Steve Jobs Died

Did anyone who's mourning Jobs' passing on this thread personally know the guy? If not, why the superficial outpouring of grief?

Good question, but I think many aren't mourning his passing as much as paying their respects for what the man did with his life.
No one insists that corporations are evil beyond rightwingloons claiming that the left believes it so.

And pooh on you for talking snark in this thread.

Yea, I worked it out. He donated pretty decent amounts to the DNC. I can see now why Apple is not one of the evil corporations... despite its somewhat hinky record on shipping jobs overseas, employing child labor, and dubious safety practices in its factories.

Keep buying i-whatevers!

Hypocrisy is always sad, Rav. Always.
[ame=]The Truth of the Apple iPad Behind Foxconn's Lies - YouTube[/ame]
Did anyone who's mourning Jobs' passing on this thread personally know the guy? If not, why the superficial outpouring of grief?

We should only mourn people we personally know? Really??

Nah. I disagree.

You can do whatever you like, including mourning the passing of someone you didn't personally know. But you'll have to respect my opinion that such grief is entirely superficial, in that once the mass, superficial mourning's shelf life's expired, everyone that was one minute so distraught over the passing of someone they otherwise didn't care about suddenly forgets all about it.
Did anyone who's mourning Jobs' passing on this thread personally know the guy? If not, why the superficial outpouring of grief?

We should only mourn people we personally know? Really??

Nah. I disagree.

You can do whatever you like, including mourning the passing of someone you didn't personally know. But you'll have to respect my opinion that such grief is entirely superficial, in that once the mass, superficial mourning's shelf life's expired, everyone that was one minute so distraught over the passing of someone they otherwise didn't care about suddenly forgets all about it.
Grief? I dunno, I think you're projecting.

If it makes you feel better, I wouldn't mourn your passing.

Did he? Die that is.

Yes he did--and we lost the Einstein of our time. RIP Steve Jobs--and we can only hope that the Wall Street Occupiers don't show up at your funeral to PROTEST-your Capitalist ways and-what you've done for this country and the entire world for that matter.
I'm sure Jobs would support the Wall Street Occupation. He was a Democrat.

Since you've brought up his political affiliation, I thought you might be interested in another aspect of his background...

Steve Job's biological mother was a grad student, Joanne Simpson, whose parents wouldn't consider a marriage to her boyfried, due to his Syrian descent.

At the time, out of wedlock births were quite an embarrassment....

But she did not choose abortion.

She and her boyfriend, Abdulfattah John Jandali, agreed to the adoption.
Steve Jobs’ father regrets giving him up for adoption; hopes to one day meet his son*|*Edible Apple

Can you imagine the cost to the world had they pursued abortion?
Yea, I worked it out. He donated pretty decent amounts to the DNC. I can see now why Apple is not one of the evil corporations... despite its somewhat hinky record on shipping jobs overseas, employing child labor, and dubious safety practices in its factories.

Keep buying i-whatevers!

Hypocrisy is always sad, Rav. Always.

so stop being a hypocrite.

btw, no one says corporations are evil except for rightwingnuts who want to vilify others for thinking they need controls.

you know, i didn't even politicize it when dick cheney almost died. and he's a hateful excuse for a human being.

you can't control yourself anymore. it's a pity.
Did anyone who's mourning Jobs' passing on this thread personally know the guy? If not, why the superficial outpouring of grief?

We should only mourn people we personally know? Really??

Nah. I disagree.

You can do whatever you like, including mourning the passing of someone you didn't personally know. But you'll have to respect my opinion that such grief is entirely superficial, in that once the mass, superficial mourning's shelf life's expired, everyone that was one minute so distraught over the passing of someone they otherwise didn't care about suddenly forgets all about it.

"So distraught"? I think you're stretching.

I was specifically thinking of the day(s) that John Ritter and Johnny Cash died. I did cry, and all these years later I am still sad at their passing (even though I knew Johnny wouldn't go six months without June, and I was right).

On another note, true grief is fluid. In the weeks following my mom's passing, I could go days without crying, and then just get blindsided by a flood of tears.

People can be sad pandas without it equaling "an outpouring of grief." Maybe you're viewing it as such because so many people are involved.

Hypocrisy is always sad, Rav. Always.

so stop being a hypocrite.

btw, no one says corporations are evil except for rightwingnuts who want to vilify others for thinking they need controls.

you know, i didn't even politicize it when dick cheney almost died. and he's a hateful excuse for a human being.

you can't control yourself anymore. it's a pity.

No one except for right wingnuts? Are you sure? :lol: I find it hard to keep up with the crap from both sides.

I'm just asking a reasonable question. So far, only bitching about the question, no logical responses to the issues though.

I control myself quite well, but thanks for caring. I just happen to have an issue with this 'good corp/bad corp' thing. Seems to me, Apple has some skeletons in its cupboard. But, hey, he made great stuff so to hell with the child labor and safety bullshit, right? :lol:
Did anyone who's mourning Jobs' passing on this thread personally know the guy? If not, why the superficial outpouring of grief?

We should only mourn people we personally know? Really??

Nah. I disagree.

You can do whatever you like, including mourning the passing of someone you didn't personally know. But you'll have to respect my opinion that such grief is entirely superficial, in that once the mass, superficial mourning's shelf life's expired, everyone that was one minute so distraught over the passing of someone they otherwise didn't care about suddenly forgets all about it.

I didn't realize you were a psychopath Yukon.
We should only mourn people we personally know? Really??

Nah. I disagree.

You can do whatever you like, including mourning the passing of someone you didn't personally know. But you'll have to respect my opinion that such grief is entirely superficial, in that once the mass, superficial mourning's shelf life's expired, everyone that was one minute so distraught over the passing of someone they otherwise didn't care about suddenly forgets all about it.

I didn't realize you were a psychopath Yukon.

No doubt!

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I just heard his speech in 2005 to some graduating class and it made me weepy.


Edison created the business of the invention factory, and then Jobs took the whole concept and innovated so-much-more-brillantly, and we have all benefited immensely.


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