Steven Hawking: "Trump will make earth 250 degrees warmer!"

Do you really want to take the risk? Seriously, Hawkings is one of the greatest physicist of the 21st century. Of course, you hate physics and science in general so you will just laugh at it as you don't care.

Hawking is nothing compare to those great Climate geniuses Lord Monckton, Westwall and FlaCalTenn ...bwuahhhhhahahahahahahahahha

Then there are the USMB 'Climate Einsteins" anonymous losers who rant about ":fake science" ...who is going to believe Hawking over those "Jaboonies' LOL
Stephen HawkingAwards
Presidential Medal of Freedom

Adams Prize

Copley Medal

Wolf Prize in Physics

Albert Einstein Medal

Princess of Asturias Award for Concord

Albert Einstein Award

Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society

Hughes Medal

Eddington Medal

Franklin Medal
Fonseca Prize

Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics

Maxwell Medal and Prize
Dirac Medal of the Institute of Physics

Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
This is what happens when science gets politicized and the media turns scientists into pop becomes hollywood and reality goes right out the window...

And your little blogs are better? I am laughing.
No doubt you believe every word Hawking said.

My guess is Hawking is like many on the Left. He gets all his information from a dishonest lying LWNJ media. He probably watches MSLSD all day long, which got him so many on the left.
This is what happens when science gets politicized and the media turns scientists into pop becomes hollywood and reality goes right out the window...

And your little blogs are better? I am laughing.
Exactly these are mouth breathing Right wing Dummies who think that their knowledge of Science is Dazzling ..... everyone should listen to those idiots if a Hurricane threatens because the National Hurricane center uses Science which is "Fake" LOL
My guess is Hawking is like many on the Left. He gets all his information from a dishonest lying LWNJ media. He probably watches MSLSD all day long, which got him so many on the left.
No doubt you believe Lord Monckton is a genius
My guess is Hawking is like many on the Left. He gets all his information from a dishonest lying LWNJ media. He probably watches MSLSD all day long, which got him so many on the left.
No doubt you believe Lord Monckton is a genius
...and you believe Trump will Earth 250 degrees warmer...LMFAO.

Man that Trump has GOD like powers!!!
This is what happens when science gets politicized and the media turns scientists into pop becomes hollywood and reality goes right out the window...

And your little blogs are better? I am laughing.
Exactly these are mouth breathing Right wing Dummies who think that their knowledge of Science is Dazzling ..... everyone should listen to those idiots if a Hurricane threatens because the National Hurricane center uses Science which is "Fake" LOL
If Trump can make Earth 250 degrees warmer, why can't he just eliminate liberals and warmers altogether...first???
If Trump can make Earth 250 degrees warmer, why can't he just eliminate liberals and warmers altogether...first???
If its all a Chinese Hoax why are Scientist supporting Global warming ? Only a Right wing Hero like Don the Con tells the truth
This is what happens when science gets politicized and the media turns scientists into pop becomes hollywood and reality goes right out the window...

And your little blogs are better? I am laughing.
Exactly these are mouth breathing Right wing Dummies who think that their knowledge of Science is Dazzling ..... everyone should listen to those idiots if a Hurricane threatens because the National Hurricane center uses Science which is "Fake" LOL

Yeah but your side is losing in spectacular fashion s0n.........all you bozo's have is a banner, "THE SCIENCE IS DECIDED!"

But lets face the real world, the "climate science" know-it-alls have a hobby in the internet. Nothing more.

What do the right wing dummies have to celebrate?

  • No climate legislation in 10 years :2up:
  • No Paris:oops-28:
  • Renewable energy still ( after 20 years ) at the level of laughable:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
  • No public interest in climate change ( not even mentioned in 3 presidential debates :bye1: )
  • A de-balled EPA :deal:
  • Universities being forced to have skeptics at the research tables. :rock::rock:
  • American energy being unleashed across the globe :party:

I'll take being a right wing dummy until the cows come home s0ns!!!:coffee::coffee::up:
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Do you really want to take the risk? Seriously, Hawkings is one of the greatest physicist of the 21st century. Of course, you hate physics and science in general so you will just laugh at it as you don't care.

Well I don't hate science and physics, I have a degree in physics, and will tell you that Stephen Hawking is probably the most over-rated physicist of our time. Much of the notoriety and attention he gets is because of his disability. He should stick to his area of expertise which is not climate studies and political science. But weather and climate change are not really related to theoretical and particle physics, Hawking's true centers of expertise, but let us take a look at some of Hawking's statements:

"We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible,” Hawking told BBC News. “Trump's action could push the Earth over the brink, to become like Venus, with a temperature of 250 degrees, and raining sulphuric acid.”

Well actually, the temperature of Venus is more like 800°F, hot enough to melt lead. According to Hawking, we are right at the edge, meaning that we have done more harm in a few years than all past events of volcanoes, super-volcanoes, asteroid strikes and whatever else, including events which have decimated 90% of the life on the planet and even melted its surface. Meaning that we are actually too late now really and should have acted many years ago and that in essence, industrialization necessary to all civilizations to build technology invariably leads to planet-wide catastrophe before a society can evolve technology enough into safer forms, so, all civilization basically leads to ruination of the planet and its eventual collapse. Read: Man is evil.

In that event, the Paris Accord misses the mark and should demand the strictest of reforms of ALL nations, especially its worst polluters like China and India NOW, and not just the USA, if it were really serious. Why wasn't Hawking speaking out against the Paris Accord itself until Trump pulled out? The real issue then is the Paris Accord and not just one nation out of 197 joining the Accord. Other than America, only Syria and Nicaragua did not sign, insignificant, so in effect, Hawking is claiming that without the USA, the Paris Accord is a total fail? Why then not demand immediate concessions by big polluters like China immediately then----- one of Trump's major complaints? If these other countries were made to comply 100% now, that would probably make up for most or all of the USA's dropping out! Why isn't Hawking demanding action rather than just railing on Trump? GET ON IT, STEVE! THE PLANET IS CALLING TO YOU!

Trump announced he would be withdrawing the United States from the Paris climate change agreement at the beginning of June, calling it “unfair.”

Why isn't Hawking demanding the Accord be renegotiated to make it fair enough for the USA that Trump can agree to it? The problem with the Accord is that it substitutes a potential disaster in the future for a very real one in the present; economic implosion and joblessness for millions in exchange for a hypothetical supposed benefit far in the future that many are not sure of.

Trump’s decision was met with widespread criticism. After his announcement, a dozen states and hundreds of cities announced they would uphold the tenants of the climate deal.

So, if a dozen states and hundreds of cities say they are going forth with the Paris Mandate anyway, is Hawking saying that the Accord is still a total fail and the planet will turn into a sulphureous fireball anyway? And just where will all of the sulphur come from anyway, Steve?
Stephen Hawking, IMO just another bulbous, over-rated, self-aggrandizing person looking for a bit of notoriety in the Climate Wars to generate himself some more book sales because he is a Liberal Trump-Basher that should probably just stick to his gigs on The Big Bang Theory and STFU.

BTW, I've saved Hawking's article; I want to keep it to rub in the public's face, or his, along with Al Gore, when his planet-wide disaster predictions never happen.
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