Sterling silver toothpicks for the rich? Seriously, and they complain about taxes?

I'd rather have wooden tooth picks.

But if someone wants siilver toothpicks, why should I care?

Creates jobs for silver toothpick makers!

I agree a silver toothpick doesn't sound very comfortable. You can't deny that some rich people waste a lot of money on stupid crap, but so do some poor people.

"Some rich people waste a lot of money on stupid crap"? Who the hell are you to make that judgement? The question for the ignorant knee jerk left is whether they are at the point in history when they justify stealing from the rich (killing them?) because "they spend too much money on stupid crap"? I think we might be closer than we realize.
Mt. Pleasant cops probing link between gypsies, $123K in stolen - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This was a story about a rich neighborhood across town that "gypsies" stole from. Its a group that targets rich homes for metals, like sterling silver, to pawn and sell. Anyway, I couldnt help but notice this. STERLING SILVER TOOTHPICKS? That was listed among the stolen items. People in America are homeless. And others pick food out of their teeth with sterling silver toothpicks?

This is like something you'd see in a cartoon, like the old duck cartoon with the filthy rich duck who swims in his gold coins. That duck would have sterling silver toothpicks in a fictional cartoon.

But no, this really exists. There are people who are so rich, that they have sterling silver TOOTHPICKS. And the rich are bitching about high taxes? Seriously. You just know their neighbors, or somewhere out there in America, the Keepin-Up-With-The-Jones's attitude is driving someone to want GOLD toothpicks, or PLATINUM toothpicks.

I cant help it, everytime I hear the debate about the rich and taxes...........fucking sterling silver TOOTHPICKS are gonna pop up in my head. Hard to be too sympathetic on that one.

You unfortunately epitomize the Democratic Party. It's all about hating people with more than you. People should be able to do whatever they want with their money as long as they pay their taxes. Rather than point out the failure of the current economy because of dumb economic policies by Obama, you have to whine about the rich. No wonder this country is in trouble with haters like you who can't stand to see anyone else do well.

You and the rest of the gleefully jealous Obamaroids are really just a massive version of Tonya Harding. Can't beat the rich so let's hit them with a bat. What a disgusting pig you are...
My goodness, the reason the right lost in 2012 is so obvious. The point of this thread was the image and messaging of the right wing and the rich. I never said they shouldnt be able to own sterling silver toothpicks- as stupid and pretentious as it may be- it is their money.

My point was that...we see stuff like this, and the right wing harbors the image of the rich whining about how taxes are hurting them. But the general public isn't buying it, obviously, and images like this are why. The right wing has a branding problem. They've been branded as whining rich people- who live so large that they pick their teeth with sterling silver toothpicks- and the regluar Joe struggling with bills is being told to sympathize with them. Its not working.

The fact that you guys can't pick up on that message about imaging and perception is why you lost the election.
Mt. Pleasant cops probing link between gypsies, $123K in stolen - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This was a story about a rich neighborhood across town that "gypsies" stole from. Its a group that targets rich homes for metals, like sterling silver, to pawn and sell. Anyway, I couldnt help but notice this. STERLING SILVER TOOTHPICKS? That was listed among the stolen items. People in America are homeless. And others pick food out of their teeth with sterling silver toothpicks?

This is like something you'd see in a cartoon, like the old duck cartoon with the filthy rich duck who swims in his gold coins. That duck would have sterling silver toothpicks in a fictional cartoon.

But no, this really exists. There are people who are so rich, that they have sterling silver TOOTHPICKS. And the rich are bitching about high taxes? Seriously. You just know their neighbors, or somewhere out there in America, the Keepin-Up-With-The-Jones's attitude is driving someone to want GOLD toothpicks, or PLATINUM toothpicks.

I cant help it, everytime I hear the debate about the rich and taxes...........fucking sterling silver TOOTHPICKS are gonna pop up in my head. Hard to be too sympathetic on that one.

At least the gypsies had the guts to steal from rich people themselves instead of having the government do it for them like you would.
Again... Here is Obama complaining about the "millionaires and billionaires" tax loopholes!
OBAMA USED THEM on his 2010 tax return!!!

Yea this is the same guy that in 2010 Obama's taxable income was $1,728,096
245,075 14.18% of his income as donations to charities (WOW a big chunk of change at 14%!!!)TAX LOOPHOLE
49,945 home mortgage interest TAX LOOPHOLE
122,527 Long term capital loss CARRYOVER!!! 7% sheltered income!!TAX LOOPHOLE TAX BREAKS FOR MILLIONAIRES AND BILLIONAIRES!!!
and paid: $453,770 26.26% of gross income.

Note Obama ONLY donated 14.18% of his $1.7 million income which is nearly half what Bush donated who had only half Obama's income!!!

