Sterling silver toothpicks for the rich? Seriously, and they complain about taxes?

The dirty little secret is that the administration can suck every rich person (and business owner) dry and the revenue would run the government for about six months. The issue is about class envy, potential violence and the cheap OWS type of revolution. The ignorant lock-step left needs hatred and violence in order to function. It ain't about silver toothpicks, these people daydream about wrecking American society.

Actually, if you took all the wealth of the top one percent, it would pay off the national debt and have enough left over to run the government for another year or two.
Everywhere is freaks and hairies
Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity
Tax the rich, feed the poor
Till there are no rich no more
Fucking thieves. Steal from the rich. No different than the gypsies in the OP article.

Assholes. Gimme gimme gimme and make that guy over there pay for it.
Many families have old silver sets that were passed down from generations. Maybe others choose to purchase things with the money they earn. Who the hell are you to judge people and dictate what they should and shouldn't have?

I get the feeling that you aren't concerned that these folks were robbed and maybe are even glad that they were.

Paying too much in taxes because government spends money in stupid ways is wrong. Before 1913, we had roads, businesses, homes, railroads and trains for transportation, schools and colleges and there were no income taxes then. So, how the hell do you think that is possible? Shocked that mere American citizens were able to build this country without a nanny government doing it for them?

Government wastes a lot of money every day. Before you get bent out of shape over someone spending their own damn money on silver toothpicks, maybe you should be outraged that our government gave over a billion dollars to fucking terrorists, like the Muslim Brotherhood. How can you turn a blind eye to that and sit there and slam people for spending their money at businesses, which helped keep the business going and helped people keep their jobs?

Should I sit here and be jealous because some I know on welfare are talking on free phones, watching big screen TVs, playing expensive video games and wearing $100 sneakers? Well, maybe I should take issue since my taxes helped buy that shit and I can't afford to spoil my family.

Here's a completed eBay listing for an antique silver toothpick. I'm sure modern ones are even cheaper. So, $25 for an antique one.
Antique Retracting Silver Toothpick Citrone End | eBay

Still cheaper than the tattoos, nail salons, sneakers, big screen TVs and other things that people use their EBT cards to buy. What is your problem? I think you are blowing this way out of perspective and it's a lame attempt to garner up some instant hate for those who are doing well thanks to their own hard work.


Beautiful post.
Mt. Pleasant cops probing link between gypsies, $123K in stolen - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This was a story about a rich neighborhood across town that "gypsies" stole from. Its a group that targets rich homes for metals, like sterling silver, to pawn and sell. Anyway, I couldnt help but notice this. STERLING SILVER TOOTHPICKS? That was listed among the stolen items. People in America are homeless. And others pick food out of their teeth with sterling silver toothpicks?

This is like something you'd see in a cartoon, like the old duck cartoon with the filthy rich duck who swims in his gold coins. That duck would have sterling silver toothpicks in a fictional cartoon.

But no, this really exists. There are people who are so rich, that they have sterling silver TOOTHPICKS. And the rich are bitching about high taxes? Seriously. You just know their neighbors, or somewhere out there in America, the Keepin-Up-With-The-Jones's attitude is driving someone to want GOLD toothpicks, or PLATINUM toothpicks.

I cant help it, everytime I hear the debate about the rich and taxes...........fucking sterling silver TOOTHPICKS are gonna pop up in my head. Hard to be too sympathetic on that one.

At least the gypsies had the guts to steal from rich people themselves instead of having the government do it for them like you would.

well, we can shoot and kill the gypsies if we catch them inside ya know....

oh wait..... maybe that is why they want everyone's guns......
Individual Wealth should be outlawed and all currently held Private Wealth should be confiscated. America would be better overnight.
Let's say all personal assets in excess of twenty million dollars should be confiscated. There is nothing wrong with wealth. The problem rests with excessive wealth.

And excessive wealth is what Bucs is talking about -- silver toothpicks being symbolically representative of precisely that -- along with gold-plated toilet fixtures and 30 room mansions.

True to form, it always follows that the toadies of the super-rich, most of whom haven't a pot to piss in, seem obliged to defend excess and the vulgar symbols of greed.

You're so right, Mike..

Because who needs more than $20 million, right? It's not like rich people do anything worthwhile with their money. All they'd probably do is buy more cars, mansions, or silver toothpicks.

I doubt they'd invest their money in businesses or ideas that end up helping other people or changing the way we live in the long run. Who cares anyways. They have too much anyways and it's time they shared some of it with the rest of us.


