Stephen King putting down Christians..

Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

Stephen king has always hated Christians and the military. He makes them look like huge pieces of crap in every book he has written.

He is just another too big for his britches celebrity thinking he is so smart.
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

Stephen King has every right to his opinion, and his opinion is spot on in this matter. That hypocrisy is a conservative 'value' is no surprise to anyone, even conservatives who are too dishonest to ever admit to anything untoward.

Not all conservatives are Christian. And the true hypocrisy lies with the people who pretend to feel for these "children" while doing nothing but tweet or write on some message board.
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

he's not "putting down christians". he's observing the hypocrisy of people who CALL themselves christian.

see: matthew: 19:14.

now go write your congress person to cut off SNAP payments to starving children.

I thought you Liberals were all for the Separation of Church and State?

Shall we start using other passages from the Bible as part of our National Policy and law?

Let's simply start with 10 Commandments.. Shall we require all businesses to be closed on Sundays?

Make Adultery illegal?

Make Religions that have "graven images" illegal?

Punish Children who don't respect their parents?

Or is it just Biblical Scriptures that support your political position that should be used?
Once again the liberal left creates a humanitarian disaster then when there are those who don't support their stupidity they refer to a book to which any other time they have no use.

What the idiots don't realize that the Obama man made disaster at the border has absolutely nothing to do with how they are fed. Yes, we should give them lunch on their way back to their country of origin. But what Obama and the liberals have done is make it inviting to illegally immigrate to America. Then they have the gall to try and blame anything on someone else, typical liberal BS.

Explain how Obama created this man made disaster!

Explain how Obama can ignore the law (due process) required by a bill signed by President Bush?

Explain who is culpable for providing jobs to those not legally authorized to work in the United States (I know it is not the Federal, State or local governments)?

It seems liberals care about women and children, I suppose that's called supporting family values. Didn't the Republcan Party claim to suport family values, claimed to be the party of the big tent and claim the title of compassionate conservatives?

When did the conservatives become callous and faux Christian? At least that label is an honest discription of how the Republican Party has changed.
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted
Firstly, I doubt very seriously that Glenn Beck or Ted Cruz would ever bother to feed the refugee children in the first place. Secondly, we don't know if Mr. King is a Christian or not. It appears that what he is saying is that people who are Christians are easy and comfortable with being that but when the children come to their town then it's a horse of a different color. In other words, Christians purport to be Christians in name only but will put away their Christian principles in a heartbeat when faced with having to exercise them as the Bible would want for them to do. Which is quite true. Just look at some folks here at the board and the fact that they are pushing away the refugee children while many purport to be Christians. Shameful!
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

Stephen King has every right to his opinion, and his opinion is spot on in this matter. That hypocrisy is a conservative 'value' is no surprise to anyone, even conservatives who are too dishonest to ever admit to anything untoward.

Not all conservatives are Christian. And the true hypocrisy lies with the people who pretend to feel for these "children" while doing nothing but tweet or write on some message board.

Tweeting (which I've never done) and writing are doing something; to suggest they don't care is pretentious and arrogant. Not everyone has the means - time or money - to make a huge difference. That is why we as a societ once cared for the poor, the aged, the infirm and the children.

Since the conservative element - Christian and otherwise - have become callous and adopted avarice as a traditional value and no longer a deadly sin, our society has changed. And not for the better.
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

Stephen King actually founded a charity. The Stephen and Tabitha King (STK) Foundation.

In winter 2011, King’s radio stations in Maine attempted to raise $70,000 through donations from listeners in order to help pay for heating fuel through the cold months for Maine residents in need. His STK Foundation matched the donations.

Stephen King has supported the following charities:

Heifer International
Jimmy Fund
STK Foundation

Here's the page for Heifer International:

Promoting strong communities, sustainability, environmental protection and peace by providing livestock and training in order to alleviate hunger and poverty and encourage self-reliance.

Heifer has been offering families a source of food rather than short-term relief for over 60 years, and millions of families in 128 countries have now been given self-reliance and hope.


The Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation supports organizations and people who have less recourse to usual channels of resources, focusing on community-based initiatives in the state of Maine,

The Jimmy Fund:
The Jimmy Fund supports the fight against cancer at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, helping to raise the chances of survival for children and adults with cancer around the world.

