Stephen King putting down Christians..

Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted
Firstly, I doubt very seriously that Glenn Beck or Ted Cruz would ever bother to feed the refugee children in the first place. Secondly, we don't know if Mr. King is a Christian or not. It appears that what he is saying is that people who are Christians are easy and comfortable with being that but when the children come to their town then it's a horse of a different color. In other words, Christians purport to be Christians in name only but will put away their Christian principles in a heartbeat when faced with having to exercise them as the Bible would want for them to do. Which is quite true. Just look at some folks here at the board and the fact that they are pushing away the refugee children while many purport to be Christians. Shameful!

So you seriously doubt that they would feed "refugee" children despite the fact that they have been doing exactly that?
Feeding them a line of bull that is what Cruz has been doing by wanting to send them back home instead of keep them here for an adequate time period where they can all, as individuals, get their day in court to see if they can stay permanently as the refugees that they are. That's what he should be doing instead of just talking through both sides of his mouth.

Now having said that, I have also heard that Beck has helped raise some money for the kids which is admirable given their unfortunate circumstances. But has that money actually been put to use and gone to feed the children yet is the question? Or is it still being just kept somewhere for later consideration or posterity? But if so, how much money has been actually given to this effort (in dollars and cents) and where is the physical location of the children that have been already fed with this money? Sources please. Cruz appears to want to come on board that effort but has not done so yet and I'll believe he is serious when he finally does it. No doubt that is to make Republicans look better like they're actually trying to help the children when what their real plan is is to ship them back home and out of America. But that's the kind of heart they have. And instead of giving them their well-deserved day in court Republicans are now crafting a bill to send the children back.

As for militarizing the borders. NO!! That is definitely not needed as we are not at war with the children. But from the actions Republicans are taking, it would sure appear that we are.

Refugee Children Don?t Need More Immigration Enforcement : Immigration Impact
Firstly, I doubt very seriously that Glenn Beck or Ted Cruz would ever bother to feed the refugee children in the first place. Secondly, we don't know if Mr. King is a Christian or not. It appears that what he is saying is that people who are Christians are easy and comfortable with being that but when the children come to their town then it's a horse of a different color. In other words, Christians purport to be Christians in name only but will put away their Christian principles in a heartbeat when faced with having to exercise them as the Bible would want for them to do. Which is quite true. Just look at some folks here at the board and the fact that they are pushing away the refugee children while many purport to be Christians. Shameful!

So everyone thinks they are taking this honorable stand by attacking Christians for wanting to send these kids back, or attacking other Christians for being soft hearted liberals using govt money to pay for these kids and look the charitable type.

The fact is...

The far more difficult question always gets side-stepped. That being ---- What should we do going forward? Should we keep the borders open and loose? Or should we stop the flow? Should we put the military or national guard down there to help or not?

That is what Christians and non-Christians alike, AND, politicians do not want to address. Instead they only want to talk about those already here and look the hero.

Ok, so we all agree let's take care of those now here. Fine. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE BORDER??? I say stop the flow with the military and make it a prominent discussion in congress now!
Militarizing the border is not the answer. Those little refugee children pose no threat to anyone and don't need to be traumatized by seeing armed guards there, sent by stupid people, when they are coming here to escape from the terrors they face back home. What needs to be done is for people to seriously push Speaker Boehner and the House Republicans good and get them to finally get off their butts and do the work they were charged with doing by the citizens who sent them to Washington! But they sure want to continue receiving their fat paychecks don't they! For what?? They aren't working. If Boehner allowed a vote in the House for the money President Obama has requested then we would already be on our way towards solving this problem. However, Boehner's fear that the president will get all the credit for ending this matter keeps him from calling for a vote on the money and that is quite shameful and outrageous in the face of what is happening and the need for Congressional action.

That was an answer?

Shall I suggest your position, since you provided none?

You want the borders to remain open so all children and any children can cross and we shall care for them. You want these children to be placed in the hands of criminal smugglers for thousands of miles even though it has been reported of countless cases of sexual abuse. You want these borders to remain open so any terrorist can cross it, and drug smuggler, any other criminal can come in along with all the Mexicans just seeking employment?

