Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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There was no evidence that there was anything wrong with the election. If there was nothing wrong with the election, what was going on in the Capitol on January 6th wasnt an illegal seizure of the Executive Branch. Well, that is until the Oath Keepers showed up.
Even if they did believe the election was stolen, they have no legal right to do what they did. They are nothing more than a gang and have no legal authority to do anything. So it really doesnt matter what they believe. They have no legal authority to stop the US Congress from doing its duty.
The Oath Keepers just didnt like the result. So they were attempting to subvert democracy by stopping the election process. I'm sure the DOJ has looked into all of this...that's their job.
But all of this will be fleshed out in court. Nothing you or I say here really matter much.
As I said, you would not comprehend it.

Factually , of course, you’re wrong anyway. There was evidence of electoral improprieties. But that’s entirely beside the point. The issue is whether the participants of the now alleged seditious conspiracy were seeking to interfere with the operation of the government or part thereof. And that’s where their belief (again, whether accurate or not) comes to bear.

Assuming they did believe that the election had been stolen, then their behavior came via a very different intent. It was not to interfere with government but to protect the legitimate government of our Republic.
As I said, you would not comprehend it.

Factually , of course, you’re wrong anyway. There was evidence of electoral improprieties. But that’s entirely beside the point. The issue is whether the participants of the now alleged seditious conspiracy were seeking to interfere with the operation of the government or part thereof. And that’s where their belief (again, whether accurate or not) comes to bear.

Assuming they did believe that the election had been stolen, then their behavior came via a very different intent. It was not to interfere with government but to protect the legitimate government of our Republic.
Who gave them the authority to protect the government? Nobody. That's why they arent a milita. They are a far right wing gang and/or domestic terrorist organization. a militia has to be given authority by a governing body. For instance, the National Guard is a militia. Get if through your fucking thick skull. It was illegal what they did no matter what their intent was.
As I said, you would not comprehend it.

Factually , of course, you’re wrong anyway. There was evidence of electoral improprieties. But that’s entirely beside the point. The issue is whether the participants of the now alleged seditious conspiracy were seeking to interfere with the operation of the government or part thereof. And that’s where their belief (again, whether accurate or not) comes to bear.

Assuming they did believe that the election had been stolen, then their behavior came via a very different intent. It was not to interfere with government but to protect the legitimate government of our Republic.

It is all in the timing.

The timing was chosen by the Democrats and aided by the Capital Police.

It is all right there for anyone with at least a double-digit IQ to see.
No, we know who you are. What is funny is you are so ignorant you haven't figured out that if your fascist takeover comes, you will be among the first to be killed by the new fascist government.
Ultimately, the truth is it's our Second Amendment rights, our right to bear arms, that protects Americans and gives us the ability to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government, and I hate to use this language, but Republicans, they're doing exactly what our Founders talked about when they gave us the precious rights that we have.
Who gave them the authority to protect the government? Nobody. That's why they arent a milita. They are a far right wing gang and/or domestic terrorist organization. a militia has to be given authority by a governing body. For instance, the National Guard is a militia. Get if through your fucking thick skull. It was illegal what they did no matter what their intent was.

Fakey: you persist in missing the point. I don’t need anybody’s grant of authority to protect our Republic.

But in a larger sense, you miss the point anyway. Because even if we assumed that someone had to have authority, that’s not the question. The question, as it pertains to criminal charges, is whether their INTENT was to interfere with gubmint or it was to prevent the theft of our Republic’s Executive Branch.

INTENT is an element. You know. Part of the shit the Government now needs to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.
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