Steve Kerr is very critical of Trump, but is mute on China

A lot of corporations have been dealing with China & most of you Trumpettes have been buying their goods & yet you knew China's record on human rights was not good.

If I was in position to publicly speak out against the Human rights abuses of the Chinese I would do so.

You own a company with great financial interest in China?.

you were implying we won’t speak out against China because we buy their products. If I was in the NBA, I probably wouldn’t speak out against China, or any other political matter as a matter of fact. Sometimes it takes intelligence to know when to stfu. NBA players, coaches and front offices employees are constantly yammering about issues that are beyond their depth of knowledge. Sports is an escape for most people, they don’t want politics pushed down the their throat by entitled dirt bags. And if you’re going to have “courage” to speak out, do it when you have something on the line. It takes no courage to parrot populist, left wing talking points.
Kerr knows Trump can't or won't harm his business. Not so with the Chinese.
So he yaps at Trump in big displays of public disapproval but I doubt he'll have a single negative word
about the authoritarian killers in China because it could negatively impact Steve Kerr.

And Steve Kerr can't have that.
A lot of corporations have been dealing with China & most of you Trumpettes have been buying their goods & yet you knew China's record on human rights was not good.
So are you a fan of China? It's highly unlikely you've never bought anything from China.

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