I do not! I am prepared to take care of those already here but I want the borders closed and by the military if that is what it takes.
Not really sure the point he was trying to make. His statement is unusually ambiguous. Who has children in their backyard and why would having children there make it difficult to be Christian? The fact that there are children in someones backyard or not in someone's backyard is completely irrelevant to a persons belief in Christ as the Son of God.

I'm not sure what your point is? Are you suggesting no matter what a person says or does matters not, as long as they believe Christ is the son of God they are Christian?

Considering the definition of a Christian is being a disciple of Jesus Christ believing him to be the Son of God, yes.

They may be a pretty crappy disciple, but if they belief, then yes they are a Christian.

See there can be good Christians and bad Christians.

However, that wasn't really my point. My point was Stephen King's statement was completely ambiguous about what it means. It may very well be a put down but there just isnt enough data to conclude anything about it.
Not really sure the point he was trying to make. His statement is unusually ambiguous. Who has children in their backyard and why would having children there make it difficult to be Christian? The fact that there are children in someones backyard or not in someone's backyard is completely irrelevant to a persons belief in Christ as the Son of God.

Are not those that wear the title of a Christian suppose to be living by the words of Christ? Or is it a religion which you do not have to follow the tenets of Christ and do as you please?
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Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

he's not "putting down christians". he's observing the hypocrisy of people who CALL themselves christian.

see: matthew: 19:14.

now go write your congress person to cut off SNAP payments to starving children.

Oh, God. A liberal using scripture to accuse again in the hypocritical pathetic manner any and every piece of smelly shit godless liberal does.

I have not seen any of these pieces of stink shit do anything for these poor illegals. They sure as shit will not open their own house to any of them in their little guarded communities.

They sure as shit hate the bible when it comes to homosexuality. They even spread lies that the Bible does not say anything condemning it as an abomination.

They sure as hell make fun of any and all people that say anything about family values, and they always roll their eyes at all Christians.

This pathetic liberal is one of the worst. On the wrong side of every issue and she gets her little thanks from all of the losers that are pathetic piece of shit hypocrites like her.
Firstly, I doubt very seriously that Glenn Beck or Ted Cruz would ever bother to feed the refugee children in the first place. Secondly, we don't know if Mr. King is a Christian or not. It appears that what he is saying is that people who are Christians are easy and comfortable with being that but when the children come to their town then it's a horse of a different color. In other words, Christians purport to be Christians in name only but will put away their Christian principles in a heartbeat when faced with having to exercise them as the Bible would want for them to do. Which is quite true. Just look at some folks here at the board and the fact that they are pushing away the refugee children while many purport to be Christians. Shameful!

So you seriously doubt that they would feed "refugee" children despite the fact that they have been doing exactly that?
Feeding them a line of bull that is what Cruz has been doing by wanting to send them back home instead of keep them here for an adequate time period where they can all, as individuals, get their day in court to see if they can stay permanently as the refugees that they are. That's what he should be doing instead of just talking through both sides of his mouth.

Now having said that, I have also heard that Beck has helped raise some money for the kids which is admirable given their unfortunate circumstances. But has that money actually been put to use and gone to feed the children yet is the question? Or is it still being just kept somewhere for later consideration or posterity? But if so, how much money has been actually given to this effort (in dollars and cents) and where is the physical location of the children that have been already fed with this money? Sources please. Cruz appears to want to come on board that effort but has not done so yet and I'll believe he is serious when he finally does it. No doubt that is to make Republicans look better like they're actually trying to help the children when what their real plan is is to ship them back home and out of America. But that's the kind of heart they have. And instead of giving them their well-deserved day in court Republicans are now crafting a bill to send the children back.

As for militarizing the borders. NO!! That is definitely not needed as we are not at war with the children. But from the actions Republicans are taking, it would sure appear that we are.

