Steve Jobs widow? Accumulated wealth is bad....except for my billions of course...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Another idiot......Steve Jobs' widow stated that accumulated wealth is would think she stated this from her tiny, one bedroom condo after working her shift at the Walmart after giving away all the money her husband left her in his will....since accumulated wealth is bad....right? know how this turned out if you understand the democrat party members.....

According to TheBlaze:

"It's not right for individuals to accumulate a massive amount of wealth that's equivalent to millions and millions of other people combined," Jobs told the Times. "There's nothing fair about that. We saw that at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries with the Rockefellers and Carnegies and Mellons and Fords of the world. That kind of accumulation of wealth is dangerous for a society. It shouldn't be this way."

Despite that conviction, she justified her possession of her billions by saying she inherited it from her husband. But, she also won't pass it on to the next generation because neither she nor the late Steve Jobs believed in "legacy building" in that way. From the Times:

And yet Ms. Powell Jobs is hardly apologetic. "I inherited my wealth from my husband, who didn't care about the accumulation of wealth," she said. "I am doing this in honor of his work, and I've dedicated my life to doing the very best I can to distribute it effectively, in ways that lift up individuals and communities in a sustainable way."

"I'm not interested in legacy wealth buildings, and my children know that," she added. "Steve wasn't interested in that. If I live long enough, it ends with me."

That is a Here she is living on inherited wealth that she never earned herself, and she's preaching away at the badness of it to everyone else.

Instead of just giving it away to prove her seriousness, she's living the lefty charity-ball life, giving it away bit by bit through her "Emerson Collective" to far-left causes, and with Jobs's $32-billion fortune in hand, there's a lot to go.

She's not actually making any demands of herself in order to live out her preached asceticism. She's keeping the money and telling her kids to do it, not by choice, but whether they like it or not. Go make your own fortunes, she might be advising as some kind of "tough love," ignoring that those kids had to live in the spotlight of Jobs's legendary career, with all its fame costs, which ought to be worth something.
She just needs a little guidance, like from me.
Do as I say, not as I do. They ought to make it the motto for liberalism.

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