Individual Wealth should be outlawed and all currently held Private Wealth should be confiscated. America would be better overnight.
Let's say all personal assets in excess of twenty million dollars should be confiscated. There is nothing wrong with wealth. The problem rests with excessive wealth.

And excessive wealth is what Bucs is talking about -- silver toothpicks being symbolically representative of precisely that -- along with gold-plated toilet fixtures and 30 room mansions.

True to form, it always follows that the toadies of the super-rich, most of whom haven't a pot to piss in, seem obliged to defend excess and the vulgar symbols of greed.

Define excessive.
The dirty little secret is that the administration can suck every rich person (and business owner) dry and the revenue would run the government for about six months. The issue is about class envy, potential violence and the cheap OWS type of revolution. The ignorant lock-step left needs hatred and violence in order to function. It ain't about silver toothpicks, these people daydream about wrecking American society.

Actually, if you took all the wealth of the top one percent, it would pay off the national debt and have enough left over to run the government for another year or two.

You are as bad at math as the idiots you argue with.
My goodness, the reason the right lost in 2012 is so obvious. The point of this thread was the image and messaging of the right wing and the rich. I never said they shouldnt be able to own sterling silver toothpicks- as stupid and pretentious as it may be- it is their money.

My point was that...we see stuff like this, and the right wing harbors the image of the rich whining about how taxes are hurting them. But the general public isn't buying it, obviously, and images like this are why. The right wing has a branding problem. They've been branded as whining rich people- who live so large that they pick their teeth with sterling silver toothpicks- and the regluar Joe struggling with bills is being told to sympathize with them. Its not working.

The fact that you guys can't pick up on that message about imaging and perception is why you lost the election.

here ya go... when you get the chance stop by here...... one of favorite shops in NYC. He loves me...i never fail to pick out the most expensive items. He says i have a ...good eye. :tongue:


Welcome to - World Class Silver and Antiques
Individual Wealth should be outlawed and all currently held Private Wealth should be confiscated. America would be better overnight.
Let's say all personal assets in excess of twenty million dollars should be confiscated. There is nothing wrong with wealth. The problem rests with excessive wealth.

And excessive wealth is what Bucs is talking about -- silver toothpicks being symbolically representative of precisely that -- along with gold-plated toilet fixtures and 30 room mansions.

True to form, it always follows that the toadies of the super-rich, most of whom haven't a pot to piss in, seem obliged to defend excess and the vulgar symbols of greed.

You're so right, Mike..

Because who needs more than $20 million, right? It's not like rich people do anything worthwhile with their money. All they'd probably do is buy more cars, mansions, or silver toothpicks.

I doubt they'd invest their money in businesses or ideas that end up helping other people or changing the way we live in the long run. Who cares anyways. They have too much anyways and it's time they shared some of it with the rest of us.

Better it continues the way it's going until there no longer is a middle class -- which won't be long.

But in case you're interested, confiscation of personal assets in excess of twenty million does not preclude freely investing the excess in any venture -- or just giving it away, the objective being equitable redistribution of the Nation's wealth resources.

The rich stay rich (twenty million is rich) and the middle class survives. It's neither capitalism nor socialism but a little of both -- and everybody is happy except the obscenely greedy bastards you right wing Tories seem to like so much.
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Let's say all personal assets in excess of twenty million dollars should be confiscated. There is nothing wrong with wealth. The problem rests with excessive wealth.

And excessive wealth is what Bucs is talking about -- silver toothpicks being symbolically representative of precisely that -- along with gold-plated toilet fixtures and 30 room mansions.

True to form, it always follows that the toadies of the super-rich, most of whom haven't a pot to piss in, seem obliged to defend excess and the vulgar symbols of greed.

You're so right, Mike..

Because who needs more than $20 million, right? It's not like rich people do anything worthwhile with their money. All they'd probably do is buy more cars, mansions, or silver toothpicks.

I doubt they'd invest their money in businesses or ideas that end up helping other people or changing the way we live in the long run. Who cares anyways. They have too much anyways and it's time they shared some of it with the rest of us.

Better it continues they way it's going until there no longer is a middle class -- which won't be long.

But in case you're interested, confiscation of personal assets in excess of twenty million does not preclude freely investing the excess in any venture -- or just giving it away, the objective being equitable redistribution of the Nation's wealth resources.

The rich stay rich (twenty million is rich) and the middle class survives. It's neither capitalism nor socialism but a little of both -- and everybody is happy except the obscenely greedy bastards you right wing Tories seem to like so much.

You completely missed the point.

$20 million may seem excessive to you, but when it comes down to doing "big" things, it's really just pocket change. And I'm not taking a jab at you, just trying to broaden your perspective a little.