Refugee Children Don?t Need More Immigration Enforcement : Immigration Impact

So despite the fact that within the past week both Glenn and Ted have been literally handing food to people who have crossed the border, you are going to claim they haven't done either. This despite the fact that you clearly admit that you've heard otherwise and haven't bothered to even attempt to investigate on whether it's true.

You do realize that making a claim when you have reason to at least suspect the claim isn't true is a lie right? If you have reason to doubt something you claim is true, then you shouldn't make the claim.

At least that's what honest people would do.
Not really sure the point he was trying to make. His statement is unusually ambiguous. Who has children in their backyard and why would having children there make it difficult to be Christian? The fact that there are children in someones backyard or not in someone's backyard is completely irrelevant to a persons belief in Christ as the Son of God.

Are not those that wear the title of a Christian suppose to be living by the words of Christ? Or is it a religion which you do not have to follow the tenets of Christ and do as you please?

It seems faux Christians can do as they want, then testify they have accepted Christ in their hearts and are absolved of all sin. I think this born again stuff is pure crap. Much like confession in the church of my youth, how can one be absolved of evil by a priest?
So you seriously doubt that they would feed "refugee" children despite the fact that they have been doing exactly that?
Feeding them a line of bull that is what Cruz has been doing by wanting to send them back home instead of keep them here for an adequate time period where they can all, as individuals, get their day in court to see if they can stay permanently as the refugees that they are. That's what he should be doing instead of just talking through both sides of his mouth.

Now having said that, I have also heard that Beck has helped raise some money for the kids which is admirable given their unfortunate circumstances. But has that money actually been put to use and gone to feed the children yet is the question? Or is it still being just kept somewhere for later consideration or posterity? But if so, how much money has been actually given to this effort (in dollars and cents) and where is the physical location of the children that have been already fed with this money? Sources please. Cruz appears to want to come on board that effort but has not done so yet and I'll believe he is serious when he finally does it. No doubt that is to make Republicans look better like they're actually trying to help the children when what their real plan is is to ship them back home and out of America. But that's the kind of heart they have. And instead of giving them their well-deserved day in court Republicans are now crafting a bill to send the children back.

As for militarizing the borders. NO!! That is definitely not needed as we are not at war with the children. But from the actions Republicans are taking, it would sure appear that we are.

Refugee Children Don?t Need More Immigration Enforcement : Immigration Impact

So despite the fact that within the past week both Glenn and Ted have been literally handing food to people who have crossed the border, you are going to claim they haven't done either. This despite the fact that you clearly admit that you've heard otherwise and haven't bothered to even attempt to investigate on whether it's true.

You do realize that making a claim when you have reason to at least suspect the claim isn't true is a lie right? If you have reason to doubt something you claim is true, then you shouldn't make the claim.

At least that's what honest people would do.

Honest people would look into the motive, since both are self serving, I think that would be a smart place to start.
So everyone thinks they are taking this honorable stand by attacking Christians for wanting to send these kids back, or attacking other Christians for being soft hearted liberals using govt money to pay for these kids and look the charitable type.

The fact is...

The far more difficult question always gets side-stepped. That being ---- What should we do going forward? Should we keep the borders open and loose? Or should we stop the flow? Should we put the military or national guard down there to help or not?

That is what Christians and non-Christians alike, AND, politicians do not want to address. Instead they only want to talk about those already here and look the hero.

Ok, so we all agree let's take care of those now here. Fine. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE BORDER??? I say stop the flow with the military and make it a prominent discussion in congress now!
Militarizing the border is not the answer. Those little refugee children pose no threat to anyone and don't need to be traumatized by seeing armed guards there, sent by stupid people, when they are coming here to escape from the terrors they face back home. What needs to be done is for people to seriously push Speaker Boehner and the House Republicans good and get them to finally get off their butts and do the work they were charged with doing by the citizens who sent them to Washington! But they sure want to continue receiving their fat paychecks don't they! For what?? They aren't working. If Boehner allowed a vote in the House for the money President Obama has requested then we would already be on our way towards solving this problem. However, Boehner's fear that the president will get all the credit for ending this matter keeps him from calling for a vote on the money and that is quite shameful and outrageous in the face of what is happening and the need for Congressional action.

