Sterling silver toothpicks for the rich? Seriously, and they complain about taxes?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Mt. Pleasant cops probing link between gypsies, $123K in stolen - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This was a story about a rich neighborhood across town that "gypsies" stole from. Its a group that targets rich homes for metals, like sterling silver, to pawn and sell. Anyway, I couldnt help but notice this. STERLING SILVER TOOTHPICKS? That was listed among the stolen items. People in America are homeless. And others pick food out of their teeth with sterling silver toothpicks?

This is like something you'd see in a cartoon, like the old duck cartoon with the filthy rich duck who swims in his gold coins. That duck would have sterling silver toothpicks in a fictional cartoon.

But no, this really exists. There are people who are so rich, that they have sterling silver TOOTHPICKS. And the rich are bitching about high taxes? Seriously. You just know their neighbors, or somewhere out there in America, the Keepin-Up-With-The-Jones's attitude is driving someone to want GOLD toothpicks, or PLATINUM toothpicks.

I cant help it, everytime I hear the debate about the rich and taxes...........fucking sterling silver TOOTHPICKS are gonna pop up in my head. Hard to be too sympathetic on that one.
Many families have old silver sets that were passed down from generations. Maybe others choose to purchase things with the money they earn. Who the hell are you to judge people and dictate what they should and shouldn't have?

I get the feeling that you aren't concerned that these folks were robbed and maybe are even glad that they were.

Paying too much in taxes because government spends money in stupid ways is wrong. Before 1913, we had roads, businesses, homes, railroads and trains for transportation, schools and colleges and there were no income taxes then. So, how the hell do you think that is possible? Shocked that mere American citizens were able to build this country without a nanny government doing it for them?

Government wastes a lot of money every day. Before you get bent out of shape over someone spending their own damn money on silver toothpicks, maybe you should be outraged that our government gave over a billion dollars to fucking terrorists, like the Muslim Brotherhood. How can you turn a blind eye to that and sit there and slam people for spending their money at businesses, which helped keep the business going and helped people keep their jobs?

Should I sit here and be jealous because some I know on welfare are talking on free phones, watching big screen TVs, playing expensive video games and wearing $100 sneakers? Well, maybe I should take issue since my taxes helped buy that shit and I can't afford to spoil my family.

Here's a completed eBay listing for an antique silver toothpick. I'm sure modern ones are even cheaper. So, $25 for an antique one.
Antique Retracting Silver Toothpick Citrone End | eBay

Still cheaper than the tattoos, nail salons, sneakers, big screen TVs and other things that people use their EBT cards to buy. What is your problem? I think you are blowing this way out of perspective and it's a lame attempt to garner up some instant hate for those who are doing well thanks to their own hard work.
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It is THEIR MONEY. what part of that dont you fuckers understand. They pay their FAIR share and then some. How about the people who dont pay damn dime in federal taxes and then collect a big fat check during tax time like some people i know. I know one who got a 12K check and another who got 9K. all on EIC .
And don't forget those punks walking around with gold teeth. Gold is more expensive than silver. Somehow, that won't get criticized because wealthy people don't usually walk around sporting gangsta grills.

The OP didn't bash the robbers who were stealing from those people. Is it okay with liberals that I own a car, which is waaayyyy more expensive than silver toothpicks? Do they have a problem with those of us wearing wedding rings? We pay taxes and when I spend that little bit of money that the government was kind enough to allow me to keep, I'll buy whatever the hell makes me happy and if anyone doesn't like it, they can fuck off.

Typical Obama supporter shrugs at the billions wasted for foreign aid and subsidizing green companies that quickly went bankrupt, but they get riled when someone owns something nice that they bought and paid for themselves.
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Sadly, humanity isn't equal. I certainly wish we were but that just isn't so...

Jack may have earned a business degree, while jill ate potatochips all day. Even if they both had the same iq...What do you think?
Mt. Pleasant cops probing link between gypsies, $123K in stolen - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This was a story about a rich neighborhood across town that "gypsies" stole from. Its a group that targets rich homes for metals, like sterling silver, to pawn and sell. Anyway, I couldnt help but notice this. STERLING SILVER TOOTHPICKS? That was listed among the stolen items. People in America are homeless. And others pick food out of their teeth with sterling silver toothpicks?

This is like something you'd see in a cartoon, like the old duck cartoon with the filthy rich duck who swims in his gold coins. That duck would have sterling silver toothpicks in a fictional cartoon.

But no, this really exists. There are people who are so rich, that they have sterling silver TOOTHPICKS. And the rich are bitching about high taxes? Seriously. You just know their neighbors, or somewhere out there in America, the Keepin-Up-With-The-Jones's attitude is driving someone to want GOLD toothpicks, or PLATINUM toothpicks.

I cant help it, everytime I hear the debate about the rich and taxes...........fucking sterling silver TOOTHPICKS are gonna pop up in my head. Hard to be too sympathetic on that one.