President Obama and his wife, Michele, gave a total of $48,000 in tax-free gifts to their daughters, according to tax records made public on Friday.

The president and his wife separately gave each daughter a $12,000 gift under a section of the federal tax code that exempts such donations from federal taxes.

There is nothing illegal about the president’s taking advantage of this tax shelter, but it does raise eyebrows given that he has lamented the myriad tax exemptions used by the wealthy—“millionaires and billionaires” like himself—to pay less in taxes. He has yet to propose a comprehensive plan to reform the byzantine tax code.

Read more: Obama Kids get $48,000 ? tax free! | Conservative Byte

Did you know rich people have silver toothpicks?!?


What?!?! How could they do that?


They didn't EARN that money!!!


That's OUR money.


Let's tax the rich more!

Ah yes. Even more evidence of why the GOP lost the election. You guys have an image and messaging problem.

I bring up how it is hard at times to buy into the sympathy for the rich message the rich is pushing....when you see things like using sterling silver toothpicks to pick your teeth. How its hard to latch on to the right wing message when this type stuff is part of the IMAGE portrayed.

And you guys do nothing but solidify that in response.
Whats next? Panda skin toilet paper? Bald eagle scrambled eggs? A swimming pool filled with elephant tears?
If the future of America is based upon "messaging", we are FUCKED!

Messaging IS propaganda folks...

The media is dead, and the low information voter base is growing.
Mt. Pleasant cops probing link between gypsies, $123K in stolen - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This was a story about a rich neighborhood across town that "gypsies" stole from. Its a group that targets rich homes for metals, like sterling silver, to pawn and sell. Anyway, I couldnt help but notice this. STERLING SILVER TOOTHPICKS? That was listed among the stolen items. People in America are homeless. And others pick food out of their teeth with sterling silver toothpicks?

This is like something you'd see in a cartoon, like the old duck cartoon with the filthy rich duck who swims in his gold coins. That duck would have sterling silver toothpicks in a fictional cartoon.

But no, this really exists. There are people who are so rich, that they have sterling silver TOOTHPICKS. And the rich are bitching about high taxes? Seriously. You just know their neighbors, or somewhere out there in America, the Keepin-Up-With-The-Jones's attitude is driving someone to want GOLD toothpicks, or PLATINUM toothpicks.

I cant help it, everytime I hear the debate about the rich and taxes...........fucking sterling silver TOOTHPICKS are gonna pop up in my head. Hard to be too sympathetic on that one.

People shouldn't collect antiques because you are stupid?
I'd rather have wooden tooth picks.

But if someone wants siilver toothpicks, why should I care?

Creates jobs for silver toothpick makers!

I agree a silver toothpick doesn't sound very comfortable. You can't deny that some rich people waste a lot of money on stupid crap, but so do some poor people.

Damn! A silver tooth pick is worth at most 5 bucks. What's the big deal. I'm sure most of those bitching burn up more dope than that every day.
The dirty little secret is that the administration can suck every rich person (and business owner) dry and the revenue would run the government for about six months. The issue is about class envy, potential violence and the cheap OWS type of revolution. The ignorant lock-step left needs hatred and violence in order to function. It ain't about silver toothpicks, these people daydream about wrecking American society.
Ah yes. Even more evidence of why the GOP lost the election. You guys have an image and messaging problem.

I bring up how it is hard at times to buy into the sympathy for the rich message the rich is pushing....when you see things like using sterling silver toothpicks to pick your teeth. How its hard to latch on to the right wing message when this type stuff is part of the IMAGE portrayed.

And you guys do nothing but solidify that in response.

Our mistake is that we still assume that the majority still have intelligence, common sense, character, self-respect, know the Constitution, and keep informed.

OBVIOUSLY, that is wrong.

The majority have nose rings.
Ah yes. Even more evidence of why the GOP lost the election. You guys have an image and messaging problem.

I bring up how it is hard at times to buy into the sympathy for the rich message the rich is pushing....when you see things like using sterling silver toothpicks to pick your teeth. How its hard to latch on to the right wing message when this type stuff is part of the IMAGE portrayed.

And you guys do nothing but solidify that in response.

Our mistake is that we still assume that the majority still have intelligence, common sense, character, self-respect, know the Constitution, and keep informed.

OBVIOUSLY, that is wrong.

The majority have nose rings.

Ah. The good ole "Why cant everyone be as smart as us" argument.

The majority dont have nose rings. But they do have bills and jobs with low wages.
Individual Wealth should be outlawed and all currently held Private Wealth should be confiscated. America would be better overnight.
Let's say all personal assets in excess of twenty million dollars should be confiscated. There is nothing wrong with wealth. The problem rests with excessive wealth.

And excessive wealth is what Bucs is talking about -- silver toothpicks being symbolically representative of precisely that -- along with gold-plated toilet fixtures and 30 room mansions.

