Stevie Wonder: Can't Say 'Black Lives Matter' When Blacks Are Killing Blacks

I AM 60 SOMETHING. I gave up my car and cycle to work everyday. I donated my car to NPR, minimizing my carbon footprint. The rest of YOU?...?
While addressing “gun violence” at a North Minneapolis Conference on Peace, musician Stevie Wonder said it is contradictory to say, “Black Lives Matter” while black-on-black crime rages out of control.
According to Billboard magazine, Wonder said, “It is in your hands to do it. It is in your hands to stop all the killing and all the shooting wherever you might be. Because you cannot say, ‘Black lives matter,’ and then kill yourselves.”

No it is not excellent. Most black people do not kill each other. The white justice system has taken a relatively few homicides committed by blacks each year and focused public attention on that! Proportional race based criminal statistics have intentionally been compiled and published to exploit the deeds of a relatively few criminal elements. For example: The public perception that an epidemic of murder is taking place in the black community is false. Several thousand homicides a year out of a population of 46+ million doesn't qualify as an epidemic.

well in 2016 there were 22 unarmed whites shot and killed by law enforcement and there were 17 blacks, unarmed who were shot and killed. Considering there are about 1/2 million cops in the US, Cops shooting unarmed black people is hardly an epidemic either, by your own logic. Are there bad cops? yeah. are there cops who deserve to be convicted? sure most likely, but were all 17 of those black people murdered? or did their own actions come into play? I'd have to look at it on case to case basis.

Police shootings 2
While addressing “gun violence” at a North Minneapolis Conference on Peace, musician Stevie Wonder said it is contradictory to say, “Black Lives Matter” while black-on-black crime rages out of control.
According to Billboard magazine, Wonder
said, “It is in your hands to do it. It is in your hands to stop all the killing and all the shooting wherever you might be. Because you cannot say, ‘Black lives matter,’ and then kill yourselves.”

No it is not excellent. Most black people do not kill each other. The white justice system has taken a relatively few homicides committed by blacks each year and focused public attention on that! Proportional race based criminal statistics have intentionally been compiled and published to exploit the deeds of a relatively few criminal elements. For example: The public perception that an epidemic of murder is taking place in the black community is false. Several thousand homicides a year out of a population of 46+ million doesn't qualify as an epidemic.

well in 2016 there were 22 unarmed whites shot and killed by law enforcement and there were 17 blacks, unarmed who were shot and killed. Considering there are about 1/2 million cops in the US, Cops shooting unarmed black people is hardly an epidemic either, by your own logic. Are there bad cops? yeah. are there cops who deserve to be convicted? sure most likely, but were all 17 of those black people murdered? or did their own actions come into play? I'd have to look at it on case to case basis.

Police shootings 2016 database

016 database
Your Washington Post database is informative but there are other sources that make the results of that study questionable.

Excerpts from the Guardian

Based on a tracker from The Washington Post, at least 232 black folks were shot and killed. (The Guardian’s figures include all deaths resulting directly from encounters with law enforcement, while the Post counts only people who were shot and killed by police.)
My response:
If the above excerpt is true then the strangulation death of Earl Garner at the hands of cops wouldn't be counted in the statistic you posted. But beyond that, I'm not about to allow you to change the rules. Proportional statistics have been used for decades to demonize the entire black population so I'm not about to ignore the implications suggested by any proportional satistics favoring blacks.

From the guardian:

The Post found that 34 percent of the unarmed people killed in 2016 were black males, which is quite disproportionate since black men make up only 6 percent of the U.S. population. There was also a considerable uptick in deaths caught on camera via cellphone and police cameras.
My response:
Many law enforcement agencies do not report police shootings or any data at all. Therefore, the true number of homicides by cop is unknown...unarmed or otherwise.

Still, I've allowed you to deviate from the real issue. Even when brought to trial for murder, cops are not held accountable for their actions or lack thereof. Racism and bigotry is so endemic in this country the entire justice system is corrupted buy it.
To be fair, some jurists, prosecutors and judges have, ostensibly, tried to be equitable in dispensing at least giving the families of victims their day in court. Greatest flaw now days is in the jury selection process. The dominant white power structure has too many people like Shootspeedrs, Geux4it, Odium, Ray from Cleveland, Iceweasle
and others too numerous to mention who
are clearly biased... And all of those mentioned are potential jurors.

Most of the cop related homicides involving the killing of unarmed black civilians is part of a disturbing national pattern. Videos of such incidents leave nothing to the imagination and the sordid images of wanton slaughter by cops have been etched into the public consciousness. Prosecutors can no longer ignore or dismiss murder by cops
as easily as before the cell phone/ social media era. However, they know all too well the weak Link in the system; nowadays it's the jury. The killer cop's defense team will seek the kind of juror that will ultimately marginalize every bit of evidence, ignore every testimony favoring the victim and dash every hope of seeing justice served...

I never said the legal system was perfect when it comes to Cop- civilian relations. I'm sure there is some racism, maybe a lot of racism in some places, but there is also this.

One reason for the lack of prosecution and subsequent conviction begins with the Supreme Court’s legal standard for use of lethal force. According to Graham v. Connor, the landmark 1989 case that established the standard, each “use of force must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight.” The ruling specifically cautions against judging police too harshly for split-second decisions made in “tense, uncertain and rapidly evolving” situations. All of this gives officers plenty of leeway to explain why their actions were legal.