Those are the pikers. The really rich use platinum toothpicks.
Sadly, humanity isn't equal. I certainly wish we were but that just isn't so...

Jack may have earned a business degree, while jill ate potatochips all day. Even if they both had the same iq...What do you think?

Except for the disabled, we all have equal opportunity. The difference is in how we each take advantage of those opportunities. The greatest job in the world could be available, but if you didn't bother to get an education, it won't be an opportunity for you. It's up to each of us to make the most of things, starting with school. It's up to each of us to make ourselves desirable for employers by having skills, being dependable and not having a history of being a trouble maker.

You can take kids from similar backgrounds, send them to the same school and yet some will soar and others will quit school and wind up on welfare. You can't look at them and say we have to do something to make them equal. Our rights guarantee that we are created equal and we all have the opportunity to make something of our lives. The rest is up to the individual and it's nonsense to punish those who took the difficult route and carved out a life for themselves while babying those who made stupid choices and turned themselves into a burden on society. I'm all for ensuring that they eat and have a roof over their heads, but it needs to come with a kick in the butt to let them know they need to contribute to their own welfare.
Mt. Pleasant cops probing link between gypsies, $123K in stolen - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This was a story about a rich neighborhood across town that "gypsies" stole from. Its a group that targets rich homes for metals, like sterling silver, to pawn and sell. Anyway, I couldnt help but notice this. STERLING SILVER TOOTHPICKS? That was listed among the stolen items. People in America are homeless. And others pick food out of their teeth with sterling silver toothpicks?

This is like something you'd see in a cartoon, like the old duck cartoon with the filthy rich duck who swims in his gold coins. That duck would have sterling silver toothpicks in a fictional cartoon.

But no, this really exists. There are people who are so rich, that they have sterling silver TOOTHPICKS. And the rich are bitching about high taxes? Seriously. You just know their neighbors, or somewhere out there in America, the Keepin-Up-With-The-Jones's attitude is driving someone to want GOLD toothpicks, or PLATINUM toothpicks.

I cant help it, everytime I hear the debate about the rich and taxes...........fucking sterling silver TOOTHPICKS are gonna pop up in my head. Hard to be too sympathetic on that one.

Those are the pikers. The really rich use platinum toothpicks.

Do you despise those teens sporting gold teeth?
Mt. Pleasant cops probing link between gypsies, $123K in stolen - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This was a story about a rich neighborhood across town that "gypsies" stole from. Its a group that targets rich homes for metals, like sterling silver, to pawn and sell. Anyway, I couldnt help but notice this. STERLING SILVER TOOTHPICKS? That was listed among the stolen items. People in America are homeless. And others pick food out of their teeth with sterling silver toothpicks?

This is like something you'd see in a cartoon, like the old duck cartoon with the filthy rich duck who swims in his gold coins. That duck would have sterling silver toothpicks in a fictional cartoon.

But no, this really exists. There are people who are so rich, that they have sterling silver TOOTHPICKS. And the rich are bitching about high taxes? Seriously. You just know their neighbors, or somewhere out there in America, the Keepin-Up-With-The-Jones's attitude is driving someone to want GOLD toothpicks, or PLATINUM toothpicks.

I cant help it, everytime I hear the debate about the rich and taxes...........fucking sterling silver TOOTHPICKS are gonna pop up in my head. Hard to be too sympathetic on that one.

What are you complaining about? I would think a moonbat like you would appreciate the use of a silver toothpick, I mean afterall, since you are also most likely an enviro-nazi, you should realize a silver toothpick can be used over again infinite times. Just think, if more people used silver toothpicks, not as many trees would need to be cut down for toothpicks. Silver toothpicks are environmentally friendly, but you are too full of hatred and jealousy to realize it.

Thanks for the post lacking anything resembling intelligence, yet full of immense hatred, class warfare and jealousy.
Sadly, humanity isn't equal. I certainly wish we were but that just isn't so...

Jack may have earned a business degree, while jill ate potatochips all day. Even if they both had the same iq...What do you think?

Ugh, I actually agree with a post from Matthew. Excuse me, but I need to go take a shower now. :tongue:
Charleston is the liberal city of south carolina, maybe you need to complain about your own kind for once.
Individual Wealth should be outlawed and all currently held Private Wealth should be confiscated. America would be better overnight.
I'd rather have wooden tooth picks.

But if someone wants siilver toothpicks, why should I care?

Creates jobs for silver toothpick makers!
The Country is going to hell in a handbasket and the radical left thinks people shouldn't own silver toothpicks? A single one of Obama's golf outings could buy a set of sterling toothpicks for every American. Watch out when the radical left starts justifying felonies because people are just too damn rich. ..."They'll be no one to save...we're a world in a grave"....Barry McGuire
I'd rather have wooden tooth picks.

But if someone wants siilver toothpicks, why should I care?

Creates jobs for silver toothpick makers!

