Steve jobs: An Object Lesson On The Limitations Of Genius


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
(Despite being immersed in, mesmerized and tranquillized by the Democratic Party winds that perrenially blow through Silicion Valley, Steve Jobs apparently recognized early on the perils and pitfalls of Barack Obama's economic programs.)

"This is prologue to the story reported today that the forthcoming Walter Isaacson biography of Steve Jobs, who naturally supported liberal Democrats (and for some reason put Al Gore on Apple’s board) ripped Obama when they met. From the Puffington Host:

“You’re headed for a one-term presidency,” he told Obama at the start of their meeting, insisting that the administration needed to be more business-friendly. As an example, Jobs described the ease with which companies can build factories in China compared to the United States, where “regulations and unnecessary costs” make it difficult for them.

Jobs also criticized America’s education system, saying it was “crippled by union work rules,” noted Isaacson. “Until the teachers’ unions were broken, there was almost no hope for education reform.” Jobs proposed allowing principals to hire and fire teachers based on merit, that schools stay open until 6 p.m. and that they be open 11 months a year.

Jobs clearly had no clue that he was essentially asking Obama to become a Republican, since reining in the regulatory state and stiffing the key power base of the Democratic Party amounts to asking Democrats to give up their reason for being. Did Jobs really not know that the public school system is run for the convenience of the teachers? Does he really think the union would sit still for working longer hours and being open 11 months a year?"

Jobs on Obama
I think in this case Jobs is full of shit. Note how many car manufacturers are setting up shop in America and while they source and buy their own, they still build here with all the supports local governments can give them. Considering the wealth in big business I must have missed something. Apple is another company that makes everything in third world nations and then whines. I have no sympathy for businesses when that is the case. It ain't like any of their management are on food stamps.

Apple Admits Child Labor & Sweatshops Used to Build iPhones | News

US government supports Apple stand on French law -- Engadget
I think in this case Jobs is full of shit.

Actually America's kids are the dumbest in the civilized world because they go to liberal government schools. That you would defend this status quo is testimony that you are liberal.

You would rather see America destroyed rather than face the total failure of liberalism.
I think in this case Jobs is full of shit.

Actually America's kids are the dumbest in the civilized world because they go to liberal government schools. That you would defend this status quo is testimony that you are liberal.

You would rather see America destroyed rather than face the total failure of liberalism.

Unfortunately the only problem the Democrat Party sees with anything is that they just don't
spend enough.That's the only reason this country is where we are now.According to the Libs that is.Again that weasel faced economist Paul Krugman said recently that he doesn't like the new and improved Stimulus bill being trotted out as a push for a jobs bill on the latest Obama campaign tour because it doesn't SPEND enough....

Geez here we friggin go again.....:evil:
Why any body cares about Steve Jobs is beyond me. He had a superior product and got his ass handed to him by Microsoft. The perfect example of a bussiness ran by a tyrant.He started out by stealing w/ the blue box from the phone company and spent the rest of his carrier trying to make sure that would not happen to him. While apple struggled to stay alive there competitor had our entire economy rideing an economic bubble.
Not that it matters, but my take on Steve Jobs is he was a great marketer of his products and very good at knowing what the public wanted and creating markets for those products. As far as being the engineer or man who designed them, we can all agree that Steve Jobs had little to do with those sorts of things after say maybe the AppleII or the first Mac. Apple is a very profitable company because it keeps its production costs low, mainly because it produces its products in places where labir is very cheap (China) and then charges large sums for those products. If the measure is profitability then perhaps as a CEO Steve Jobs would be close to the top in that area. I must admit as an iPhone owner am very impressed with the product but would not chalk that up to Steve Jobs design as much as I would Apple's ability to market it.
After tonights 60 minutes....this will be the day that the Democrats turn ugly on Jobs.
Like him or not - Jobs is a doer. He is not a dreamer as liberals have always wanted to paint him. So it should come to no surprise that therefore he is not a liberal when it comes to economics.
As in his book to be released next week - it is reported that jobs comes down hard on teachers unions, over regulations and anti-business policies of this President.

If true - watch how ugly the MSM and liberal websites will get. They will stop at nothing to trash his name...wait and see.
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After tonights 60 minutes....this will be the day that the Democrats turn ugly on Jobs.
Like him or not - Jobs is a doer. He is not a dreamer as liberals have always wanted to paint him. So it should come to no surprise that therefore he is not a liberal when it comes to economics.
As in his book to be released next week - it is reported that jobs comes down hard on teachers unions, over regulations and anti-business policies of this President.

If true - watch how ugly the MSM and liberal websites will get. They will stop at nothing to trash his name...wait and see.

I think that i've owned a PC since 1991 and have probably rplaced it 6 or 7 times. Finally bit the bullet and bought an i Mac.

I like what i've seen of it so far, but the wife still wants her PC so I'm waiting for the router from Comcast to get on the net.

I wonder if I'll be smarter around here when I'm typing my words with a Mac...
Steve Jobs did what Bill Gates did, what Henry Ford did, what all great innovators did. Note. I did not say inventors, but innovators.

An innovator does not see a need the public has and creates a product to fill it. That's the job of an inventor. Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, they were inventors. An innovator CREATES an entirely brand new need and then creates a product to fill it, or, not even invents the product, finds an inventor to create it.

Did you really need a computer? Did you really need an IPhone? Did you really need an X-Box? That's genius. Before these things were created no one wanted one. In the beginning computers were not even very useful, they were more like toys. That old Commodore my son played with.

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