Sterling silver toothpicks for the rich? Seriously, and they complain about taxes?

You know, I worry about the rich. I am always hopeful that by the time they rig the system by buying a politician or two that they have enough left over for their high priced hookers and nose candy.

It is precisely this grouping of an entire class of people into a monolithic type which is so fatally flawed.

Progressives shudder in horror and rent their clothes and gnash their teeth at the stereotyping of some groups of people, but feel not the slightest twinge of hypocritical guilt when plotting the plundering of "the rich".

Isn't that the whole point of stereotyping; to justify the ill treatment of the entire subject group?

Yeah. It is.
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Hey man. I'm not prejudiced. Some of my best friends are rich.
You know, I worry about the rich. I am always hopeful that by the time they rig the system by buying a politician or two that they have enough left over for their high priced hookers and nose candy.

It is precisely this grouping of an entire class of people into a monolithic type which is so fatally flawed.

Progressives shudder in horror and rent their clothes and gnash their teeth at the stereotyping of some groups of people, but feel not the slightest twinge of hypocritical guilt when plotting the plundering of "the rich".

Isn't that the whole point of stereotyping; to justify the ill treatment of the entire subject group?

Yeah. It is.

Fuck 'em. It's not a stereotype when it's true.

On second, forgive me. I forgot about that FLOOD of trickle down they infuse back into society!

You know, I worry about the rich. I am always hopeful that by the time they rig the system by buying a politician or two that they have enough left over for their high priced hookers and nose candy.

It is precisely this grouping of an entire class of people into a monolithic type which is so fatally flawed.

Progressives shudder in horror and rent their clothes and gnash their teeth at the stereotyping of some groups of people, but feel not the slightest twinge of hypocritical guilt when plotting the plundering of "the rich".

Isn't that the whole point of stereotyping; to justify the ill treatment of the entire subject group?

Yeah. It is.

Fuck 'em. It's not a stereotype when it's true.

Spoken like a true bigot.
It is precisely this grouping of an entire class of people into a monolithic type which is so fatally flawed.

Progressives shudder in horror and rent their clothes and gnash their teeth at the stereotyping of some groups of people, but feel not the slightest twinge of hypocritical guilt when plotting the plundering of "the rich".

Isn't that the whole point of stereotyping; to justify the ill treatment of the entire subject group?

Yeah. It is.

Fuck 'em. It's not a stereotype when it's true.

Spoken like a true bigot.

Can't talk!!!! Drowning in all that trickle down!!!! Women and children first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If this band of gypsies kept robbing houses, and some politician declared his solution to the thieving gypsy problem was to make everyone who lives in big houses pay more taxes, you would rightfully conclude he was profoundly retarded and find yourself wondering how he managed to tie his shoelaces.

We are all being robbed, including the guy who lives in a bigger house than you. And your solution to tax him more is the solution of a profoundly retarded person. It will NOT solve the problem.

What we need is for the thieves to be arrested instead of given police protection and legislative advantages.

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Mt. Pleasant cops probing link between gypsies, $123K in stolen - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This was a story about a rich neighborhood across town that "gypsies" stole from. Its a group that targets rich homes for metals, like sterling silver, to pawn and sell. Anyway, I couldnt help but notice this. STERLING SILVER TOOTHPICKS? That was listed among the stolen items. People in America are homeless. And others pick food out of their teeth with sterling silver toothpicks?

This is like something you'd see in a cartoon, like the old duck cartoon with the filthy rich duck who swims in his gold coins. That duck would have sterling silver toothpicks in a fictional cartoon.

But no, this really exists. There are people who are so rich, that they have sterling silver TOOTHPICKS. And the rich are bitching about high taxes? Seriously. You just know their neighbors, or somewhere out there in America, the Keepin-Up-With-The-Jones's attitude is driving someone to want GOLD toothpicks, or PLATINUM toothpicks.

I cant help it, everytime I hear the debate about the rich and taxes...........fucking sterling silver TOOTHPICKS are gonna pop up in my head. Hard to be too sympathetic on that one.

Why so envious?
Obama seems to hang with the rich a lot.

Golfing with Tiger Woods
Partying with Beyonce...who pays $80 per nail to have them painted with gold nail polish.
Obama seems to hang with the rich a lot.

Golfing with Tiger Woods
Partying with Beyonce...who pays $80 per nail to have them painted with gold nail polish.

Obama has excess popularity. We need to confiscate some and redistribute it to Congress.
Top 1/10th of 1% make 60% of all Capital Gains Earnings

Forbes opinion columnist notes:

Make no mistake; the battle that is to be fought over the coming attempt to reverse this reduction in capital gains will be bloody and intense. The facts are clear according to the Congressional Budget Office. More than 80% of the increase in income inequality was the result of an increase in the share of household income from capital gains. In fact, you can go so far as to claim that Capital Gains income is the most unevenly distributed—and volatile—source of household income, according to Laura D’Andrea Tyson, UC Berkeley business professor and former chair of Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisers under President Clinton.

