Steward Rhodes charged with seditious conspiracy

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Why? They report news. It barely qualifies as news. I mean, sure, it is intended to be significant. Our non-illustrious AG seeks to engage in politics under the guise of criminal prosecutions. It’s intended purpose is pure liberal DNC/main stream media propaganda. That is it’s only purpose.

Thank God Garland never got confirmed for the SCOTUS bench.
"It barely qualifies as news." :heehee:
Show us where it's a requirement for him to be in the WH? You keep saying that your orange god is the legit President right now. If you really believed that, you'd know that he's unable to run again in 2024.
Why even pursue something so fucking stupid? You even fuck up trolling. What good are you? :ahole-1:
You cant prove you are right. Otherwise you would have already done so. You saying you're right doesnt make you right, you illogical nitwit.
I didn’t make any assertions you moron.

you did. You said he wasn’t working for the FBI. You this assumed the burden.

you truly are pathetic at this, Fakey.
The person I responded to said he was working undercover for the FBI. It's on them to prove it. I cant prove a negative you fucking idiot. Do you even understand basic logic?

Lock their sorry asses up in Guantanamo and throw away the keys!

I notice CNN did not include one statement from the defense. Completely one sided article which poisons the jury pool. Already mistrial.
I notice CNN did not include one statement from the defense. Completely one sided article which poisons the jury pool. Already mistrial.
Wouldnt a capable lawyer tell their client not to talk to the press? And certainly no respectable lawyer would make any statement outside of a court room on their clients behalf. I cant believe I have to explain this to you.
Wow, this part looks really bad for you "Trump planned it" nutters:

"All I see Trump doing is complaining. I see no intent by him to do anything," Rhodes allegedly wrote.
Well, I certainly can understand your post con-sidering how trump actually walked down to the Capitol with all his worshippers like he said he would................:heehee:
No, we know who you are. What is funny is you are so ignorant you haven't figured out that if your fascist takeover comes, you will be among the first to be killed by the new fascist government.

This is true. Hitler's Crystalnacht, Night of the Long Knives. They always kill their Brown Shirts after taking power.
"About ten pages into the indictment, it was revealed that Rhodes used a video of a Serbian author who detailed how he and his movement were able to seize power when they say Slobodan Milošević stole the election. Titled "Step by step procedure, how we won when Milosevic stole our elections," was one of many videos that Rhodes told his Signal channel that they should watch from the author."

Evidence will hang those Oathkeepers.

I'm convinced he is....Either has me on iggy or won't respond because he knows I've smoked him out....Usually logs off after he's confronted with his sock puppetry.
Funny how you aren't addressing the topic of this thread.........are you an Oath Keeper?
You fucking dope. If, for example, I say I ran you over in a car because I think you're an insane person and I wanted to save humanity from your mentally ill ideas, that isnt gonna prevent me from getting locked up for some degree of murder, you fucking dipshit.

Like I've said repeatedly, dummy, where is it in the law books where it is legal for citizens to stop Congress from proceeding with their sworn duties?
Your abject level of imbecility is difficult to measure. We’d need an electron scanning microscope to even find your IQ. You are so far dumber than you can even imagine, there’s no way you’ll ever comprehend any of this.

Again, for you hard of thinking retards: since the gubmint brought the charges, they have the burden of proving the elements. Thus, they will need to prove intent. And because of the defendants’ respective more Patriotic motives, I believe the gubmint may have a bit of a problem establishing their alleged criminal intent. But, we shall see, eventually.
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