That was an answer?

Shall I suggest your position, since you provided none?

You want the borders to remain open so all children and any children can cross and we shall care for them. You want these children to be placed in the hands of criminal smugglers for thousands of miles even though it has been reported of countless cases of sexual abuse. You want these borders to remain open so any terrorist can cross it, and drug smuggler, any other criminal can come in along with all the Mexicans just seeking employment?

I do not! I am prepared to take care of those already here but I want the borders closed and by the military if that is what it takes.
You do because you are a cruel and heartless fool. And yes that was an answer you obviously chose to overlook in your prejudice against these innocent little children who deserve far better than what you would offer them. The borders cannot ever be truly closed as America is a humanitarian country that welcomes refugees with open arms. George W. Bush understood that quite clearly when he signed the 2008 bill that allows refugee children to come into this country. Now there is talk that that law should be done away with in order to send the children back. And who but the Republicans have that kind of heart and shame so as to want to do that. The overwhelming support for this is coming from Conservatives.

While there have been unfortunate problems with smugglers and the children, by and large that is not happening at a rate higher than the fear they face in their own country where the real crime is taking place with extreme poverty where children are literally starving to death, rape, serious threats, killings, etc. aimed at those children and that is why they are coming here to escape from such a life that is no life at all for them. No child should live in that type of environment and with such fear.

As for terrorists coming into the U.S. I can assure you it is not happening at the Southern border. It is the NORTHERN border by Canada that we really have to worry about as it is insecure and that is where the terrorists are coming in from. If we need to militarize any border it should be the one next to Canada. Terrorists obviously see that the Southern border is better secured than the Northern one, so guess which one they will pick to come into the United States from? The Northern one of course! That is a fact. The Southern border is far more secure than the Northern border so we should not be calling for its militarization and using the children as an excuse. Many children upon their arrival are going directly to the Border Patrol to turn themselves in. That starts the legal process for them to get their day in court. Only the heart-less Republicans are trying to stop that process. Again that is a shame as we are turning from a humanitarian country to a cold and heartless one never to hold that title again and for the world to know that we are no longer in that high category and bracket due to Republicans.
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

If you feel "put down" by his astute observations perhaps you had better take a better look at yourself.
So you seriously doubt that they would feed "refugee" children despite the fact that they have been doing exactly that?
Feeding them a line of bull that is what Cruz has been doing by wanting to send them back home instead of keep them here for an adequate time period where they can all, as individuals, get their day in court to see if they can stay permanently as the refugees that they are. That's what he should be doing instead of just talking through both sides of his mouth.

Now having said that, I have also heard that Beck has helped raise some money for the kids which is admirable given their unfortunate circumstances. But has that money actually been put to use and gone to feed the children yet is the question? Or is it still being just kept somewhere for later consideration or posterity? But if so, how much money has been actually given to this effort (in dollars and cents) and where is the physical location of the children that have been already fed with this money? Sources please. Cruz appears to want to come on board that effort but has not done so yet and I'll believe he is serious when he finally does it. No doubt that is to make Republicans look better like they're actually trying to help the children when what their real plan is is to ship them back home and out of America. But that's the kind of heart they have. And instead of giving them their well-deserved day in court Republicans are now crafting a bill to send the children back.

As for militarizing the borders. NO!! That is definitely not needed as we are not at war with the children. But from the actions Republicans are taking, it would sure appear that we are.

Refugee Children Don?t Need More Immigration Enforcement : Immigration Impact

So despite the fact that within the past week both Glenn and Ted have been literally handing food to people who have crossed the border, you are going to claim they haven't done either. This despite the fact that you clearly admit that you've heard otherwise and haven't bothered to even attempt to investigate on whether it's true.

You do realize that making a claim when you have reason to at least suspect the claim isn't true is a lie right? If you have reason to doubt something you claim is true, then you shouldn't make the claim.