So to answer your question, yes, Stephen King does care for and feed children all over the world.
Not really sure the point he was trying to make. His statement is unusually ambiguous. Who has children in their backyard and why would having children there make it difficult to be Christian? The fact that there are children in someones backyard or not in someone's backyard is completely irrelevant to a persons belief in Christ as the Son of God.
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted
Firstly, I doubt very seriously that Glenn Beck or Ted Cruz would ever bother to feed the refugee children in the first place. Secondly, we don't know if Mr. King is a Christian or not. It appears that what he is saying is that people who are Christians are easy and comfortable with being that but when the children come to their town then it's a horse of a different color. In other words, Christians purport to be Christians in name only but will put away their Christian principles in a heartbeat when faced with having to exercise them as the Bible would want for them to do. Which is quite true. Just look at some folks here at the board and the fact that they are pushing away the refugee children while many purport to be Christians. Shameful!

So everyone thinks they are taking this honorable stand by attacking Christians for wanting to send these kids back, or attacking other Christians for being soft hearted liberals using govt money to pay for these kids and look the charitable type.

The fact is...

The far more difficult question always gets side-stepped. That being ---- What should we do going forward? Should we keep the borders open and loose? Or should we stop the flow? Should we put the military or national guard down there to help or not?

That is what Christians and non-Christians alike, AND, politicians do not want to address. Instead they only want to talk about those already here and look the hero.

Ok, so we all agree let's take care of those now here. Fine. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE BORDER??? I say stop the flow with the military and make it a prominent discussion in congress now!
Apparently he hit pretty close to home for some folks.

What the fat ass has said is just typical BS from someone who hasn't written an interesting book in years.

I have not read anywhere someone saying that those who are the victims of Obama's man made humanitarian disaster should be starved. That is ridiculous Christian charities are sending aid, but I don't see many atheist doing the same.

Stopping the man made humanitarian disaster at our border should be paramount then we don't have to worry about feeding those children. I am more then willing to spend foreign aid to help their country of origin feed them.

What king said is just liberal BS, as his books are, he should be ignored.

The fact that you feel the need to attack his books shows how deep the hurt goes for you.
Which means the arrow didn't miss it's mark by much.
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted
Firstly, I doubt very seriously that Glenn Beck or Ted Cruz would ever bother to feed the refugee children in the first place. Secondly, we don't know if Mr. King is a Christian or not. It appears that what he is saying is that people who are Christians are easy and comfortable with being that but when the children come to their town then it's a horse of a different color. In other words, Christians purport to be Christians in name only but will put away their Christian principles in a heartbeat when faced with having to exercise them as the Bible would want for them to do. Which is quite true. Just look at some folks here at the board and the fact that they are pushing away the refugee children while many purport to be Christians. Shameful!

So you seriously doubt that they would feed "refugee" children despite the fact that they have been doing exactly that?
Stephen King has every right to his opinion, and his opinion is spot on in this matter. That hypocrisy is a conservative 'value' is no surprise to anyone, even conservatives who are too dishonest to ever admit to anything untoward.

Not all conservatives are Christian. And the true hypocrisy lies with the people who pretend to feel for these "children" while doing nothing but tweet or write on some message board.

Tweeting (which I've never done) and writing are doing something; to suggest they don't care is pretentious and arrogant. Not everyone has the means - time or money - to make a huge difference. That is why we as a societ once cared for the poor, the aged, the infirm and the children.

Since the conservative element - Christian and otherwise - have become callous and adopted avarice as a traditional value and no longer a deadly sin, our society has changed. And not for the better.

So because we conservatives advocate accepting our personal responsibility to help people, we are callous and have adopted avarice?

Meanwhile, you guys argue to put them in camps and empower politicians to take the money and labor of others to "take care of them" while doing absolutely nothing on your own and you are the compassionate ones?

Right. And I am the King of America.
Not all conservatives are Christian. And the true hypocrisy lies with the people who pretend to feel for these "children" while doing nothing but tweet or write on some message board.