For example. Lets go back a couple of hundred years to the time of Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, and Vanderbilt. Back when people were lighting their homes with kerosene, J.P. Morgan (the banker) was set on trying to start his own empire from scratch.

He saw an opportunity in Thomas Edison's electric light, and bought into his idea. Long story short, the entire United States had electric light in a pretty short time. This not only changed the US, but also revolutionized the world. Now, do you know how much capital Morgan had to invest for this to happen? Tens of billions in today's money.

My point is that by limiting someone's income to only $20M (or any amount for that matter) you're severely limiting what they can ultimately achieve. The world would be very different today if that had been the case throughout history. Not to mention it was Morgan himself who bailed out the US government when they ran out of money. That also required a couple billions.

Even though some people will be rich and only spoil themselves, by penalizing them for their greediness you're also penalizing those that actually utilize their excess wealth to improve and ultimately change the world. Even if the greedy far outnumber the noble, that is still a tradeoff we can't afford to live without. Personally, I don't mind ultra-wealthy people spoiling themselves. It's their money and I believe they're entitled to do what they please with it. Regardless of how much it is, and what they do with it. I'll stick to concerning myself about what I can do; not what I think others could be doing.
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Many families have old silver sets that were passed down from generations. Maybe others choose to purchase things with the money they earn. Who the hell are you to judge people and dictate what they should and shouldn't have?

I get the feeling that you aren't concerned that these folks were robbed and maybe are even glad that they were.

Paying too much in taxes because government spends money in stupid ways is wrong. Before 1913, we had roads, businesses, homes, railroads and trains for transportation, schools and colleges and there were no income taxes then. So, how the hell do you think that is possible? Shocked that mere American citizens were able to build this country without a nanny government doing it for them?

Government wastes a lot of money every day. Before you get bent out of shape over someone spending their own damn money on silver toothpicks, maybe you should be outraged that our government gave over a billion dollars to fucking terrorists, like the Muslim Brotherhood. How can you turn a blind eye to that and sit there and slam people for spending their money at businesses, which helped keep the business going and helped people keep their jobs?

Should I sit here and be jealous because some I know on welfare are talking on free phones, watching big screen TVs, playing expensive video games and wearing $100 sneakers? Well, maybe I should take issue since my taxes helped buy that shit and I can't afford to spoil my family.

Here's a completed eBay listing for an antique silver toothpick. I'm sure modern ones are even cheaper. So, $25 for an antique one.
Antique Retracting Silver Toothpick Citrone End | eBay

Still cheaper than the tattoos, nail salons, sneakers, big screen TVs and other things that people use their EBT cards to buy. What is your problem? I think you are blowing this way out of perspective and it's a lame attempt to garner up some instant hate for those who are doing well thanks to their own hard work.

Getting owned like that has gotta fucking hurt the nuts.
Let's say all personal assets in excess of twenty million dollars should be confiscated. There is nothing wrong with wealth. The problem rests with excessive wealth.

And excessive wealth is what Bucs is talking about -- silver toothpicks being symbolically representative of precisely that -- along with gold-plated toilet fixtures and 30 room mansions.

True to form, it always follows that the toadies of the super-rich, most of whom haven't a pot to piss in, seem obliged to defend excess and the vulgar symbols of greed.

You're so right, Mike..

Because who needs more than $20 million, right? It's not like rich people do anything worthwhile with their money. All they'd probably do is buy more cars, mansions, or silver toothpicks.

I doubt they'd invest their money in businesses or ideas that end up helping other people or changing the way we live in the long run. Who cares anyways. They have too much anyways and it's time they shared some of it with the rest of us.

Better it continues they way it's going until there no longer is a middle class -- which won't be long.

But in case you're interested, confiscation of personal assets in excess of twenty million does not preclude freely investing the excess in any venture -- or just giving it away, the objective being equitable redistribution of the Nation's wealth resources.

The rich stay rich (twenty million is rich) and the middle class survives. It's neither capitalism nor socialism but a little of both -- and everybody is happy except the obscenely greedy bastards you right wing Tories seem to like so much.