ANd they have the freedom to do so

The freedom to fail goes hand in hand with the freedom to succeed.. when you have the opportunity to invest more, chances are you have an opportunity to succeed more... but that in no way makes it right to force others to pay so that you can get more at their expense
You know, I worry about the rich. I am always hopeful that by the time they rig the system by buying a politician or two that they have enough left over for their high priced hookers and nose candy.

It is precisely this grouping of an entire class of people into a monolithic type which is so fatally flawed.

Progressives shudder in horror and rent their clothes and gnash their teeth at the stereotyping of some groups of people, but feel not the slightest twinge of hypocritical guilt when plotting the plundering of "the rich".

Isn't that the whole point of stereotyping; to justify the ill treatment of the entire subject group?

Yeah. It is.

Fuck 'em. It's not a stereotype when it's true.

On second, forgive me. I forgot about that FLOOD of trickle down they infuse back into society!


Spending by the rich does fuel economic business.. to think otherwise is foolish

But since you did not get success to the degree that you wanted while those rich may have gotten richer, does not mean you have the right or freedom to take from them because of it.. that is AGAINST freedom
You know, I worry about the rich. I am always hopeful that by the time they rig the system by buying a politician or two that they have enough left over for their high priced hookers and nose candy.
And therein lies the tale.
It is precisely this grouping of an entire class of people into a monolithic type which is so fatally flawed.

Progressives shudder in horror and rent their clothes and gnash their teeth at the stereotyping of some groups of people, but feel not the slightest twinge of hypocritical guilt when plotting the plundering of "the rich".

Isn't that the whole point of stereotyping; to justify the ill treatment of the entire subject group?

Yeah. It is.

Fuck 'em. It's not a stereotype when it's true.

On second, forgive me. I forgot about that FLOOD of trickle down they infuse back into society!


Spending by the rich does fuel economic business.. to think otherwise is foolish

But since you did not get success to the degree that you wanted while those rich may have gotten richer, does not mean you have the right or freedom to take from them because of it.. that is AGAINST freedom

Not to give any credit to your imaginary fears of class warfare, but your post makes no economic sense. The rich, however you define that, spend less a % of disposabile income than do ... say people getting UI. To protect tax cuts for the rich while cutting UI decreases aggregate demand.

So, don't try to justify your ideolgoy with bogus economics.

Fuck 'em. It's not a stereotype when it's true.

On second, forgive me. I forgot about that FLOOD of trickle down they infuse back into society!


Spending by the rich does fuel economic business.. to think otherwise is foolish

But since you did not get success to the degree that you wanted while those rich may have gotten richer, does not mean you have the right or freedom to take from them because of it.. that is AGAINST freedom

Not to give any credit to your imaginary fears of class warfare, but your post makes no economic sense. The rich, however you define that, spend less a % of disposabile income than do ... say people getting UI. To protect tax cuts for the rich while cutting UI decreases aggregate demand.

So, don't try to justify your ideolgoy with bogus economics.

Hey, give Diamondcutter a break. It's not easy being a wanna be "rich" person simply by admiring them. There's a lot of disappointment in that.
Spending by the rich does fuel economic business.. to think otherwise is foolish
Without spending by the the lower and middle classes there would be no "economic business." It's a big wheel that takes two polar sources of energy -- along with the correct level of balance, to keep spinning at the right speed. Too much or too little at either end, the wheel slows down and we find ourselves in a depression or worse.

But since you did not get success to the degree that you wanted while those rich may have gotten richer, does not mean you have the right or freedom to take from them because of it.. that is AGAINST freedom
Then I can assume you are one of those "Libertarian" creatures who believe a Nation as massive and as diversely complicated as ours can get along just fine without taxation. In which case I won't attempt to argue with you because I know it would be hopeless. Just try to understand that one major aspect of FDR's method of raising the U.S. from the Great Depression, which was caused by the greedy maneuverings and exploitation of the super-rich during the Gilded Age, was to raise the upper level of the progressive tax rate to 91%, which is essentially the same thing as confiscation. It just sounds so much better.

And if your Libertarian mindset finds that approach offensive, keep in mind it didn't ruin the super-rich. It just made them somewhat less rich, but still rich, and its equitable redistributive effect set the Nation on course to enjoy its most prosperous and productiive decades in our history, those years between the late 1940s and Ronald Reagan, The Man From General Electric, who tampered with the wheel's balance via the deregulation policies which served the interests of his corporate sponsors.

