Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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What the Progs are doing in D,C, and areas where they rule is something the Founding Fathers warned against. But voters back them and believe they are right. What I do not even fathom is that Afraican Americans hate the deep state tactics they complain about and then follow the same things because the party doing it is what they like and many in charge are African Americans. Resources doled out to all Americans will not be so plentiful as time moves on. But the statist authoritarian government will remain behind.

What the Founding Fathers warned against was Donald J. Trump. Not free and fair elections. Trump is a wanna-be dictator who ran rough shod over the Constitution and the rule of law. He's a fucking criminal who was in the middle of a fraud trial when YOU elected him. His first term was a 4 year crime spree that saw him impeached twice. And when he lost the election, he tried to overthrow the government.
Fox has gone down hill recently. I can't wait until Trump's new cable news station hits the airwaves.

Do you think that the FCC will issue a television broadcast license to a man who has never told the truth in his entire life?

Trump doesn't have enough money to start a cable news station. He doesn't have anywhere near the amount of money he claims to have. Ophrah nearly went broke trying and she has a LOT more real money than Donald Trump can dream of, and she's a much better and smarter and business woman.

If a smart woman like Oprah can't make money with an FCC Broadcast license, what chance does Dumb Donald, who has lost money on every business he's ever tried, have to succeed?
---Stewart Rhodes explained the role of the Oath Keepers in providing security at the Ellipse and at associated rallies on January 5th in the nation’s capital. Since last year several Oathkeepers have been arrested following the January 6 attacks.---

Meanwhile back in reality, here are the oath keepers no where near the ellipse:


Storming the capitol in an organized fashion.
This was a older group attacking the capital on jan6, The hundreds that are left will be charged with charges that will keep a lot of these criminals in jail for the rest of their lives. That's called justice and it is about time they went after these final few hundred criminals. They have been keeping this final group aside with court cases sent to a later date. . Now they have to start charging the right wing politicians who were involved in this attempted take over. Sedition contempt of congress Supporting a insurrection, lying to congress.. . The government are looking at the possibility of charging up to 2500 people and about 500 are being set aside for major charges.
This was a older group attacking the capital on jan6, The hundreds that are left will be charged with charges that will keep a lot of these criminals in jail for the rest of their lives. That's called justice and it is about time they went after these final few hundred criminals. They have been keeping this final group aside with court cases sent to a later date. . Now they have to start charging the right wing politicians who were involved in this attempted take over. Sedition contempt of congress Supporting a insurrection, lying to congress.. . The government are looking at the possibility of charging up to 2500 people and about 500 are being set aside for major charges.
This was a older group attacking the capital on jan6, The hundreds that are left will be charged with charges that will keep a lot of these criminals in jail for the rest of their lives. That's called justice and it is about time they went after these final few hundred criminals. They have been keeping this final group aside with court cases sent to a later date. . Now they have to start charging the right wing politicians who were involved in this attempted take over. Sedition contempt of congress Supporting a insurrection, lying to congress.. . The government are looking at the possibility of charging up to 2500 people and about 500 are being set aside for major charges.
Meanwhile your pet human jungle savages rape, maim and murder at off the chart levels in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, NYC and Los Angeles…..and you don’t give two fucks….But but but….go get those harmless, unarmed old fat dudes with crutches and flags.
You filthy fucks have ZERO credibility….please just STFU and stop making a complete ass of yourselves in public.
The charges will be more aligned to the crime from now on. Leader of Oath Keepers and 10 Other Individuals Indicted in Federal Court for Seditious Conspiracy and Other Offenses Related to U.S. Capitol Breach Here are the first 10, 20 years for a lot of these. Past criminal history seems to align with these ten.
If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 1, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
Hay would you like to show the world where I said anything about a insurrection, what happens here is they dump you on another thread to bury you if they don't agree with you.
BS charges.

By the way the charges will be sedition conspiracy , not just sedition. many of this first group of ten will be charges not only this charge but up to dozen other criminal charges. many felonies. Like I said the rest of their lives in jail. This will now move onto the criminals in the republican party itself.
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