I agree a silver toothpick doesn't sound very comfortable. You can't deny that some rich people waste a lot of money on stupid crap, but so do some poor people.
The Country is going to hell in a handbasket and the radical left thinks people shouldn't own silver toothpicks? A single one of Obama's golf outings could buy a set of sterling toothpicks for every American. Watch out when the radical left starts justifying felonies because people are just too damn rich. ..."They'll be no one to save...we're a world in a grave"....Barry McGuire

Obamites whine about folks owning private jets, mansions, and yachts, but a LOT of folks are paid well to build those private jets, mansions, and yachts!

I've never been envious of the wealthy, and have worked in MANY homes of wealth and medium wealth over the past 30 years. They're my customers, and most are nice folks, and very charitable.

When BHO attacks them, and tries to take more cash from them to hand to his sloth voter base, it just reduces job opportunities for folks like me, who enjoy working for a living, and who don't feel entitled to having "it all".

IMO money isn't the end-all anyway, as long as you're comfortable, and earn an honest living.
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Mt. Pleasant cops probing link between gypsies, $123K in stolen - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This was a story about a rich neighborhood across town that "gypsies" stole from. Its a group that targets rich homes for metals, like sterling silver, to pawn and sell. Anyway, I couldnt help but notice this. STERLING SILVER TOOTHPICKS? That was listed among the stolen items. People in America are homeless. And others pick food out of their teeth with sterling silver toothpicks?

This is like something you'd see in a cartoon, like the old duck cartoon with the filthy rich duck who swims in his gold coins. That duck would have sterling silver toothpicks in a fictional cartoon.

But no, this really exists. There are people who are so rich, that they have sterling silver TOOTHPICKS. And the rich are bitching about high taxes? Seriously. You just know their neighbors, or somewhere out there in America, the Keepin-Up-With-The-Jones's attitude is driving someone to want GOLD toothpicks, or PLATINUM toothpicks.

I cant help it, everytime I hear the debate about the rich and taxes...........fucking sterling silver TOOTHPICKS are gonna pop up in my head. Hard to be too sympathetic on that one.

You know where is that anger for these expenditures of TAX dollars that obviously YOU"VE never paid but these filthy rich people probably paid!
If I were one of those filthy rich people I'd be pissed at what my tax dollars are paying for!

- $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.
- $1.44 million in federal funds estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties
- Studying pig poop. The Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $141,450 grant under the Clean Air Act to fund a Chinese study on swine manure and
- a $1.2 million grant to the United Nations for clean fuel promotion.
- Amtrak snacks. Federally subsidized Amtrak lost $84.5 million on its food and beverage services in 2011 and $833.8 million over the past 10 years.
- Conferences for government employees. In 2008 and 2009 alone, the Department of Justice spent $121 million to host or participate in 1,832 conferences.
_ The US Department of Agriculture has sparked outcry by paying $100,000 a year to a speaker who used compulsory diversity training to teach employees that
“the Pilgrims were illegal aliens” and that “minorities” should be called “emerging majorities”.
- U.S. government has spent $1.5 million to actually preserve some left during the hostile Indian occupation of California’s Alcatraz Island more than four decades go.
While the State Department saved money on security in Libya, it somehow managed to find $5.6 million in 2011 to support “pressing cultural preservation needs” in
dozens of foreign countries. Here are some of the dire projects funded by U.S. tax dollars that perhaps could be better spent on securing U.S. embassies in hostile
Arab countries.

- Uncle Sam doled out
$750,000 to restore a 16th-century tomb complex in India,
$700,000 to conserve ruins in Tanzania,
$600,000 for the “temple of the winged lions” in Jordan and
$450,000 for the conservation of a 10th century temple in Cambodia. Those were just the big ticket projects.
Hundreds of thousands more went to smaller causes throughout the world.

Explain to me how MY and the filthy rich tax dollars stolen by this government should be used in the above OSCENE manner???
Last week, the Oversight Committee reviewed report data showing federal agencies held more than 894 lavish conferences last year, costing more than $100,000 each and totaling $340 million for taxpayers.

Further, a Committee report released today revealed waste-cleanup recommendations from non-partisan Inspector Generals working across the federal government, which would save taxpayers $67 billion per year,
have not been implemented.
Backlogs of unimplemented recommendations have grown to 16,906.

“This report chronicles $67 billion in unimplemented reforms that non-partisan Inspectors General have identified,” said Committee Chairman Darrell Issa.
“President Obama should listen to the recommendations of his Administration’s own Inspector Generals and work with Congress
to implement common sense spending cuts that target wasteful and poorly performing programs instead of settling for the furloughs
and service disruptions happening under the sequester.”

Education and Transportation: We Have No Idea How Much Money We Spend on Conferences - Katie Pavlich

AGAIN this bull crap about $85 billion being CUT?? CUT the $67 billion the Inspectors have identified!!!
We should be like Venezuela where the ruling political class has all the wealth

Kerry, Gore, Obama should be the wealthiest people in the USSA

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