Steve Bannon Says Charges Against Him are 'Junk' And He Will Fight Them


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
What Bannon is being accused of is nothing different than what the Clintons and hundreds of Swampers have done for years...and it sure is interesting how fast the dem dominated swamp cops can move when its a friend of Trump that gets targeted.....

A friend of Trump? Didn't Trump say something about not having spoken to Bannon for a couple of years now?
Well, it is nice Bannon can afford it, but we need to reign in DA abuse of office using stacks of multiple charges to pressure people into guilty pleaes.

That's what I thought. Anither calumny against President Trump's supporters.
What Bannon is being accused of is nothing different than what the Clintons and hundreds of Swampers have done for years...and it sure is interesting how fast the dem dominated swamp cops can move when its a friend of Trump that gets targeted.....
Clinton foundation has A- rating from charity watch.

Trump himself gave to Clinton foundation.

by contrast, Trump foundation no longer exists.

Well, it is nice Bannon can afford it, but we need to reign in DA abuse of office using stacks of multiple charges to pressure people into guilty pleaes.

Got anymore excuses for people accused of mishandling funds?
Your party can't wait to get rid of their opponents, doll so theycan get total power sharing none of it with people they target for removing. With total power they do not have to tell the truth, break laws without accounting for it, and getting rid of people. Ask Rep. Scalise how it felt to be top person to kill when radical dem operative and shooter wrote a kill list with Scalise on the top line. Scalise spent weeks recuperating from that event.

Now Antifa and BLM are taking hater Maxine Waters harassment of Trump staff to include all who vote for President Donald Trump. Radical communist Democrats are hurting Americans all.

Stop them Joe Biden. Get out of the basement and call off Maxine's dogs in Democrat setge areas.
Your party can't wait to get rid of their opponents, doll so theycan get total power sharing none of it with people they target for removing. With total power they do not have to tell the truth, break laws without accounting for it, and getting rid of people. Ask Rep. Scalise how it felt to be top person to kill when radical dem operative and shooter wrote a kill list with Scalise on the top line. Scalise spent weeks recuperating from that event.

Now Antifa and BLM are taking hater Maxine Waters harassment of Trump staff to include all who vote for President Donald Trump. Radical communist Democrats are hurting Americans all.

Stop them Joe Biden. Get out of the basement and call off Maxine's dogs in Democrat setge areas.

I think the safest assumption is that every politician in federal office wants, first and foremost, to maintain their power. The exception is when they decide to or have to leave office. Even then, I think it's safest to assume they are then going to look for the best deals they can make for themselves once they leave office.

Democrat, Republican, Independent, it doesn't matter. At that level of politics, I start with the baseline that they are all after power, then see if anything they do might change my mind. I'm sure I am being unfair to some, but I've seen and read too much from our own politicians and from the history of not only our country, but others, to give them the benefit of the doubt. :dunno:
Your party can't wait to get rid of their opponents, doll so theycan get total power sharing none of it with people they target for removing. With total power they do not have to tell the truth, break laws without accounting for it, and getting rid of people. Ask Rep. Scalise how it felt to be top person to kill when radical dem operative and shooter wrote a kill list with Scalise on the top line. Scalise spent weeks recuperating from that event.

Now Antifa and BLM are taking hater Maxine Waters harassment of Trump staff to include all who vote for President Donald Trump. Radical communist Democrats are hurting Americans all.

Stop them Joe Biden. Get out of the basement and call off Maxine's dogs in Democrat setge areas.

I think the safest assumption is that every politician in federal office wants, first and foremost, to maintain their power. The exception is when they decide to or have to leave office. Even then, I think it's safest to assume they are then going to look for the best deals they can make for themselves once they leave office.

Democrat, Republican, Independent, it doesn't matter. At that level of politics, I start with the baseline that they are all after power, then see if anything they do might change my mind. I'm sure I am being unfair to some, but I've seen and read too much from our own politicians and from the history of not only our country, but others, to give them the benefit of the doubt. :dunno:
That sounds reasonable, Montrovant, but in the 24 years Ive read or participated in political discussions, I've never seen what
went on seeing human women going after others in American political power as their weapon of mass destruction.
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Democrat, Republican, Independent, it doesn't matter.
Yeah, cuz so many of our big cities are run by GOP political machines.

That has nothing at all to do with my post. First of all, I was talking about national level politicians, and specified that. Secondly, I wasn't saying anything about how well any particular people or parties govern, but rather I was saying that I feel the first priority of the national level politicians I was actually talking about is to maintain power.

WTF does that have to do with which cities are run by which party's political machines?
Your party can't wait to get rid of their opponents, doll so theycan get total power sharing none of it with people they target for removing. With total power they do not have to tell the truth, break laws without accounting for it, and getting rid of people. Ask Rep. Scalise how it felt to be top person to kill when radical dem operative and shooter wrote a kill list with Scalise on the top line. Scalise spent weeks recuperating from that event.

Now Antifa and BLM are taking hater Maxine Waters harassment of Trump staff to include all who vote for President Donald Trump. Radical communist Democrats are hurting Americans all.

Stop them Joe Biden. Get out of the basement and call off Maxine's dogs in Democrat setge areas.

I think the safest assumption is that every politician in federal office wants, first and foremost, to maintain their power. The exception is when they decide to or have to leave office. Even then, I think it's safest to assume they are then going to look for the best deals they can make for themselves once they leave office.

Democrat, Republican, Independent, it doesn't matter. At that level of politics, I start with the baseline that they are all after power, then see if anything they do might change my mind. I'm sure I am being unfair to some, but I've seen and read too much from our own politicians and from the history of not only our country, but others, to give them the benefit of the doubt. :dunno:
That sounds reasonable, Montrovant, but in the 24 years Ive read or participated in political discussions, I've never seen what
went on seeing human women going after others in American political power as their weapon of mass destruction.

The methods may change over time, but that desire for power by politicians seems to be a pretty universal trait.

Things are pretty damn polarized now, that's certainly true. Reasoned discussion, agreeing to disagree, accepting that others have differing opinions, all seem less common than usual; and they weren't all that common in politics to begin with. :lol: Things are nasty. It's gotten unusually bad for recent American politics, but it's not unprecedented.
What Bannon is being accused of is nothing different than what the Clintons and hundreds of Swampers have done for years...and it sure is interesting how fast the dem dominated swamp cops can move when its a friend of Trump that gets targeted.....
This just more idiocy from fanatical Clinton haters . The Clinton Foundation has been found guilty of nothing. According to the indictment, Bannon set up a scheme that bilked over a million dollars out of donated funds that he then used for personal gain. For some reason, whether through a mental defect or whatever, Trumpers are unable to distinguish conspiracy theory from fact. The Clinton Foundation has never been charged with any fraud. The Trump Foundation lost its status as a chi table foundation because of fraud and Bannon was indicted for fraud. Those are facts, you idiots.
Lol...Bannon‘s defense: “The Deep State made me start a shell corporation to embezzle over 1 million dollars from the Build the Wall fund to support my lavish life style. I be framed!”
Meh, if he's a crook he's a crook.
I don't like the fact that as rich as he is he took any money from the donations for the wall.
Lol...Bannon‘s defense: “The Deep State made me start a shell corporation to embezzle over 1 million dollars from the Build the Wall fund to support my lavish life style. I be framed!”

The devil made him do it.

What is so pathetic is that so many "conservative" believers who don't have lavish lifestyles sent him their $25, thinking that they will be saved from some menace from over the southern border. This reminds me of the "Christian" televangelists who milk their faithful followers so that they can buy the mansion and the private jet. At least Bannon didn't cry on camera.

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