What you fail to grasp is that it is NOT the nation's wealth.
My nearly obscene fortune does not harm your pocketbook one iota, as a matter of fact, if you work in a ship yard, you have a job because I am buying a yacht. If you are a carpenter, you are building my house. If you work for GM, you are assembling my Escalade.
In short, you have money in your pocket because someone else spends it, not because the government prints it.
Liberals act as if there is a finite supply of money and we're all grubbing in the dirt for the same dollars.
Money represents wealth. Wealth is no more than accumulated tangible assets. My house was an empty lot, a forest and rocks.
The forest was an asset. it was sold to a lumber mill who made studs and beams and flooring out of it. Those products are assets. The more lumber the mill has, the more wealthy he is. Some of the mill's lumber was sold to a builder who made a house out of it. The more houses he builds, the more wealthy he is.
I bought one of his houses. I paid a fair price for one of his assets and combined with the rest of my tangible assets, I am wealthy. Funny thing is, all government did in all this is they printed the money.
How is my home, my boat, my tractor, my motorcycle, my truck or my silver toothpick, the "nation's wealth"?
Those who complain about silver toothpicks don't have a problem with silver coke spoons.
Mt. Pleasant cops probing link between gypsies, $123K in stolen - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This was a story about a rich neighborhood across town that "gypsies" stole from. Its a group that targets rich homes for metals, like sterling silver, to pawn and sell. Anyway, I couldnt help but notice this. STERLING SILVER TOOTHPICKS? That was listed among the stolen items. People in America are homeless. And others pick food out of their teeth with sterling silver toothpicks?

This is like something you'd see in a cartoon, like the old duck cartoon with the filthy rich duck who swims in his gold coins. That duck would have sterling silver toothpicks in a fictional cartoon.

But no, this really exists. There are people who are so rich, that they have sterling silver TOOTHPICKS. And the rich are bitching about high taxes? Seriously. You just know their neighbors, or somewhere out there in America, the Keepin-Up-With-The-Jones's attitude is driving someone to want GOLD toothpicks, or PLATINUM toothpicks.

I cant help it, everytime I hear the debate about the rich and taxes...........fucking sterling silver TOOTHPICKS are gonna pop up in my head. Hard to be too sympathetic on that one.

because you get to say how much is too much... and you get to say that they don't deserve what they earn, when it comes to what you want paid for (all the while you get to choose those who pay little or nothing in)

Top 1/10th of 1% make 60% of all Capital Gains Earnings

Forbes opinion columnist notes:

Make no mistake; the battle that is to be fought over the coming attempt to reverse this reduction in capital gains will be bloody and intense. The facts are clear according to the Congressional Budget Office. More than 80% of the increase in income inequality was the result of an increase in the share of household income from capital gains. In fact, you can go so far as to claim that Capital Gains income is the most unevenly distributed—and volatile—source of household income, according to Laura D’Andrea Tyson, UC Berkeley business professor and former chair of Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisers under President Clinton.
Top 1/10th of 1% make 60% of all Capital Gains Earnings

Forbes opinion columnist notes:

Make no mistake; the battle that is to be fought over the coming attempt to reverse this reduction in capital gains will be bloody and intense. The facts are clear according to the Congressional Budget Office. More than 80% of the increase in income inequality was the result of an increase in the share of household income from capital gains. In fact, you can go so far as to claim that Capital Gains income is the most unevenly distributed—and volatile—source of household income, according to Laura D’Andrea Tyson, UC Berkeley business professor and former chair of Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisers under President Clinton.

So we should all focus on investing instead of working a 9 to 5. Good advice.
Mt. Pleasant cops probing link between gypsies, $123K in stolen - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This was a story about a rich neighborhood across town that "gypsies" stole from. Its a group that targets rich homes for metals, like sterling silver, to pawn and sell. Anyway, I couldnt help but notice this. STERLING SILVER TOOTHPICKS? That was listed among the stolen items. People in America are homeless. And others pick food out of their teeth with sterling silver toothpicks?

This is like something you'd see in a cartoon, like the old duck cartoon with the filthy rich duck who swims in his gold coins. That duck would have sterling silver toothpicks in a fictional cartoon.

But no, this really exists. There are people who are so rich, that they have sterling silver TOOTHPICKS. And the rich are bitching about high taxes? Seriously. You just know their neighbors, or somewhere out there in America, the Keepin-Up-With-The-Jones's attitude is driving someone to want GOLD toothpicks, or PLATINUM toothpicks.

I cant help it, everytime I hear the debate about the rich and taxes...........fucking sterling silver TOOTHPICKS are gonna pop up in my head. Hard to be too sympathetic on that one.

The rich don't get to pay for our politicians for nothing!
I'm sorry, you don't need an HDTV. We're confiscating that for the People.

You don't need that fancy phone, either. Here, take this rotary phone. We're taking your iPhone for the good of the People.

You don't need those chips and soda and beer. Put those back and hand over the cash. There are people starving in India who need it more than you.

Where did you ever get the stupid idea this is YOUR stuff?
You know, I worry about the rich. I am always hopeful that by the time they rig the system by buying a politician or two that they have enough left over for their high priced hookers and nose candy.

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