True to form, it always follows that the toadies of the super-rich, most of whom haven't a pot to piss in, seem obliged to defend excess and the vulgar symbols of greed.
Mt. Pleasant cops probing link between gypsies, $123K in stolen - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This was a story about a rich neighborhood across town that "gypsies" stole from. Its a group that targets rich homes for metals, like sterling silver, to pawn and sell. Anyway, I couldnt help but notice this. STERLING SILVER TOOTHPICKS? That was listed among the stolen items. People in America are homeless. And others pick food out of their teeth with sterling silver toothpicks?

This is like something you'd see in a cartoon, like the old duck cartoon with the filthy rich duck who swims in his gold coins. That duck would have sterling silver toothpicks in a fictional cartoon.

But no, this really exists. There are people who are so rich, that they have sterling silver TOOTHPICKS. And the rich are bitching about high taxes? Seriously. You just know their neighbors, or somewhere out there in America, the Keepin-Up-With-The-Jones's attitude is driving someone to want GOLD toothpicks, or PLATINUM toothpicks.

I cant help it, everytime I hear the debate about the rich and taxes...........fucking sterling silver TOOTHPICKS are gonna pop up in my head. Hard to be too sympathetic on that one.

What are you complaining about? I would think a moonbat like you would appreciate the use of a silver toothpick, I mean afterall, since you are also most likely an enviro-nazi, you should realize a silver toothpick can be used over again infinite times. Just think, if more people used silver toothpicks, not as many trees would need to be cut down for toothpicks. Silver toothpicks are environmentally friendly, but you are too full of hatred and jealousy to realize it.

Thanks for the post lacking anything resembling intelligence, yet full of immense hatred, class warfare and jealousy.

Damn good point!!! I could buy that super ornate antique silver toothpick on eBay and never have to buy more. For $25, I would be set for life. You'd think libs would like that. Normally, they would, but with the big push to keep demonizing the wealthy so Obama can tax the shit out of them, they have to go with fueling class envy in lieu of reason.
Ah yes. Even more evidence of why the GOP lost the election. You guys have an image and messaging problem.

I bring up how it is hard at times to buy into the sympathy for the rich message the rich is pushing....when you see things like using sterling silver toothpicks to pick your teeth. How its hard to latch on to the right wing message when this type stuff is part of the IMAGE portrayed.

And you guys do nothing but solidify that in response.

Our mistake is that we still assume that the majority still have intelligence, common sense, character, self-respect, know the Constitution, and keep informed.

OBVIOUSLY, that is wrong.

The majority have nose rings.

Ah. The good ole "Why cant everyone be as smart as us" argument.

The majority dont have nose rings. But they do have bills and jobs with low wages.

Life isn't fair.

Just ask John Kerry...

I'm a working stiif, enjoy being a working stiff, but made my own way, live modestly, been self-employed by my own wits and skill for some 30 years, and don't have debt.

YOU made your choices, and want a bailout?
Individual Wealth should be outlawed and all currently held Private Wealth should be confiscated. America would be better overnight.
Let's say all personal assets in excess of twenty million dollars should be confiscated. There is nothing wrong with wealth. The problem rests with excessive wealth.

And excessive wealth is what Bucs is talking about -- silver toothpicks being symbolically representative of precisely that -- along with gold-plated toilet fixtures and 30 room mansions.

True to form, it always follows that the toadies of the super-rich, most of whom haven't a pot to piss in, seem obliged to defend excess and the vulgar symbols of greed.

Do you idiot class warriors even know what you sound like when you talk about "excess wealth"?

You sound like retards.
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Mt. Pleasant cops probing link between gypsies, $123K in stolen - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This was a story about a rich neighborhood across town that "gypsies" stole from. Its a group that targets rich homes for metals, like sterling silver, to pawn and sell. Anyway, I couldnt help but notice this. STERLING SILVER TOOTHPICKS? That was listed among the stolen items. People in America are homeless. And others pick food out of their teeth with sterling silver toothpicks?

This is like something you'd see in a cartoon, like the old duck cartoon with the filthy rich duck who swims in his gold coins. That duck would have sterling silver toothpicks in a fictional cartoon.

But no, this really exists. There are people who are so rich, that they have sterling silver TOOTHPICKS. And the rich are bitching about high taxes? Seriously. You just know their neighbors, or somewhere out there in America, the Keepin-Up-With-The-Jones's attitude is driving someone to want GOLD toothpicks, or PLATINUM toothpicks.

I cant help it, everytime I hear the debate about the rich and taxes...........fucking sterling silver TOOTHPICKS are gonna pop up in my head. Hard to be too sympathetic on that one.

yeah, well ive got sterling silver tooth pick holders...... quite lovely actually.

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