And here we are.
Spending by the rich does fuel economic business.. to think otherwise is foolish
Without spending by the the lower and middle classes there would be no "economic business." It's a big wheel that takes two polar sources of energy -- along with the correct level of balance, to keep spinning at the right speed. Too much or too little at either end, the wheel slows down and we find ourselves in a depression or worse.

But since you did not get success to the degree that you wanted while those rich may have gotten richer, does not mean you have the right or freedom to take from them because of it.. that is AGAINST freedom
Then I can assume you are one of those "Libertarian" creatures who believe a Nation as massive and as diversely complicated as ours can get along just fine without taxation. In which case I won't attempt to argue with you because I know it would be hopeless. Just try to understand that one major aspect of FDR's method of raising the U.S. from the Great Depression, which was caused by the greedy maneuverings and exploitation of the super-rich during the Gilded Age, was to raise the upper level of the progressive tax rate to 91%, which is essentially the same thing as confiscation. It just sounds so much better.

And if your Libertarian mindset finds that approach offensive, keep in mind it didn't ruin the super-rich. It just made them somewhat less rich, but still rich, and its equitable redistributive effect set the Nation on course to enjoy its most prosperous and productiive decades in our history, those years between the late 1940s and Ronald Reagan, The Man From General Electric, who tampered with the wheel's balance via the deregulation policies which served the interests of his corporate sponsors.

And here we are.

So the middle and lower class will not spend unless there is more taken from the rich?? Idiotic

And the 90% tax myth again.. LOL... predictable... now, granted it is WRONG To tax anyone that much and IMHO WRONG to tax people on different rated for some arbitrary 'fairness' agenda... but perhaps you should look at what was deemed income, what was deductible etc during that 90% time and realize that it was not being paid like that

You are the champion of equal treatment when it benefits you, and unequal treatment of others when it benefits you... how proud you must feel...

Fuck 'em. It's not a stereotype when it's true.

On second, forgive me. I forgot about that FLOOD of trickle down they infuse back into society!


Spending by the rich does fuel economic business.. to think otherwise is foolish

But since you did not get success to the degree that you wanted while those rich may have gotten richer, does not mean you have the right or freedom to take from them because of it.. that is AGAINST freedom

Not to give any credit to your imaginary fears of class warfare, but your post makes no economic sense. The rich, however you define that, spend less a % of disposabile income than do ... say people getting UI. To protect tax cuts for the rich while cutting UI decreases aggregate demand.

So, don't try to justify your ideolgoy with bogus economics.

And they invest more, which also feeds the economy.. but don't let truth get in your way.. your rant supporting confiscation from others to feed your need is going SO well :rolleyes:
Spending by the rich does fuel economic business.. to think otherwise is foolish

But since you did not get success to the degree that you wanted while those rich may have gotten richer, does not mean you have the right or freedom to take from them because of it.. that is AGAINST freedom

Not to give any credit to your imaginary fears of class warfare, but your post makes no economic sense. The rich, however you define that, spend less a % of disposabile income than do ... say people getting UI. To protect tax cuts for the rich while cutting UI decreases aggregate demand.

So, don't try to justify your ideolgoy with bogus economics.

And they invest more, which also feeds the economy.. but don't let truth get in your way.. your rant supporting confiscation from others to feed your need is going SO well :rolleyes:

You one of them, DiamondcutterDave, or just a wanna be admirer?
Not to give any credit to your imaginary fears of class warfare, but your post makes no economic sense. The rich, however you define that, spend less a % of disposabile income than do ... say people getting UI. To protect tax cuts for the rich while cutting UI decreases aggregate demand.

So, don't try to justify your ideolgoy with bogus economics.

And they invest more, which also feeds the economy.. but don't let truth get in your way.. your rant supporting confiscation from others to feed your need is going SO well :rolleyes:

You one of them, DiamondcutterDave, or just a wanna be admirer?

I make damn good money.. the amount being none of your business.. I have had my own company for 2.5 years, which I subsequently sold..

Not that any of that matters you your type
Well, there are two general truths that emerged during the last century in terms of supply and demand.

When there are no drags on aggregate demand, such as inflation or wayyyy too much personal and corporated debt, then private capital should be seeking out risk. And, if it's not seeking risk, then there's something fundamenatlly wrong in how capital is being allocated that is preventing potential growth.

Any increase in supply (ie supply side economics) will only cause deflation unless there is sufficient aggregate demand to consume new production.

And that is to say, there's no "right or wrong" in terms of Keynes or Friedman or any captialist economic view. Rather .. it depends.

Currently, we have a conservative monetarist (student of Friedman) central banker pushing an expansionist policy and a democrat potus from Chicago agreeing to austerity. Go figure.

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