At least that's what honest people would do.
I am saying that I'll believe this when I actually see the paperwork on it. What could be fairer than that? That's why I ask in what cities and areas is that money already being used for the children? Believe me, I would LOVE to see those children get fed and housed well while they are in this country. Nothing would please me better! But until we know for sure that the money is being immediately used and applied solely for that purpose, because it is so needed right now, there will always remain legitimate doubts. I will give Beck great credit for raising the money as that is a wonderful humanitarian gesture. I can't however say the same for Cruz as there has been no talk that he has made an effort to raise any money for these refugee children. I would love to hear it said that he was out in this city and that one actively collecting for these kids. And no, there are no "lies" involved only legitimate questions. After all, any honest person would always want to see a good paper trail on all that money raised which is believed to be at about $700,000 by now and there should be no problem on anyone's part in producing it. That will sure feed a lot of hungry children and help to house them properly and adequately and no doubt would even help to ASSURE that they will get their day in court as they rightfully deserve. Anything less than that is just pure talk but no concrete action. That kind of money will sure help them!

And again I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping we can see a ledger on how all of that money raised is being used right now when the need is so great. I am a figures type of person so, I want to see just how much money is being spent in this city and for how many children, how much in that city and for how many children, what expenses were paid for, what were not, did the cities housing these children think the money allotted was enough or not, etc. Those are the type of questions that need to be seriously answered before such an effort can be properly credited. And since all of that money is to be presumably used only for the refugee children, all expenses paid should therefore be Certified by a Public Accountant that can verify the amounts of money going out for such expenses and the dates. After all, that should not be hard to do if the will is there to do it.
Feeding them a line of bull that is what Cruz has been doing by wanting to send them back home instead of keep them here for an adequate time period where they can all, as individuals, get their day in court to see if they can stay permanently as the refugees that they are. That's what he should be doing instead of just talking through both sides of his mouth.

Now having said that, I have also heard that Beck has helped raise some money for the kids which is admirable given their unfortunate circumstances. But has that money actually been put to use and gone to feed the children yet is the question? Or is it still being just kept somewhere for later consideration or posterity? But if so, how much money has been actually given to this effort (in dollars and cents) and where is the physical location of the children that have been already fed with this money? Sources please. Cruz appears to want to come on board that effort but has not done so yet and I'll believe he is serious when he finally does it. No doubt that is to make Republicans look better like they're actually trying to help the children when what their real plan is is to ship them back home and out of America. But that's the kind of heart they have. And instead of giving them their well-deserved day in court Republicans are now crafting a bill to send the children back.

As for militarizing the borders. NO!! That is definitely not needed as we are not at war with the children. But from the actions Republicans are taking, it would sure appear that we are.

Refugee Children Don?t Need More Immigration Enforcement : Immigration Impact

So despite the fact that within the past week both Glenn and Ted have been literally handing food to people who have crossed the border, you are going to claim they haven't done either. This despite the fact that you clearly admit that you've heard otherwise and haven't bothered to even attempt to investigate on whether it's true.

You do realize that making a claim when you have reason to at least suspect the claim isn't true is a lie right? If you have reason to doubt something you claim is true, then you shouldn't make the claim.

At least that's what honest people would do.

Honest people would look into the motive, since both are self serving, I think that would be a smart place to start.

So being compassionate to others is self serving...

There is no pleasing you people.
Was Glenn crying while he was feeding the children? I certainly will not believe that he was sincere unless he was crying. It should be easy to prove. I assume that he had a video crew with him to record the event...
Not really sure the point he was trying to make. His statement is unusually ambiguous. Who has children in their backyard and why would having children there make it difficult to be Christian? The fact that there are children in someones backyard or not in someone's backyard is completely irrelevant to a persons belief in Christ as the Son of God.

Are not those that wear the title of a Christian suppose to be living by the words of Christ? Or is it a religion which you do not have to follow the tenets of Christ and do as you please?

