Steve Scalise Totally Triggered The Libs With A Brilliant Lie


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"As more video footage of the Jan. 6 insurrection comes to light, so, too, does the hypocrisy of various Republican politicians who claim one truth while experiencing another. The latest example got ā€œMorning Joeā€ co-host Joe Scarborough fired up Friday. Rep. Steve Scalise didnā€™t have the morning news host mincing words: ā€œI couldnā€™t imagine ā€¦ lying through my teeth on an issue,ā€ he said. Ever since the Jan. 6 insurrection on the Capitol in Washington, D.C., the actions of Speaker Nancy Pelosi have especially been brought into question, with former president Donald Trump, Rep. Scalise and others claiming that she should have done more to secure the building while under siege.

Those criticisms, however, hit a snag this week when never-before-seen footage of Pelosi calling in the National Guard went viral Friday. Scalise, it turns out, is shown in the footage as being an active witness to Pelosiā€™s efforts, as well. ā€œIā€™m serious about this, I couldnā€™t imagine in a million years holding a press conference as a member of Congress, I was there, being that cynical, lying through my teeth on an issue ā€” on any issue, but especially an issue of this importance,ā€ Scarborough said."

Steve was very smart to say what he said about Pelosi; who cares if it wasn't actually feels good to believe it....who cares that he was in the room looking like a weak little bitch while Pelosi was doing exactly what he claimed she didn't do -- it still feels good to believe now all of the libs are triggered just because Scalise has no shame and will lie with impugnity...that is what being a strong patriotic Conservative is all with it libs!
Wow, that would be much more poignant if she hadn't ordered the Capitol police to refuse National Guard troops offered prior to Jan 6.

She made sure they weren't there until they had staged the Fedsurrection first to provide cover for their election crimes.
That allowed the UNiparty to install the diaper dude without the opposition they were afraid they would get otherwise.

Swing & a miss again buffy

Government memos validate the long-held claim of Trump administration officials that Capitol Police rejected an offer made by the Pentagon four days before the Jan. 6 riot to provide National Guard troops.

An official Capitol Police timeline obtained by Just the News records a Jan. 2, 2021, text from Defense Department official Carol Corbin to Capitol Police deputy chief Sean Gallagher.

Corbin, according to the timeline, reached out "to determine whether USCP is considering a request for National Guard soldiers for January 6, 2021 event."

The following morning, "Gallagher replies to DOD via text that a request for National Guard support not forthcoming at this time after consultation with COP Sund," referring to Steven Sund, the chief of the Capitol Police.


Wake me up when any of it amounts to a hill of horse apples.

"As more video footage of the Jan. 6 insurrection comes to light, so, too, does the hypocrisy of various Republican politicians who claim one truth while experiencing another. The latest example got ā€œMorning Joeā€ co-host Joe Scarborough fired up Friday. Rep. Steve Scalise didnā€™t have the morning news host mincing words: ā€œI couldnā€™t imagine ā€¦ lying through my teeth on an issue,ā€ he said. Ever since the Jan. 6 insurrection on the Capitol in Washington, D.C., the actions of Speaker Nancy Pelosi have especially been brought into question, with former president Donald Trump, Rep. Scalise and others claiming that she should have done more to secure the building while under siege.

Those criticisms, however, hit a snag this week when never-before-seen footage of Pelosi calling in the National Guard went viral Friday. Scalise, it turns out, is shown in the footage as being an active witness to Pelosiā€™s efforts, as well. ā€œIā€™m serious about this, I couldnā€™t imagine in a million years holding a press conference as a member of Congress, I was there, being that cynical, lying through my teeth on an issue ā€” on any issue, but especially an issue of this importance,ā€ Scarborough said."

Steve was very smart to say what he said about Pelosi; who cares if it wasn't actually feels good to believe it....who cares that he was in the room looking like a weak little bitch while Pelosi was doing exactly what he claimed she didn't do -- it still feels good to believe now all of the libs are triggered just because Scalise has no shame and will lie with impugnity...that is what being a strong patriotic Conservative is all with it libs!

You totally lost credibility when you mentioned Joe Scarborough show.

Carry on......

"As more video footage of the Jan. 6 insurrection comes to light, so, too, does the hypocrisy of various Republican politicians who claim one truth while experiencing another. The latest example got ā€œMorning Joeā€ co-host Joe Scarborough fired up Friday. Rep. Steve Scalise didnā€™t have the morning news host mincing words: ā€œI couldnā€™t imagine ā€¦ lying through my teeth on an issue,ā€ he said. Ever since the Jan. 6 insurrection on the Capitol in Washington, D.C., the actions of Speaker Nancy Pelosi have especially been brought into question, with former president Donald Trump, Rep. Scalise and others claiming that she should have done more to secure the building while under siege.