Here’s How Many Cops Got Convicted Of Murder Last Year For On-Duty Shootings | HuffPost

So what I conclude and believe, is that it's not all about race but the news media has tried to make it so. How many stories do you see on the news about an unarmed white person getting shot by police? it wont make the national news because its just not a news story. I also doubt that very many Cops are convicted for shooting whites as well.

the real story is More about police training and if we want to look at some of the legal precedents like Graham vs Connor, thats a good place to start as well. As for Jury selection, you have a good point there.
My initial post to this thread was more of a reaction to you saying Stevie Wonder should STFU more than anything else. I think we all have the right to express our opinion, and if his was heart felt, than why not? That's his own critique on his own community and its a positive message. If there is less crime than there is less interaction . police, less interaction with police and then that changes stereo- types.
Unfortunately, your link doesn't work. It goes to nowhere. However, I took the initiative to look up the case in question. Graham vs Connor doesn't specifically address deadly force although the "excessive force phrase" could be broadened and interpreted that way.
But, I find it interesting that you didn't cite an earlier case that limits the use of deadly force by cops.
Tennessee vs. Garner


The Tennessee statute is unconstitutional insofar as it authorizes the use of deadly force against, as in this case, an apparently unarmed, nondangerous fleeing suspect; such force may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others. Pp. 7-22. [471 U.S. 1, 2]

  • (a) Apprehension by the use of deadly force is a seizure subject to the Fourth Amendment's reasonableness requirement. To determine whether such a seizure is reasonable, the extent of the intrusion on the suspect's rights under that Amendment must be balanced against the governmental interests in effective law enforcement. This balancing process demonstrates that, notwithstanding probable cause to seize a suspect, an officer may not always do so by killing him. The use of deadly force to prevent the escape of all felony suspects, whatever the circumstances, is constitutionally unreasonable. Pp. 7-12.

So who e lected Stevie Wonder to be the spokesman for black people? If he is too uninformed know the difference between cops getting. away with killing unarmed black men under the color of authority and blacks killing blacks who are subsequently arrested, tried and sent to prison for their crimes ...stevie ought to just STFU. He doesn't deserve to represent anybody but himself.

Thanks for wanting to deny Stevie Wonder the right to express his opinion.

Why the leftists keep losing.
No...the Democrats keeps losing because they are not as ruthless and conniving as the Repub-lie-cons. The pussilaminous democrats don't even put up a fight when the Republicans disenfranchise millions of legal democrat voters with their damn cross-check program... I am far more concerned about that than I am any damn thing Steve Wonder has to say.
I agree 100% with what Stevie said, he is right. :clap2:

and....he is one of the best musicians/composers America ever produced.

My fav album of his "The Secret Life Of Plants"

"Flower Power"

Too bad he can't see the truth.:banned03::desk:
I agree 100% with what Stevie said, he is right. :clap2:

and....he is one of the best musicians/composers America ever produced.

My fav album of his "The Secret Life Of Plants"

"Flower Power"

The last time you folks adopted a black famous person and made him an honorary White because he said something you like was Bill Cosby. Yep, when Cosby told the black kids to pull up their pants and get straight you didn't know that he wasn't even keeping his own pants up.
I agree 100% with what Stevie said, he is right. :clap2:

and....he is one of the best musicians/composers America ever produced.

My fav album of his "The Secret Life Of Plants"

"Flower Power"

The last time you folks adopted a black famous person and made him an honorary White because he said something you like was Bill Cosby. Yep, when Cosby told the black kids to pull up their pants and get straight you didn't know that he wasn't even keeping his own pants up.

And here goes the lefty nut jobs doing just as I predicted. Start throwing out something that will stick to Stevie and take him down. The left is a bunch of vindictive, bigoted, intolerant people.
I love this excuse.

You can't respect women when women don't respect themselves.

You can't say endangered species matter when they fight amongst themselves.

You can't say white people are reasonable when theit are so many unreasonable whites.

You can't be against dog abuse when dogs don't treat each other well.

Yak yak yak

So who e lected Stevie Wonder to be the spokesman for black people? If he is too uninformed know the difference between cops getting. away with killing unarmed black men under the color of authority and blacks killing blacks who are subsequently arrested, tried and sent to prison for their crimes ...stevie ought to just STFU. He doesn't deserve to represent anybody but himself.

Thanks for wanting to deny Stevie Wonder the right to express his opinion.

Why the leftists keep losing.
No...the Democrats keeps losing because they are not as ruthless and conniving as the Repub-lie-cons. The pussilaminous democrats don't even put up a fight when the Republicans disenfranchise millions of legal democrat voters with their damn cross-check program... I am far more concerned about that than I am any damn thing Steve Wonder has to say.

Amen brother. You have hit the home run here.
I agree 100% with what Stevie said, he is right. :clap2:

and....he is one of the best musicians/composers America ever produced.

My fav album of his "The Secret Life Of Plants"

"Flower Power"

The last time you folks adopted a black famous person and made him an honorary White because he said something you like was Bill Cosby. Yep, when Cosby told the black kids to pull up their pants and get straight you didn't know that he wasn't even keeping his own pants up.

Hell yeah. Tell it.
I agree 100% with what Stevie said, he is right. :clap2:

and....he is one of the best musicians/composers America ever produced.

My fav album of his "The Secret Life Of Plants"

"Flower Power"

The last time you folks adopted a black famous person and made him an honorary White because he said something you like was Bill Cosby. Yep, when Cosby told the black kids to pull up their pants and get straight you didn't know that he wasn't even keeping his own pants up.

Hell yeah. Tell it.


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