It seems faux Christians can do as they want, then testify they have accepted Christ in their hearts and are absolved of all sin. I think this born again stuff is pure crap. Much like confession in the church of my youth, how can one be absolved of evil by a priest?
You are right in that Christians should be living by the words of Christ. That much is known. And no, if one is a sincere Christian they do not have any leeway to do as they please outside of Christ's teachings.

I will however, differ with you on being Born Again. That is Biblical and the ONLY way a person can enter into Heaven when they pass on, that is, if they accept and believe that Jesus Christ is the One and Only Son of God, and believe that Jesus died for their sins, was crucified and buried, and then resurrected through God on the third day, and accept Jesus as their LORD and Savior and give their life to Him before they go. If they do not confess that, then Biblically speaking they cannot enter into Heaven at their appointed time and God may hold another place for them due to their outright refusal when they had the chance to save themselves by converting.

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." -- JOHN 14:6 KJV
But you are completely right about confession. No one can be truly absolved of their sins by priests or anyone else. As once they have committed sin they have to face the music, so to speak, or "What you sow that shall you also reap." Therefore, only a sincere and contrite heart by first becoming Saved or Born Again and then asking God for forgiveness can assure a person that he or she will elevate into Heaven when God is ready for them. There is no other way.
Are not those that wear the title of a Christian suppose to be living by the words of Christ? Or is it a religion which you do not have to follow the tenets of Christ and do as you please?

It seems faux Christians can do as they want, then testify they have accepted Christ in their hearts and are absolved of all sin. I think this born again stuff is pure crap. Much like confession in the church of my youth, how can one be absolved of evil by a priest?
You are right in that Christians should be living by the words of Christ. That much is known. And no, if one is a sincere Christian they do not have any leeway to do as they please outside of Christ's teachings.

I will however, differ with you on being Born Again. That is Biblical and the ONLY way a person can enter into Heaven when they pass on, that is, if they accept and believe that Jesus Christ is the One and Only Son of God, and believe that Jesus died for their sins, was crucified and buried, and then resurrected through God on the third day, and accept Jesus as their LORD and Savior and give their life to Him before they go. If they do not confess that, then Biblically speaking they cannot enter into Heaven at their appointed time and God may hold another place for them due to their outright refusal when they had the chance to save themselves by converting.

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." -- JOHN 14:6 KJV
But you are completely right about confession. No one can be truly absolved of their sins by priests or anyone else. As once they have committed sin they have to face the music, so to speak, or "What you sow that shall you also reap." Therefore, only a sincere and contrite heart by first becoming Saved or Born Again and then asking God for forgiveness can assure a person that he or she will elevate into Heaven when God is ready for them. There is no other way.

So all of a sudden religion has a place in government. You low lifes want to play guilt trips on people to get your damn way. You and your ilk created a humanitarian disaster and now want people to feel bad for what you did. Such hypocrites should be met with the same contempt the Bible reports was the contempt shown to the money changers.

Why does religion, come up in any discussion of what this messed up administration is doing? Where are all the lap dog howling about how we are not a Christian nation. Where is the crying about separation of Church and State? You are all bunch of lying dogs not worthy of the scraps let alone lecturing anyone on anything.

The POS POTUS stated that he was on the side of the illegals, which means he is not on ours.

BTW they are not coming because of war in their country they are coming because Obama opened the door wide.
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Was Glenn crying while he was feeding the children? I certainly will not believe that he was sincere unless he was crying. It should be easy to prove. I assume that he had a video crew with him to record the event...

Were you crying as you typed that knowing that at least he was doing something, and well you.......
Stephen King hasn't been a good writer for a really long time now.

If a make of car were analogous to the measure of a great writer, he would for all intents and purposes be the equivalent of a Pontiac. Probably a G6/ Grand Am.

Back when Pontiacs were made, there were a lot of those produced.

There have also always been a lot of them broken down on the side of the frick'n road.
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

I am angry. My friend who came here legally from Japan and got her degree has had her visa expire. She is going home to the ravaged, radiated part of Japan near Fukishima. She will die of cancer. Yet these idiots who came here illegally get to stay. What's Christian about that? What's fair about that.

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