Those criticisms, however, hit a snag this week when never-before-seen footage of Pelosi calling in the National Guard went viral Friday. Scalise, it turns out, is shown in the footage as being an active witness to Pelosiā€™s efforts, as well. ā€œIā€™m serious about this, I couldnā€™t imagine in a million years holding a press conference as a member of Congress, I was there, being that cynical, lying through my teeth on an issue ā€” on any issue, but especially an issue of this importance,ā€ Scarborough said."

Steve was very smart to say what he said about Pelosi; who cares if it wasn't actually feels good to believe it....who cares that he was in the room looking like a weak little bitch while Pelosi was doing exactly what he claimed she didn't do -- it still feels good to believe now all of the libs are triggered just because Scalise has no shame and will lie with impugnity...that is what being a strong patriotic Conservative is all with it libs!
So really, he pissed off a single lifelong conservative who's been a Democrat for like a week; and nobody else.

"As more video footage of the Jan. 6 insurrection comes to light, so, too, does the hypocrisy of various Republican politicians who claim one truth while experiencing another. The latest example got ā€œMorning Joeā€ co-host Joe Scarborough fired up Friday. Rep. Steve Scalise didnā€™t have the morning news host mincing words: ā€œI couldnā€™t imagine ā€¦ lying through my teeth on an issue,ā€ he said. Ever since the Jan. 6 insurrection on the Capitol in Washington, D.C., the actions of Speaker Nancy Pelosi have especially been brought into question, with former president Donald Trump, Rep. Scalise and others claiming that she should have done more to secure the building while under siege.

Those criticisms, however, hit a snag this week when never-before-seen footage of Pelosi calling in the National Guard went viral Friday. Scalise, it turns out, is shown in the footage as being an active witness to Pelosiā€™s efforts, as well. ā€œIā€™m serious about this, I couldnā€™t imagine in a million years holding a press conference as a member of Congress, I was there, being that cynical, lying through my teeth on an issue ā€” on any issue, but especially an issue of this importance,ā€ Scarborough said."

Steve was very smart to say what he said about Pelosi; who cares if it wasn't actually feels good to believe it....who cares that he was in the room looking like a weak little bitch while Pelosi was doing exactly what he claimed she didn't do -- it still feels good to believe now all of the libs are triggered just because Scalise has no shame and will lie with impugnity...that is what being a strong patriotic Conservative is all with it libs!
she called while it was happening, she ignored it before hand
Wow, that would be much more poignant if she hadn't ordered the Capitol police to refuse National Guard troops offered prior to Jan 6.

She made sure they weren't there until they had staged the Fedsurrection first to provide cover for their election crimes.
That allowed the UNiparty to install the diaper dude without the opposition they were afraid they would get otherwise.

Swing & a miss again buffy

Government memos validate the long-held claim of Trump administration officials that Capitol Police rejected an offer made by the Pentagon four days before the Jan. 6 riot to provide National Guard troops.

An official Capitol Police timeline obtained by Just the News records a Jan. 2, 2021, text from Defense Department official Carol Corbin to Capitol Police deputy chief Sean Gallagher.

Corbin, according to the timeline, reached out "to determine whether USCP is considering a request for National Guard soldiers for January 6, 2021 event."

The following morning, "Gallagher replies to DOD via text that a request for National Guard support not forthcoming at this time after consultation with COP Sund," referring to Steven Sund, the chief of the Capitol Police.

She didn't... you've been conned.
What insurrection?

Joe Biden being installed claiming he actually got 81 million legal votes
then within six months, whole stadiums of people booing and
mocking the Bidens everywhere they go.

Now Joe is out for vengeance, using
his ill-gotten position plus the protection
of the DNC and media to commit heinous crimes
against America to get even for mocking his highness.


Remember what he said: Nobody F's a Biden. . . .
This man is far more unpredictable and dangerous than any tactical
nuke in what he may do next.
You dic suckers went after Scalise....

He is a bitch just like you, so this whole "you sure you want to go after Scalise" is laughable...shut yo scary ass up
Dic suckers? "He's a bitch" after being shot by a democrat operative? Lefties are getting unhinged. I'm afraid of what we might see when republicans take over the majority.
There seems to be a great deal of deflection going on here.Arent republicans upset that they have been lied to again ?
That's what the video I've seen shows
I go by what the Congressional record shows.....and reality.....of which you Trumpers have serious issues being aware of....

Remember when Scalise was caught lying on video and you deflected like a bitch??

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