Stephen Miller calls Biden's handling of the border an impeachable offense, says America is witnessing biggest migration "in the history of the world"

President Kamala? be careful what you wish for!

So what are the repubs waiting for! The Dems wanted to impeach Trump just for firing his FBI Director, an act clearly within his rights for Comey leaking and breaking the law, yet the GOP is doing nothing here while Biddum sells the country down the tubes.
President Kamala? be careful what you wish for!

So what are the repubs waiting for! The Dems wanted to impeach Trump just for firing his FBI Director, an act clearly within his rights for Comey leaking and breaking the law, yet the GOP is doing nothing here while Biddum sells the country down the tubes.

As long as the Democrats control the House, impeachment is a non-starter. It would never, unless the Republicans get total control, get past the Senate.
I get your desire for some payback or whatever--but i think you might find DC not as willing to go down this rabbit-hole..again.
It's bad for our country--I know you don't really care--but quite a few of us do.

President Harris suits most of us to a T...beware unintended consequences~
President Kamala? be careful what you wish for!

So what are the repubs waiting for! The Dems wanted to impeach Trump just for firing his FBI Director, an act clearly within his rights for Comey leaking and breaking the law, yet the GOP is doing nothing here while Biddum sells the country down the tubes.

Fuck impeachment, the people of the US needs to rise up, tar and feather every DC critter then put them in stocks so people can throw rotten vegetables at them.

The huge increase in illegal border crossings that Biden described as 'seasonal' is growing larger despite the summer heat

The surge is happening at the height of the hottest summer months, when the flow of people seeking entry into the United States usually abates
President Kamala? be careful what you wish for!

This guy really needs to learn history. Biggest migration in history? Has he not heard of the Volkwanderung in late Roman times? I'll just stop there. There are plenty of others, but that one really is fairly well known even in largely historically-illiterate USA.
The huge increase in illegal border crossings that Biden described as 'seasonal' is growing larger despite the summer heat

The surge is happening at the height of the hottest summer months, when the flow of people seeking entry into the United States usually abates
And why would that be? We know the answer. Perhaps Tucker or Sean forgot to inform you. The 3 northern Central American countries are in dire straits, suffering from violent govts, cartels and climate which has destroyed many crops. These people are in fact desperate refugees.
Do not presume to lecture me on this issue as I lived in Guatemala and know the situation well. Also, I know a LOT of immigrants from those 3 countries (and Mexico), and know what they're like. They make good citizens here... they're democratically minded, hard-working, responsible... far better people than those who would attempt to overthrow the govt to overturn a valid election, ¿que no?
And why would that be? We know the answer. Perhaps Tucker or Sean forgot to inform you. The 3 northern Central American countries are in dire straits, suffering from violent govts, cartels and climate which has destroyed many crops. These people are in fact desperate refugees.
Do not presume to lecture me on this issue as I lived in Guatemala and know the situation well. Also, I know a LOT of immigrants from those 3 countries (and Mexico), and know what they're like. They make good citizens here... they're democratically minded, hard-working, responsible... far better people than those who would attempt to overthrow the govt to overturn a valid election, ¿que no?
But once they cross the border illegally then they are no longer good people. How many people who have gone through the process of legally immigrating here, have to wait 10 or more years while these diseased miscreants who want to take jobs from blacks, all they have to do is put a foot over the border in build back better Biden's america..

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