Stephen King putting down Christians..

What he actually wrote:

Much easier to be a Christian when the little children aren't in your back yard, isn't it?

Sounds like he hates the phony christians as much as I do.
Not really sure the point he was trying to make. His statement is unusually ambiguous. Who has children in their backyard and why would having children there make it difficult to be Christian? The fact that there are children in someones backyard or not in someone's backyard is completely irrelevant to a persons belief in Christ as the Son of God.

Are not those that wear the title of a Christian suppose to be living by the words of Christ? Or is it a religion which you do not have to follow the tenets of Christ and do as you please?

It seems faux Christians can do as they want, then testify they have accepted Christ in their hearts and are absolved of all sin. I think this born again stuff is pure crap. Much like confession in the church of my youth, how can one be absolved of evil by a priest?

Strange how they changed jesus into a pork eating cracker :eusa_whistle:
"Stand by me". S. King. The theme there was like here, now. Illegal aliens are like that dead body and the Kiefer Sutherland figure, Ace , wanted exploit it, or keep the inquisitive away. Curious Steven King would wright such archetypical trash.
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Are not those that wear the title of a Christian suppose to be living by the words of Christ? Or is it a religion which you do not have to follow the tenets of Christ and do as you please?

It seems faux Christians can do as they want, then testify they have accepted Christ in their hearts and are absolved of all sin. I think this born again stuff is pure crap. Much like confession in the church of my youth, how can one be absolved of evil by a priest?

Strange how they changed jesus into a pork eating cracker :eusa_whistle:

Ah, the ampophous "they"; as God knows what is in your heart, ignore "them". If the only parts of the Bible that contain "DON'T__________ OR YOU WILL BURN IN HELL!" clauses are all one sees, the problem is with the reader, not the book........
The Christian Religion is the bloodiest of them all.

None of them even come close to Christianity.

****Left wing bullshit lies, and anti-Christ propaganda alert from one of the bigger gas bag, ignorant, liars on the board*******

Well isn't.

It's history.

Christians never got over being fed to lions.

And decided to make every single human being in the world, miserable.

INCLUDING, each other.
The Christian Religion is the bloodiest of them all.

None of them even come close to Christianity.

****Left wing bullshit lies, and anti-Christ propaganda alert from one of the bigger gas bag, ignorant, liars on the board*******

Well isn't.

It's history.

Christians never got over being fed to lions.

And decided to make every single human being in the world, miserable.

INCLUDING, each other.

Glad I missed the vote when the miserable motion was called up:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Are we taking these children into the country or not?
Well we certainly should if we're still following President Bush's 2008 law that allows them to come and stay in this country until they get their day in court. If we are not taking these children into the country then let's just stop fooling ourselves by continuing to self-aggrandize in calling ourselves a "Humanitarian" country. Let's just tell the world Now that that was all a mistake to have called America that and that all the nations of the world should now consider us to be non-humanitarian and a country that will turn away refugees with great glee and determination. Shall we do that? I say we should until we can Prove to the world otherwise.

Well we certainly should

Again...are we taking children in now or not?
I believe your question should then best be directed to Conservatives that are the ones making the most noise about that. Can we hear from them in answer to Rozman's question?
"Love thy neighbor as thyself" has no latent ambiguity.
That's always the Best way to proceed and show others that we harbor no ill will against them. What if we were the refugees, we have to stop to think and consider, and we took great pains to escape from here where we felt threatened and wanted to get away from harm's way and showed up in another much better country, with feet bleeding from all the walking and travel as these children have done, and then we were treated as these little children are being treated now with people wanting to ship them right back as soon as they arrive to quite possibly be beaten or killed?

Why do people only look to the worst possible scenario in this that they should be sent back? Does this indicate that now that they've arrived here they will find no peace because all the opposing party wants and has for them is hate and intolerance? It's unfortunate that many in the GLBT community find themselves facing just such hate and intolerance but the majority are adults capable of fighting for their civil and human rights and they do, but these are innocent little children who are incapable of fighting back. That's why they more often than none go right to the Border Patrol as soon as they arrive in this country. They are not hiding or trying to escape from them. They want to simply get away from their own country that mistreats them so badly and has even raped and killed so many of them. Who could blame these innocents? Would Christ? Absolutely Not. We should all learn from Him and emulate His loving ways instead of live entrenched with hate and malice towards others.
Stephen King putting down Christians..

Wonder how many children he is going to house in his mansion. Easy for him to say crap in the comfort of his mansion. Was he at the border with Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz helping feeding these children. I didnt see him anywhere on the news doing it.. This is what he tweeted

Anyone who has ever read a Stephen King novel will recognize this as a Stephen King endorsement of his standards anyway.

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"Love thy neighbor as thyself" has no latent ambiguity.
That's always the Best way to proceed and show others that we harbor no ill will against them. What if we were the refugees, we have to stop to think and consider, and we took great pains to escape from here where we felt threatened and wanted to get away from harm's way and showed up in another much better country, with feet bleeding from all the walking and travel as these children have done, and then we were treated as these little children are being treated now with people wanting to ship them right back as soon as they arrive to quite possibly be beaten or killed?

Why do people only look to the worst possible scenario in this that they should be sent back? Does this indicate that now that they've arrived here they will find no peace because all the opposing party wants and has for them is hate and intolerance? It's unfortunate that many in the GLBT community find themselves facing just such hate and intolerance but the majority are adults capable of fighting for their civil and human rights and they do, but these are innocent little children who are incapable of fighting back. That's why they more often than none go right to the Border Patrol as soon as they arrive in this country. They are not hiding or trying to escape from them. They want to simply get away from their own country that mistreats them so badly and has even raped and killed so many of them. Who could blame these innocents? Would Christ? Absolutely Not. We should all learn from Him and emulate His loving ways instead of live entrenched with hate and malice towards others.

I have never found the hate & intolerance demanded by some who identify themselves as Christians, and am thankful; note what Pope Francis relplied:

"Who am I to judge"?
I like King's novels but he is a screaming liberal democrat. In his latest novel (Dr. Smoke) he took the time to malign presidents Bush and Reagan but skipped over the rich sleazebag legacy of the Clinton administration.

His political opinion has replaced the genius that he used to have. His talent is gone. He has to peddle something. That something is liberal vitriol. It's really quite sad.

Something might have happened to his mental stability when he was hit by that van. Every novel since his accident has silly left wing political overtones.
I have no problem helping american children with our tax dollars.

I thought, according to Christianity, all of us are God's children, whether we are American or not. Am I wrong? Did I waste my time in all those Sunday school classes?

Well, probably not a complete waste of time. A person has to learn about sex somewhere.

Conflating God and State was most likely a more advanced class.

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