe them . Leave my taxes out of it .
Tweeting the hypocrisy of some people for starters. Putting is money where his mouth is for finishers. He actually gets it.

Stephen King: I'm rich, tax me | Books |

In an expletive-filled condemnation of America's tax system, the bestselling novelist, who donates $4m a year to charity, says wealthy Americans have a 'moral imperative' to pay higher taxes
You guys don't know POOP....

Stephen King is a wonderful family man. He is not stuck up, he does not live in some hollywood mansion, he lives just like the rest of us here in Maine, does his own grocery shopping, shops the local downtown stores in our TOWN of around 30-40k, which is the 2nd largest city in the not really a city, a town....he gives his time and his money to the whole community...will break his back for any of us...flannel shirts and jeans kind of of his Daughters is a Minister.

Anyone who isn't blind or deaf has heard the hatred spewed by some SUPPOSED Christians....he wasn't putting down ALL Christians, as Jillian said, he said what he has observed, all of us have observed....this isn't about taking them in or sending them home, this is about the nastiness that has been disgusting by supposed Christians....

Oh shut up. jillian is a horror of a person. She's a statist bootlick. Everyone of those who gave your post a thumbs up are statist bootlicks and Christian-hating thugs.
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I wish he'd concentrate on writing a decent tome. Everything since Gerald's Game, including Gerald's Game, has sucked balls...
Nobody can help these kids but their parents and their families. And then there is their home governments, whom I am sure can conjure up as much compassion real or not as their American counter parts, the liberals. Stephen King is just as hackneyed as a ideologist as he is an "Author", these children sure as hell aren't living in HIS back yard either. But for the rest of us that have to put up with this broken immigration system, we don't want these goddamned brats here, they are just pawns. In more ways than one. Let's take religion out of this right friggn now.
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Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

Yea, cos Beck and Cruz aren't getting much wanted publicity....All the same, King's an asshole.
Stephen King is just your typical loony limousine liberal. .. :cuckoo:

Yes everybody who isn't a slack jawed bible thumping mutant is bad to you

thankfully time is up for you slackjaws with the demographic shift, can you say marginalized? :laugh2:
A-holes are a-holes. But the liberals, "Aren't we just so damned better" with their conceited overblown rhetorical bull ? Rich Liberals are just like rich Conservatives, they polarize a relatively simple issue. Let's throw religion in the mix. Confuse the issue. Yeah. Stephen king is living under a "dome" of presumption... A hell of a lot of us aren't. Illegal immigration isn't something we can escape, we are trapped within it. Kind of like a dome or something. But we are looking to find a way out of it. Not preserve it. Talking to you, Steven. Its time to take a STAND.
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Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted
Firstly, I doubt very seriously that Glenn Beck or Ted Cruz would ever bother to feed the refugee children in the first place. Secondly, we don't know if Mr. King is a Christian or not. It appears that what he is saying is that people who are Christians are easy and comfortable with being that but when the children come to their town then it's a horse of a different color. In other words, Christians purport to be Christians in name only but will put away their Christian principles in a heartbeat when faced with having to exercise them as the Bible would want for them to do. Which is quite true. Just look at some folks here at the board and the fact that they are pushing away the refugee children while many purport to be Christians. Shameful!

Not really sure the point he was trying to make. His statement is unusually ambiguous. Who has children in their backyard and why would having children there make it difficult to be Christian? The fact that there are children in someones backyard or not in someone's backyard is completely irrelevant to a persons belief in Christ as the Son of God.

Are not those that wear the title of a Christian suppose to be living by the words of Christ? Or is it a religion which you do not have to follow the tenets of Christ and do as you please?

As you do the "least" of others, you do unto Christ, and Christ spoke of ignoring the lost, hungry, and those in need. I am not offended by what King said, but will my small town, the only places collecting for the refugees ARE churches, and one civic group, indirectly referenced above.
The Christian Religion is the bloodiest of them all.

None of them even come close to Christianity.

****Left wing bullshit lies, and anti-Christ propaganda alert from one of the bigger gas bag, ignorant, liars on the board*******
Are we taking these children into the country or not?
Well we certainly should if we're still following President Bush's 2008 law that allows them to come and stay in this country until they get their day in court. If we are not taking these children into the country then let's just stop fooling ourselves by continuing to self-aggrandize in calling ourselves a "Humanitarian" country. Let's just tell the world Now that that was all a mistake to have called America that and that all the nations of the world should now consider us to be non-humanitarian and a country that will turn away refugees with great glee and determination. Shall we do that? I say we should until we can Prove to the world otherwise.
Are we taking these children into the country or not?
Well we certainly should if we're still following President Bush's 2008 law that allows them to come and stay in this country until they get their day in court. If we are not taking these children into the country then let's just stop fooling ourselves by continuing to self-aggrandize in calling ourselves a "Humanitarian" country. Let's just tell the world Now that that was all a mistake to have called America that and that all the nations of the world should now consider us to be non-humanitarian and a country that will turn away refugees with great glee and determination. Shall we do that? I say we should until we can Prove to the world otherwise.

Well we certainly should

Again...are we taking children in now or not?

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