Tweeting (which I've never done) and writing are doing something; to suggest they don't care is pretentious and arrogant. Not everyone has the means - time or money - to make a huge difference. That is why we as a societ once cared for the poor, the aged, the infirm and the children.

Since the conservative element - Christian and otherwise - have become callous and adopted avarice as a traditional value and no longer a deadly sin, our society has changed. And not for the better.

So because we conservatives advocate accepting our personal responsibility to help people, we are callous and have adopted avarice?

Meanwhile, you guys argue to put them in camps and empower politicians to take the money and labor of others to "take care of them" while doing absolutely nothing on your own and you are the compassionate ones?

Right. And I am the King of America.
you are taking this too seriously, there are plenty of Christians out there helping or supporting their Church that is helping, or supporting other people who have the time to support the children...

Glen Beck did go there himself to give goodies to these children didn't he?

So, I don't believe that you are included in the groups of Christians that have said the most horrible things, and have completely turned their backs on these children, and God's word...

What I can't understand, is how you do NOT seem to notice, what has gone on around you in the negative sense, by some who claim to be Christians and wear their cross on their coat sleeve in all else that they support and do, except with THIS situation.... in this situation, Mammon won... :(
I like King's novels but he is a screaming liberal democrat. In his latest novel (Dr. Smoke) he took the time to malign presidents Bush and Reagan but skipped over the rich sleazebag legacy of the Clinton administration.

His political opinion has replaced the genius that he used to have. His talent is gone. He has to peddle something. That something is liberal vitriol. It's really quite sad.

He began preaching in his books, blatant anti-coinservatism. Not pro liberal, there's a difference.

The result is that there is an awkwardness in his writing now that wasn't there before. He literally names names now (Bill O'Reilly in DUMA KEY). It's bizarre, like some form of Tourette's, and all it does is pull the reader out of the story, it's like a fart in the middle of sexual intercourse.

And I agree, this is a result of being hit by that van.
Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted
Firstly, I doubt very seriously that Glenn Beck or Ted Cruz would ever bother to feed the refugee children in the first place. Secondly, we don't know if Mr. King is a Christian or not. It appears that what he is saying is that people who are Christians are easy and comfortable with being that but when the children come to their town then it's a horse of a different color. In other words, Christians purport to be Christians in name only but will put away their Christian principles in a heartbeat when faced with having to exercise them as the Bible would want for them to do. Which is quite true. Just look at some folks here at the board and the fact that they are pushing away the refugee children while many purport to be Christians. Shameful!

So everyone thinks they are taking this honorable stand by attacking Christians for wanting to send these kids back, or attacking other Christians for being soft hearted liberals using govt money to pay for these kids and look the charitable type.

The fact is...

The far more difficult question always gets side-stepped. That being ---- What should we do going forward? Should we keep the borders open and loose? Or should we stop the flow? Should we put the military or national guard down there to help or not?

That is what Christians and non-Christians alike, AND, politicians do not want to address. Instead they only want to talk about those already here and look the hero.

Ok, so we all agree let's take care of those now here. Fine. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE BORDER??? I say stop the flow with the military and make it a prominent discussion in congress now!
Militarizing the border is not the answer. Those little refugee children pose no threat to anyone and don't need to be traumatized by seeing armed guards there, sent by stupid people, when they are coming here to escape from the terrors they face back home. What needs to be done is for people to seriously push Speaker Boehner and the House Republicans good and get them to finally get off their butts and do the work they were charged with doing by the citizens who sent them to Washington! But they sure want to continue receiving their fat paychecks don't they! For what?? They aren't working. If Boehner allowed a vote in the House for the money President Obama has requested then we would already be on our way towards solving this problem. However, Boehner's fear that the president will get all the credit for ending this matter keeps him from calling for a vote on the money and that is quite shameful and outrageous in the face of what is happening and the need for Congressional action.
Not really sure the point he was trying to make. His statement is unusually ambiguous. Who has children in their backyard and why would having children there make it difficult to be Christian? The fact that there are children in someones backyard or not in someone's backyard is completely irrelevant to a persons belief in Christ as the Son of God.

I'm not sure what your point is? Are you suggesting no matter what a person says or does matters not, as long as they believe Christ is the son of God they are Christian?

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